1000 resultados para Adubos orgânicos
The authors carried out a series of pots and plots experiments applying arsenical and organic insecticides to cotton plants cultivated in "terra roxa" and in a sandy soil. The first results were presented in 1947, to the la. Reunião Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (First Brazilian Congress of Soil Science); they pointed out the danger resulting from the accumulation of arsenic in soils due to the constant applications of arsenicais to control cotton pests; in the course of the time, the amount of residual arsenic in the soil would determine a decrease in cotton yield caused by its toxic effect on the crop. The following conclusions were drawn from the last three experiments: 1) the field experiment conducted in a sandy soil to which lead arseniate was applied in increasing rates produced a reduction of 50 per cent in the yield (the three highest doses were responsible for this result); by this way, the pot experiment published in 1947 was confirmed); 2) in the pot experiment with "terra roxa" toxic effects appeared only in the plants receiving the last dosis of lead arsenate; this result is explained quite naturally by a considerable absorption of the AsO4 --- ion by "terra roxa" colloidal material; furthermore the CaO, P2O5 and Fe2O3 content and the pH value (higher) would decrease the arsenate solubilization in the soil considered; 3) the pot experiment with organic insecticides applied in the rates usually employed in the control of cotton pests, showed that 10% D.D.TD. and 2.5% Rotenone did not affect cotton plants cultivated in a sandy soil; however we agree with FOSTER (1951), in the point that both mineral and organic insecticides must be applied in the minimum amount as possible; we also think that experiments like those should be carried out with the known insecticides, in several soil conditions and with many crops in order to determine the maximum limits of tolerancy.
In this paper it is studied the action of vinasse as compared to mineral fertilizers. Beans, corn, cotton and sesame were cultivated in randomized blocks receiving the following treatments: A = mineral fertilizers (N, P, K); V = vinasse at the rate of 1,000,000 liters per Ha; AV = mineral fertilizers + vinasse; T = control. Statistical analysis of the experiments has consistently revealed the superiority of vinasse either combined or not with the mineral fertilizers over the remaining treatments. There was no significant difference between V and AV which shows the surprizing role of vinasse when applied to light soils such as those employed in the present experiments. By employing 1,000,000 liters of vinasse to the hectare the following amounts of nutrientes were applied to the crops in this experiment: 470 Kg of nitrogen 50 Kg of P2O5 and 3,100 Kg of K2O corresponds to 3,133 Kg of Chilean nitrate/ha 250 Kg of superphosphate and 5,160 Kg of muriate of potash Hence one cannot say that the action of vinasse is of a purely physical nature. In our opinion its outstanding action is due to: 1st raise in the pH value of the soil; 2nd addition of a tremendous amount of plant nutrients; 3rd supplying organic matter in a very finely divided state with all its benefical effects in soil structure, water holding capacity, adsorption of nutrients to prevent leaching, etc. A rotation experiment is now being carried out to study the residual effect of vinasse.
This paper relates the results of an experiment designed to study the comparative effects of several phosphates applied to corn crops. The following phosphates were applied to a latin square of 6x6: Latif (a rock phosphate), fospal, superphosphate, fertifos, hiperfosfato and serranafosfato (a fusion phosphate). The nutrients were employd at the rates of 200 kg of N (as Chilean nitrate), 200kg of K2O (as muriate of potash) and 200 kg of P205. To correct the acidity and to improve the poor physical conditions of the sandy soil studied limestone (450 kg/Ha) and cotton seed meal (900 kg/Ha) were added to all plots; liming was made one month in advance to the planting. In the second year, in the same place, the split-plot technique was used: half plot received only N and K20 whereas the other half received the same treatment as the year before. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first year, superphosphate of lime, produced better results than the other phosphates; there was no significant difference among fertifos, serranafosfato, and hiperfosfato but these phosphates proved to be superior to fospal and Latif; 2. in the second year, superphosphate, fertifos and serranafosfato produced practically the same effect, being better than hiperfosfato, fospal, and Latif which did not differ signicantly; 3. the increase in yield due to the reapplication of phosphates to the half plots was not advantageous under an economic point of view; however, it is interesting to note that the yield was still benefited in spite of the heavy doses of phosphates applied the year before.
