947 resultados para Amplify-and-Forward


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In this paper, weconsider switch-and-stay combining (SSC) in two-way relay systems with two amplify-and-forward relays, one of which is activated to assist the information exchange between the two sources. The system operates in either analog network coding (ANC) protocol where the communication is only achieved with the help of the active relay or timedivision broadcast (TDBC) protocol where the direct link between two sources can be utilized to exploit more diversity gain. In both cases, we study the outage probability and bit error rate (BER) for Rayleigh fading channels. In particular, we derive closed-form lower bounds for the outage probability and the average BER, which remain tight for different fading conditions. We also present asymptotic analysis for both the outage probability and the average BER at high signalto-noise ratio. It is shown that SSC can achieve the full diversity order in two-way relay systems for both ANC and TDBC protocols with proper switching thresholds. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Increasingly semiconductor manufacturers are exploring opportunities for virtual metrology (VM) enabled process monitoring and control as a means of reducing non-value added metrology and achieving ever more demanding wafer fabrication tolerances. However, developing robust, reliable and interpretable VM models can be very challenging due to the highly correlated input space often associated with the underpinning data sets. A particularly pertinent example is etch rate prediction of plasma etch processes from multichannel optical emission spectroscopy data. This paper proposes a novel input-clustering based forward stepwise regression methodology for VM model building in such highly correlated input spaces. Max Separation Clustering (MSC) is employed as a pre-processing step to identify a reduced srt of well-conditioned, representative variables that can then be used as inputs to state-of-the-art model building techniques such as Forward Selection Regression (FSR), Ridge regression, LASSO and Forward Selection Ridge Regression (FCRR). The methodology is validated on a benchmark semiconductor plasma etch dataset and the results obtained are compared with those achieved when the state-of-art approaches are applied directly to the data without the MSC pre-processing step. Significant performance improvements are observed when MSC is combined with FSR (13%) and FSRR (8.5%), but not with Ridge Regression (-1%) or LASSO (-32%). The optimal VM results are obtained using the MSC-FSR and MSC-FSRR generated models. © 2012 IEEE.


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In this paper, we investigate an amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input multiple-output - spatial division multiplexing (MIMO-SDM) cooperative wireless networks, where each network node is equipped with multiple antennas. In order to deal with the problems of signal combining at the destination and cooperative relay selection, we propose an improved minimum mean square error (MMSE) signal combining scheme for signal recovery at the destination. Additionally, we propose two distributed relay selection algorithms based on the minimum mean squared error (MSE) of the signal estimation for the cases where channel state information (CSI) from the source to the destination is available and unavailable at the candidate nodes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed combiner together with the proposed relay selection algorithms achieve higher diversity gain than previous approaches in both flat and frequency-selective fading channels.


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We consider a multi-pair two-way amplify-and-forward relaying system with a massive antenna array at the relay and estimated channel state information, assuming maximum-ratio combining/transmission processing. Closed-form approximations of the sum spectral effi- ciency are developed and simple analytical power scaling laws are presented, which reveal a fundamental trade-off between the transmit powers of each user/the relay and of each pilot symbol. Finally, the optimal power allocation problem is studied.


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This work investigates new channel estimation schemes for the forthcoming and future generation of cellular systems for which cooperative techniques are regarded. The studied cooperative systems are designed to re-transmit the received information to the user terminal via the relay nodes, in order to make use of benefits such as high throughput, fairness in access and extra coverage. The cooperative scenarios rely on OFDM-based systems employing classical and pilot-based channel estimators, which were originally designed to pointto-point links. The analytical studies consider two relaying protocols, namely, the Amplifyand-Forward and the Equalise-and-Forward, both for the downlink case. The relaying channels statistics show that such channels entail specific characteristics that comply to a proper filter and equalisation designs. Therefore, adjustments in the estimation process are needed in order to obtain the relay channel estimates, refine these initial estimates via iterative processing and obtain others system parameters that are required in the equalisation. The system performance is evaluated considering standardised specifications and the International Telecommunication Union multipath channel models.


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The introduction of my contribution contains a brief information on the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (FA STU) and the architectural research performed at this institution. Schemes and priorities of our research in architecture have changed several times since the very beginning in early 50’s. The most significant change occurred after “the velvet revolution” in 1989. Since 1990 there have been several sources to support research at universities. The significant part of my contribution is rooted in my own research experience since the time I had joined FA STU in 1975 as a young architect and researcher. The period of the 80’s is characterized by the first unintentional attempts to do “research by design” and my “scientific” achievements as by-products of my design work. Some of them resulted in the following issues: conception of mezzo-space, theory of the complex perception of architectural space and definition of basic principles of ecologically conscious architecture. Nowadays I continue my research by design within the application of so called solar envelope in urban scale with my students.


