952 resultados para Alternate bearing


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The objective of the study was to evaluate whether allergenic extracts of five house dust and storage mite species standardized for humans might be used for the diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis (CAD). Extracts of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Pyroglyphidae), D. farinae (Pyroglyphidae), Blomia tropicalis (Glycyphagidae), Lepidoglyphus destructor (Glycyphagidae) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acaridae) were evaluated by intradermal testing in 20 healthy dogs (control) and 25 dogs with allergic dermatitis. A significant difference in the response was observed between the two groups (p<0.05). Only one dog (5%) in the control group reacted to the intradermal test, whereas 14 dogs (56%) in the allergic group were positive for at least one extract (odds ratio = 24.2). Most of the positive reactions observed in the allergic group occurred against the extracts of T. putrescentiae or L. destructor, each inducing reactions in 10 dogs (40%). D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis extracts induced reactions in 7 (28%), 3 (12%) and 3 (12%) dogs, respectively. The allergenic extracts standardized for humans evaluated in the present study may be used as a tool to complement the diagnosis of the disease, as well as to select potential allergen candidates for allergen-specific immunotherapy.


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In this work the implementation of the active magnetic bearing control system in a single FPGA is studied. Requirements for the full magnetic bearing control system are reviewed. Different control methods for active magnetic bearings are described shortly. Flux and the current base controllers are implemented in a FPGA. Suitability of the con-trollers for a low-cost magnetic bearing application is studied. Floating-point arithmetic’s are used in the controllers to ease designing burden and improve calculation precision. Per-formance of the flux controller is verified with simulations.


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This paper investigates defect detection methodologies for rolling element bearings through vibration analysis. Specifically, the utility of a new signal processing scheme combining the High Frequency Resonance Technique (HFRT) and Adaptive Line Enhancer (ALE) is investigated. The accelerometer is used to acquire data for this analysis, and experimental results have been obtained for outer race defects. Results show the potential effectiveness of the signal processing technique to determine both the severity and location of a defect. The HFRT utilizes the fact that much of the energy resulting from a defect impact manifests itself in the higher resonant frequencies of a system. Demodulation of these frequency bands through use of the envelope technique is then employed to gain further insight into the nature of the defect while further increasing the signal to noise ratio. If periodic, the defect frequency is then present in the spectra of the enveloped signal. The ALE is used to enhance the envelope spectrum by reducing the broadband noise. It provides an enhanced envelope spectrum with clear peaks at the harmonics of a characteristic defect frequency. It is implemented by using a delayed version of the signal and the signal itself to decorrelate the wideband noise. This noise is then rejected by the adaptive filter that is based upon the periodic information in the signal. Results have been obtained for outer race defects. They show the effectiveness of the methodology to determine both the severity and location of a defect. In two instances, a linear relationship between signal characteristics and defect size is indicated.


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Chaotic behaviour is one of the hardest problems that can happen in nonlinear dynamical systems with severe nonlinearities. It makes the system's responses unpredictable. It makes the system's responses to behave similar to noise. In some applications it should be avoided. One of the approaches to detect the chaotic behaviour is nding the Lyapunov exponent through examining the dynamical equation of the system. It needs a model of the system. The goal of this study is the diagnosis of chaotic behaviour by just exploring the data (signal) without using any dynamical model of the system. In this work two methods are tested on the time series data collected from AMB (Active Magnetic Bearing) system sensors. The rst method is used to nd the largest Lyapunov exponent by Rosenstein method. The second method is a 0-1 test for identifying chaotic behaviour. These two methods are used to detect if the data is chaotic. By using Rosenstein method it is needed to nd the minimum embedding dimension. To nd the minimum embedding dimension Cao method is used. Cao method does not give just the minimum embedding dimension, it also gives the order of the nonlinear dynamical equation of the system and also it shows how the system's signals are corrupted with noise. At the end of this research a test called runs test is introduced to show that the data is not excessively noisy.


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This paper presents a new type of magnetic bearing with active control only in axial direction. The bearing uses two pairs of permanent magnets working in attraction mode to restrict the radial motion and a control system composed of two electromagnets, a gap sensor and a controller to keep the axis in a fixed axial position. The principle, the dynamic model for axial motion and the control system for this bearing are presented. Finally, by experiments conducted in a prototype, the effectiveness of the presented concept is shown.


