1000 resultados para Andrade
Currently the forests around the world face different aspects of weather. Global climate change and its adversities alter significantly the dynamics of the forest, directly influencing the operation. Human activities interfere in the functions of forests, either by removal of vegetation, either by reforesting deforested areas. Given the influence of human activity and climate change on forests, this project presents a comparative and analytical situation, the microclimatic level, the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), in Rio Claro. We measured the temperature maximum, minimum and average in different periods surrounding the FEENA, from 1889 to 1917, 1971 to 1999 and from 1999 to 2011. What allowed to suggest changes in the microclimate of your surroundings and probably in forest dynamics
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
This essay intends to point to a possible dialogue between Mário de Andrade and Max Jacob, starting from the books of poems Paulicéia desvairada (1922) and O losango cáqui (1926), Le cornet à dés (1916) and Le laboratoire central (1921). Divided into three parts, it investigates the figuration in the two poets of the harlequin’s image, through which both would operate several displacements. One of them, the resumption of a romantic mythology of the artist, as in Baudelaire, and the conscience of his staging character. Other, through the opposition between reason and madness, legitimating a lyrical state as a way to a different perception of the reality. Lastly, through the proposition of an artistic sincerity, moral of work with deep impact over the literary language.
The objective of the present text is to establish connections between literature and painting through the comparison between Oswald de Andrade’s poem “Longo da Linha” and Tarsila do Amaral’s painting “Palmeiras”, both belonging to the Brazilian Modernist movement Pau-Brasil. To emphasize also the step taken by the two artists, in Modernism, against the previous academicism, C. S. Peirce’s semiotics theory will be used as analytic basis to demonstrate, in Tarsila’s painting, a path towards planarity and stylization to produce quality effects, closer to the shape and the adventure of senses than to symbolization, whilst for Oswald, this same path leads to the presence of visualization as composition factor.
One of the ways of Geography is the study of the relationship between man and space, so that the question of the preservation of the environment and yours attributes is increasingly standing out in society. The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade is a conservation of sustainable use, so with this category aims to reconcile nature conservation with sustainable use of a portion of its resources, and a place that has many direct and indirect benefits to the interconnected environment . Therefore, the object of study is the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, highlighting its Public Use Area. This work has as main objective to measure the importance of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, in the view of visitors, and present some key aspects of the unit in relation to its attractions. Thus, we seek the appreciation of the history of the city of Rio Claro and qualities of the State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired
This research introduces subsidies to the composition of the Environmental Education Program of FEENA, specifically the implantation of an Educator Seedling Nursery. It consists in a lecture of the FEENA's landscape, essential to understand its current situation, and there are elements that will aid in the composition of the Program
The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction
Hymenoptera é uma das maiores ordens de insetos, com mais de 130 mil espécies descritas. Dentre as principais famílias destacam-se: Formicidae, Apidae e Vespidae, sendo que a última inclui a grande diversidade de vespas sociais presentes no Brasil. Este grupo tem grande importância no controle biológico de outras populações, como predadores ou controladores de pragas agrícolas, além de serem visitantes florais e polinizadores ocasionais. Sendo assim, o presente estudo consiste em um inventário das vespas sociais da Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA) em Rio Claro, SP, que possibilitou a comparação entre diferentes métodos de coleta empregados na captura de vespas sociais (coleta ativa e armadilhas atrativas em diferentes estratos na vegetação) e a comparação da fauna atual com um inventário realizado a mais de 30 anos na mesma localidade. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes estratos da vegetação utilizando armadilhas de garrafa PET contendo líquido atrativo (uma próximo ao solo, outra a 1,5 m de altura e a outra acima de 3 m na copa das árvores), e através de técnicas de coletas ativa com auxílio de redes entomológicas. Foram realizadas quatro coletas no decorrer de um ano, uma em cada estação. A riqueza das espécies do atual inventário foi comparada com a de Rodrigues & Machado (1982) e observou-se uma diminuição do número de espécies ao longo dos anos, de 32 para 21, sendo que 17 espécies foram amostradas em ambos os inventários. Dentre as armadilhas atrativas, houve diferença entre os estratos, sendo que as armadilhas de dossel mostraram ser de grande importância, pois capturaram 41,8% dos indivíduos e ainda apresentaram quatro espécies capturadas exclusivamente neste estrato. A técnica de coleta ativa com redes entomológicas também foi relevante, sendo responsável pela coleta de 93,75% dos indivíduos da tribo Mischocyttarini
