187 resultados para Altruism.
The ability to discriminate degrees of relatedness may be expected to evolve if it allows unreciprocated altruism to be preferentially directed towards kin (Hamilton in J Theor Biol 7:1-16, 1964). We explored the possibility of kin recognition in the primitively eusocial halictid bee Lasioglossum malachurum by investigating the reliability of worker odour cues that can be perceived by workers to act as indicators of either nest membership or kinship. Cuticular and Dufour's gland compounds varied significantly among colonies of L. malachurum, providing the potential for nestmate discrimination. A significant, though weak, negative correlation between chemical distance and genetic relatedness (r = -0.055, p
Volunteer recruitment and retention is a problem that most credit unions experience. Research suggests that knowledge of volunteer motivation can inform volunteer management strategies. This paper uses a survey approach to determine whether current volunteers in credit unions in Northern Ireland are more motivated by the actual act of volunteering, by the output from the volunteering activity (including altruism) or because the volunteering activity increases their human capital value. Altruistic reasons are found to be the most influential, with the act of volunteering also scoring highly. This knowledge should inform volunteer recruitment programmes and internal appraisal processes as management can reinforce messages that provide positive feedback to volunteers on the social benefits being achieved by the credit union. This will further motivate current volunteers, ensuring retention. When motivation was analyzed by volunteer characteristics we found that older volunteers, retired volunteers and volunteers who are less educated are more motivated in their role. There was little evidence that individuals volunteer to improve their human capital worth.
When tragedy strikes a group, only some group members characteristically rush to the aid of the victims. What motivates the altruism of these exceptional individuals? Here, we provide one set of answers based on data collected before and shortly after the 15 April 2013, Boston Marathon bombings. The results of three studies indicated that Americans who were strongly “fused” with their country were especially inclined to provide various forms of support to the bombing victims. Moreover, the degree to which participants reported perceiving fellow Americans as psychological kin statistically mediated links between fusion and pro-group outcomes. Together, these findings shed new light on relationships between personal and group identity, cognitive representations of group members, and personally costly, pro-group actions.
The chapter explores Bar-Tal’s legacy in relation to key concepts, perspectives, and findings that comprise the growing field of peace psychology, specifically the promotion of sustainable peace through the indivisible constructs of harmonious relations and equitable wellbeing. Analyzed through a peace psychology lens, Bar-Tal’s work highlights both the barriers to and bridges for achieving sustainable peace. Central concepts from his work, such as fear, insecurity, and an ethos of conflict, demonstrate key obstacles to fostering harmonious intergroup relations based on social justice. Bar-Tal’s work also identifies processes that can overcome these barriers, which is consistent with peace psychology’s emphasis on the development of constructive responses to violence and conflict. For example, the chapter outlines how confidence-building mechanisms, mutually respectful identities, and reconciliation processes, may help foster an ethos of peace that can be embedded in the structure of societies through peace education. The chapter concludes with implications and suggestions for future research, with a focus on the role of young people in settings of prolonged intergroup division and generational approaches to peacebuilding, as conceptualized through a peace psychology lens.
The practice of sustainable peace is a process that must be initiated, nourished and revised. The
“social energies” of conflict transformation – truth, mercy, justice, peace – offer a useful model to describe the transformative power of this practice. These social energies can be conceptualized as a combination of norms or values, on the one hand, and actions directed toward social reconstruction, on the other. As such, the social energies of conflict transformation are both the guideposts and the engine in the journey of practicing sustainable peace. This article begins by
linking psychological constructs of narrative/voice, empathy/altruism, individual/collective guilt, and security/fear with the social energies, highlighting the interdependence of processes and shifting the focus away from pathology toward an emphasis on harmony. An empirical application of how the four social energies contribute to the mobilization, maintenance and adaptations in on-going peace processes in post-war Guatemala is then presented. By analyzing the interaction among diverse actors and goals in the decade and a half since the signing of the 1996 Peace Accords, current theory is extended in two ways: a) differentiation between elite and grassroots initiatives, and b) specification and evaluation the impact of various efforts on episodic and structural violence. We conclude that although national and local processes have
had limited success, more integrated practices of truth, mercy, justice and peace are necessary if Guatemala is to make sustainable peace a reality. The findings from this case study have policy and practical implications for other countries facing protracted, violent conflict.
