951 resultados para Algal blooms


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A radial basis function neural network was employed to model the abundance of cyanobacteria. The trained network could predict the populations of two bloom forming algal taxa with high accuracy, Nostocales spp. and Anabaena spp., in the River Darling, Australia. To elucidate the population dynamics for both Nostocales spp. and Anabaena spp., sensitivity analysis was performed with the following results. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen had a very strong influence on the abundance of the two algal taxa, electrical conductivity had a very strong negative relationship with the population of the two algal species, and flow was identified as one dominant factor influencing algal blooms after a scatter plot revealed that high flow could significantly reduce the algal biomass for both Nostocales spp. and Anabaena spp. Other variables such as turbidity, color, and pH were less important in determining the abundance and succession of the algal blooms.


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After damming of the Yangtze River, in order to explore the impacts of the Three-Gorge Dam (TGD) on the aquatic ecosystem, phytoplankton composition, abundance and biomass spatial distribution were studied in the Three-Gorge Reservoir (TGR), and the closest upstream anabranch Xiangxi River, which is 38 kin away from the Three-Gorge Dam (TGD) during August (rainy season) 2004 and April (dry season) 2005. In surveys, 6 transects (2 downstream and 4 cross-stream) and 25 stations have been investigated and 314 samples were collected from the surface to the river bed with water samplers. In TGR, 63 taxa and 60 taxa were identified in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. In the Xiangxi River, 39 taxa were observed in the rainy and dry seasons. Algal blooms occurred in the Xiangxi River and at the influx region of the Yangtze and Xiangxi in both seasons, but had not occurred prior to damming. In the rainy season, the dominant species was Chroomonas acuta with 1.84 x 10(7) cells l(-1), and in the dry season the dominant species were Asterionella formosa and Cryptomonas ovata with 1.34 x 10(7) cells l(-1) and 1.79 x 10(6) cells(.)l(-1), respectively. In the main channel of TGR, there were no significant correlations between phytoplankton abundance and the concentrations of the main soluble nutrients. In the Xiangxi River, significant negative correlations were observed between phytoplankton abundance and nitrate (Spearman, p < 0.01, n=21), phosphate (Spearman, p < 0.05, n=21) and silicate (Spearman, p < 0.01, n=21) in the rainy season, and similar correlations were also observed with nitrate (Spearman, p < 0.05, n=28) and silicate (Speannan, p < 0.01, n=28), but not with phosphate in the dry season. Since the damming of the Yangtze River, eutrophication in the anabranch within the backwater has occurred and become severe, and the frequency of algal bloom within TGR and anabranches is expected to increase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Because of the obvious importance of P as a nutrient that often accelerates growth of phytoplankton (including toxic cyanobacteria) and therefore worsens water quality, much interest has been devoted to P exchange across the sediment-water interface. Generally, the release mode of P from the sediment differed greatly between shallow and deep lakes, and much of the effort has been focused on iron and oxygen, and also on the relevant environmental factors, for example, turbulence and decomposition, but a large part of the P variation in shallow lakes remains unexplained. This paper reviews experimental and field studies on the mechanisms of P release from the sediment in the shallow temperate (in Europe) and subtropical (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China) lakes, and it is suggested that pH rather than DO might be more important in driving the seasonal dynamics of internal P loading in these shallow lakes, i.e., intense photosynthesis of phytoplankton increases pH of the lake water and thus may increase pH of the surface sediment, leading to enhanced release of P (especially iron-bound P) from the sediment. Based on the selective pump of P (but not N) from the sediment by algal blooms, it is concluded that photosynthesis which is closely related to eutrophication level is the driving force for the seasonal variation of internal P loading in shallow lakes. This is a new finding. Additionally, the selective pump of P from the sediment by algal blooms not only explains satisfactorily why both TP and PO4-P in the hypereutrophic Lake Donghu declined significantly since the mid-1980s when heavy cyanobacterial blooms were eliminated by the nontraditional biomanipulation (massive stocking of the filter-feeding silver and bighead carps), but also explains why TP in European lakes decreased remarkably in the spring clear-water phase with less phytoplankton during the seasonal succession of aquatic communities or when phytoplankton biomass was decreased by traditional biomanipulation. Compared with deep lakes, wax and wane of phytoplankton due to alternations in the ecosystem structure is also able to exert significant influences on the P exchange at the sediment-water interface in shallow lakes. In other words, biological activities are also able to drive P release from sediments, and such a static P release process is especially more prominent in eutrophic shallow lakes with dense phytoplankton.


