991 resultados para Agricultural crops
In order to determine the presence of Fusarium spp. in atmospheric dust and rainfall dust, samples were collected during September 2007, and July, August, and October 2008. The results reveal the prevalence of airborne Fusarium species coming from the atmosphere of the South East coast of Spain. Five different Fusarium species were isolated from the settling dust: Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, F. equiseti, F. dimerum, and F. proliferatum. Moreover, rainwater samples were obtained during significant rainfall events in January and February 2009. Using the dilution-plate method, 12 fungal genera were identified from these rainwater samples. Specific analyses of the rainwater revealed the presence of three species of Fusarium: F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum and F. equiseti. A total of 57 isolates of Fusarium spp. obtained from both rainwater and atmospheric rainfall dust sampling were inoculated onto melon (Cucumis melo L.) cv. Piñonet and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. San Pedro. These species were chosen because they are the main herbaceous crops in Almeria province. The results presented in this work indicate strongly that spores or propagules of Fusarium are able to cross the continental barrier carried by winds from the Sahara (Africa) to crop or coastal lands in Europe. Results show differences in the pathogenicity of the isolates tested. Both hosts showed root rot when inoculated with different species of Fusarium, although fresh weight measurements did not bring any information about the pathogenicity. The findings presented above are strong indications that long-distance transmission of Fusarium propagules may occur. Diseases caused by species of Fusarium are common in these areas. They were in the past, and are still today, a problem for greenhouses crops in Almería, and many species have been listed as pathogens on agricultural crops in this region. Saharan air masses dominate the Mediterranean regions. The evidence of long distance dispersal of Fusarium spp. by atmospheric dust and rainwater together with their proved pathogenicity must be taken into account in epidemiological studies.
Los patógenos han desarrollado estrategias para sobrevivir en su entorno, infectar a sus huéspedes, multiplicarse dentro de estos y posteriormente transmitirse a otros huéspedes. Todos estos componentes hacen parte de la eficacia biológica de los patógenos, y les permiten ser los causantes de enfermedades infecciosas tanto en hombres y animales, como en plantas. El proceso de infección produce efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del huésped y la gravedad de los efectos, dependerá de la virulencia del patógeno. Por su parte, el huésped ha desarrollado mecanismos de respuesta en contra del patógeno, tales como la resistencia, por la que reduce la multiplicación del patógeno, o la tolerancia, por la que disminuye el efecto negativo de la infección. Estas respuestas del huésped a la infección producen efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del patógeno, actuando como una presión selectiva sobre su población. Si la presión selectiva sobre el patógeno varía según el huésped, se predice que un mismo patógeno no podrá aumentar su eficacia biológica en distintos huéspedes y estará más adaptado a un huésped y menos a otro, disminuyendo su gama de huéspedes. Esto supone que la adaptación de un patógeno a distintos huéspedes estará a menudo dificultada por compromisos (trade-off) en diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del patógeno. Hasta el momento, la evidencia de compromisos de la adaptación del patógeno a distintos huéspedes no es muy abundante, en lo que se respecta a los virus de plantas. En las últimas décadas, se ha descrito un aumento en la incidencia de virus nuevos o previamente descritos que producen enfermedades infecciosas con mayor gravedad y/o diferente patogenicidad, como la infección de huéspedes previamente resistentes. Esto se conoce como la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas y está causada por patógenos emergentes, que proceden de un huésped reservorio donde se encuentran adaptados. Los huéspedes que actúan como reservorios pueden ser plantas silvestres, que a menudo presentan pocos síntomas o muy leves a pesar de estar infectados con diferentes virus, y asimismo se encuentran en ecosistemas con ninguna o poca intervención humana. El estudio de los factores ecológicos y biológicos que actúan en el proceso de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas, ayudará a entender sus causas para crear estrategias de prevención y control. Los virus son los principales patógenos causales de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas en humanos, animales y plantas y un buen modelo para entender los procesos de la emergencia. Asimismo, las plantas a diferencia de los animales, son huéspedes fáciles de manipular y los virus que las afectan, más seguros para el trabajo en laboratorio que los virus de humanos y animales, otros modelos también usados en la investigación. Por lo tanto, la interacción virus – planta es un buen modelo experimental para el estudio de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas. El estudio de la emergencia de virus en plantas tiene también un interés particular, debido a que los virus pueden ocasionar pérdidas económicas en los cultivos agrícolas y poner en riesgo la durabilidad de la resistencia de plantas mejoradas, lo que supone un riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria con impactos importantes en la sociedad, comparables con las enfermedades infecciosas de humanos y animales domésticos. Para que un virus se convierta en un patógeno emergente debe primero saltar desde su huésped reservorio a un nuevo huésped, segundo adaptarse al nuevo huésped hasta que la infección dentro de la población de éste se vuelva independiente del reservorio y finalmente debe cambiar su epidemiología. En este estudio, se escogió la emergencia del virus del mosaico del pepino dulce (PepMV) en el tomate, como modelo experimental para estudiar la emergencia de un virus en una nueva especie de huésped, así como las infecciones de distintos genotipos del virus del moteado atenuado del pimiento (PMMoV) en pimiento, para estudiar la emergencia de un virus que aumenta su patogenicidad en un huésped previamente resistente. El estudio de ambos patosistemas