Os recentes colapsos morais e financeiros de organizações outrora reputadas, que têm ocorrido por todo o mundo, conduziram a comunidade empresarial, a imprensa popular e de negócios, assim como os investigadores a redescobrirem o papel da virtuosidade no contexto organizacional. A presente investigação pretende contribuir para manter este momentum. Procuramos responder à sugestão de alguns autores para que o estudo exploratório de Cameron, Bright e Caza (2004), que relaciona virtuosidade organizacional com desempenho, tenha continuidade, e que a sua medida de virtuosidade seja empregue noutros contextos e em relação a outros resultados (Wright & Goodstein, 2007). Este estudo empírico investiga como (a) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional dos indivíduos explicam os seus níveis de empenhamento organizacional, (b) o empenhamento organizacional influencia os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional, (c) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional predizem directamente os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional, e (d) o empenhamento organizacional medeia a relação entre as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. Foram inquiridos 212 indivíduos oriundos de 14 organizações do sector industrial. Os indivíduos descreveram as suas percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e o seu empenhamento para com a organização; os seus comportamentos de cidadania organizacional foram relatados pelo respectivo supervisor. Os principais resultados sugerem que (a) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional explicam o empenhamento afectivo e o empenhamento normativo, (b) o empenhamento normativo fomenta os comportamentos altruístas, (c) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional explicam o desportivismo, a virtude cívica, o altruísmo, e o comportamento de cidadania organizacional global, e (d) o empenhamento normativo medeia a relação entre as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e o altruísmo. Pesem embora as limitações do estudo, a evidência empírica obtida sugere que a virtuosidade organizacional é digna de um estatuto mais elevado na literatura e que deve ser levada em consideração pela comunidade empresarial.
A compreensão dos estados mentais dos outros – Teoria da Mente (TM) – é um processo crucial no desenvolvimento cognitivo e social. A relação entre a Teoria da Mente e a Linguagem tem sido alvo de vários estudos ao longo das últimas décadas (Happé, 1995; de Villiers & Villiers, 2000; Astington, 2001; Ruffman et al., 2002; Lohmann & Tomasello, 2003; Astington & Baird, 2005; Astington & Pelletier, 2005; Farrar et al, 2009). Neste estudo avaliaram-se 229 crianças entre os 3 e os 7 anos que frequentavam jardim-de-infância. Destas 229 crianças, foram constituídos dois grupos, um constituído por crianças com desenvolvimento típico (GN) e outra por crianças com Perturbações da Fala/ Linguagem (GPFL), sendo que neste último foi ainda criado um sub-grupo de crianças com Perturbações Desenvolvimentais da Linguagem (SGPDL). Foi aplicado um teste de avaliação da TM, constituído por três sub-testes (Compreensão de falsas crenças de primeira ordem, crenças e desejos e acesso ao conhecimento) e um teste de avaliação de linguagem (T.A.L.C.) Foi também pedido aos cuidadores o preenchimento de um Questionário de Avaliação das Competências Sociais (Rydell et al., 1997). Verificou-se a existência de uma associação positiva e significativa entre a idade e a TM. Por outro lado, observou-se a presença de uma associação negativa e significativa entre a idade de início de fala e a TM. De uma forma geral, verifica-se que a TM está associada de forma positiva e estatisticamente significativa com os scores da linguagem, sendo esta relação mais forte relativamente aos aspectos relativos às Intenções comunicativas e score total de Expressão e Compreensão da linguagem. Vimos também que as crianças do SGPDL apresentaram scores inferiores ao nível da TM relativamente ao GN. Encontramos diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao tempo de duração da prova de TM entre o GN e o GPFL, tendo estes últimos necessitado de maior tempo de resposta. Relativamente à associação existente entre competências sociais e TM, verificamos que não se encontrou a existência de correlações estatisticamente significativas, excepto para o factor “Altruísmo”. Pensa-se que este aspecto estará relacionado com o facto das competências de TM avaliadas neste estudo não se encontrarem associadas às questões emocionais, as quais constituem um sub-tipo de TM do tipo afectivo, mas antes do sub-tipo cognitivo. Os indivíduos GN apresentaram valores para a “Orientação Pró-Social”, “Iniciação Social” e score Total das Competências Sociais significativamente superiores às crianças do GPFL.
