996 resultados para Analyse Dynamique
Deutscher Caviar, made from roe of lumpfish or capelin, gives species specific patterns in protein electrophoresis. The same techniques can be used to differentiate caviar from salmon and trout. The differentiation of sturgeon caviar (beluga, osietra, sevruga) is possible by isoelectric focusing, but not by SDS-PAGE. PCR-based methods of DNA-analysis for identification of the origin of sturgeon caviar are under development.
Investigations on the avoidance reactions of pelagic schooling fish (herring and sprat) released by an approaching fishery vessel were carried out during the 378th cruise of FRC "Solea" from 25 September to 3 October 1995 in the Arkona Sea, southern Baltic. An echosounder system EK 500/BI500 with a 38 kHz transducer mounted on a towed body as weIl as a 120 kHz hull mounted transducer were used. Fish densities were measured synchronously as well as under the ship as at a laterally distances from the ship by the transducer of the towed body. By these means the variation of fish densities up to a certain distance from the ship is possible. The advantage of using an echo integrating system for these measurements is, that it works also for not schooling fish and under conditions where schooling fish disperse (e.g. at night).
In the last years farmed Pangasius (Tra-Pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) from Vietnam has reached a considerable market share, whereas aquaculture of Asian Redtail Catfish (Hemibagrus wyckioides) is in its infancy. Recently it has been detected by food control authorities in Hamburg, that Pangasius fillets have been mislabelled and sold as fillets produced from Asian Redtail catfish. The necessity to improve the analytical methods for differentiation of Pangasius and Redtail Catfish prompted us to evaluate the suitability of isoelectric focusing (IEF) and DNA-analysis for identification of the two species. IEF of water soluble proteins was found to be a fast, reliable and economical method for differentiation of raw fillets of Pangasius and Redtail Catfish, as long as reference material is available. PCR-based DNA analysis was performed as follows: (i) amplification of a 464 bp segment of the cytochrome b gene; (ii) sequencing of the PCR product; (iii) comparison of the sequence with entries in GenBank using BLAST. The sequences of both species differed considerably, allowing the unequivocal differentiation between P. hypophthalmus and H. wyckioides. Kurzfassung Pangasius (Schlankwels, Tra-Pangasius, Pangasius hypophthalmus) hat sich innerhalb weniger Jahre zu einem bedeutenden Zuchtfisch entwickelt, während die Aquakultur des Asiatischen Rotflossenwelses (Hemibagrus wyckioides) in Vietnam noch in einem relativ kleinen Maßstab stattfindet. Kürzlich wurde von der Lebensmittelüberwachung in Hamburg nachgewiesen, dass im Handel erhältliche Filets mit der Deklaration „Rotflossenwels“ aus Pangasius hergestellt worden waren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden zwei Methoden auf ihre Eignung zur Differenzierung von Pangasius und Rotflossenwels geprüft. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl die isoelektrische Fokussierung (IEF) wasserlöslicher Proteine als auch die PCR-basierte DNA-Analyse zur Unterscheidung beider Arten gut geeignet ist. Die IEF stellt eine schnelle und kostengünstige Untersuchungsmethode dar, die allerdings Referenzmaterial benötigt. Mit Hilfe der PCR (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) wurde ein Abschnitt des Cytochrom b-Gens vervielfältigt und sequenziert. Die Sequenzen von P. hypophthalmus und H. wyckioides wiesen beträchtliche Unterschiede auf. Es wird diskutiert, wie sich durch Vergleich dieser Sequenzen mit Einträgen in Gendatenbanken unbekannte Proben beider Arten sicher zuordnen lassen.
Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.
Zusammenfassung Zur Identifizierung der folgenden vier Welsarten bzw. zwei Hybriden (Clarias gariepinus, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pseudoplatystoma spp., Silurus glanis, Claresse® und Melander®) wurden die isolektrische Fokussierung (IEF) der wasserlöslichen Muskelproteine und die Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) zur Vervielfältigung und Sequenzierung eines Abschnittes aus dem Cytochrom b – Gen eingesetzt. Die IEF ergab artspezifische Proteinmuster mit hitzestabilen Proteinbanden im anodalen Gelbereich. Der afrikanische Wels (C. gariepinus) und das Hybriderzeugnis Melander® wiesen das gleiche Proteinmuster auf. Mittels DNA-Analyse ließen sich die Welsarten anhand ihrer Cytochrom b Gensequenzen eindeutig identifizieren. Auch hier zeigte der Welshybrid Melander® ein identisches Ergebnis wie der afrikanische Wels. Die Schwierigkeiten der Identifizierung von Tigerwelsen südamerikanischer Herkunft aus der Gattung Pseudoplatystoma werden diskutiert. Abstract Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water soluble proteins and PCR-based DNA- analysis were used to differentiate between four catfish species (Clarias gariepinus, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pseudoplatystoma spp., Silurus glanis) and two hybrids Claresse® and Melander®. Specific protein patterns have been obtained for all species and Claresse®, but in case of Melander® the identical pattern was observed as for the African catfish Clarias gariepinus. By sequencing the PCR products and application of BLAST, authenticity of the different catfish samples was confirmed. The cytochrome b gene sequences of Melander® and African catfish were identical. The difficulties of identifying catfishes of the genus Pseudoplatystoma are discussed.
