946 resultados para Anglo-Montreal Imaginary
At head of title: "Great tourist route of America".
Compliments of Passenger Department.
Previous editions of this work have appeared under the title: Gateways of tourist travel.
Business directory for the Province of Ontario for the year 1882.
A license to sell liquor in Montreal in the year 1805. The license is for Jean Baptiste Bureau and is signed by Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Lower-Canada, Robert S. Milnes.
Letter to Thomas Steers of Montreal from Samuel D. Woodruff asking for information on the progress of the patent which will expire on the 16th of March, Feb. 9, 1848.
Telegram from Montreal and Dominion Telegraph Companies’ Lines to Louis Cabot stating that Mr. Woodruff has arranged to transfer the shares, Jan. 18, 1886.
Telegram from Montreal and Dominion Telegraph Companies’ Lines form with a note on it saying “will wait for receipt”[ no sender nor receiver listed, most likely Louis Cabot to Samuel D. Woodruff], 1886.
Letter with the letterhead “Allan Line of Royal Mail Steamships, Hugh and Andrew Allan, agents, Montreal”. The salutation is “Dear Sir” and it is signed by Andrew Allan. Mr. Allan had enclosed $150 for shooting rights for last season and is asking if there are any rights available for next year, Dec. 16, 1886.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from A.C. Leslie and Co., of Montreal saying that the glass that he wants is not usually kept in stock, June 5, 1875.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Leitch, Maclean and Co. of Montreal regarding building supplies, June 26, 1875.
Copy (photocopied) of newspaper clipping entitled “Canada’s First Social Club” about the Beaver Club at the North-West Fur Company, Montreal. This item has been taped together. Text is not affected, n.d.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Montreal merchants Gillespie and Moffatt (1 ½ pages, handwritten) regarding supplies from Europe. This letter is quite stained and torn. This does affect a good portion of the text, Oct. 11, 1824.