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Seagrasses, marine flowering plants, have a long evolutionary history but are now challenged with rapid environmental changes as a result of coastal human population pressures. Seagrasses provide key ecological services, including organic carbon production and export, nutrient cycling, sediment stabilization, enhanced biodiversity, and trophic transfers to adjacent habitats in tropical and temperate regions. They also serve as “coastal canaries,” global biological sentinels of increasing anthropogenic influences in coastal ecosystems, with large-scale losses reported worldwide. Multiple stressors, including sediment and nutrient runoff, physical disturbance, invasive species, disease, commercial fishing practices, aquaculture, overgrazing, algal blooms, and global warming, cause seagrass declines at scales of square meters to hundreds of square kilometers. Reported seagrass losses have led to increased awareness of the need for seagrass protection, monitoring, management, and restoration. However, seagrass science, which has rapidly grown, is disconnected from public awareness of seagrasses, which has lagged behind awareness of other coastal ecosystems. There is a critical need for a targeted global conservation effort that includes a reduction of watershed nutrient and sediment inputs to seagrass habitats and a targeted educational program informing regulators and the public of the value of seagrass meadows.


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有害赤潮(Harmful algal blooms, HAB)已成为全球性的海洋灾害,对我国近海养殖业危害尤为巨大,研究赤潮发生、发展的主要环境影响因子,对于控制赤潮的发生以及加强赤潮的防治具有十分重要的意义。本文根据国家自然科学基金“九五”重大项目“中国沿海典型增养殖区有害赤潮发生动力学防治对策研究”项目组近年来对胶州湾东北部养殖海域的监测资料,分析了该海区营养状况,结合该区自然环境特点,探讨了发生于1998年7月和1999年6月两次硅藻赤潮的主要影响因子;并应用胶州现场海水进行了室内模拟培养实验,对影响有害赤潮生消过程的关键环境因子进行了分析探讨。对1998和1999年赤潮多发季节胶州湾东北部增养殖水域海水的营养状况进行了分析,并参照潜在性富营养化的概念,应用NQI指数对该海域的富营养化水平进行了评价。结果表明:(1)胶州湾东北部增养殖海域赤潮多发季节TIN、DIP和活性硅酸盐的含量均较高,远高于同期胶州湾大面观测站各营养盐的平均含量;该海域有机污染物含量相对营养盐含量不高。(2)该海域春季氮、磷营养盐含量充足,水域属富营养化平;夏季该海域具有较高的生物具,磷酸盐水平相对较低,海域多数时间属于磷限制潜在性富营养化水平;但这种限制极易为外界补充所改变,如陆源输入、养殖废水的排放等。(3)该海域为典型增养殖区,养殖废水对海域营养盐的补充有重要意义,因此应当加强对该海域养殖业的综合管理。对分别于1998年7月和1999年6月在胶州湾东北部增养殖海域发生的中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)赤潮和浮动弯角藻(Eucampia zoodiacus)赤潮生消过程中环境因子的变化进行了探讨。发生赤潮生物量的升高常伴随海水pH值、溶解氧(DO)含量的升高以及各营养盐(氮、磷、硅)含量的降低;认为在该海域较高营养盐含量和较高生物量的情况下,赤潮发生前大规模的降雨过程及随后的气候条件为赤潮生物的快速生长繁殖创造了有利条件;无机磷和活性硅酸盐含量相对于无机氮显得较低,对该海域硅藻赤潮的生消过程起着控制作用。采集胶州湾现场海水进行了实验室模拟培养实验,对影响赤潮生消过程的主要环境因素进行了研究和探讨。结果表明,现场海水进行模拟培养时,排除了潮流、风以及水团间交流混合等因素对水体中浮游生物的影响,培养水体中的浮游植物生物量都存在增高的现象;在氮、磷、硅等营养盐含量充足的条件下,浮游植物可快速进入指数增长期,并较快发展形成赤潮,高浓度的营养盐常导致培养水体中浮游植物的较高的生长速率,浮游植物对氮磷营养盐的吸收受到环境中营养盐含量的影响;初始环境下营养盐的限制可抑制浮游植物的进一步增殖,发生赤潮水体中某种营养盐的含量降低最终导致了赤潮的消亡。