nos permitió ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores ecológicos y evolutivos en las dos primeras fases de la emergencia de enfermedades virales en plantas. El PepMV es un patógeno emergente en cultivos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) a nivel mundial, que se describió primero en 1980 infectando pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum L.) en Perú, y casi una década después causando una epidemia en cultivos de tomate en Holanda. La introducción a Europa posiblemente fue a través de semillas infectadas de tomate procedentes de Perú, y desde entonces se han descrito nuevos aislados que se agrupan en cuatro cepas (EU, LP, CH2, US1) que infectan a tomate. Sin embargo, el proceso de su emergencia desde pepino dulce hasta tomate es un interrogante de gran interés, porque es uno de los virus emergentes más recientes y de gran importancia económica. Para la emergencia de PepMV en tomate, se recolectaron muestras de tomate silvestre procedentes del sur de Perú, se analizó la presencia y diversidad de aislados de PepMV y se caracterizaron tanto biológicamente (gama de huéspedes), como genéticamente (secuencias genomicas). Se han descrito en diferentes regiones del mundo aislados de PMMoV que han adquirido la capacidad de infectar variedades previamente resistentes de pimiento (Capsicum spp), es decir, un típico caso de emergencia de virus que implica la ampliación de su gama de huéspedes y un aumento de patogenicidad. Esto tiene gran interés, ya que compromete el uso de variedades resistentes obtenidas por mejora genética, que es la forma de control de virus más eficaz que existe. Para estudiar la emergencia de genotipos altamente patogénicos de PMMoV, se analizaron clones biológicos de PMMoV procedentes de aislados de campo cuya patogenicidad era conocida (P1,2) y por mutagénesis se les aumentó la patogenicidad (P1,2,3 y P1,2,3,4), introduciendo las mutaciones descritas como responsables de estos fenotipos. Se analizó si el aumento de la patogenicidad conlleva un compromiso en la eficacia biológica de los genotipos de PMMoV. Para ello se evaluaron diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del virus en diferentes huéspedes con distintos alelos de resistencia. Los resultados de esta tesis demuestran: i). El potencial de las plantas silvestres como reservorios de virus emergentes, en este caso tomates silvestres del sur de Perú, así como la existencia en estas plantas de aislados de PepMV de una nueva cepa no descrita que llamamos PES. ii) El aumento de la gama de huéspedes no es una condición estricta para la emergencia de los virus de plantas. iii) La adaptación es el mecanismo más probable en la emergencia de PepMV en tomate cultivado. iv) El aumento de la patogenicidad tiene un efecto pleiotrópico en distintos componentes de la eficacia biológica, así mismo el signo y magnitud de este efecto dependerá del genotipo del virus, del huésped y de la interacción de estos factores. ABSTRACT host Pathogens have evolved strategies to survive in their environment, infecting their hosts, multiplying inside them and being transmitted to other hosts. All of these components form part of the pathogen fitness, and allow them to be the cause of infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. The infection process produces negative effects on the host fitness and the effects severity will depend on the pathogen virulence. On the other hand, hosts have developed response mechanisms against pathogens such as resistance, which reduces the growth of pathogens, or tolerance, which decreases the negative effects of infection. T he se responses of s to infection cause negative effects on the pathogen fitness, acting as a selective pressure on its population. If the selective pressures on pathogens va ry according to the host s , probably one pathogen cannot increase its fitness in different hosts and will be more adapted to one host and less to another, decreasing its host range. This means that the adaptation of one pathogen to different hosts , will be often limited by different trade - off components of biological effectiveness of pathogen. Nowadays , trade - off evidence of pathogen adaptation to different hosts is not extensive, in relation with plant viruses. In last decades, an increase in the incidence of new or previously detected viruses has been described, causing infectious diseases with increased severity and/or different pathogenicity, such as the hosts infection previously resistants. This is known as the emergence of infectious diseases and is caused by emerging pathogens that come from a reservoir host where they are adapted. The hosts which act as reservoirs can be wild plants, that often have few symptoms or very mild , despite of being infected with different viruses, and being found in ecosystems with little or any human intervention. The study of ecological and biological factors , acting in the process of the infectious diseases emergence will help to understand its causes to create strategies for its prevention and control. Viruses are the main causative pathogens of the infectious diseases emergence in humans, animals and plants, and a good model to understand the emergency processes. Likewise, plants in contrast to animals are easy host to handle and viruses that affect them, safer for laboratory work than viruses of humans and animals, another models used in research. Therefore, the interaction plant-virus is a good experimental model for the study of the infectious diseases emergence. The study of virus emergence in plants also has a particular interest, because the viruses can cause economic losses in agricultural crops and threaten the resistance durability of improved plants, it suppose a risk for food security with significant impacts on society, comparable with infectious diseases of humans and domestic animals. To become an emerging pathogen, a virus must jump first from its reservoir host to a new host, then adapt to a new host until the infection within the population becomes independent from the reservoir, and finally must change its epidemiology. In this study, the emergence of pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato, was selected as experimental model to study the emergence of a virus in a new host specie, as well as the infections of different genotypes of pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) in pepper, to study the emergence of a virus that increases