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I have completed 80% of a teaching text book (text and graphics) on Separation Science and Technology - Theory. The book's content is what I've learned over many years of practice and teaching with an emphasis on clarifying and explaining the nuances within the theories associated with various practical approaches to chemical and biochemical separations.
The book is divided into self-contained Chapters with many worked examples and practice questions. It very much aligns with my teaching on CHM3005D, CHM2010, CHM2007 and is ideal for PMY8105 and the new proposed MSci in Analytical Chemistry Programme. The book brings together diverse material in single space and will be a valuable pedagogical resource for the teaching of this key discipline within QUB and elsewhere.
This thesis research was a qualitative case study of a single class of Interdisciplinary Studies: Introduction to Engineering taught in a secondary school. The study endeavoured to explore students' experiences in and perceptions of the course, and to investigate the viability of engineering as an interdisciplinary theme at the secondary school level. Data were collected in the form of student questionnaires, the researcher's observations and reflections, and artefacts representative of students' work. Data analysis was performed by coding textual data and classifying text segments into common themes. The themes that emerged from the data were aligned with facets of interdisciplinary study, including making connections, project-based learning, and student engagement and affective outcomes. The findings of the study showed that students were positive about their experiences in the course, and enjoyed its project-driven nature. Content from mathematics, physics, and technological design was easily integrated under the umbrella of engineering. Students felt that the opportunity to develop problem solving and teamwork skills were two of the most important aspects of the course and could be relevant not only for engineering, but for other disciplines or their day-to-day lives after secondary school. The study concluded that engineering education in secondary school can be a worthwhile experience for a variety of students and not just those intending postsecondary study in engineering. This has implications for the inclusion of engineering in the secondary school curriculum and can inform the practice of curriculum planners at the school, school board, and provincial levels. Suggested directions for further research include classroom-based action research in the areas of technological education, engineering education in secondary school, and interdisciplinary education.
Objectif. Étudier les comportements alimentaires des enfants utilisateurs de boîte à lunch tels que décrits par les mères, en s’inspirant des descripteurs de comportements alimentaires de Jean-Pierre Poulain. Méthodes. Des entrevues individuelles et de groupes eurent lieu avec 18 mères. Une analyse de données qualitatives a été réalisée en utilisant les dimensions de Poulain comme cadre de référence. Une considération additionnelle fut intégrée dans l’analyse, celle de la dimension matérielle de la boîte à lunch. Résultats. Dimension spatiale : Les repas ont lieu dans des classes ou dans de grandes salles communes. Dimension temporelle : Le moment et la durée de la consommation du repas varient selon différents facteurs. Le moment de préparation de la boîte est aussi d’intérêt. Environnement social : Les pairs et les médias ont une grande influence dans les comportements liés à la boîte à lunch. Logique de choix : La mère est le principal décideur et acteur à l’égard du contenu. Structure de la prise : Les mères précisent des contenus associés aux repas de la veille ou des mets froids. Des desserts et des à-côtés accompagnent le repas principal. L’étude de la dimension matérielle de la boîte révèle que la facilité d’entretien est le principal critère de choix des boîtes alors que l’apparence visuelle est celui de l’enfant. L’écologie devient de plus en plus une priorité. Conclusion. Cette nouvelle approche pour l’étude des comportements alimentaires du jeune utilisateur de boîte à lunch fournit aux intervenants une autre perspective selon laquelle étudier cette activité quotidienne et/ou élaborer des projets promotionnels en santé publique.
Science and technology of rubber reclamation with special attention to NR-based waste latex products
A comprehensive overview of reclamation of cured rubber with special emphasis on latex reclamation is depicted in this paper. The latex industry has expanded over the years to meet the world demands for gloves, condoms, latex thread, etc. Due to the strict specifications for the products and the unstable nature of the latex as high as 15% of the final latex products are rejected. As waste latex rubber (WLR) represents a source of high-quality rubber hydrocarbon, it is a potential candidate for generating reclaimed rubber of superior quality. The role of the different components in the reclamation recipe is explained and the reaction mechanism and chemistry during reclamation are discussed in detail. Different types of reclaiming processes are described with special reference to processes, which selectively cleave the cross links in the vulcanized rubber. The state-of-the-art techniques of reclamation with special attention on latex treatment are reviewed. An overview of the latest development concerning the fundamental studies in the field of rubber recycling by means of low-molecular weight compounds is described. A mathematical model description of main-chain and crosslink scission during devulcanization of a rubber vulcanizate is also given.
Es el punto de partida para el aprendizaje de la ciencia con todas las respuestas a las preguntas que un niño puede hacer respecto a él mismo y el mundo que le rodea. Cuenta con actividades que no requieren un equipo especial y recuadros con más información.