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The interferometer for low resolution portable Fourier Transform middle infrared spectrometer was developed and studied experimentally. The final aim was a concept for a commercial prototype. Because of the portability, the interferometer should be compact sized and insensitive to the external temperature variations and mechanical vibrations. To minimise the size and manufacturing costs, Michelson interferometer based on plane mirrors and porch swing bearing was selected and no dynamic alignment system was applied. The driving motor was a linear voice coil actuator to avoid mechanical contact of the moving parts. The driving capability for low mirror driving velocities required by the photoacoustic detectors was studied. In total, four versions of such an interferometer were built and experimentally studied. The thermal stability during the external temperature variations and the alignment stability over the mirror travel were measured using the modulation depth of the wide diameter laser beam. Method for estimating the mirror tilt angle from the modulation depth was developed to take account the effect from the non-uniform intensity distribution of the laser beam. The spectrometer stability was finally studied also using the infrared radiation. The latest interferometer was assembled for the middle infrared spectrometer with spectral range from 750 cm−1 to 4500 cm−1. The interferometer size was (197 × 95 × 79) mm3 with the beam diameter of 25 mm. The alignment stability as the change of the tilt angle over the mirror travel of 3 mm was 5 μrad, which decreases the modulation depth only about 0.7 percent in infrared at 3000 cm−1. During the temperature raise, the modulation depth at 3000 cm−1 changed about 1 . . . 2 percentage units per Celsius over short term and even less than 0.2 percentage units per Celsius over the total temperature raise of 30 °C. The unapodised spectral resolution was 4 cm−1 limited by the aperture size. The best achieved signal to noise ratio was about 38 000:1 with commercially available DLaTGS detector. Although the vibration sensitivity requires still improving, the interferometer performed, as a whole, very well and could be further developed to conform all the requirements of the portable and stable spectrometer.


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The Atlantic Forest on the slopes of Serra do Mar around Cubatão (São Paulo, Brazil) has been affected by massive emissions of pollutants from the local growing industrial complex. The effects of air pollution on the amounts of leaf nitrogen, total soluble phenols and total tannins of Tibouchina pulchra Cogn., a common species in the area of Cubatão, were investigated, as well as the possible influence of the altered parameters on the leaf area damaged by herbivores. Fully expanded leaves were collected at two sites: the valley of Pilões river (VP), characterized by a vegetation virtually not affected by air pollution and taken as a reference; and valley of Mogi river (VM), close to the core region of the industrial complex, and severely affected by air pollution. No differences were observed for any parameters between samples collected in the summer and winter in both sites. On the other hand, compared to VP, individuals growing in VM presented higher amounts of nitrogen and lower amounts of total soluble phenols and total tannins, as well as higher percentages of galls per leaf and higher leaf area lost to herbivores. Regression analysis revealed that the increase in leaf area lost to herbivores can be explained by the increase of the content of nitrogen and decrease in the contents of total soluble phenols and total tannins. Although significant, the coefficients of explanation found were low for all analyses, suggesting that other biotic or abiotic factors are likely to influence leaf attack by herbivores.


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Tässä työssä on tutkittu modulaarisen aktiivimagneettilaakeroidun koelaitteen mekaanista suunnittelua ja analysointia. Suurnopeusroottorin suunnittelun teoria on esitelty. Lisäksi monia analyyttisiä mallinnusmenetelmiä mekaanisten kuormitusten mallintamiseksi on esitelty. Koska kyseessä on suurnopeussähkökone, roottoridynamiikka ja sen soveltuvuus suunnittelussa on esitelty. Magneettilaakerien rakenteeseen ja toimintaan on tutustuttu osana tätä työtä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus nykyisistä koelaitteista esimerkiksi komponenttien ominaisuuksien tunnistamiseen ja roottoridynamiikan tutkimuksiin on esitelty. Työn rajauksena on konseptisuunnittelu muunneltavalle magneettilaakeroidulle (AMB) koelaitteelle ja suunnitteluprosessin dokumentointi. Muunneltavuuteen päädyttiin, koska se mahdollistaa erilaisten komponenttiasetteluiden testaamisen erilaisille magneettilaakerikokoonpanoille ja roottoreille. Pääpaino tässä työssä on suurnopeus induktiokoneen roottorin suunnittelussa ja mallintamisessa. Modulaaristen toimilaitteiden kuten magneettilaakerien ja induktiosähkömoottorin rakenne on esitelty ja modulaarisen rakenteen käytettävyyden hyödyistä koelaitekäytössä on dokumentoitu. Analyyttisiä ja elementtimenetelmään perustuvia tutkimusmenetelmiä on käytetty tutkittaessa suunniteltua suurnopeusroottoria. Suunnittelun ja analysoinnin tulokset on esitelty ja verrattu keskenään eri mallinnusmenetelmien välillä. Lisäksi johtopäätökset sähkömagneettisten osien liittämisen monimutkaisuudesta ja vaatimuksista roottoriin ja toimilaitteisiin sekä mekaanisten että sähkömagneettisten ominaisuuksien optimoimiseksi on dokumentoitu.