its pathogenicity in a previously resistant host. The study of both Pathosystems increased our knowledge about the ecological and evolutionary factors in the two first phases of the emergence of viral diseases in plants. The PepMV is an emerging pathogen in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in the world, which was first described in 1980 by infecting pepino (Solanum muricatum L.) in Peru, and almost after a decade caused an epidemic in tomato crops in Netherlands. The introduction to Europe was possibly through infected tomato seeds from Peru, and from then have been described new isolates that are grouped in four strains (EU, LP, CH2, US1) that infect tomato. However, the process of its emergence from pepino up tomato is a very interesting question, because it is one of the newest emerging viruses and economically important. For the PepMV emergence in tomato, wild tomato samples from southern Peru were collected, and the presence and diversity of PepMV isolates were analyzed and characterized at biological (host range) and genetics (genomic sequences) levels. Isolates from PMMoV have been described in different world regions which have acquired the ability to infect pepper varieties that were previously resistants (Capsicum spp), it means, a typical case of virus emergence which involves the host range extension and an increased pathogenicity. This is of great interest due to involve the use of resistant varieties obtained by breeding, which is the most effective way to control virus. To study the emergence of highly pathogenic genotypes of PMMoV, biological clones from field isolates whose pathogenicity was known were analyzed (P1,2) and by mutagenesis we increased its pathogenicity (P1,2,3 and P1,2, 3,4), introducing the mutations described as responsible for these phenotypes. We analyzed whether the increased pathogenicity involves a trade-off in fitness of PMMoV genotypes. For this aim, different components of virus fitness in different hosts with several resistance alleles were evaluated. The results of this thesis show: i). The potential of wild plants as reservoirs of emerging viruses, in this case wild tomatoes in southern Peru, and the existence in these plants of PepMV isolates of a new undescribed strain that we call PES. ii) The host range expansion is not a strict condition for the plant virus emergence. iii) The adaptation is the most likely mechanism in the PepMV emergence in cultivated tomato. iv) The increased pathogenicity has a pleiotropic effect on several fitness components, besides the sign and magnitude of this effect depends on the virus genotype, the host and the interaction of both.
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de lodos residuales procedentes de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales acondicionados como biosólido para el abonado de tres cultivos agrícolas. Esto se realizó a través del estudio de las variables de producción (desarrollo vegetal de cada cultivo) y de la comparación de las características de los suelos utilizados antes y después de los ensayos experimentales. A través de la investigación se confirmó la mejora en la calidad del suelo y mejor rendimiento de cultivo debido a los biosólidos procedentes de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Este trabajo de investigación de tipo descriptivo y experimental, utilizó lodos optimizados que fueron aplicados a tres cultivos agrícolas de ciclo corto. Fueron evaluados dos cultivos (sandía y tomate) bajo riego y un cultivo (arroz) en secano. En la primera fase del trabajo se realizó la caracterización de los lodos, para ellos se realizaron pruebas físico químicas y microbiológicas. Fue utilizado el método de determinación de metales por espectrometría de emisión atómica de plasma acoplado inductivamente, (ICP-AES) para conocer las concentraciones de metales. La caracterización microbiológica para coliformes totales y fecales se realizó utilizando la técnica del Número más probable (NMP), y para la identificación de organismos patógenos se utilizó el método microbiológico propuesto por Kornacki & Johnson (2001), que se fundamenta en dos procesos: pruebas presuntivas y prueba confirmativa. Tanto los resultados para la determinación de metales y elementos potencialmente tóxicos; como las pruebas para la determinación de microorganismos potencialmente peligrosos, estuvieron por debajo de los límites considerados peligrosos establecidos por la normativa vigente en Panama (Reglamento Técnico COPANIT 47-2000). Una vez establecido la caracterización de los lodos, se evalúo el potencial de nutrientes (macro y micro) presentes en los biosólidos para su potencial de uso como abono en cultivos agrícolas. El secado de lodos fue realizado a través de una era de secado, donde los lodos fueron deshidratados hasta alcanzar una textura pastosa. “La pasta de lodo” fue transportada al área de los ensayos de campo para continuar el proceso de secado y molida. Tres ensayos experimentales fueron diseñados al azar con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones para cada uno de los tres cultivos: sandía, tomate, arroz, en parcelas de 10m2 (sandía y tomate) y 20 m2 (arroz) para cada tratamiento. Tres diferentes dosis de biosólidos fueron evaluadas y comparadas con un tratamiento de fertilizante comercial y un tratamiento control. La dosis de fertilizante comercial utilizada en cada cultivo fue la recomendada por el Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria de Panamá. Los ensayos consideraron la caracterización inicial del suelo, la preparación del suelo, semilla, y arreglo topográfico de los cultivos siguiendo las recomendaciones agronómicas de manejo de cultivo establecida por el Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria. Para los ensayos de sandía y tomate se instaló el sistema de riego por goteo. Se determinaron los ácidos húmicos presentes en los cultivos, y se estudiaron las variables de desarrollo de cada cultivo (fructificación, cosecha, peso de la cosecha, dimensiones de tamaño y color de las frutas, rendimiento, y la relación costo – rendimiento). También se estudiaron las variaciones de los macro y micro nutrientes y las variaciones de pH, textura de suelo y MO disponible al inicio y al final de cada uno de los ensayos de campo. Todas las variables y covariables fueron analizadas utilizando el programa estadístico INFOSAT (software para análisis estadístico de aplicación general) mediante