946 resultados para Al-Si Alloys
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería de Materiales) UANL, 2012.
Measurements of magnetic hysteresis loops in Cu-Al-Mn alloys of different Mn content at low temperatures are presented. The loops are smooth and continuous above a certain temperature, but exhibit a magnetization discontinuity below that temperature. Scaling analysis suggest that this system displays a disorder-induced phase transition line. Measurements allow one to determine the critical exponents ß=0.03±0.01 and ß¿=0.4±0.1, which coincide with those reported recently in a different system, thus supporting the existence of universality for disorder-induced critical points.
Demand on magnesium and its alloys is increased significantly in the automotive industry because of their great potential in reducing the weight of components, thus resulting in improvement in fuel efficiency of the vehicle. To date, most of Mg products have been fabricated by casting, especially, by die-casting because of its high productivity, suitable strength, acceptable quality & dimensional accuracy and the components produced through sand, gravity and low pressure die casting are small extent. In fact, higher solidification rate is possible only in high pressure die casting, which results in finer grain size. However, achieving high cooling rate in gravity casting using sand and permanent moulds is a difficult task, which ends with a coarser grain nature and exhibit poor mechanical properties, which is an important aspect of the performance in industrial applications. Grain refinement is technologically attractive because it generally does not adversely affect ductility and toughness, contrary to most other strengthening methods. Therefore formation of fine grain structure in these castings is crucial, in order to improve the mechanical properties of these cast components. Therefore, the present investigation is “GRAIN REFINEMENT STUDIES ON Mg AND Mg-Al BASED ALLOYS”. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study the effect of various grain refining inoculants (Al-4B, Al- 5TiB2 master alloys, Al4C3, Charcoal particles) on Pure Mg and Mg-Al alloys such as AZ31, AZ91 and study their grain refining mechanisms. The second objective of this work is to study the effect of superheating process on the grain size of AZ31, AZ91 Mg alloys with and without inoculants addition. In addition, to study the effect of grain refinement on the mechanical properties of Mg and Mg-Al alloys. The thesis is well organized with seven chapters and the details of the studies are given below in detail.
In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The kinetics of Ag-rich precipitates formation in the Cu-2 wt.% Al alloy with additions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 wt.% Ag was studied using microhardness changes with temperature and time, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy (OM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results indicated that an increase in the Ag content decreases the activation energy for Ag-rich precipitates formation, and that it is possible to estimate the values of the diffusion and nucleation activation energies for the Ag precipitates. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The isothermal kinetics of Ag precipitation was studied in Cu-Al-Ag alloys with concentrations ranging from 2 to 8 wt.%Al and 2 to 12 wt.%Ag, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and microhardness measurements. The results indicated a change in the precipitates growing mechanism from diffusion to interface controlled process, probably due to a change in the nature of the interface with the Ag and Al enrichment of the precipitates. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of consecutive cyclic polarization in de-aerated 0.5 M NaOH solutions on the surface microstructure of mechanically polished Cu-Al-Ag alloys of different compositions and heat treatments has been studied using optical microscopy, SEM and EDS. The current peaks of the cyclic polarization curves do not depend on the alloy composition in the composition range studied. The repetitive potential scans between H2 and O2 evolution in alkaline media lead to preferential dissolution of aluminium, the roughness and phase composition of the surface of the alloys changing significantly. The quasistationary I-E curves of the different Cu-Al-Ag alloys studied consist in the superposition of the quasistationary I-E curves of high-purity Cu and Ag, the EDS microanalysis showing that aluminium is not present on the surface of the alloy in these conditions.
The kinetics of eutectoid decomposition beta(1)' --> gamma(2) + (alpha + gamma(2)) in Cu-12.86 wt% Al and Cu-12.84 wt% Al-1.98 wt% Ag alloys was studied by hardness measurements, using the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation. The results indicate that the presence of silver seems to influence the nucleation rate and the activation energy of the reaction.
Thermal behavior of alpha-(Cu-Al-Ag) alloys, i.e. alloys with composition less than about 8.5 mass% Al, was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results indicated that the presence of silver introduces new thermal events ascribed to the formation of a silver-rich phase and, after addition higher amounts than 8 mass% Ag to the Cu-8 mass% Al alloy it is possible to observe the formation of the gamma(1) phase (Al4Cu9), which is only observed in alloys containing minimum of 9 mass% Al. These results may be attributed to some Ag characteristics and its interaction with Cu and Al.
The completeness of beta-phase decomposition reaction in the Cu-11wt%Al-xwt%Ag alloys (x = 0, 1, 2, and 3) was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and optical microscopy (OM). The results indicated that beta-phase transformations are highly dependent on cooling rate and on the presence of Ag. on slow cooling, the silver presence prevents the beta- and beta(1)-phase decomposition; thus, inducing the martensitic phase formation. After rapid cooling, a new thermal event is observed and the reverse martensitic transformation is shifted to lower temperatures.