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This letter introduces a new robust nonlinear identification algorithm using the Predicted REsidual Sums of Squares (PRESS) statistic and for-ward regression. The major contribution is to compute the PRESS statistic within a framework of a forward orthogonalization process and hence construct a model with a good generalization property. Based on the properties of the PRESS statistic the proposed algorithm can achieve a fully automated procedure without resort to any other validation data set for iterative model evaluation.


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Colour removal and the flux behaviour of nanofiltration (NF-DOW FILMTEC-NF245) and forward osmosis (FO-a flat sheet cellulose triacetate membrane with a woven embedded backing support) membranes were investigated in this study. The NF membrane was employed to perform dye removal experiments with aqueous solutions containing 15 g/L of NaCl and different concentrations of Acid Green 25, Remazol Brilliant Orange FR and Remazol Blue BR dyes. The increase in dye concentration resulted in a decline in water permeability and an increase in colour removal. When the concentrations of dye solutions varied from 250 to 1000 mg/L, at 0.8 bar of trans-membrane pressure, the NF system exhibited a steady permeate flux of more 30 L/m2h and a colour removal of more than 99%; salt rejection was more than 20.0%. Furthermore, the FO system possessed high dye rejection efficiency (almost 100%), with low permeate flux of around 2.0 L/m2h, when using dye solutions as feed streams and seawater as draw stream. The mode of operation (either FO or pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) did not change the flux significantly but PRO mode always produced higher fluxes than FO mode under the operating conditions used in this study. While both NF and FO can be used to reduce the volume of effluent containing dyes from textile industries, the energy spent in NF on applied pressure can be substituted by the osmotic pressure of draw solution in FO when concentrated draw solutions such as sea water or reverse osmosis concentrate are readily available.


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In this work we study Forward Osmosis (FO) as an emerging desalination technology, and its capability to replace totally or partially Reverse Osmosis (RO) in order to reduce the great amount of energy required in the current desalination plants. For this purpose, we propose a superstructure that includes both membrane based desalination technologies, allowing the selection of only one of the technologies or a combination of both of them seeking for the optimal configuration of the network. The optimization problem is solved for a seawater desalination plant with a given fresh water production. The results obtained show that the optimal solution combines both desalination technologies to reduce not only the energy consumption but also the total cost of the desalination process in comparison with the same plant but operating only with RO.


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We examined the nature of the referral patterns in the email telemedicine network operated by the Swinfen Charitable Trust with a view to informing long-term resource planning. Over the first six years of operation, 62 hospitals from 19 countries registered with the Trust in order to be able to refer cases for specialist advice; 55 of these hospitals (89%) actually referred cases during this period. During the first six years of operation, nearly 1000 referrals were submitted and answered, from a wide range of specialty areas. Between July 2002 and March 2005 the referral rate rose from 127 to 318 cases per year. The median length of time required to provide a specialist's response was 2.3 days during the first 12 months and 1.8 days during the last 12 months. Five hospitals submitted cases for more than four years (together sending a total of 493 cases). Their activity data showed a trend to declining referral rates over the four-year period, which may represent successful knowledge transfer. There is some evidence that over the last three years the growth in demand has been exponential, while the growth in resources available (i.e. specialists) has been linear, a situation which cannot continue for very long before demand outstrips supply.


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In this study, the authors investigate the outage-optimal relay strategy under outdated channel state information (CSI) in a decode-and-forward cooperative communication system. They first confirm mathematically that minimising the outage probability under outdated CSI is equivalent to minimising the conditional outage probability on the outdated CSI of all the decodable relays' links. They then propose a multiple-relay strategy with optimised transmitting power allocation (MRS-OTPA) that minimises the conditional outage probability. It is shown that this MRS is a generalised relay approach to achieve the outage optimality under outdated CSI. To reduce the complexity, they also propose a MRS with equal transmitting power allocation (MRS-ETPA) that achieves near-optimal outage performance. It is proved that full spatial diversity, which has been achieved under ideal CSI, can still be achieved under outdated CSI through MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA. Finally, the outage performance and diversity order of MRS-OTPA and MRS-ETPA are evaluated by simulation.


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We consider a three-node decode-and-forward (DF) half-duplex relaying system, where the source first harvests RF energy from the relay, and then uses this energy to transmit information to the destination via the relay. We assume that the information transfer and wireless power transfer phases alternate over time in the same frequency band, and their time fraction (TF) may change or be fixed from one transmission epoch (fading state) to the next. For this system, we maximize the achievable average data rate. Thereby, we propose two schemes: (1) jointly optimal power and TF allocation, and (2) optimal power allocation with fixed TF. Due to the small amounts of harvested power at the source, the two schemes achieve similar information rates, but yield significant performance gains compared to a benchmark system with fixed power and fixed TF allocation.