983 resultados para Al-Si


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Detrending natural and anthropogenic components of climate variability is arguably an issue of utmost importance to society. To accomplish this issue, one must rely on a comprehensive understanding of the natural variability of the climate system on a regional level. Here we explore how different proxies (e.g., stalagmite oxygen isotopic composition, pollen percentages, bulk sediment elemental ratios) record Holocene precipitation variability over southeastern South America. We found a general good agreement between the different records both on orbital and centennial time-scales. Dry mid Holocene, and wet late Holocene, Younger Dryas and a period between ~9.4 and 8.12 cal kyr BP seem to be pervasive features. Moreover, we show that proxy-specific sensitivity can greatly improve past precipitation reconstructions.


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The influence of sodium (Na) on nucleation and growth of the Al-Si eutectic in a commercial hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg foundry alloy has been investigated. The microstructural evolution during eutectic solidification was studied by a quenching technique. By comparing the orientation of the aluminium in the eutectic to that of the surrounding primary aluminium dendrites by EBSD, the eutectic solidification mode could be determined. The results show that the eutectic solidification starts near the mould wall and evolves with front growth opposite the thermal gradient on a macro-scale, and on a micro-scale with independent heterogeneous nucleation of eutectic grains in interdendritic spaces. Na-modified alloys therefore behave significantly differently from those modified by other elemental additions.


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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate both the columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings of Al-3wt.%Si alloy during the horizontal directional solidification. The transient heat transfer coefficient at the metal-mold interface is calculated based on comparisons between the experimental thermal profiles in castings and the simulations provided by a finite difference heat flow program. Simulated curve of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient was used in another numerical solidification model to determine theoretical values of tip growth rates, cooling rates and thermal gradients that are associated with both columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings. A good agreement was observed between the experimental values of these thermal variables and those numerically simulated for the alloy examined. A comparative analysis is carried out between the experimental data of this work and theoretical models from the literature that have been proposed to predict the primary dendritic spacings. In this context, this study may contribute to the understanding of how to manage solidification operational parameters aiming at designing the microstructure of Al-Si alloys.


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This study aimed to analyze the cooling curves, micro and macrograph alloy Al-1 %Si without the addition of strontium modifier and with the addition of the same. One of the ways of improving mechanical properties of alloy Al -Si is through the modification process. For the experiments two billets of the alloy Al-1%Si cast iron mold in a billet with addition of 0.02% strontium by weight, and the other billet without the addition of modifier were fused. In the solidification process of billet temperature was monitored and recorded every second for later plotting in Origin 8 program and analyzes the cooling curves obtained. The billets were cut and passed by grinding and polishing to perform the macrograph and micrographs. The results concerning the macrograph indicated that billet without the addition of Strontium particle size obtained was more refined than the billet where the strontium modifier was added. Regarding the micrograph, photos stemmed from the optical microscope didn´t show the expected modification effect by the addition of Strontium. This suggests that the low amount of silicon (1 %) present in the alloy used in this study interfered in the change process, because according to the literature review, Strontium 0.022 % by weight is sufficient to fully modify an alloy with 7% Silicon. The results from the cooling curve showed that both the eutectic temperature and the solidification time remained unchanged with the addition of strontium


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O principal objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a influência dos parâmetros térmicos velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (TR), nos espaçamentos dendríticos primários (λ1) da liga hipoeutética Al-7%Si, durante a solidificação direcional horizontal, em regime transiente. Os valores de λ1 foram medidos ao longo do comprimento do lingote e correlacionados com esses parâmetros. A variação dos espaçamentos dendríticos estudados é expressa por meio de funções na forma de potência de VLe TRdadas, respectivamente, por λ1= 55(VL)-1.1e λ1= 212 (TR)-0.55. Um estudo comparativo é realizado entre os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho e aqueles obtidos para a mesma liga quando solidificada direcionalmente nos sistemas verticais ascendente e descendente, sob as mesmas condições assumidas. Finalmente, os resultados experimentais obtidos são comparados com valores fornecidos por alguns modelos teóricos propostos na literatura para analisar espaçamentos dendríticos primários.


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The effects of boron and strontium interactions on the eutectic silicon in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys have been studied. Samples were prepared from an AI-I 0 mass%Si base alloy with different Al-B additions, alone and in combination with strontium. In alloys containing no strontium, boron additions do not cause modification of the eutectic silicon, while in strontium containing alloys, boron additions reduce the level of modification of the eutectic silicon. Thermal analysis parameters and eutectic silicon microstructures were investigated with respect to the Sr to B ratio. In order to modify the eutectic silicon, a Sr/B ratio exceeding 0.4 is required.