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Design de Equipamento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to identify the different types of motivations in hospital volunteers. We present a literature review about different types of motivation and we collect data from hospital volunteers through a questionnaire. Four different motivation categories are identified: development and learning, altruism, career recognition and belonging and protection. The main motivations expressed are development and learning, followed by altruism. Belonging and protection, followed by career recognition are the least cited motivations. Career recognition is negatively correlated with age, and belonging/ protection is negatively correlated with education. That is, younger volunteers present more career recognition motives and less educated volunteers have more from protection and belonging. This study encompasses hospital volunteers and their motivations. The paper is useful to policy makers aiming to develop targeted approaches to attracting and retaining volunteers.
O presente artigo tem por alvo a apresentação do estudo da tradição do género da obra de Diogo Manuel Aires de Azevedo, intitulada Portugal ilustrado pelo sexo feminino, notícia histórica de muitas heroínas portuguesas que floreceram em virtude, letras e armas, publicada em Lisboa, em 1734. O tema abordado por Diogo Azevedo – descrição de inúmeras ―vidas‖ de mulheres portuguesas que se destacaram pelas suas acções notáveis – permite-nos aferir da intenção didáctica e moralizadora da obra e, como tal, inseri-la na longa tradição das biografias femininas, associadas ao relato hagiográfico. A grande divulgação deste género é iniciada por Boccaccio em De mulieribus claris e tem continuidade numa plêiade de autores nacionais e internacionais, tais como Juan Perez de Moya, Frei Luís dos Anjos, Damião de Froes Perym e tantos outros. Propomo-nos apresentar um estudo cujos objectivos se prendem com o desejo de despertar o interesse de um vasto público, especializado ou não, pela leitura de uma obra do séc. XVIII, que pela sua especificidade se reveste de grande interesse literário, histórico e cultural.
This thesis is a first step in the search for the characteristics of funders, and the underlying motivation that drives them to participate in crowdfunding. The purpose of the study is to identify demographics and psychographics that influence a funder’s willingness to financially support a crowdfunding project (WFS). Crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and donation literature are combined to create a conceptual model in which age, gender, altruism and income, together with several control variables, are expected to have an influence on a funder’s WFS. Primary data collection was conducted using a survey, and a dataset of 175 potential crowdfunders was created. The data is analysed using a multiple regression and provided several interesting results. First of all, age and gender have a significant effect on WFS, males and young adults until the age of 30 have a higher intention to give money to crowdfunding projects. Second, altruism is significantly positively related to WFS, meaning that the funders do not just care about the potential rewards they could receive, but also about the benefits that they create for the entrepreneur and the people affected by the crowdfunding project. Third, the moderation effect of income was found to be insignificant in this model. It shows that income does not affect the strength of the relationship between the age, gender and altruism, and WFS. This study provides important theoretical contributions by, to the best of my knowledge, being the first study to quantitatively investigate the characteristics of funders and using the funder as the unit of analysis. Moreover, the study provides important insights for entrepreneurs who wish to target the crowd better in order to attract and retain more funders, thereby increasing the chance of success of their project.
Limited dispersal may favor the evolution of helping behaviors between relatives as it increases their relatedness, and it may inhibit such evolution as it increases local competition between these relatives. Here, we explore one way out of this dilemma: if the helping behavior allows groups to expand in size, then the kin-competition pressure opposing its evolution can be greatly reduced. We explore the effects of two kinds of stochasticity allowing for such deme expansion. First, we study the evolution of helping under environmental stochasticity that may induce complete patch extinction. Helping evolves if it results in a decrease in the probability of extinction or if it enhances the rate of patch recolonization through propagules formed by fission of nonextinct groups. This mode of dispersal is indeed commonly found in social species. Second, we consider the evolution of helping in the presence of demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is below its value maximizing deme size (undersaturation), helping evolves, but under stringent conditions unless positive density dependence (Allee effect) interferes with demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is above its value maximizing deme size (oversaturation), helping may also evolve, but only if it reduces negative density-dependent competition.
