919 resultados para Affective Style


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Recent interest in affect and the body have mobilised a contemporary review of aesthetics and phenomenology within architecture to unpack how environments affect spatial experience. Emerging spatial studies within the neurosciences, and their implications for architectural research as raised by architectural theorists has been well supported by a raft of scientists and institutions. Although there has been some headway in spatial studies of the vision impaired (Cattaneo et al., 2011) to understand the role of their non-visual systems in assisting navigation and location, little is discussed in terms of their other abilities in sensing particular qualities of space which impinge upon emotion and wellbeing. This research explores, through published studies and constructed spatial interviews, the affective perception of the vision impaired and how further interplay between this research and the architectural field can contribute new knowledge regarding space and affect. The research aims to provide background of current and potential cross disciplinary research and highlight the role wearable technologies can play in enhancing knowledge of affective spatial experience.


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A year before Kate Nesbitt’s Theorising a New Agenda For Architecture (1996), the author penned a chapter on the significance of the sublime and its contribution to post-modern architecture via the uncanny or disturbing through the theories of Vidler and Eisenman (Nesbit, 1995). Twenty years on, we see its ongoing presence within the contemporary works of artists Kapoor, Ellison and Viola. Eisenmann and Libeskind aside, explicit reference to the Sublime whether through architectural praxis or theory appears to have been trumped by ecological derivatives and associated transactions, as catalyst for new architecture and architectural thinking. For Edmund Burke (1757), the Sublime was seen as a leading, an overpowering of self to a state of intense self-presence, often leading to a state of otherness. To experience the sublime is to experience affect, physiologically overwhelming the mental faculties through intensities of astonishment, terror, obscurity, magnificence, and reverence. Key here is Burke’s articulation of the stages of the sublime encounter, particularly so, its implications for the process of production which architectural theorists appear to have overstepped in their valorisation of the sublime object. This paper seeks to resituate the sublime within the context of architectural production. Through concepts such as material thinking, bodies and making strange, the paper explores a shift in focus toward affective processes traced from Burke’s inquiry. Rather than proposing strategies solely for affect within the work itself, the focus lies upon the designing experience, where blockage and desirous forces are critical partners in the process of production, as revealed through recent studio programs entitled Strange Space.


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- Purpose This study aims to investigate the extent to which employee outcomes (anxiety/depression, bullying and workers’ compensation claims thoughts) are affected by shared perceptions of supervisor conflict management style (CMS). Further, this study aims to assess cross-level moderating effects of supervisor CMS climate on the positive association between relationship conflict and these outcomes. - Design/methodology/approach Multilevel modeling was conducted using a sample of 401 employees nested in 69 workgroups. - Findings High collaborating, low yielding and low forcing climates (positive supervisor climates) were associated with lower anxiety/depression, bullying and claim thoughts. Unexpectedly, the direction of moderation showed that the positive association between relationship conflict and anxiety/depression and bullying was stronger for positive supervisor CMS climates than for negative supervisor CMS climates (low collaborating, high yielding and high forcing). Nevertheless, these interactions revealed that positive supervisor climates were the most effective at reducing anxiety/depression and bullying when relationship conflict was low. For claim thoughts, positive supervisor CMS climates had the predicted stress-buffering effects. - Research limitations/implications Employees benefit from supervisors creating positive CMS climates when dealing with conflict as a third party, and intervening when conflict is low, when their intervention is more likely to minimize anxiety/depression and bullying. - Originality/value By considering the unique perspective of employees’ shared perceptions of supervisor CMS, important implications for the span of influence of supervisor behavior on employee well-being have been indicated.


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In order to understand student engagement in higher education through the use of digital technologies, it is necessary to appreciate the broader use of differing technologies. Forty-eight first-year university students completed an online survey that queried patterns of digital activity across home, school and community contexts and that included rating scale items that measured learning style (i.e., active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, sequential-global). Results suggest that students vary widely in digital activities and that such variation is related to differences in learning style. For example, active learners were more likely than reflective learners to engage in digital activities in the community and users of some specific application, as opposed to non-users, were more likely to be verbal than visual learners. Implications for instructional applications of digital technology in higher education are presented.