el análisis de varianza, el método de comparaciones múltiples propuesto por Fisher (LSD Fisher) para comparar las medias de los cultivares y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson que nos permite analizar si existe una asociación lineal entre dos variables. En la evaluación de los aportes del biosólido a los cultivos se observó que los macronutrientes N y P se encontraban de los límites requeridos en cada uno de los cultivos, pero que los niveles de K estuvieron por debajo de los requerimientos de los cultivos. A nivel de la fertilización tradicional con fertilizante químico se observó que la dosis recomendada para cada uno de los cultivos del estudio estaba sobreestimada en los tres principales macronutrientes: Nitrógeno, Fosforo y Potasio. Contenían concentraciones superiores de N, P y K a las requeridas teóricamente por el cultivo. El nutriente que se aporta en exceso es el Fósforo. Encontramos que para el cultivo de sandía era 18 veces mayor a lo requerido por el cultivo, en tomate fue 12 veces mayor y en el cultivo de arroz, 34 veces mayor. El fertilizante comercial tuvo una influencia en el peso final y rendimiento final en cada uno de los cultivos del estudio. A diferencia, los biosólidos tuvieron una influencia directa en el desarrollo de los cultivos (germinación, coloración, tamaño, longitud, diámetro, floración y resistencia a enfermedades). Para el caso de la sandía la dosis de biosólido más cercana al óptimo para el cultivo es la mayor dosis aplicada en este ensayo (97.2 gramos de biosólido por planta). En el caso de tomate, el fertilizante comercial obtuvo los mejores valores, pero las diferencias son mínimas con relación al tratamiento T1, de menor dosis de biosólido (16.2 gramos de biosólido por planta). Los resultados generales del ensayo de tomate estuvieron por debajo del rendimiento esperado para el cultivo. Los tratamientos de aplicación de biosólidos aportaron al desarrollo del cultivo en las variables tamaño, color y resistencia a las enfermedades dentro del cultivo de tomate. Al igual que el tomate, en el caso del arroz, el tratamiento comercial obtuvo los mejores resultados. Los resultados finales de peso y rendimiento del cultivo indican que el tratamiento (T2), menor dosis de biosólido (32.4 gramos por parcela), no tuvo diferencias significativas con los resultados obtenidos en las parcelas con aplicación de fertilizante comercial (T1). El tratamiento T4 (mayor dosis de biosólido) obtuvo los mejores valores para las variables germinación, ahijamiento y espigamiento del cultivo, pero al momento de la maduración obtuvo los menores resultados. Los biosólidos aportan nutrientes a los cultivos y al final del ensayo se observó que permanecen disponibles en el suelo, aportando a la mejora del suelo final. En los tres ensayos, se pudo comprobar que los aportes de los biosólidos en el desarrollo vegetativo de los cultivos. También se encontró en todos los ensayos que no hubo diferencias significativas (p > 0.05) entre los tratamientos de biosólidos y fertilizante comercial. Para obtener mejores resultados en estos tres ensayos se requeriría que a la composición de biosólidos (utilizada en este ensayo) se le adicione Potasio, Calcio y Magnesio en las cantidades requeridas por cada uno de los cultivos. ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of residual sewage sludge obtained from the residual water of a treatment plant conditioned as Biosolid used on three reliable agricultural crops. The effect of the added sewage sludge was evaluated through the measurement of production variables such as crop plant development and the comparison of the soil characteristics used before and after the experimental tests. This investigation confirmed that biosolids from wastewater treatment can contribute to the growth of these crops. In this experimental approach, optimized sludge was applied to three short-cycle crops including two low-risk crops (watermelon and tomato) and one high-risk crop (rice) all grown on dry land. In the first phase of work, the characteristics of the sludge were assessed using chemical, physical and microbiological tests. The concentrations of metals were determined by atomic emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasma, (ICP-AES). Microbiological characterization was performed measuring total coliform and fecal count using the most probable number technique (NMP) and microbiological pathogens were identified using Kornacki & Johnson (2001) method based on two processes: presumptive and confirmatory tests. Both the results for the determination of metals and potentially toxic elements, as testing for the determination of potentially dangerous microorganisms were below the limits established by the applicable standard in Panama (Technical Regulate COPANIT 47-2000). After the metal and bacterial characterization of the sludge, the presence of macro or micronutrients in biosolids was measured to evaluate its potential for use as fertilizer in the growth of agricultural crops. The sludge was dehydrated via a drying process into a muddy slurry. The pulp slurry was transported to the field trial area to continue the process of drying and grinding. Three randomized experimental trials were designed to test with five treatment regimens and four replications for each of the crops: watermelon, tomato, rice. The five treatment regimens evaluated were three different doses of bio solid with commercial fertilizer treatment control and no fertilizer treatment control. Treatment areas for the watermelon and tomato were 10m2 plots land and for rice was 20m2. The amount of commercial fertilizer used to treat each crop was based on the amount recommended by Agricultural Research Institute of Panama. The experimental trials considered initial characterization of soil, soil preparation, seed, and crop topographical arrangement following agronomic crop management recommendations. For the tests evaluating the growth of watermelons and tomatoes and drip irrigation system was installed. The amount of humic acids present in the culture were determined and developmental variable of each crop were studied (fruiting crop harvest weight, size dimensions and color of the fruit, performance and cost effectiveness). Changes in macro and micronutrients and changes in pH, soil texture and OM available were measured at the beginning and end of each field trial. All variables and covariates were analyzed using INFOSAT statistical