The State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA), Rio Claro/SP has a huge potential for cyclists tracks; the Unit already have a trail at the principal entrance, passing by firebreaks bordering the towers quadrants and finishing at the municipal road. This work aims the ambiental interpretation of this trail already established and implant activities planned before at the public use program of the State Forest according to the management plan of the Unit; to interpret the tracks for mountain bike cyclists; promote the conservation of natural, historic and cultural resources of the Forest. At the present work has been accomplished the Ambiental Interpretation through the panels, containing the characteristic native flora and fauna, the existing water resources at the Unit and also the representatives individuals of the exotic arboreal species, found around the trail. Ten points were chosen for interpretation, therefore, for preparation of the script it was considered besides the bibliographic literature, experiences of project team members at FEENA, Unit Management Plan knowledge relating the gaps in the public use program and field work. The panels contain figures and texts about the chosen topics, to promote a language easily understandable to the visitor and concomitantly, inform to the population who attends the Unit, increasing this way the user satisfaction
Hymenoptera é uma das maiores ordens de insetos, com mais de 130 mil espécies descritas. Dentre as principais famílias destacam-se: Formicidae, Apidae e Vespidae, sendo que a última inclui a grande diversidade de vespas sociais presentes no Brasil. Este grupo tem grande importância no controle biológico de outras populações, como predadores ou controladores de pragas agrícolas, além de serem visitantes florais e polinizadores ocasionais. Sendo assim, o presente estudo consiste em um inventário das vespas sociais da Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA) em Rio Claro, SP, que possibilitou a comparação entre diferentes métodos de coleta empregados na captura de vespas sociais (coleta ativa e armadilhas atrativas em diferentes estratos na vegetação) e a comparação da fauna atual com um inventário realizado a mais de 30 anos na mesma localidade. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes estratos da vegetação utilizando armadilhas de garrafa PET contendo líquido atrativo (uma próximo ao solo, outra a 1,5 m de altura e a outra acima de 3 m na copa das árvores), e através de técnicas de coletas ativa com auxílio de redes entomológicas. Foram realizadas quatro coletas no decorrer de um ano, uma em cada estação. A riqueza das espécies do atual inventário foi comparada com a de Rodrigues & Machado (1982) e observou-se uma diminuição do número de espécies ao longo dos anos, de 32 para 21, sendo que 17 espécies foram amostradas em ambos os inventários. Dentre as armadilhas atrativas, houve diferença entre os estratos, sendo que as armadilhas de dossel mostraram ser de grande importância, pois capturaram 41,8% dos indivíduos e ainda apresentaram quatro espécies capturadas exclusivamente neste estrato. A técnica de coleta ativa com redes entomológicas também foi relevante, sendo responsável pela coleta de 93,75% dos indivíduos da tribo Mischocyttarini
Depois das "palavras em liberdade" de Pauliceia desvairada, Mário de Andrade inaugurou, nos anos de 1920, uma nova fase de sua obra literária, que correspondia a uma reorientação do próprio Modernismo brasileiro: a busca da "contribuição milionária de todos os erros" (Oswald de Andrade, "Manifesto Pau Brasil"). Contra as regras da gramática e do discurso letrado, procurava-se imitar a "língua errada do povo". No caso de Mário de Andrade, o desejo de estilizar a fala popular resultou no projeto da Gramatiquinha da Língua Brasileira, que tinha no chamado dialeto caipira uma de suas inspirações. O diálogo com a cultura caipira ocorre em momentos centrais da sua produção literária: Macunaíma, Clã do jabuti, Os contos de Belazarte. Estudando a pintura de Tarsila do Amaral, Mário dirá que a sua brasilidade consiste no "caipirismo" das cores e das formas; algo que também se aplica, e mais radicalmente, à literatura cada vez mais enraizada de Mário de Andrade, na qual os "erros" de linguagem e a presença de personagens caipiras ou selvagens figuram o deslocamento do Brasil e o do próprio escritor em relação ao processo de modernização.