996 resultados para Anelastic relaxation theory
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Some problems of Calculus of Variations do not have solutions in the class of classic continuous and smooth arcs. This suggests the need of a relaxation or extension of the problem ensuring the existence of a solution in some enlarged class of arcs. This work aims at the development of an extension for a more general optimal control problem with nonlinear control dynamics in which the control function takes values in some closed, but not necessarily bounded, set. To achieve this goal, we exploit the approach of R.V. Gamkrelidze based on the generalized controls, but related to discontinuous arcs. This leads to the notion of generalized impulsive control. The proposed extension links various approaches on the issue of extension found in the literature.
Maximum-likelihood decoding is often the optimal decoding rule one can use, but it is very costly to implement in a general setting. Much effort has therefore been dedicated to find efficient decoding algorithms that either achieve or approximate the error-correcting performance of the maximum-likelihood decoder. This dissertation examines two approaches to this problem. In 2003 Feldman and his collaborators defined the linear programming decoder, which operates by solving a linear programming relaxation of the maximum-likelihood decoding problem. As with many modern decoding algorithms, is possible for the linear programming decoder to output vectors that do not correspond to codewords; such vectors are known as pseudocodewords. In this work, we completely classify the set of linear programming pseudocodewords for the family of cycle codes. For the case of the binary symmetric channel, another approximation of maximum-likelihood decoding was introduced by Omura in 1972. This decoder employs an iterative algorithm whose behavior closely mimics that of the simplex algorithm. We generalize Omura's decoder to operate on any binary-input memoryless channel, thus obtaining a soft-decision decoding algorithm. Further, we prove that the probability of the generalized algorithm returning the maximum-likelihood codeword approaches 1 as the number of iterations goes to infinity.
In this work we study the relation between crustal heterogeneities and complexities in fault processes. The first kind of heterogeneity considered involves the concept of asperity. The presence of an asperity in the hypocentral region of the M = 6.5 earthquake of June 17-th, 2000 in the South Iceland Seismic Zone was invoked to explain the change of seismicity pattern before and after the mainshock: in particular, the spatial distribution of foreshock epicentres trends NW while the strike of the main fault is N 7◦ E and aftershocks trend accordingly; the foreshock depths were typically deeper than average aftershock depths. A model is devised which simulates the presence of an asperity in terms of a spherical inclusion, within a softer elastic medium in a transform domain with a deviatoric stress field imposed at remote distances (compressive NE − SW, tensile NW − SE). An isotropic compressive stress component is induced outside the asperity, in the direction of the compressive stress axis, and a tensile component in the direction of the tensile axis; as a consequence, fluid flow is inhibited in the compressive quadrants while it is favoured in tensile quadrants. Within the asperity the isotropic stress vanishes but the deviatoric stress increases substantially, without any significant change in the principal stress directions. Hydrofracture processes in the tensile quadrants and viscoelastic relaxation at depth may contribute to lower the effective rigidity of the medium surrounding the asperity. According to the present model, foreshocks may be interpreted as induced, close to the brittle-ductile transition, by high pressure fluids migrating upwards within the tensile quadrants; this process increases the deviatoric stress within the asperity which eventually fails, becoming the hypocenter of the mainshock, on the optimally oriented fault plane. In the second part of our work we study the complexities induced in fault processes by the layered structure of the crust. In the first model proposed we study the case in which fault bending takes place in a shallow layer. The problem can be addressed in terms of a deep vertical planar crack, interacting with a shallower inclined planar crack. An asymptotic study of the singular behaviour of the dislocation density at the interface reveals that the density distribution has an algebraic singularity at the interface of degree ω between -1 and 0, depending on the dip angle of the upper crack section and on the rigidity contrast between the two media. From the welded boundary condition at the interface between medium 1 and 2, a stress drop discontinuity condition is obtained which can be fulfilled if the stress drop in the upper medium is lower than required for a planar trough-going surface: as a corollary, a vertically dipping strike-slip fault at depth may cross the interface with a sedimentary layer, provided that the shallower section is suitably inclined (fault "refraction"); this results has important implications for our understanding of the complexity of the fault system in the SISZ; in particular, we may understand the observed offset of secondary surface fractures with respect to the strike direction of the seismic fault. The results of this model also suggest that further fractures can develop in the opposite quadrant and so a second model describing fault branching in the upper layer is proposed. As the previous model, this model can be applied only when the stress drop in the shallow layer is lower than the value prescribed for a vertical planar crack surface. Alternative solutions must be considered if the stress drop in the upper layer is higher than in the other layer, which may be the case when anelastic processes relax deviatoric stress in layer 2. In such a case one through-going crack cannot fulfil the welded boundary conditions and unwelding of the interface may take place. We have solved this problem within the theory of fracture mechanics, employing the boundary element method. The fault terminates against the interface in a T-shaped configuration, whose segments interact among each other: the lateral extent of the unwelded surface can be computed in terms of the main fault parameters and the stress field resulting in the shallower layer can be modelled. A wide stripe of high and nearly uniform shear stress develops above the unwelded surface, whose width is controlled by the lateral extension of unwelding. Secondary shear fractures may then open within this stripe, according to the Coulomb failure criterion, and the depth of open fractures opening in mixed mode may be computed and compared with the well studied fault complexities observed in the field. In absence of the T-shaped decollement structure, stress concentration above the seismic fault would be difficult to reconcile with observations, being much higher and narrower.