The role of ecological constraints in promoting sociality is currently much debated. Using a direct-fitness approach, we show this role to depend on the kin-discrimination mechanisms underlying social interactions. Altruism cannot evolve under spatially based discrimination, unless ecological constraints prevent complete dispersal. Increasing constraints enhances both the proportion of philopatric (and thereby altruistic) individuals and the level of altruistic investments conceded in pairwise interactions. Familiarity-based discrimination, by contrast, allows philopatry and altruism to evolve at significant levels even in the absence of ecological constraints. Increasing constraints further enhances the proportion of philopatric (and thereby altruistic) individuals but not the level of altruism conceded. Ecological constraints are thus more likely to affect social evolution in species in which restricted cognitive abilities, large group size, and/or limited period of associative learning force investments to be made on the basis of spatial cues.
Sweat bees exhibit a range of social behaviours, from solitary nesting, in which no workers are produced, to strong eusociality, in which workers exhibit a high degree of altruism, behaviour that is measured by the degree of personal reproductive sacrifice. Field studies were carried out for seven weeks during May-June 2000 in southern Greece in order to investigate intraspecific social variation, and test the hypothesis of a north-south cline of decreasing eusociality in the obligately eusocial sweat bee L. (E.) malachurum. A comparative study, using principal components analysis, was performed to determine if patterns of intraspecific social variation in L. malachurum reflect the patterns of social variation within the subgenus, Evylaeus, as a whole. The results of the field study reveal that, in Greece, two worker broods were produced followed by a third brood consisting of gynes, males and some workers, indicating that there was an overlap in worker and gyne production. There was strong caste distinction between queens and workers. Workers actively foraged and participated in nest construction as most workers (58%, n=303) had a high degree of mandibular wear. Workers did not participate in the oviposition of Brood 3 gynes since only 0.7% (n=278) of workers were mated. Furthermore, queen survival until the end of Brood 3 and a substantial size differential of 10.6% between queens and workers suggested that queen domination over worker behaviour during the early to mid-part of the colony cycle was plausible. Male production in Brood 3 by some workers was likely, since the timing of worker ovarian development corresponded with the timing of male production. These findings suggest that workers of the first two broods were primarily altruistic, but some (28%) Brood 1 (9%) and Brood 2 (19%) workers produced males, indicating that the degree of altruistic behaviour declined during the lifetime of the colony. In comparison with other L. malachurum populations in Europe, the Greek population of L. malachurum had a weaker social level as a result of the higher proportion of workers potentially involved in male production, thus 3 supporting the hypothesis of a southerly cline of decreasing eusociality. Furthermore, intraspecific variation in social level across Europe appears to be due to longer breeding seasons in more southerly locations that would promote the production of larger colonies and provide opportunities for workers to evade queen control. The comparative study using principal components analysis on 20 solitary (of the subgenera Evylaeus and Lasioglossum), eusocial and socially polymorphic Evylaeus species and populations reveals that six traits are closely associated with stronger eusociality in Evylaeus. These traits are: (1) a reduction in the proportion of males in the early brood(s); (2) a reduction in the proportion of females that mate; (3) an increase in the mean number of first brood workers; (4) a reduction in the proportion of females with developed ovaries; (5) an increase in size dimorphism between castes, and (6) nest guarding. These are traits that most significantly define principal component one and therefore distinguish social type as indicated by a clear separation of the eusocial and the solitary populations, with a socially polymorphic species falling in between. Furthermore, most of these traits are under foundress control and may suggest that the evolutionary loss or gain of eusociality is based on selection pressures on a founding female. Colony size and female ovarian development are common factors distinguishing social variation in L. malachurum and within the subgenus as a whole. The principal components analysis excluding the solitary species and the socially aberrant L. marginatum populations show the L. malachurum populations separated based on an increasing proportion of workers with developed ovaries as populations are found more south, lending further support to the hypothesis of a north-south cline of decreasing eusociality.