968 resultados para Amino acid specificity


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Ferrocene-conjugated copper(II) complexes Cu(Fc-aa)(aip)](ClO4) (1-3) and (Cu(Fc-aa)(pyip)](ClO4) (4-6) of L-amino acid reduced Schiff bases (Fc-aa), 2-(9-anthryl)-1H-imidazo4,5-f]1,10]phenanthroline (aip) and 2-(1-pyrenyl)-1H-imidazo4,5-f] 1,10]phenanthroline (pyip), where Fc-aa is ferrocenylmethyl-L-tyrosine (Fc-Tyr in 1, 4), ferrocenylmethyl-L-tryptophan (Fc-Trp in 2, 5) and ferrocenylmethyl-L-methionine (Fc-Met in 3, 6), were prepared and characterized, and their photocytotoxicity was studied (Fc = ferrocenyl moiety). Phenyl analogues, viz. (Cu(Ph-Met)(aip)](ClO4) (7) and (Cu(Ph-Met)(pyip)](ClO4) (8), were prepared and used as control compounds. The bis-imidazophenanthroline copper(II) complexes, viz. (Cu(aip)(2)(NO3)](NO3) (9) and Cu(pyip)(2)(NO3)](NO3) (10), were also prepared and used as controls. Complexes 1-6 having a redox inactive cooper(II) center showed the Fc(+)-Fc redox couple at similar to 0.5 V vs. SCE in DMF-0.1 mol (Bu4N)-N-n](ClO4). The copper(II)-based d-d band was observed near 600 nm in DMF-Tris-HCl buffer (1 :1 v/v). The ferrocenyl complexes showed low dark toxicity, but remarkably high photocytotoxicity in human cervical HeLa and human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cancer cells giving an excellent photo-dynamic effect while their phenyl analogues were inactive. The photo-exposure caused significant morphological changes in the cancer cells when compared to the non-irradiated ones. The photophysical processes were rationalized from the theoretical studies. Fluorescence microscopic images showed 3 and 6 localizing predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the cancer cells, thus minimizing any undesirable effects involving nuclear DNA.


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The current manuscript describes conformational analysis of 15-membered cyclic tetrapeptides (CTPs), with alpha 3 delta architecture, containing sugar amino acids (SAA) having variation in the stereocenter at C5 carbon. Conformational analyses of both the series, in protected and deprotected forms, were carried out in DMSO-d(6) using various NMR techniques, supported by restrained MD calculations. It was intriguing to notice that the alpha 3 delta macrocycles got stabilized by both 10-membered beta-turn as well as a seven-membered gamma-turn, fused within the same macrocycle. The presence of fused sub-structures within a 15-membered macrocycle is rare to see. Also, the stereocenter variation at C5 did not affect the fused turn structures and exhibited similar conformations in both the series. The design becomes highly advantageous as fused reverse turn structures are occurring in the cyclic structure with minimalistic size macrocycle and this can be applied to develop suitable pharmacophores in the drug development process. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report an unusual, isomer-selective gelation of aromatic solvents by a polymorph of a urea-linked bile acid-amino acid conjugate. The gelator showed selectivity towards gelation of 1,2-disubstituted aromatic solvents.


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Huntington's disease is a polyglutamine expansion disorder, characterized by mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity. Many reports suggests roles of N-terminal 17 amino acid domain of HTT (HTT-N17) towards subcellular localization, aggregate formation and subsequent pathogenicity induced by N-terminal HTT harboring polyQ stretch in pathogenic range. HYPK is a HTT-interacting chaperone which can reduce N-terminal mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity in neuronal cell lines. However, how HYPK interacts with N-terminal fragment of HTT remained unknown. Here we report that specific interaction of HYPK with HTT-N17 is crucial for the chaperone activity of HYPK. Deletion of HTT-N17 leads to formation of tinier, SDS-soluble nuclear aggregates formed by N-terminal mutant HTT. The increased cytotoxicity imparted by these tiny aggregates might be contributed due to loss of interaction with HYPK. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) with a wide spectrum of antibiotic activities whose usage has been limited to topical applications owing to its cytotoxic side effects. We have synthesized tetrahydrofuran amino acid (Taa)-containing GS analogues, and we have carried out conformational analysis and explored their structure activity relationships by evaluating their antitubercular, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Two of these analogues showed impressive as well as selective activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) without toxicity towards mammalian Vero cells or human RBCs, and are promising as potential leads.