The rate of nitrification of several nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, nitre-chalk, ureia, and cottonseed meal) was studied in three soils, namely, "terra roxa legítima", a red soil derived from basalt, "terra roxa misturada", a soil also derived from basalt but with a higher proportion of sand, and "areito Corumbataí", a sandy soil. The effects of the following treatments on nitrification were considered: addition of limestone of micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mo), and inoculation with a suspension of spores of Aspergillus wentii, a heterotrophic nitrifier. The results showed that: in "terra roxa legítima" limestone had no influence on the nitrification rate, whereas the micronutrients estimulated the oxidation of nitre-chalk, cottonseed meal and urea; inoculation with A. wentii helped only the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and of the cottonseed meal; the latter, in all the treatments employed gave use to a smaller amount of nitrates; in "terra roxa misturada", all the fertilizers depending upon the treatments they were subjected to, presented maximum values for nitrification; limestone estimulated the oxidation of ammonium sulfate as well as the mineralization of the cottonseed meal; the addition of micronutrients helped the nitrification of all the fertilizers, except that of urea; inoculation showed a benefical influence on the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal; in "arenito de Corumbatai", the amounts of nitrates produced was roughly the same for all the fertilizers investigated; limestone estimulated the nitrification of nitro-chalk, ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal whilst the addition of micronutrients benefited only the latter two; the inoculation with A. wentii helped the oxidation of all the fertilizers. In order to study the availability of the various fertilizers above discussed, two plant growing experiments were carried cut, one in pots, using the three soil types and another one in the field, with "terra roxa misturada". In "arenito de Corumbatai" there was no significant difference in the yield both of straw and rice grains for none of the fertilizers: Chilean nitrate of soda was used as a control; ho marked agreement could be detected between the data concerning nitrification and the yield results. In "terra roxa legítima", ammonium sulfate won the competition and there was a good parallelism between nitrification and yield. In "terra roxa misturada", there was no statistical difference among the various fertilizers; the agreement between nitrification and yields was reasonable. In the field (corn), Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate and nitro-chalk were clearly beter than urea and cottonseed meal which did not differ from the minus nitrogen plots.
The results reported in this paper did not show statistical differences in production of seeds, number of plants and number of ears when corn fertilizer (combination of Chilean nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride) was applied either in the sowing furrow or in lateral furrows (one or both side). The treatments with fertilizer were better than the treatment without fertilizer used for comparisons. Cotton seed meal, used in combination with superphosphate and potassium chloride, placed in the sowing furrow, reduces statistically the number of plants in the row when compared with the treatments where applications were made only in lateral furrows. However, this reduction of plants did not affect significantly the number of ears and the production in the treatments.
The uptake of potassium fertilizers, namely, KC1, K2S04 and KN03, by beans and coffee leaves was studied in the experiment described herein. The fertilizers were applied as leaf sprays at the rates of 2,25, 4,50 and 9,00 grams, of K20/tree split in 3 applications which were made every week; the proper amount of salts were dissolved in 1 liter of water with wetting agent. Fifteen days after the last application both beans and leaves were sampled for analysis. No leaf injury resulted from the potassium sprays. Leaf -K and bean -K was significantly raised as consequence of the foliar applications of the K- bearing salts.
Neste trabalho foi estudada a composição de 14 variedades de feijão de mesa comumente encontrados em nosso mercado. Os teores médios encontrados foram: umidade 11,6%, proteína, 21,5%, lipídeos 1,3%, polissacarídeos 45,2% açúcares solúveis 4,7%, cinzas 3,9%. Os aminoácidos livres também identificados e dosados variaram de 610 a 1442 mg/100 g. O conteúdo médio dos macronutrientes minerais, em percentagem foram: fósforo 0,17, potássio 1,88, cálcio 0,23, magnésio 0,24 e enxofre 2,23. Os valores médios encontrados para os micronutrientes, em ppm foram: boro 24,3, zinco 47,9, cobre 17,4, molibdênio 0,11, ferro 330,8 e manganês 17,6. Houve grande variação no teor de boro (14,2 a 73,8 ppm), molibdênio (0,02 a 0,32 ppm) e ferro (167,9 a 598,6 ppm) tendo-se mantido os demais, entre limites mais estreitos. Pelos resultados encontrados o feijão foi considerado uma boa fonte de carbohidratos e minerais (macro e micronutrientes) e uma fonte relativamente boa de proteina.
Em um experimento feito em vasos, utilizando uma Terra Roxa Estruturada procurou-se verificar a influência dos adubos nitrogenados Uréia, Nitrato de sódio' Sulfato de amônio e Fosfato diamônio (DAP) sobre o pH do solo, dentro de um período de 60 dias de incubação. Foram efetuadas medidas de pH aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias após o início da incubação. A dose de N empregada foi de 100 kg/ha. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: 1 - O Nitrato de sódio não alterou o pH do solo. 2 - O DAP e o Sulfato de amônio baixaram o pH do solo. 3 - A Uréia não apresentou resultado concludente.