This data report contains all the meteorological, hydrological and dynamic data gathered during the VASPI cruises (I : from December 8th to December 13th 1982, II : from March 5th to March 9th 1983, and III : from October 6th to October 10th 1983) carried out along the continental shelf of Ivory Coast by the oceanographic ship "Andre NIZERY". These cruises, which represent a part of a coastal programme, are included in the more general scientific program FOCAL, whose main scientific objective is the study of the thermal context of the intertropical atlantic area.
In this report, vertical distributions of the temperature and horizontal velocity components of the currents, got from the two sections BELIER (305 1'W) and VRIDI (4°O 5'W), carried out once a week during the 1983 year, on the Continental shelf of Ivory Coast, are shown.
The exploitation of fish stocks in Aby lagoon was marked by an increase of total fishing effort, yields and therefore by the increase of total production. Fishing effort evolution was due to: the increasing of the number of beach seines which has increased from 26 in 1987 to 32 in 1988, the reappearance of syndicat seines and finally the importance of fishing teams activity.
This paper presents the results of a comparative study of three series of samples collected in the area near the Bassam channel before, six and twenty months after its opening in September 1987. Observed effects are the decrease in the abundance and the modification of the benthic macrofauna composition. These effects appeared to be definitive, without recovery of the most abundant species Corbula trigona. Most differences noted in the population structure are due to the increase of the salinity and at a least degree to the modification of the nature of the sediment.
Esta tese busca explorar as possibilidades contidas do corpo na gestão da atividade de trabalho de motoristas de ambulâncias. Trata-se de uma concepção de corpo, não oponente a alma, que se notabiliza pelo pensamento, pela inteligência, pelo sistema nervoso, pela história: um corpo-si. O diálogo mantido com a perspectiva ergológica, aqui convocada, opera-se a partir da concepção de vida, saúde-doença em George Canguilhem, da contribuição ergonômica, dos referenciais da linguagem e trabalho e da etnografia. Para configuração do campo empírico, adotaram-se métodos e técnicas apropriados de pesquisa em situação concreta de trabalho, denominadas visitas, instrumentalizadas com técnicas de entrevistas dialógicas e observações da atividade, além de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e análise global do trabalho. A pesquisa contou com a participação de motoristas de UTI móvel de uma empresa de transportes de ambulâncias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A análise das situações de trabalho foi inspirada na ergonomia da atividade e nas contribuições da perspectiva dialógica. Dentre os resultados obtidos destacamos: problemas de comunicação na relação de trabalho entre motoristas e a Central de Atendimento (Call Center), estado de má conservação e de desconforto das ambulâncias, riscos de doenças no contato com o usuário, insuficiência salarial e atraso no pagamento, indeterminação de pausas durante a jornada, contraintes temporais decorrentes da pilotagem em casos de urgência e emergência, ameaças de multas por excesso de velocidade, além de obstáculos emanados do trânsito: engarrafamentos, barulhos, semáforos, etc. Enfim, um conjunto de variabilidades e infidelidades do meio de trabalho, que permite aos motoristas produzirem novos usos de si, porque mobilizam a integralidade do corpo para chegar a modos operatórios que deem conta dessas situações de trabalho, considerando, sobretudo, a gestão da dinâmica entre as exigências de produtividade e qualidade com saúde, segurança e fiabilidade.
A comparison between the yields obtained during 1968 and 1969 from the trawlers based at Abidjan harbour was carried out in various fishing areas. Seasonal fluctuations of abundance were first eliminated and then the regression between yield and motor power was calculated. The unit of fishing effort, one hour of fishing for a standard trawler of 400 BHP, was chosen for the fishing statistics of the Ivorian fleet.
In relation to the hydroclimate prevailing off Congo (B) and Côte d'Ivoire, synchronic variations are described in abundance and distribution of Pseudotolithus senegalensis V., economically the most important species in the West African trawl fishery. Although this fish prefers the warm surface layer, it is relatively indifferent to hydrological conditions, since it may also occur in the thermocline down to the higher levels of 'Central South Atlantic Water'. The oxygen concentration appears to have an important effect upon their distribution, especially the low concentrations occurring with the upwelling. The main biological functions, such as spawning and recruitment times, condition factor, diet and ring appearance on otoliths, also follow cycles, which are parallel with the hydroclimate one. Therefore, the ring-shaped structures revealed by burning previously ground otoliths could be easily interpreted. Thus, an accurate method for ageing tropical fish is now available. From the age determinations for the Congolese stock, it appears that growth is fast and total mortality rate high. An influence of fishing effort, which increased 3 times during the exploited phase of sampled specimens, appears both in growth and in total mortality. From there an estimate for the fishing mortality could be given. The estimates of dynamic parameters for the Congolese stock are then used in the Beverton-Holt model. A valuable increase of the yield could be expected, if mesh size is widened and effort restricted.
Ecology and dynamics of juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum were studied from weekly sampling in the Abidjan lagoon system. After a brief description of biogeography and principal features of climate, hydrology of Ebrié lagoon and Adiopodoumé bay were considered. Shrimp distribution were connected with the main environmental factors. Precise work was done in Adiopodoumé bay, especially concerning the succession of age classes, their growth on the nursery grounds, seasonal variation in abundance, size and distribution, in relation to environmental factors. These results, and former knowledges, allowed us to propose a general pattern for pink shrimp life history in Côte d'Ivoire.