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Active Magnetic Bearings offer many advantages that have brought new applications to the industry. However, similarly to all new technology, active magnetic bearings also have downsides and one of those is the low standardization level. This thesis is studying mainly the ISO 14839 standard and more specifically the system verification methods. These verifying methods are conducted using a practical test with an existing active magnetic bearing system. The system is simulated with Matlab using rotor-bearing dynamics toolbox, but this study does not include the exact simulation code or a direct algebra calculation. However, this study provides the proof that standardized simulation methods can be applied in practical problems.


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Cancer anemia is classified as an anemia of chronic diseases, although it is sometimes the first symptom of cancer. Cancer anemia includes a hemolytic component, important in the terminal stage when even transfused cells are rapidly destroyed. The presence of a chronic component and the terminal complications of the illness limit studies of the hemolytic component. A multifocal model of tumor growth was used here to simulate the terminal metastatic dissemination stage (several simultaneous inoculations of Walker 256 cells). The hemolytic component of anemia began 3-4 days after inoculation in 100% of the rats and progressed rapidly thereafter: Hb levels dropped from 14.9 ± 0.02 to 8.7 ± 0.06 from days 7 to 11 (~5 times the physiologically normal rate in rats) in the absence of bleeding. The development of anemia was correlated (r2 = 0.86) with the development of other systemic effects such as anorexia. There was a significant decrease in the osmotic fragility of circulating erythrocytes: the NaCl concentration causing 50% lysis was reduced from 4.52 ± 0.06 to 4.10 ± 0.01 (P<0.01) on day 7, indicating a reduction in erythrocyte volume. However, with mild metabolic stress (4-h incubation at 37oC), the erythrocytes showed a greater increase in osmotic fragility than the controls, suggesting marked alteration of erythrocyte homeostasis. These effects may be due to primary plasma membrane alterations (transport and/or permeability) and/or may be secondary to metabolic changes. This multifocal model is adequate for studying the hemolytic component of cancer anemia since it is rapid, highly reproducible and causes minimal animal suffering.


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The most common reason for a low-voltage induction motor breakdown is a bearing failure. Along with the increasing popularity of modern frequency converters, bearing failures have become the most important motor fault type. Conditions in which bearing currents are likely to occur are generated as a side effect of fast du/dt switching transients. Once present, different types of bearing currents can accelerate the mechanical wear of bearings by causing deformation of metal parts in the bearing and degradation of the lubricating oil properties.The bearing current phenomena are well known, and several bearing current measurement and mitigation methods have been proposed. Nevertheless, in order to develop more feasible methods to measure and mitigate bearing currents, better knowledge of the phenomena is required. When mechanical wear is caused by bearing currents, the resulting aging impact has to be monitored and dealt with. Moreover, because of the stepwise aging mechanism, periodically executed condition monitoring measurements have been found ineffective. Thus, there is a need for feasible bearing current measurement methods that can be applied in parallel with the normal operation of series production drive systems. In order to reach the objectives of feasibility and applicability, nonintrusive measurement methods are preferred. In this doctoral dissertation, the characteristics and conditions of bearings that are related to the occurrence of different kinds of bearing currents are studied. Further, the study introduces some nonintrusive radio-frequency-signal-based approaches to detect and measure parameters that are associated with the accelerated bearing wear caused by bearing currents.


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Cancer patients present high mobilization of host protein, with a decrease in lean body mass and body fat depletion occurring in parallel to neoplastic growth. Since leucine is one of the principal amino acids used by skeletal muscle for energy, we investigated the changes in body composition of pregnant tumor-bearing rats after a leucine-supplemented diet. Sixty pregnant Wistar rats divided into six groups were fed a normal protein diet (18%, N) or a leucine-supplemented diet (3% L-leucine, L). The pregnant groups were: control (CN), Walker 256 carcinoma-bearing rats (WN), control rats pair-fed with tumor-bearing rats (pfN), leucine-supplemented (CL), leucine-supplemented tumor-bearing (WL), and leucine-supplemented rats pair-fed with tumor-bearing rats (pfL). At the end of pregnancy, all animals were sacrificed and body weight and tumor and fetal weight were determined. The carcasses were then analyzed for water, fat and total, collagen and non-collagen nitrogen content. Carcass weight was reduced in the WN, WL, pfN and pfL groups compared to control. The lean body mass and total carcass nitrogen were reduced in both tumor-bearing groups. Despite tumor growth and a decrease in fetal weight, there was a slight decrease in collagen (7%) and non-collagen nitrogen (8%) in the WL group compared with the WN group which showed a decrease of 8 and 12%, respectively. Although the WL group presented severe tumor growth effects, total carcass nitrogen and non-collagen nitrogen were particularly higher in this leucine-supplemented group compared to the WN group. These data suggest that the leucine-supplemented diet had a beneficial effect, probably attenuating body wasting.