Foram comparados diversos adubos fosfatados, tais como superfosfato simples, superfosfato concentrado, fosforita de Olinda, termofosíato, polifosfato de amônio, fosfato diamônico (DAP), metafosfato de potássio e metafosfato de cálcio, em duas unidades de solos, um regossol e um latossol. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação com trigo (Triticum aestivum). Considerando o peso da matéria seca e a concentração do fósforo nas plantas, verificou-se que os adubos superfosfato concentrado, polifosfato de ainônio e DAP deram melhores resultados no regossol, enquanto que no latossol destacaram-se os adubos polifosfato de amônio, DAP e o metafosfato de potássio.
Estudou-se efeito residual de oito fontes de fósforo em dois solos de baixo teor em fósforo, na cultura de milho (Zea mays L.). Os experimentos foram realizados na casa de vegetação. Pela avaliação do peso de matéria seca e quantidade de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio absorvidos, constatou-se que os fertilizantes com melhor efeito residual foram metafosfato de cálcio e metafosfato de potássio, seguidos por termofosfato e fosforita de Olinda, no regosol. No latosol não se observou diferenças estatisticamente significativas para peso de materia seca, mas de uma maneira geral o metafosfato de cálcio, fosforita de Olinda e metafosfato de potássio foram os melhores. Os fertilizantes com menor efeito residual foram os que contem alto teor em fósforo solúvel em água: superfosfato triplo, superfosfato simples, fosfato diamonico e polifosfato de amonio.
O presente trabalho foi realizado em um LE da Fazenda Experimental da UNESP-Campus de Ilha Solteira, município de Selvíria, MS. No 1° cultivo os tratamentos foram três fontes fosfatadas (superfosfato triplo, termofosfato Mg e fosfato de Araxá) e quatro níveis (145-290-435-58O kg/ha de P2O5 total) aplicados a lanço seguido de incorporação ao solo. Houve um tratamento que não recebeu P. No 2° cultivo estudou-se o efeito residual dos adubos do 1° cultivo e de mais cinco níveis de fósforo (superfosfato triplo) em manutenção (0-36-72-108 - 144 kg/ha de P2O5), no sulco de plantio. A planta teste utilizada foi a soja 'UFV-1'. Foi observado uma resposta significativa da cultura à adubação fosfatada. Otermofosfato Mg apresentou comportamento semelhante ao superfosfato triplo no 1° cultivo, e foi superior a ele quanto aos efeitos residuais. Ofosfato de Araxá, comparado ao superfosfato triplo, apresentou eficiência superior a 80% com ou sem adubação de manutenção, possuindo, portanto, condições de ser empregado na adubação corretiva em solos de baixa fertilidade.
No período de 1978 a 1983 efetuou-se um experimento comparando-se extratores de fósforo quando amostras foram coletadas em diferentes períodos após a aplicação de superfosfato triplo, termofosfato-Mg e fosfato de Araxá. Os fertilizantes foram aplicados a lanço no solo nas doses de 0 - 145 - 290 - 435 - 580 kg/ha de P2O5 total e incorporados com grade pesada. A cada 120 dias, num período de 48 meses, de cada parcela foi retirada uma amostra composta, constituída de 15 amostras simples, as quais foram submetidas a extração de fósforo pelos métodos: IAC (H2SO4 0,05N), Bray-l e Olsen. Os resultados evidenciam que na incorporação do superfosfato triplo e termofosfato-Mg os três extratores foram eficientes em recuperar o fósforo. Na incorporação do fosfato de Araxá, o método Bray-l foi o que apresentou melhor comportamento na extração de fósforo. 0 método de Olsen foi o mais estável na recuperação do P do solo, em função do tempo de incorporação para as fontes superfosfato triplo e termofosfato-Mg. Para a fonte fosfato de Araxá os métodos Bray-l e de Olsen foram os mais estáveis. A partir da amostragem 960dias após a incorporação do fosfato de Araxá os três métodos tenderam a se igualar na extração de fósforo.
Foi efetuado um ensaio de competição entre adubos nitrogenados fisiologicamente ácidos, em vasos, com a finalidade principal de se verificar o comportamento da uréia frente ao nitrato de amônio, sulfato de amônio, uréia + enxofre, este sob duas dormas: sulfato de potássio e sulfato de cálcio. A terra utilizada era de tabuleiro proveniente de Rio Largo, Alagoas, Brasil e o ensaio foi conduzido na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", da Universidade de São Paulo, localizada em Piracicaba, Brasil. A planta teste foi o milho (Zea mays L.) cv. Piranão. Resumindo, pode-se concluir que a dose de 240 kg N/ha foi excessiva em relação à de 120 kg N/ha. Doses menores que esta última devem ser experimentadas. O nitrato de amônio superou os demais, na dose de 120 kg N/ha.