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Diaminopropionate ammonialyase (DAPAL), a fold-typeII pyridoxal 5-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyzes the ,-elimination of diaminopropionate (DAP) to pyruvate and ammonia. DAPAL was able to utilize both d- and l-DAP as substrates with almost equal efficiency. Mutational analysis of functionally important residues such as Thr385, Asp125 and Asp194 was carried out to understand the mechanism by which the isomers are hydrolyzed. Further, the putative residues involved in the formation of disulfide bond Cys271 and Cys299 were also mutated. T385S, T385D sDAPAL were as active with dl-DAP as substrate as sDAPAL, whereas the later exhibited a threefold increase in catalytic efficiency with d-Ser as substrate. Further analysis of these mutants suggested that DAPAL might follow an anti-E-2 mechanism of catalysis that does not involve the formation of a quinonoid intermediate. Of the two mutants of Asp125, D125E showed complete loss of activity with d-DAP as substrate, whereas the reaction with l-DAP was not affected significantly, demonstrating that Asp125 was essential for abstraction of protons from the d-isomer. By contrast, mutational analysis of Asp194 showed that the residue may not be directly involved in proton abstraction from l-DAP. sDAPAL does not form a disulfide bond in solution, although the position of Cys299 and Cys271 in the modeled structure of sDAPAL favored the formation of a disulfide bond. Further, unlike eDAPAL, sDAPAL could be activated by monovalent cations. Mutation of the cysteine residues showed that Cys271 may be involved in coordinating the monovalent cation, as observed in the case of other fold-typeII enzymes.


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Amino acid substitution matrices play an essential role in protein sequence alignment, a fundamental task in bioinformatics. Most widely used matrices, such as PAM matrices derived from homologous sequences and BLOSUM matrices derived from aligned segments of PROSITE, did not integrate conformation information in their construction. There are a few structure-based matrices, which are derived from limited data of structure alignment. Using databases PDB_SELECT and DSSP, we create a database of sequence-conformation blocks which explicitly represent sequence-structure relationship. Members in a block are identical in conformation and are highly similar in sequence. From this block database, we derive a conformation-specific amino acid substitution matrix CBSM60. The matrix shows an improved performance in conformational segment search and homolog detection.


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Receptor/ligand interactions are basic issues to cell adhesion, which are important to many physiological and pathological processes such as lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, tumor metastasis and inflammatory reactionl. Selectin/carbohydrate ligand bindings have been found to mediate the fast rolling of leukocytes on activated endothelial monolayer. Kinetic rate and binding affinity constants are essential determinants of cell adhesion...


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Numerous investigations have utilized various semi-purified and purified diets to estimate the protein and amino acid requirements of several temperate fishes. The vast literature on the protein and amino acid requirements of fishes has continued to omit that of the tropical warm water species. The net effect is that fish feed formulation in Nigeria have relied on the requirement for temperate species. This paper attempts to review the state of knowledge on the protein amino acid requirements of fishes with emphasis on the warm water species, the methods of protein and amino acid requirement determinations and the influence of various factors on nutritional requirement studies. Finally evidence are presented with specific examples on how requirements of warm water fishes are different from the temperate species and used this to justify why fish feed formulation in Nigeria are far from being efficient


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This dissertation primarily describes chemical-scale studies of G protein-coupled receptors and Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels to better understand ligand binding interactions and the mechanism of channel activation using recently published crystal structures as a guide. These studies employ the use of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis and electrophysiology to measure subtle changes in receptor function.

In chapter 2, the role of a conserved aromatic microdomain predicted in the D3 dopamine receptor is probed in the closely related D2 and D4 dopamine receptors. This domain was found to act as a structural unit near the ligand binding site that is important for receptor function. The domain consists of several functionally important noncovalent interactions including hydrogen bond, aromatic-aromatic, and sulfur-π interactions that show strong couplings by mutant cycle analysis. We also assign an alternate interpretation for the linear fluorination plot observed at W6.48, a residue previously thought to participate in a cation-π interaction with dopamine.

Chapter 3 outlines attempts to incorporate chemically synthesized and in vitro acylated unnatural amino acids into mammalian cells. While our attempts were not successful, method optimizations and data for nonsense suppression with an in vivo acylated tRNA are included. This chapter is aimed to aid future researchers attempting unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in mammalian cells.

Chapter 4 identifies a cation-π interaction between glutamate and a tyrosine residue on loop C in the GluClβ receptor. Using the recently published crystal structure of the homologous GluClα receptor, other ligand-binding and protein-protein interactions are probed to determine the similarity between this invertebrate receptor and other more distantly related vertebrate Cys-loop receptors. We find that many of the interactions previously observed are conserved in the GluCl receptors, however care must be taken when extrapolating structural data.

Chapter 5 examines inherent properties of the GluClα receptor that are responsible for the observed glutamate insensitivity of the receptor. Chimera synthesis and mutagenesis reveal the C-terminal portion of the M4 helix and the C-terminus as contributing to formation of the decoupled state, where ligand binding is incapable of triggering channel gating. Receptor mutagenesis was unable to identify single residue mismatches or impaired protein-protein interactions within this domain. We conclude that M4 helix structure and/or membrane dynamics are likely the cause of ligand insensitivity in this receptor and that the M4 helix has an role important in the activation process.