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The correlation between dietary trans fatty acids and neoplasia was examined in the present study. Walker 256 tumor-bearing and control rats were fed a trans monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich diet for 8 weeks and the incorporation of trans fatty acids by tumor tissue was examined. Also, the effect of tumor growth on trans fatty acid composition of plasma and liver, and the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was determined. Walker 256 tumor cells presented both trans and cis MUFAs given in the diet. The equivalent diet proportions were 0.66 for trans and 1.14 for cis. Taking into consideration the proportion of trans MUFAs in plasma (11.47%), the tumor incorporated these fatty acids in a more efficient manner (18.27%) than the liver (9.34%). Therefore, the dietary trans fatty acids present in the diet are actively incorporated by the tumor. Tumor growth itself caused marked changes in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma and liver but provoked only slight modifications in both trans and cis MUFAs. Tumor growth also reduced the unsaturation index in both plasma and liver, from 97.79 to 86.83 and from 77.51 to 69.64, respectively. This effect was partially related to an increase in the occurrence of the lipid oxidation/peroxidation process of TBARS content which was increased in both plasma (from 0.428 to 0.505) and liver (from 9.425 to 127.792) due to tumor growth.


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Sialic acid changes in Dalton's lymphoma cells and other tissues of 10-12-week-old Swiss albino mice were investigated in relation to tumour growth in vivo and following cyclophosphamide (ip, 200 mg/kg body weight) or cisplatin (ip, 8 mg/kg body weight) treatment. Three to four animals of both sexes were used in each experimental group. The sialic acid level of tumour cells (0.88 µmol/g) increased with tumour progression (1.44-1.59 µmol/g; P<=0.05) in mice. Sialic acid concentration in other tissues (liver, kidney, testes and brain) also increased (~40, 10, 30 and 58%, respectively) in the tumour-bearing hosts as compared with that in the respective tissues of normal mice. In vivo cyclophosphamide or cisplatin treatment resulted in an overall decrease of sialic acid contents in the tissues. Cyclophosphamide was more efficient in lowering tissue sialic acid than cisplatin (P<=0.01, ANOVA). It is suggested that sialic acid residues could be an important factor contributing to the manifestation of malignant properties in cancer cells in general and Dalton's lymphoma cells in particular. A significant decrease in the sialic acid content of Dalton's lymphoma cells after cisplatin or cyclophosphamide treatment may bring about specific changes in tumour cells which could be associated with tumour regression.


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Two variants (A and B) of the widely employed Walker 256 rat tumor cells are known. When inoculated sc, the A variant produces solid, invasive, highly metastasizing tumors that cause severe systemic effects and death. We have obtained a regressive variant (AR) whose sc growth is slower, resulting in 70-80% regression followed by development of immunity against A and AR variants. Simultaneously with the beginning of tumor regression, a temporary anemia developed (~8 days duration), accompanied by marked splenomegaly (~300%) and changes in red blood cell osmotic fragility, with mean corpuscular fragility increasing from 4.1 to 6.5 g/l NaCl. The possibility was raised that plasma factors associated with the immune response induced these changes. In the present study, we identify and compare the osmotic fragility increasing activity of plasma fractions obtained from A and AR tumor bearers at different stages of tumor development. The results showed that by day 4 compounds precipitating in 60% (NH4)2SO4 and able to increase red blood cell osmotic fragility appeared in the plasma of A and AR tumor bearers. Later, these compounds disappeared from the plasma of A tumor bearers but slightly increased in the plasma of AR tumor bearers. Furthermore, by day 10, compounds precipitating between 60 and 80% (NH4)2SO4 and with similar effects appeared only in plasma of AR tumor bearers. The salt solubility, production kinetics and hemolytic activity of these compounds resemble those of the immunoglobulins. This, together with their preferential increase in rats bearing the AR variant, suggest their association with an immune response against this tumor.