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The recovery and fate of three species of dinoflagellates, Alexandrium tamarense, Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Scrippsiella trochoidea, after having been sedimented by yellow clay, were investigated in the laboratory. The effect of burying period in yellow clay pellet and mixing on the recovery of settled algal cells were studied. The morphological changes of algal cells in yellow clay pellet were also tracked. Results showed that there was almost no recovery for A. tamarense and C. polykrikoides, and the cells decomposed after 2-3 days after visible changes in morphology and chloroplasts. There was some recovery for S. trochoidea. Moreover, S. trochoidea cysts were formed in clay pellet during the period of about 14 days, with the highest abundance of 87 000 cysts g(-1) clay and the incidence of cyst formation of 6.5%, which was considered as a potential threat for the further occurrence of algal blooms. S. trochoidea cysts were isolated from yellow clay and incubated to test their viability, and a germination ratio of more than 30% was obtained after incubation for 1 month. These results showed the species specificity of the mitigation effect of yellow clay. It is suggested that cautions be taken for some harmful species and thorough risk assessments be conducted before using this mitigation strategy in the field.


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The effects of Alexandrium tamarense (strain ATHK) on early development of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus were studied under laboratory conditions. The algal culture was verified by HPLC to produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) at a level of 37.48 fmol/cell. Survival of the scallop larvae was not affected when they were grown with A. tamarense at concentrations of 500-10,000 cells/ml for 48 h. However, the activity of D-shape larvae was inhibited after 48-h exposure to A. tamarense at the algal cell density of 10,000 cells/ml. Scallop growth was inhibited significantly by A. tantarense during a 14-day exposure starting at the eye-spot larval stage. The size of juvenile scallops in the group of 10,000 cells/ml was only about 32% of that of the controls, although no obvious effect of A. tamarense was found on the rate of larval metamorphosis. All juvenile scallops survived in algal concentrations of 600-2400 cells/ml, however, attachment rates were significantly lower than control values after a 5-h exposure to A. tamarense at concentrations >600 cells/ml, while they were not obviously reduced after only 1 h of exposure. At concentrations >600 cells/ml, the climbing ability of juveniles was clearly reduced by exposure to A. tamarense after only 1 h. The climbing rate and height were only 55% and 45%, respectively, of those of the controls, when exposed to A. tantarense at a concentration of 600 cells/ml. The results indicated that A. tamarense blooms may have detrimental impacts on shellfish at early life stages, therefore, special attention should be paid to the toxic algal blooms in shellfish breeding area. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of a PSP producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense on marine bivalves at their several important life,stages: egg, D - shape larva, eyespot larva, juvenile and adult, were studied! The results show that the hitching survival, activity, filtration and! growth were adversely affected by the alga and the impact was significantly increased with the increase of algal density. The inhibitory effect on egg hatching was most significant, which the hatching rate was only 30% of the control when exposed to the alga at 100 cell/cm(3) after 36 h. Further experiments show that the algal culture, re-suspended cells and cell fragments had the inhibitory effect, while no such effect was from the cell-free medium, cell contents and standard STX. The results indicate that the alga could produce unknown toxins, rather than PSP, associated with the cell surface.