The present thesis is concerned with the study of a quantum physical system composed of a small particle system (such as a spin chain) and several quantized massless boson fields (as photon gasses or phonon fields) at positive temperature. The setup serves as a simplified model for matter in interaction with thermal "radiation" from different sources. Hereby, questions concerning the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of particle-boson configurations far from thermal equilibrium are in the center of interest. We study a specific situation where the particle system is brought in contact with the boson systems (occasionally referred to as heat reservoirs) where the reservoirs are prepared close to thermal equilibrium states, each at a different temperature. We analyze the interacting time evolution of such an initial configuration and we show thermal relaxation of the system into a stationary state, i.e., we prove the existence of a time invariant state which is the unique limit state of the considered initial configurations evolving in time. As long as the reservoirs have been prepared at different temperatures, this stationary state features thermodynamic characteristics as stationary energy fluxes and a positive entropy production rate which distinguishes it from being a thermal equilibrium at any temperature. Therefore, we refer to it as non-equilibrium stationary state or simply NESS. The physical setup is phrased mathematically in the language of C*-algebras. The thesis gives an extended review of the application of operator algebraic theories to quantum statistical mechanics and introduces in detail the mathematical objects to describe matter in interaction with radiation. The C*-theory is adapted to the concrete setup. The algebraic description of the system is lifted into a Hilbert space framework. The appropriate Hilbert space representation is given by a bosonic Fock space over a suitable L2-space. The first part of the present work is concluded by the derivation of a spectral theory which connects the dynamical and thermodynamic features with spectral properties of a suitable generator, say K, of the time evolution in this Hilbert space setting. That way, the question about thermal relaxation becomes a spectral problem. The operator K is of Pauli-Fierz type. The spectral analysis of the generator K follows. This task is the core part of the work and it employs various kinds of functional analytic techniques. The operator K results from a perturbation of an operator L0 which describes the non-interacting particle-boson system. All spectral considerations are done in a perturbative regime, i.e., we assume that the strength of the coupling is sufficiently small. The extraction of dynamical features of the system from properties of K requires, in particular, the knowledge about the spectrum of K in the nearest vicinity of eigenvalues of the unperturbed operator L0. Since convergent Neumann series expansions only qualify to study the perturbed spectrum in the neighborhood of the unperturbed one on a scale of order of the coupling strength we need to apply a more refined tool, the Feshbach map. This technique allows the analysis of the spectrum on a smaller scale by transferring the analysis to a spectral subspace. The need of spectral information on arbitrary scales requires an iteration of the Feshbach map. This procedure leads to an operator-theoretic renormalization group. The reader is introduced to the Feshbach technique and the renormalization procedure based on it is discussed in full detail. Further, it is explained how the spectral information is extracted from the renormalization group flow. The present dissertation is an extension of two kinds of a recent research contribution by Jakšić and Pillet to a similar physical setup. Firstly, we consider the more delicate situation of bosonic heat reservoirs instead of fermionic ones, and secondly, the system can be studied uniformly for small reservoir temperatures. The adaption of the Feshbach map-based renormalization procedure by Bach, Chen, Fröhlich, and Sigal to concrete spectral problems in quantum statistical mechanics is a further novelty of this work.