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Providing audio feedback to assessment is relatively uncommon in higher education. However, published research suggests that it is preferred over written feedback by students but lecturers were less convinced. The aim of this paper is to examine further these findings in the context of a third year business ethics unit. Data was collected from two sources. The first is a series of in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted with three lecturers providing audio feeback for the first time in Semester One 2011. The second source of data was drawn from the university student evaluation system. A total of 363 responses were used providing 'before' and 'after' perspectives about the effectiveness of audio feedback versus written feedback. Between 2005 and 2009 the survey data provided information about student attitudes to written assessment feedback (n=261). From 2010 onwards the data relates to audio (mp3) feedback (n=102). The analysis of he interview data indicated that introducing audio feedback should be done with care. The perception of the participating lecturers was mixed, ranging from sceptism to outright enthusiasm, but over time the overall approach became positive. It was found that particular attention needs to be paid to small (but important) technical details, and lecturers need to be convinced of its effectieness, especially that it is not necessarily more time consuming than providing written feedback. For students, the analysis revealed a clear preference for audio feedback. It is concluded that there is cause for concern and reason for optimism. It is a cause for concern because there is a possibility that scepticism on the part of academic staff seems to be based on assumptions about what students prefer and a concern about using the technology. There is reason for optimism because the evidence points towards students preferring audio feedback and as academic staff become more familiar with the technology the scepticism tends to evaporate. While this study is limited in scope, questions are raised about tackling negative staff perceptions of audio feedback that are worthy of further research.


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European or US-style supermarket pharmacies are inevitable in Australia, says a retailing expert – but customers aren’t necessarily attracted to supermarkets for their health needs. Dr Gary Mortimer, senior lecturer at the QUT Business School, Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, wrote a piece in retailing publication Inside FMCG about the supermarket of the future – which will among other innovations include a strong focus on providing convenience to time-poor consumers.


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The aim of the study was to explore the importance of evaluating leadership criteria in Finland at leader/subordinate levels of the insurance industry. The overall purpose of the thesis is tackled and analyzed from two different perspectives: - by examining the importance of the leadership criteria and style of Finnish insurance business leaders and their subordinates - by examining the opinions of insurance business leaders regarding leadership criteria in two culturally different countries: the US and Finland. This thesis consists of three published articles that scrutinise the focal phenomena both theoretically and empirically. The main results of the study do not lend support to the existence of a universal model of leadership criteria in the insurance business. As a matter of fact, the possible model seems to be based more on the special organizational and cultural circumstances of the country in question. The leadership criteria seem to be quite stable irrespective of the comparatively short research time period (3–5 years) and hierarchical level (subordinate/leader). Leaders have major difficulties in changing their leadership style. In fact, in order to bring about an efficient organizational change in the company you have to alternate the leader. The cultural dimensions (cooperation and monitoring) identified by Finnish subordinates were mostly in line with those of their managers, whilst emphasizing more the aspect of monitoring employees, which could be seen from their point of view as another element of managers’ optimizing/efficiency requirements. In Finnish surveys the strong emphasis on cooperation and mutual trust become apparent by both subordinates and managers. The basic problem is still how to emphasize and balance them in real life in such a way that both parties are happy to work together on a common basis. The American surveys suggests hypothetically that in a soft market period (buyer’s market) managers employ a more relationship-oriented leadership style and correspondingly adapt their leadership style to a more task-oriented approach in a hard market phase (seller’s market). In making business better Finnish insurance managers could probably concentrate more on task-oriented items such as reviewing, budgeting, monitoring and goal-orientation. The study also suggests that the social safety net of the European welfare state ideology has so far shielded the culture-specific sense of social responsibility of Finnish managers from the hazards of free competition and globalization.


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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Advertising is ubiquitous in the online community and more so in the ever-growing and popular online video delivery websites (e. g., YouTube). Video advertising is becoming increasingly popular on these websites. In addition to the existing pre-roll/post-roll advertising and contextual advertising, this paper proposes an in-stream video advertising strategy-Computational Affective Video-in-Video Advertising (CAVVA). Humans being emotional creatures are driven by emotions as well as rational thought. We believe that emotions play a major role in influencing the buying behavior of users and hence propose a video advertising strategy which takes into account the emotional impact of the videos as well as advertisements. Given a video and a set of advertisements, we identify candidate advertisement insertion points (step 1) and also identify the suitable advertisements (step 2) according to theories from marketing and consumer psychology. We formulate this two part problem as a single optimization function in a non-linear 0-1 integer programming framework and provide a genetic algorithm based solution. We evaluate CAVVA using a subjective user-study and eye-tracking experiment. Through these experiments, we demonstrate that CAVVA achieves a good balance between the following seemingly conflicting goals of (a) minimizing the user disturbance because of advertisement insertion while (b) enhancing the user engagement with the advertising content. We compare our method with existing advertising strategies and show that CAVVA can enhance the user's experience and also help increase the monetization potential of the advertising content.