program (software for statistical analysis of general application) by analysis of variance, multiple comparisons method as proposed by Fisher (LSD Fisher) to compare the means of cultivars and the Pearson ratio that allows us to analyze if there is a linear association between two variables. In evaluating the contribution of biosolids to agricultural crops, the study determined that the macronutrients N & P were within the requirements of crops, but K levels were below the requirements of crops. In terms of traditional chemical fertilizer fertilization, we observed that the recommended dose for each study crop was overestimated for the three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Higher concentrations containing N, P and K to the theoretically required by the crop. The recommended dose of commercial fertilizer for crops study contained greater amounts of phosphorus, crops that need. The level of phosphorous was found to be18 times greater than was required for the cultivation of watermelon; 12 times higher than required for tomato, and 34 times higher than required for rice cultivation. Phosphorus inputs of commercial fertilizer were a primary influence on the weight and performance of each crop. Unlike biosolids had a direct influence on crop development (germination, color, size, length, diameter, flowering and disease resistance). In the case of growth of watermelons, the Biosolid dose closest to the optimum for cultivation was applied the highest dose in this assay (97.2 grams of bio solids per plant). In the case of tomatoes, commercial fertilizer had the best values but the differences were minimal when compared to treatment T1, the lower dose of sewage sludge (Biosolid 16.2 grams per plant). The overall results for the tomato crop yield of the trial were lower than expected. Additionally, the application of biosolids treatment contributed to the development of fruit of variable size, color and disease resistance in the tomato crops. Similar to the tomato crop, commercial fertilizer treatment provided the best results for the rice crop. The final results of weight and crop yield for rice indicated that treatment with T2 amount of biosolids (34.2 grams per plot) was not significantly different from the result obtained in the application plot given commercial fertilizer (T1). The T4 (higher dose of bio solid) treatment had the best values for the germination, tillering and bolting variables of the rice crop but for fruit ripening yielded lower results. In all three trials, biosolids demonstrated the ability to contribute in the vegetative growth of crops. It was also found in all test no significant differences (p>0.05) between treatment of bio solid and commercial fertilizer. Biosolids provided nutrients to the crops and even at the end of the trial remained available in the ground soil, contributing to the improvement of the final ground. The best results from these three trials is that the use of bio solids such as those used in this assay would require the addition of potassium, calcium and magnesium in quantities required for each crop.
Se presenta un trabajo de investigación toponímica en La Rioja con enfoque geobotánico. La premisa de partida es que la toponimia relacionada con especies y agrupaciones vegetales, productos forestales y usos del suelo proporciona información valiosa sobre la corología y la dinámica de la vegetación al ser clasificada y analizada con criterios biogeográficos y ecológicos. Se ha elegido la región riojana como zona piloto, al concurrir distintos tipos fisonómicos de vegetación y un conjunto muy diverso de comunidades vegetales representativas del paisaje peninsular. Se añade una larga historia de usos agrícolas en la llanura del Ebro que contrasta con la predominante actividad forestal en las zonas montañosas, en particular la potenciación de los pastos para ganadería trashumante. La Rioja tiene carácter de encrucijada no sólo fitocorológica: es también tierra de fronteras políticas y transiciones lingüísticas. En el léxico y la toponimia conviven variantes puras del castellano, rasgos del romance navarro-aragonés, elementos genuinos de una variante medieval riojana, palabras mozárabes y un numeroso y significativo elenco de topónimos de origen vasco. El trabajo se inicia con unas consideraciones epistemológicas. Se establece un planteamiento de la Toponimia como ciencia interdisciplinar, la etiología de los nombres geográficos, así como su valor apelativo descriptor de los atributos del paisaje. Se enumeran los condicionantes metodológicos de la investigación toponímica y se desarrolla una reflexión sobre las particularidades de la toponimia geobotánica. Se dedica un epígrafe a reseñar estudios precedentes de toponimia botánica y ecológica y el estado actual de conocimientos sobre la toponimia de La Rioja. La delimitación superficial de los parajes designados por los nombres geográficos es clave para un análisis orientado a detectar la correspondencia entre los elementos aludidos por el topónimo y las especies y comunidades vegetales. Las áreas de distribución y presencia, así como las transformaciones del paisaje, quedan definidas en superficies acotadas territorialmente. La metodología seguida se basa en la revisión exhaustiva de fuentes toponímicas ya existentes; destacadamente, los datos procedentes de la cartografía del Castro de Rústica, adscritos a polígonos con dimensión espacial. Las denominaciones de las parcelas catastrales se han complementado con los nombres geográficos del Diccionario de Toponimia Actual de La Rioja (DTALR) (González Blanco, 1987), el nomenclátor NomGeo del IGN, y algunas recopilaciones toponímicas municipales. De la base de datos conjunta se han seleccionado los topónimos con significado geobotánico. Se propone una taxonomía de grupos semánticos basada en categorías de estructura (arbolado, matorral, cubiertas herbáceas y áreas de vegetación escasa o rala) y en la adscripción a tipos de vegetación potencialmente dominantes, ordenados según una escala de higrofilia decreciente). También se reseñan topónimos referentes a usos y aprovechamientos en el medio rural: dehesas, ganadería, productos forestales y algunos cultivos agrícolas. El trabajo reúne en un repertorio sistemático los datos toponímicos, acopiados por comarcas y términos municipales. Se incluye la relación de nombres geográficos encontrados por campos nocionales y se comentan los nombres vernáculos que les han dado origen y su