This thesis is concerned with investigations of the effects of molecular encounters on nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice relaxation times, with particular reference to mesitylene in mixtures with cyclohexane and TMS. The purpose of the work was to establish the best theoretical description of T1 and assess whether a recently identified mechanism (buffeting), that influences n.m.r. chemical shifts, governs Tl also. A set of experimental conditions are presented that allow reliable measurements of Tl and the N. O. E. for 1H and 13C using both C. W. and F.T. n.m.r. spectroscopy. Literature data for benzene, cyclohexane and chlorobenzene diluted by CC14 and CS2 are used to show that the Hill theory affords the best estimation of their correlation times but appears to be mass dependent. Evaluation of the T1 of the mesitylene protons indicates that a combined Hill-Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound model gives an accurate estimation of T1; subsequently this was shown to be due to cancellation of errors in the calculated intra and intemolecular components. Three experimental methods for the separation of the intra and intermolecular relaxation times are described. The relaxation times of the 13C proton satellite of neat bezene, 1,4 dioxane and mesitylene were measured. Theoretical analyses of the data allow the calculation of Tl intra. Studies of intermolecular NOE's were found to afford a general method of separating observed T1's into their intra and intermolecular components. The aryl 1H and corresponding 13C T1 values and the NOE for the ring carbon of mesitylene in CC14 and C6H12-TMS have been used in combination to determine T1intra and T1inter. The Hill and B.P.P. models are shown to predict similarly inaccurate values for T1linter. A buffeting contribution to T1inter is proposed which when applied to the BPP model and to the Gutowsky-Woessner expression for T1inter gives an inaccuracy of 12% and 6% respectively with respect to theexperimentally based T1inter.
A new bridge technique for the measurement of the dielectric absorption of liquids and solutions at microwave frequencies has been described and its accuracy assessed. 'l'he dielectric data of the systems studied is discussed in terms of the relaxation processes contributing to the dielectric absorption and the apparent dipole moments. Pyridine, thiophen and furan in solution have a distribution of relaxation times which may be attributed to the small size of the solute molecules relative to the solvent. Larger rigid molecules in solution were characterized by a single relaxation time as would be anticipated from theory. The dielectric data of toluene, ethyl-, isopropyl- and t-butylbenzene as pure liquids and in solution were described by two relaxation times, one identified with molecular re-orientation and a shorter relaxation time.· The subsequent work was investigation of the possible explanations of this short relaxation process. Comparable short relaxation times were obtained from the analysis of the dielectric data of solutions of p-chloro- and p-bromotoluene below 40°C, o- and m-xylene at 25°C and 1-methyl- and 2 methylnaphthalene at 50 C. Rigid molecules of similar shapes and sizes were characterized by a single relaxation time identified with molecular re-orientation. Contributions from a long relaxation process attributed to dipolar origins were reported for solutions of nitrobenzene, benzonitrile and p-nitrotoluene. A short relaxation process of possible dipolar origins contributed to the dielectric absorption of 4-methyl- and 4-t-butylpyridine in cyclohexane at 25°C. It was concluded that the most plausible explanation of the short relaxation process of the alkyl-aryl hydrocarbons studied appears to be intramolecular relaxation about the alkyl-aryl bond. Finally the mean relaxation times of some phenylsubstituted compounds were investigated to evaluate any shortening due to contributions from the process of relaxation about the phenyl-central atom bond. The relaxation times of triphenylsilane and phenyltrimethylsilane were significantly short.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33E12, 33C60, 44A10, 45K05, 74D05,
Women with a disability continue to experience social oppression and domestic violence as a consequence of gender and disability dimensions. Current explanations of domestic violence and disability inadequately explain several features that lead women who have a disability to experience violent situations. This article incorporates both disability and material feminist theory as an alternative explanation to the dominant approaches (psychological and sociological traditions) of conceptualising domestic violence. This paper is informed by a study which was concerned with examining the nature and perceptions of violence against women with a physical impairment. The emerging analytical framework integrating material feminist interpretations and disability theory provided a basis for exploring gender and disability dimensions. Insight was also provided by the women who identified as having a disability in the study and who explained domestic violence in terms of a gendered and disabling experience. The article argues that material feminist interpretations and disability theory, with their emphasis on gender relations, disablism and poverty, should be used as an alternative tool for exploring the nature and consequences of violence against women with a disability.