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Resumen: Después de la primera sofística, los sofistas actuaron entre el resto de los pensadores del Mediterráneo como un grupo definido. Dado que hay muchos ejemplos que muestran que los sofistas ejercían sus prácticas y que también eran personas comprometidas en otras actividades, vamos a examinar aquí diversos casos de semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos y otros grupos de pensadores. Nuestras tres preguntas fundamentales son: qué, cómo y por qué los sofistas escribían y enseñaban. Intentaremos responder haciendo un análisis diacrónico de las principales formas y géneros de escritura que produjeron (qué). El cómo lo responderemos en su desenvolvimiento como una actividad comunicativa más allá de las fronteras de las disciplinas de la época. El por qué tendrá su respuesta al enfatizar la necesidad de la actividad de los sofistas en la socialización de la época y en la educación de la antigüedad. Al aseverar que el estilo era la idea de los sofistas, ponemos la noción de idea en Platón en el contexto de idea derivado de los sofistas contemporáneos a él y de los sofistas posteriores (segunda sofística) y centramos el foco en la función de visualidad expresada en su concepto de idea desde las obras sofísticas más tempranas en la época de Platón hasta las contribuciones posteriores.


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O estilo parental tem influência no desenvolvimento humano e pode ser definido como um padrão de comportamentos identificáveis nos pais quando se relacionam com seus filhos. A literatura tem utilizado alguns parâmetros para compreender os estilos parentais. Um deles se caracteriza pelo binômio: limites-afeto ou responsividade e exigência, delimitando três estilos parentais: Autoritário, Permissivo e Autoritativo. O estilo autoritário caracteriza-se por pais que dão muitos limites e pouco afeto. Estes pais procuram manter a ordem e o controle da família, devendo a obediência ser alcançada ainda que sob padrões punitivos. O estilo permissivo caracteriza-se por pais que dão pouco limite e muito afeto. Nesse caso, há uma crença naturalista segundo a qual a criança deve expressar livremente suas necessidades e aprender por si só. Estes pais não se vêem como responsáveis por ensinar ou modificar comportamentos infantis. O estilo autoritativo caracteriza-se por pais que dão muito limite e muito afeto. O cuidador apresenta condutas intermediárias entre as permissivas e autoritárias, estimulando verbalizações emocionais, permitindo que os filhos participem das decisões, estimulando argumentações, autonomia e disciplina. A empatia é considerada uma habilidade essencial para a manutenção dos laços sociais, que propicia a percepção da necessidade do outro e ao mesmo tempo favorece a sensação de ser compreendido. A assertividade é a habilidade de expressar e defender sua opinião com firmeza e segurança, sem, contudo desrespeitar o outro. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese a idéia de que pais autoritativos seriam mais empáticos e assertivos do que pais autoritários. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os Estilos Parentais s Habilidades Sociais: Assertividade e Empatia. Participaram da pesquisa 64 pais, 21 homens e 43 mulheres. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del Prette), ao Inventario de Empatia (IE FALCONE) e ao Parental Autority Questionary (PAQ). A Análise dos dados foi feita através do SPSS. Foram efetuadas correlações r de Person entre os fatores do PAQ e os fatores do IHS e do IE. Os resultados apontaram para uma correlação positiva (r = 0,30 ; p < 0,05) entre o fator Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o estilo Autoritativo. Uma relação negativa (r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) foi observada entre este mesmo fator e o estilo Autoritário. Em relação a empatia, os fatores Tomada de Perspectiva (r = 0,33 ; p < 0,01), Sensibilidade Afetiva (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) e Autruismo (r = 0,25 ; p < 0,05) correlacionaram-se positivamente ao estilos Autoritativo, Em relação ao fator Autoritário, foi verificada uma correlação negativa ( r = -0,24 ; p < 0,05) com o fator Altruísmo do IE. A partir deste resultado, foram realizadas três análises de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise) considerando cada um dos fatores do PAQ como variáveis dependentes dos fatores do IHS e do IE. Os Fatores Enfrentamento e Auto-afirmação do IHS e o fator Autruísmo do IE junto explicam 15% da variância do Fator autoritativo. Os resultados apresentados são discutidos a luz da psicologia do desenvolvimento, psicologia social e neuropsicologia.