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Bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) is an analytical method that allows the selective analysis of the subset of newly synthesized cellular proteins produced in response to a biological stimulus. In BONCAT, cells are treated with the non-canonical amino acid L-azidohomoalanine (Aha), which is utilized in protein synthesis in place of methionine by wild-type translational machinery. Nascent, Aha-labeled proteins are selectively ligated to affinity tags for enrichment and subsequently identified via mass spectrometry. The work presented in this thesis exhibits advancements in and applications of the BONCAT technology that establishes it as an effective tool for analyzing proteome dynamics with time-resolved precision.

Chapter 1 introduces the BONCAT method and serves as an outline for the thesis as a whole. I discuss motivations behind the methodological advancements in Chapter 2 and the biological applications in Chapters 2 and 3.

Chapter 2 presents methodological developments that make BONCAT a proteomic tool capable of, in addition to identifying newly synthesized proteins, accurately quantifying rates of protein synthesis. I demonstrate that this quantitative BONCAT approach can measure proteome-wide patterns of protein synthesis at time scales inaccessible to alternative techniques.

In Chapter 3, I use BONCAT to study the biological function of the small RNA regulator CyaR in Escherichia coli. I correctly identify previously known CyaR targets, and validate several new CyaR targets, expanding the functional roles of the sRNA regulator.

In Chapter 4, I use BONCAT to measure the proteomic profile of the quorum sensing bacterium Vibrio harveyi during the time-dependent transition from individual- to group-behaviors. My analysis reveals new quorum-sensing-regulated proteins with diverse functions, including transcription factors, chemotaxis proteins, transport proteins, and proteins involved in iron homeostasis.

Overall, this work describes how to use BONCAT to perform quantitative, time-resolved proteomic analysis and demonstrates that these measurements can be used to study a broad range of biological processes.


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Part I: Synthesis of L-Amino Acid Oxidase by a Serine- or Glycine-Requiring Strain of Neurospora

Wild-type cultures of Neurospora crassa growing on minimal medium contain low levels of L-amino acid oxidase, tyrosinase, and nicotinarnide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrase (NADase). The enzymes are derepressed by starvation and by a number of other conditions which are inhibitory to growth. L-amino acid oxidase is, in addition, induced by growth on amino acids. A mutant which produces large quantities of both L-amino acid oxidase and NADase when growing on minimal medium was investigated. Constitutive synthesis of L-amino acid oxidase was shown to be inherited as a single gene, called P110, which is separable from constitutive synthesis of NADase. P110 maps near the centromere on linkage group IV.

L-amino acid oxidase produced constitutively by P110 was partially purified and compared to partially purified L-amino acid oxidase produced by derepressed wild-type cultures. The enzymes are identical with respect to thermostability and molecular weight as judged by gel filtration.

The mutant P110 was shown to be an incompletely blocked auxotroph which requires serine or glycine. None of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of serine from 3-phosphoglyceric acid or glyceric acid was found to be deficient in the mutant, however. An investigation of the free intracellular amino acid pools of P110 indicated that the mutant is deficient in serine, glycine, and alanine, and accumulates threonine and homoserine.

The relationship between the amino acid requirement of P110 and its synthesis of L-amino acid oxidase is discussed.

Part II: Studies Concerning Multiple Electrophoretic Forms of Tyrosinase in Neurospora

Supernumerary bands shown by some crude tyrosinase preparations in paper electrophoresis were investigated. Genetic analysis indicated that the location of the extra bands is determined by the particular T allele present. The presence of supernumerary bands varies with the method used to derepress tyrosinase production, and with the duration of derepression. The extra bands are unstable and may convert to the major electrophoretic band, suggesting that they result from modification of a single protein. Attempts to isolate the supernumerary bands by continuous flow paper electrophoresis or density gradient zonal electrophoresis were unsuccessful.


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Four species of Gracilaria are investigated for their free amino-acid contents, as well as amino-acid constituents in the proteins and the peptides, using quantitative paper chromatographic technique. Amino-acid constituents of different species of Gracilaria differ only in amount, while free amino-acids and the amino-acids in the peptides vary both in quality and quantity. A number of amino-acids recorded as protein constituents have even escaped detection in the peptides, while in the free state they occur either in all the species or in some only except homocystine. Moreover, some amino-acids occur exclusively in the free state.


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Caulerpa racemosa var. macrophysa, C. racemosa var cornyphora and C. scalpelliformis are analyzed by quantitative paper chromatographic technique for their amino acid contents in proteins, peptides and free state. It is found that no appreciable variation occurs in the quality of amino acid make up in these algae; but quantitative differences are apparent in them. Moreover, both qualitative and quantitative variations occur in the amino acid make up of the peptides, and in the free state. The results are compared with those of the other investigations.