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A new modification phenomenon is reported for Al-Si alloys, where the Al-Si eutectic is refined by segregated TiB2 particles. The TiB2 particles are pushed to the Al-Si phase boundary during solidification of the eutectic and it is believed that at high concentrations the TiB2 particles restrict solute redistribution causing refinement of the Si. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Yield strength (YS) ageing curves have been modelled for A356 and A357 aluminium casting alloys below the solvus temperature of the main hardening precipitate. Predictions are based on the Shercliff and Ashby methodology (Acta MetaH. Mater. 38 (1990) 1789) for wrought alloys. Differences between strengthening in wrought and cast Al-Si-Mg alloys are considered. A Brinell hardness to YS conversion incorporating strain hardening has been established to enable YS ageing curves to be predicted with reduced experimental effort. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Se estudian mineralógicamente los fosfatos miocénicos de Bellver de la Cerdanya (Lérida). Para ello, se emplean las técnicas siguientes: difracción de rayos X, espectroscopia de emisión y absorción de infrarrojos. Mediante el estudio roentgenológico determinamos que la especie mineral en estudio es la Anapaita (FeCaz(P04)2.4Hz0). La espectroscopia de emisión confirma, por una parte, la existencia de los elementos constituyentes de la fórmula química: P, Ca y Fe con líneas bien marcadas y, por otra parte, la presencia de Mn, Al, Si, Mg, Na y Cu como contaminantes. Finalmente, el estudio del espectro de absorción de rayos infrarrojos detecta el grupo fosfato, básico, y la presencia de agua de absorción.


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We present a theoretical study of the distribution of Al atoms in zeolite ZSM-5 with Si/Al=47, where we focus on the role of Al-Al interactions rather than on the energetics of Al/Si substitutions at individual sites. Using interatomic potential methods, we evaluate the energies of the full set of symmetrically independent configurations of Al siting in a Si94Al2O192 cell. The equilibrium Al distribution is determined by the interplay of two factors: the energetics of the Al/Si substitution at an individual site, which tends to populate particular T sites (e.g. the T14 site), and the Al-Al interaction, which at this Si/Al maximises Al-Al distances in agreement with Dempsey’s rule. However, it is found that the interaction energy changes approximately as the inverse of the square of the distance between the two Al atoms, rather than the inverse of the distance expected if this were merely charge repulsion. Moreover, we find that the anisotropic nature of the framework density plays an important role in determining the magnitude of the interactions, which are not simply dependent on Al-Al distances.


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Ca addition on the microstructure, physical characteristics (density/porosity), and mechanical properties (tensile and impact strength) has been investigated in an Al-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe (x = 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7) alloy. The size of Al-Fe intermetallic platelets (beta-Al5FeSi) increased with increasing Fe content. The addition of Ca modified the eutectic microstructure and also reduced the size of intermetallic Fe-platelets, causing improved elongation and impact strengths. A low level of Ca addition (39 ppm) reduced the porosity of the alloys. The tensile strength was decreased marginally with Ca addition. However, Ca addition improved the ductility of the alloy by 18.3, 16.7, and 44 pet and the impact strength by 44, 48, and 15.8 pct for Fe contents of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7 pct, respectively.


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A number of commercial Al-Sr master alloys of differing Sr content and product form have been added to Al-7Si-0.5Mg casting alloy melts and held at constant temperature for periods up to 7 hours following the addition. The master alloys were added to achieve a specific Sr target level of 200 ppm, and the melts were held at various temperatures (most at 710ºC, but also 670, 690, 740 and 770ºC). A total of thirty six melt trials were conducted and during each trial chill-cast disc samples were taken throughout for subsequent chemical analysis. The Sr concentration versus time data of each trial has been considered in terms of Sr dissolution/recovery behaviour, as well as Sr loss/fade. Trends in the data are identified and discussed, and implications for industrial practices are suggested.


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The increasingly strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions make the fuel economy a pressing factor for automotive manufacturers. Lightweighting and engine downsizing are two strategies pursued to achieve the target. In this context, materials play a key role since these limit the engine efficiency and components weight, due to their acceptable thermo-mechanical loads. Piston is one of the most stressed engine components and it is traditionally made of Al alloys, whose weakness is to maintain adequate mechanical properties at high temperature due to overaging and softening. The enhancement in strength-to-weight ratio at high temperature of Al alloys had been investigated through two approaches: increase of strength at high temperature or reduction of the alloy density. Several conventional and high performance Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys have been characterized from a microstructural and mechanical point of view, investigating the effects of chemical composition, addition of transition elements and heat treatment optimization, in the specific temperature range for pistons operations. Among the Al-Cu alloys, the research outlines the potentialities of two innovative Al-Cu-Li(-Ag) alloys, typically adopted for structural aerospace components. Moreover, due to the increased probability of abnormal combustions in high performance spark-ignition engines, the second part of the dissertation deals with the study of knocking damages on Al pistons. Thanks to the cooperation with Ferrari S.p.A. and Fluid Machinery Research Group - Unibo, several bench tests have been carried out under controlled knocking conditions. Knocking damage mechanisms were investigated through failure analyses techniques, starting from visual analysis up to detailed SEM investigations. These activities allowed to relate piston knocking damage to engine parameters, with the final aim to develop an on-board knocking controller able to increase engine efficiency, without compromising engine functionality. Finally, attempts have been made to quantify the knock-induced damages, to provide a numerical relation with engine working conditions.