573 resultados para Alagoas Curassow


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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We estimated the population density of the Helmeted Curassow (Pauxi pauxi) in Tama National Park (TNP) Colombia, using visual counts between December 2006 and December 2008. We used six line transects (1 km each) equitably distributed in a natural forest between 800 and 1,200 m asl in the southern part of the park. The sampling effort was 588 hrs with a total distance of 490 km, a detection rate of 0.06 records/hr, and an encounter rate of 0.08 individuals/km. Only solitary individuals were recorded (n = 40); the estimated density was 4.8 individuals/km(2). Most detections occurred in the lower strata of the forest (floor and sub-canopy) where hunters take advantage of curassows in the lower strata for successful harvest. The southern sector of TNP becomes important in the dry season. Our study suggests a large population is in TNP, but harvesting activities including removal of eggs, chicks, and juveniles, and hunting adults are affecting the reproductive rate and population of the species. Received 6 June 2011. Accepted 2 February 2012.


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We studied the Red-billed Currasow (Cray blumenbachii) in Vale Natural Reserve, Linhares, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, using camera traps. We found the Red-billed Curassow present in the entire area of the reserve (similar to 22,000 ha) during 40 months of camera trapping (2005-2008). Most records were of single individuals, especially males, but pairs and even groups of individuals were also recorded. Males were paired with one and two females, suggesting polygyny in the species. The species was recorded throughout the day with one peak from 0500 to 0600 hrs and another after 1600 hrs. The daily activity pattern was similar for males and females. The number and widespread nature of the records suggests the local population of this species may be higher than previously thought. Received 10 March 2011. Accepted 5 December 2011.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of honey from different entomological sources which were harvested in the dry season of 2008-2009 from distinct mesoregions of the State of Alagoas in the North East of Brazil. Honey produced by five different species of bees, even from the same region and season, showed a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) in the content of phenols, flavonoids and antioxidants, with higher levels of these compounds found in honey produced by Plebeia spp. and A. mellifera. Honey from stingless bees was quite different from that of A. mellifera, especially from the Plebeia spp. A dendrogram of the five species of bees showed the formation of 3 groups, one being formed by Apis mellifera, one by the genus Melipona (M. subnitida, M. quadrifasciata and M. scutellaris) and another formed by Plebeia spp.


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Com o objetivo de identificar áreas do Estado de Alagoas com boas perspectivas de aproveitamento eólico, comparou-se dados de velocidade e direção do vento observados por torres anemométricas do projeto Atlas Eólico e Disseminação da Tecnologia Eólica no Estado de Alagoas. A série utilizada é de 12/2007 a 11/2008 e o estudo focou três regiões distintas: Litoral, Agreste e Sertão. Os padrões médios com maiores velocidades do vento ocorreram na região do Agreste (7,1 ±1,2 ms-1 mensal), seguido do Sertão (6,8 ±0,9 ms-1 mensal) e Litoral ( 5,3 ±0,8 ms-1 mensal). A regularidade da velocidade e a pouca variabilidade de direção do vento torna Alagoas uma ótima opção para a instalação de aerogeradores.


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