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The proposed plan for enrichment of the Sulu Sea, Philippines, a region of rich marine biodiversity, with thousands of tonnes of urea in order to stimulate algal blooms and sequester carbon is flawed for multiple reasons. Urea is preferentially used as a nitrogen source by some cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates, many of which are neutrally or positively buoyant. Biological pumps to the deep sea are classically leaky, and the inefficient burial of new biomass makes the estimation of a net loss of carbon from the atmosphere questionable at best. The potential for growth of toxic dinoflagellates is also high, as many grow well on urea and some even increase their toxicity when grown on urea. Many toxic dinoflagellates form cysts which can settle to the sediment and germinate in subsequent years, forming new blooms even without further fertilization. If large-scale blooms do occur, it is likely that they will contribute to hypoxia in the bottom waters upon decomposition. Lastly, urea production requires fossil fuel usage, further limiting the potential for net carbon sequestration. The environmental and economic impacts are potentially great and need to be rigorously assessed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient input from the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) has been increasing dramatically since the 1960s. At the mouth of the Changjiang River, the nitrate concentration has increased about three-fold in 40 years, from 20.5 mu mol/L in the 1960s to 59.1 mu mol/L in the 1980s and to 80.6 mu mol/L in 1990-2004. Phosphate concentration increased by a factor of 30%, from 0.59 mu mol/L in the 1980s to 0.77 mu mol/L in 1990-2004. The increasing nitrate input has arisen mostly from the mid and lower reaches of the Changjiang River, where the river meets one of the most strongly developed agriculture areas in China. Responses of the coastal phytoplankton community to the increasing nutrient inputs are also seen in the available monitoring data. First, a trend of increasing phytoplankton standing stock from 1984 to 2002 appeared in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent coastal waters, especially in late spring. Secondly, the proportion of diatoms in the whole phytoplankton community showed a decreasing trend from about 85% in 1984 to about 60% in 2000. Finally, red tides/harmful algal blooms increased dramatically in this area in terms of both number and scale. About 30-80 red tide events were recorded each year from 2000 to 2005 in the East China Sea. The scale of some blooms has been in excess of 10,000 km(2). (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eutrophication has become increasingly serious and noxious algal blooms have been of more frequent occurrence in the Yangtze River Estuary and in the adjacent East China Sea. In 2003 and 2004, four cruises were undertaken in three zones in the estuary and in the adjacent sea to investigate nitrate (NO3-N), ammonium (NH4-N), nitrite (NO2-N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved reactive silica (DRSi), dissolved oxygen (DO), phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chl a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The highest concentrations of DIN (NO3-N+NH4-N+NO2-N), SRP and DRSi were 131.6, 1.2 and 155.6 mu M, respectively. The maximum Chl a concentration was 19.5 mg m(-3) in spring. An analysis of historical and recent data revealed that in the last 40 years, nitrate and SRP concentrations increased from 11 to 97 mu M and from 0.4 to 0.95 mu M, respectively. From 1963 to 2004, N:P ratios also increased from 30-40 up to 150. In parallel with the N and P enrichment, a significant increase of Chl a was detected, Chl a maximum being 20 mg m(-3), nearly four times higher than in the 1980s. In 2004, the mean DO concentration in bottom waters was 4.35 mg l(-1), much lower than in the 1980s. In comparison with other estuaries, the Yangtze River Estuary was characterized by high DIN and DRSi concentrations, with low SRP concentrations. Despite the higher nutrient concentrations, Chl a concentrations were lower in the inner estuary (Zones 1 and 2) than in the adjacent sea (Zone 3). Based on nutrient availability, SPM and hydrodynamics, we assumed that in Zones 1 and 2 phytoplankton growth was suppressed by high turbidity, large tidal amplitude and short residence time. Furthermore, in Zone 3 water stratification was also an important factor that resulted in a greater phytoplankton biomass and lower DO concentrations. Due to hydrodynamics and turbidity, the open sea was unexpectedly more sensitive to nutrient enrichment and related eutrophication processes.


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The impacts of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and Alexandrium catenella Balech, causative species of the large-scale HAB in the East China Sea, were studied under laboratory conditions. According to bloom densities, the effects of monoculture and mixture of the two species were examined on the egg-hatching success of Argopecten irradians Lamarck, and the population growth of Brachionus plicatilis Muller and Moina mongolica Daday. The results showed that monoculture of A. catenella had a significant inhibition on the egg hatching success of A. irradians, and the population growth of B. plicatilis and M. mongolica. The median effective densities ( EDSo) inhibiting the egg hatching success of A. irradians for 24 h and the population growth of B. plicatilis and M. mongolica for 96 h were 800, 630, and 2 400 cells/cm(3), respectively. Monoculture of P. donghaiense has no such inhibitory effect on the egg hatching success of A. irradians; P. donghaiense at lower suitable densities could sustain the population growth of B. plicatilis (1 x 10(4) similar to 3 x 10(4)cells/cm(3)) and M. mongolica (2 x 10(4) similar to 5 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)); P. doaghaiense at higher densities had significantly adverse effect on the population growth of B. plicatilis (4 x 10(4) similar to 10 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)) and M. mongolica (10 x 10(4) cells/cm(3)). When the two algae were mixed according to bloom densities, P. donghaiense at suitable densities to some extent could decrease the toxicity of A. catenella to B. plicatilis and M. mongolica. The results indicated that the large-scale HAB in the East China Sea could have adverse effect on zooplankton, and might further influence the marine ecosystem, especially when there was also Alexandrium bloom.