etimología. Quedan señalados los topónimos georreferenciados y asignados a entidades superficiales en la cartografía digital catastral, que se ha superpuesto a mapas forestales a escalas 1:200.000 y 1:50.000, en cuya elaboración participamos. El análisis ha permitido definir “topónimo externo” como el recinto catastral en que la especie o agrupación aludida no tiene presencia en la vegetación actual, al menos como dominante. Los topónimos externos más significativos de cada grupo han sido analizados describiendo la cubierta vegetal actual correspondiente, lo que permite interpretar, junto con las características fisiográficas del paraje, las causas posibles de ausencia del elemento aludido, teniendo en cuenta criterios generales de mesología, de dinámica de la vegetación y de la historia de la acción humana. El trabajo se cierra con un capítulo de conclusiones generales, conceptuales y metodológicas, así como una relación de líneas de profundización de la investigación que quedan apuntadas. Se completa con una relación de fuentes y referencias bibliográficas fundamentales. ABSTRACT This paper presents a study of the toponymy of La Rioja with a specific focus on place names reflecting the region’s geobotany. Its underlying premise is that the toponymy associated with plant species and communities, forest products and land uses can provide valuable information about the chorology and vegetation dynamics when classified and analysed using biogeographical and ecological criteria. La Rioja has been chosen for this pilot study because it concentrates vegetation types of distinct physiognomy and a highly diverse set of plant communities that can be considered representative of the vegetation of the peninsula’s landscapes. This combines with a long history of different agricultural uses on the Ebro plain that contrast with the predominance of forestry activity in the more mountainous areas, in particular the promotion of pasture for livestock transhumance. Indeed, La Rioja is not only a crossroads in terms of its phytochorology, but it is also a land of political boundaries and language transitions. Coexisting in its lexicon and toponymy, we find pure Castilian variants, features from the Romance language of Navarro-Aragonese, genuine elements of the medieval variant of the Riojan dialect, words of Mozarabic and a large and significant list of place names of Basque origin. The paper begins by outlining a number of epistemological considerations and establishes an interdisciplinary approach to toponymy, the aetiology of geographical names, and their value in the descriptive naming of the features of a landscape. It continues by enumerating the methodological determinants of toponymic research and reflects on the specific characteristics of geobotanical toponyms. The next section is dedicated to examining previous studies of botanical and ecological place names and providing a state-of-the-art review of the toponymy of La Rioja. Delimiting the sites designated by the geographical names is essential to any analysis designed to detect the correspondence between the elements alluded to by the toponyms and plant species and communities. These areas of distribution and presence, as well as the landscape changes, are defined in terms of spatially delimited surface areas. The methodology adopted involves an exhaustive review of existing toponymic sources; in particular, data obtained from the maps of the Rustic Cadastre, assigned to spatial polygons. The names of these cadastral parcels are complemented by the geographical names taken from the Diccionario de Toponimia Actual de La Rioja (DTALR) (González Blanco, 1987); the gazetteer – NomGeo, published by Spain’s Instituto Geográfico Nacional; and, various municipal list of toponyms. Place names with a geobotanical meaning were then selected from this joint database. The paper proposes a taxonomy of semantic groups based on structural categories (namely wooded areas, brushland, grassy areas and areas of scanty or sparse vegetation) and assignment to the potentially dominant type of vegetation (ordered on a scale of decreasing hygrophilic trends). Place names referring to land uses and practices in rural areas – including, pasture, livestock, forest products and some agricultural crops – are also described. The study produces a systematic list of toponyms ordered by counties and municipalities. The geographical names are organised by notional fields and the vernacular names that have given rise to them and their etymology are discussed. The toponyms are georeferenced and assigned to surface elements on the digital cadastral map, superimposed on forest maps at scales of 1:200,000 and 1:50,000, in the production of which the authors participated. The analysis has allowed us to define “external toponyms” as those cadastral parcels in which the plant species or group alluded to is no longer present in the vegetation, at least as the dominant type. The most significant external toponyms in each group have been analysed by describing the corresponding, present-day vegetation cover, which allows us to interpret, along with the physiographic features of the site, the possible causes of the absence of the aforementioned element, bearing in mind general criteria of mesology, vegetation dynamics and the history of human action. The paper finishes by offering a number of general conceptual and methodological conclusions, and a list of areas that future research can usefully examine. The study is supplemented with a list of sources and key references.
A rider to a US law, the Consolidated and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, known as the Farmer Assurance Provision, encourages the large-scale genetic modification and global distribution of agricultural crops, thereby undermining the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' determination that food security rests on biodiversity. The rider blocks the US Department of Agriculture's mandate to prohibit farmers from growing crops from biotechnological seeds where the courts have found that this farm practice may cause damage to human health and/or degrade the environment. Despite genetically modified organisms (GMOs) reducing unwanted traits in plants, the paper supports the UN's mission for biodiversity and that more long-term testing was (and is) needed for GMO products, developed from 1994 on, before a hasty piece of Congressional legislation as was made in this case.
El análisis multitemporal permite detectar cambios entre diferentes fechas de referencia, deduciendo la evolución del medio natural o las repercusiones de la acción humana sobre el medio. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar el cambio de uso del suelo en el Paisaje Terrestre Miraflor Moropotente en el período 1993-2011, a través de imágenes satelitales, a fin de determinar el estado de fragmentación del paisaje. Los cambios de usos de suelo fueron derivados de la clasificación de tres imágenes Landsat TM, con una resolución espacial de 30 metros tomadas en febrero de 1993, abril de 2000 y enero 2011. Se realizó una verificación en campo para la identificación de coberturas de suelo y la corroboración en las imágenes satelitales. La fragmentación se realizó con el cálculo de métricas e índices de fragmentación a nivel del paisaje. Los principales resultados muestran que los cambios de uso de suelo están determinados por la degradación antrópica, principalmente en la conversión de la vegetación nativa a espacios agrícolas y la expansión de la ganadería. El crecimiento demográfico y los monocultivos van ejerciendo presión sobre el bosque, transformando zonas de vocación forestal a cultivos agrícolas. Los cambios de cobertura han significado un paisaje fragmentado con diferentes grados de perturbación, que conllevan a una disminución de la superficie de hábitats naturales, reducción del tamaño de los fragmentos y aislamientos de los mismos.
[drawn by Erwin Raisz].
[drawn by Erwin Raisz].
In broader catchment scale investigations, there is a need to understand and ultimately exploit the spatial variation of agricultural crops for an improved economic return. In many instances, this spatial variation is temporally unstable and may be different for various crop attributes and crop species. In the Australian sugar industry, the opportunity arose to evaluate the performance of 231 farms in the Tully Mill area in far north Queensland using production information on cane yield (t/ha) and CCS ( a fresh weight measure of sucrose content in the cane) accumulated over a 12-year period. Such an arrangement of data can be expressed as a 3-way array where a farm x attribute x year matrix can be evaluated and interactions considered. Two multivariate techniques, the 3-way mixture method of clustering and the 3-mode principal component analysis, were employed to identify meaningful relationships between farms that performed similarly for both cane yield and CCS. In this context, farm has a spatial component and the aim of this analysis was to determine if systematic patterns in farm performance expressed by cane yield and CCS persisted over time. There was no spatial relationship between cane yield and CCS. However, the analysis revealed that the relationship between farms was remarkably stable from one year to the next for both attributes and there was some spatial aggregation of farm performance in parts of the mill area. This finding is important, since temporally consistent spatial variation may be exploited to improve regional production. Alternatively, the putative causes of the spatial variation may be explored to enhance the understanding of sugarcane production in the wet tropics of Australia.
Understanding how insect pests forage on their food plants can help optimize management strategies. Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lep., Noctuidae) is a major polyphagous pest of agricultural crops worldwide. The immature stages feed and forage on crops at all stages of plant development, damaging fruiting and non-fruiting structures, yet very little is known about the influence of host type or stage on the location and behaviour of larvae. Through semi-continuous observation, we evaluated the foraging (movement and feeding) behaviours of H. armigera first instar larvae as well as the proportion of time spent at key locations on mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] of differing developmental stages: seedling- and mature (flowering/pod fill)-stage plants. Both host type and age affected the behaviour of larvae. Larvae spent more time in the upper parts of mature plants than on seedlings and tended to stay at the top of mature plants if they moved there. This difference was greater in pigeon pea than in mungbean. The proportion of time allocated to feeding on different parts of a plant differed with host and age. More feeding occurred in the top of mature pigeon pea plants but did not differ between mature and seedling mungbean plants. The duration of key behaviours did not differ between plant ages in either crop type and was similar between hosts although resting bouts were substantially longer on mungbeans. Thus a polyphagous species such as H. armigera does not forage in equivalent ways on different hosts in the first instar stage.
Predatory insects and spiders are key elements of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes in agricultural crops such as cotton. Management decisions in IPM programmes should to be based on a reliable and efficient method for counting both predators and pests. Knowledge of the temporal constraints that influence sampling is required because arthropod abundance estimates are likely to vary over a growing season and within a day. Few studies have adequately quantified this effect using the beat sheet, a potentially important sampling method. We compared the commonly used methods of suction and visual sampling to the beat sheet, with reference to an absolute cage clamp method for determining the abundance of various arthropod taxa over 5 weeks. There were significantly more entomophagous arthropods recorded using the beat sheet and cage clamp methods than by using suction or visual sampling, and these differences were more pronounced as the plants grew. In a second trial, relative estimates of entomophagous and phytophagous arthropod abundance were made using beat sheet samples collected over a day. Beat sheet estimates of the abundance of only eight of the 43 taxa examined were found to vary significantly over a day. Beat sheet sampling is recommended in further studies of arthropod abundance in cotton, but researchers and pest management advisors should bear in mind the time of season and time of day effects.