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A small proportion of harmful algae produce toxins which are harmful to human health. Strict monitoring programmes are in place within Ireland and the EU to effectively manage risk to human consumers of shellfish species that have accumulated marine biotoxins in their tissues. However, little is known about the impacts of HABs on shellfish health. This study used Solid Phase Adsorption and Toxin Tracking (SPATT) for the passive sampling of algal biotoxins at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve in West Cork, Ireland. Spatial and temporal monitoring of the incidence of a wide range of lipophilic toxins was assessed over a 4-month period. Active sampling accumulated sufficient quantities of toxin for use in subsequent experimentation. In addition to commonly occurring Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins, Dinophysis toxin-1 and Pinnatoxin-G were both detected in the samples. This is the first identification of these latter two toxins in Irish waters. The effects of the DSP toxin okadaic acid (OA) were investigated on three shellfish species: Mytilus edulis, Ruditapes philippinarum and Crassostrea gigas. Histological examination of the gill, mantle and hepatopancreas tissues revealed varying intensity of damage depending both on the tissue type and the species involved. At the cellular level, flow cytometric analysis of the differential cell population distribution was assessed. No change in cell population distribution was observed in Mytilus edulis or Ruditapes philippinarum, however significant changes were observed in Crassostrea gigas granulocytes at the lower levels of toxin exposure. This indicated a chemically-induced response to OA. DNA fragmentation was measured in the haemolymph and hepatopancreas cells post OA-exposure in Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. A significant increase in DNA fragmentation was observed in both species over time, even at the lowest OA concentrations. DNA fragmentation could be due to genotoxicity of OA and/or to the induction of cell apoptosis.


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Nitrate from agricultural runoff are a significant cause of algal blooms in estuarine ecosystems such as the Chesapeake Bay. These blooms block sunlight vital to submerged aquatic vegetation, leading to hypoxic areas. Natural and constructed wetlands have been shown to reduce the amount of nitrate flowing into adjacent bodies of water. We tested three wetland plant species native to Maryland, Typha latifolia (cattail), Panicum virgatum (switchgrass), and Schoenoplectus validus (soft-stem bulrush), in wetland microcosms to determine the effect of species combination and organic amendment on nitrate removal. In the first phase of our study, we found that microcosms containing sawdust exhibited significantly greater nitrate removal than microcosms amended with glucose or hay at a low nitrate loading rate. In the second phase of our study, we confirmed that combining these plants removed nitrate, although no one combination was significantly better. Furthermore, the above-ground biomass of microcosms containing switchgrass had a significantly greater percentage of carbon than microcosms without switchgrass, which can be studied for potential biofuel use. Based on our data, future environmental groups can make a more informed decision when choosing biofuel-capable plant species for artificial wetlands native to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.


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The oceans and coastal seas provide mankind with many benefits including food for around a third of the global population, the air that we breathe and our climate system which enables habitation of much of the planet. However, the converse is that generation of natural events (such as hurricanes, severe storms and tsunamis) can have devastating impacts on coastal populations, while pollution of the seas by pathogens and toxic waste can cause illness and death in humans and animals. Harmful effects from biogenic toxins produced by algal blooms (HABs) and from the pathogens associated with microbial pollution are also a health hazard in seafood and from direct contact with water. The overall global burden of human disease caused by sewage pollution of coastal waters has been estimated at 4 million lost person-years annually. Finally, the impacts of all of these issues will be exacerbated by climate change. A holistic systems approach is needed. It must consider whole ecosystems, and their sustainability, such as integrated coastal zone management, is necessary to address the highly interconnected scientific challenges of increased human population pressure, pollution and over-exploitation of food (and other) resources as drivers of adverse ecological, social and economic impacts. There is also an urgent and critical requirement for effective and integrated public health solutions to be developed through the formulation of politically and environmentally meaningful policies. The research community required to address "Oceans & Human Health" in Europe is currently very fragmented, and recognition by policy makers of some of the problems, outlined in the list of challenges above, is limited. Nevertheless, relevant key policy issues for governments worldwide include the reduction of the burden of disease (including the early detection of emerging pathogens and other threats) and improving the quality of the global environment. Failure to effectively address these issues will impact adversely on efforts to alleviate poverty, sustain the availability of environmental goods and services and improve health and social and economic stability; and thus, will impinge on many policy decisions, both nationally and internationally. Knowledge exchange (KE) will be a key element of any ensuing research. KE will facilitate the integration of biological, medical, epidemiological, social and economic disciplines, as well as the emergence of synergies between seemingly unconnected areas of science and socio-economic issues, and will help to leverage knowledge transfer across the European Union (EU) and beyond. An integrated interdisciplinary systems approach is an effective way to bring together the appropriate groups of scientists, social scientists, economists, industry and other stakeholders with the policy formulators in order to address the complexities of interfacial problems in the area of environment and human health. The Marine Board of the European Science Foundation Working Group on "Oceans and Human Health" has been charged with developing a position paper on this topic with a view to identifying the scientific, social and economic challenges and making recommendations to the EU on policy-relevant research and development activities in this arena. This paper includes the background to health-related issues linked to the coastal environment and highlights the main arguments for an ecosystem-based whole systems approach.