Tobacco was of primary importance to Spain, and its impact on Cuba's economy and society was greater than just the numbers of farms, workers, or production, demonstrated by the Spanish crown's outlay of monies for capital assets, bureaucrats' salaries, and payments to farmers for their crop. This study is a micro- and macro-level study of rural life in colonial Cuba and the interconnected relationships among society, agricultural production, state control, and the island's economic development. ^ By placing Cuba's tobacco farmers at the forefront of this social history, this work revisits and offers alternatives to two prevailing historiographical views of rural Cuba from 1763 (the year Havana returned to Spanish control following the Seven Years' War) to 1817 (the final year of the 100-year royal monopoly on Cuban tobacco). Firstly, it argues against the primacy of sugar over other agricultural crops, a view that has shaped decades of scholarship, and challenges the thesis which maintains the Cuban tobacco farmer was almost exclusively poor, white, and employed free labor, rather than slaves, in the production of their crop. ^ This study establishes the importance of tobacco as an agricultural product, and argues that Cuban tobacco growers were a heterogeneous group, revealing the role that its cultivation may have played in helping some slaves earn their freedom. ^
The current research considers the capacity of a local organic food system for producer and consumer empowerment and sustainable development outcomes in western Guatemala. Many have argued that the forging of local agricultural networks linking farmers, consumers, and supporting institutions is an effective tool for challenging the negative economic, environmental, and sociopolitical impacts associated with industrial models of global food production. But does this work in the context of agrarian development in the developing world? Despite the fact that there is extensive literature concerning local food system formation in the global north, there remains a paucity of research covering how the principles of local food systems are being integrated into agricultural development projects in developing countries. My work critically examines claims to agricultural sustainability and actor empowerment in a local organic food system built around non-traditional agricultural crops in western Guatemala. Employing a mixed methods research design involving twenty months of participant observation, in-depth interviewing, surveying, and a self-administered questionnaire, the project evaluates the sustainability of this NGO-led development initiative and local food movement along several dimensions. Focusing on the unique economic and social networks of actors and institutions at each stage of the commodity chain, this research shows how the growth of an alternative food system continues to be shaped by context specific processes, politics, and structures of conventional food systems. Further, it shows how the specifics of context also produce new relationships of cooperation and power in the development process. Results indicate that structures surrounding agrarian development in the Guatemalan context give rise to a hybrid form of development that at the same time contests and reinforces conventional models of food production and consumption. Therefore, participation entails a host of compromises and tradeoffs that result in mixed successes and setbacks, as actors attempt to refashion conventional commodity chains through local food system formation.^
In this work we propose the development of an ultrasonic anemometer using distance sensors. The wind is an important tool for studying the dynamics of the atmosphere, changes in climate and agricultural crops meteorological variable. Thus it is necessary advances in studies that provide increasingly characterizing the behavior of the wind. Currently there are several types of anemometers to measure wind speed, among which stands out due to the ultrasonic anemometer accuracy in measurements. But this device has a high cost difficult to use. Therefore, we sought to lower the cost of the ultrasonic anemometer, developing an apparatus capable of measuring wind velocity using distance sensors. In this type of anemometer wind speed is measured based on the transit time of the ultrasonic pulse, in this same distance sensors to space technique measures. Here various assemblies seeking the best configuration which could use the distance sensor to measure wind speed were made. Arrangements bulkhead and separate transducers are examples of worked assemblies that will be detailed in chapter 3. With the measures collected (with and without wind) histograms, which show the distribution of records transit time of the sound wave for each case were generated. Two of the studied configurations show favorable results regarding the use of the distance sensor as the wind speed.
The expansion of cultivated areas with genetically modified crops (GM) is a worldwide phenomenon, stimulating regulatory authorities to implement strict procedures to monitor and verify the presence of GM varieties in agricultural crops. With the constant growing of plant cultivating areas all over the world, consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated food also increased. Aflatoxins correspond to a class of highly toxic contaminants found in agricultural products that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, the safety and quality evaluation of agricultural products are important issues for consumers. Lateral flow tests (strip tests) is a promising method for the detection both proteins expressed in GM crops and aflatoxins-contaminated food samples. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, rapidity and cost-effective when compared to the conventional methods. In this study, two novel and sensitive strip tests assay were developed for the identification of: (i) Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins expressed in GM cotton crops and; (ii) aflatoxins from agricultural products. The first strip test was developed using a sandwhich format, while the second one was developed using a competitive format. Gold colloidal nanoparticles were used as detector reagent when coated with monoclonal antibodies. An anti-species specific antibody was sprayed at the nitrocellulose membrane to be used as a control line. To validate the first strip test, GM (Bollgard I® e Planta 50- EMBRAPA) and non-GM cotton leaf (Cooker 312) were used. The results showed that the strip containing antibodies for the identification of Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins was capable of correctly distinguishing between GM samples (positive result) and non-GM samples (negative result), in a high sensitivity manner. To validate the second strip test, artificially contaminated soybean with Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxin-producing fungus) was employed. Food samples, such as milk and soybean, were also evaluated for the presence of aflatoxins. The strip test was capable to distinguish between samples with and without aflatoxins samples, at a sensitivity concentration of 0,5 μg/Kg. Therefore, these results suggest that the strip tests developed in this study can be a potential tool as a rapid and cost-effective method for detection of insect resistant GM crops expressing Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 and aflatoxins from food samples.