871 resultados para Acyl-CoA


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X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a peroxisomal disorder with impaired β-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) and reduced function of peroxisomal very long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (VLCS) that leads to severe and progressive neurological disability. The X-ALD gene, identified by positional cloning, encodes a peroxisomal membrane protein (adrenoleukodystrophy protein; ALDP) that belongs to the ATP binding cassette transporter protein superfamily. Mutational analyses and functional studies of the X-ALD gene confirm that it and not VLCS is the gene responsible for X-ALD. Its role in the β-oxidation of VLCFAs and its effect on the function of VLCS are unclear. The complex pathology of X-ALD and the extreme variability of its clinical phenotypes are also unexplained. To facilitate understanding of X-ALD pathophysiology, we developed an X-ALD mouse model by gene targeting. The X-ALD mouse exhibits reduced β-oxidation of VLCFAs, resulting in significantly elevated levels of saturated VLCFAs in total lipids from all tissues measured and in cholesterol esters from adrenal glands. Lipid cleft inclusions were observed in adrenocortical cells of X-ALD mice under the electron microscope. No neurological involvement has been detected in X-ALD mice up to 6 months. We conclude that X-ALD mice exhibit biochemical defects equivalent to those found in human X-ALD and thus provide an experimental system for testing therapeutic intervention.


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Mammalian electron transfer flavoproteins (ETF) are heterodimers containing a single equivalent of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). They function as electron shuttles between primary flavoprotein dehydrogenases involved in mitochondrial fatty acid and amino acid catabolism and the membrane-bound electron transfer flavoprotein ubiquinone oxidoreductase. The structure of human ETF solved to 2.1-Å resolution reveals that the ETF molecule is comprised of three distinct domains: two domains are contributed by the α subunit and the third domain is made up entirely by the β subunit. The N-terminal portion of the α subunit and the majority of the β subunit have identical polypeptide folds, in the absence of any sequence homology. FAD lies in a cleft between the two subunits, with most of the FAD molecule residing in the C-terminal portion of the α subunit. Alignment of all the known sequences for the ETF α subunits together with the putative FixB gene product shows that the residues directly involved in FAD binding are conserved. A hydrogen bond is formed between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine ring and the hydroxyl side chain of αT266, suggesting why the pathogenic mutation, αT266M, affects ETF activity in patients with glutaric acidemia type II. Hydrogen bonds between the 4′-hydroxyl of the ribityl chain of FAD and N1 of the isoalloxazine ring, and between αH286 and the C2-carbonyl oxygen of the isoalloxazine ring, may play a role in the stabilization of the anionic semiquinone. With the known structure of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, we hypothesize a possible structure for docking the two proteins.


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The UV light-induced synthesis of UV-protective flavonoids diverts substantial amounts of substrates from primary metabolism into secondary product formation and thus causes major perturbations of the cellular homeostasis. Results from this study show that the mRNAs encoding representative enzymes from various supply pathways are coinduced in UV-irradiated parsley cells (Petroselinum crispum) with two mRNAs of flavonoid glycoside biosynthesis, encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase. Strong induction was observed for mRNAs encoding glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (carbohydrate metabolism, providing substrates for the shikimate pathway), 3-deoxyarabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (shikimate pathway, yielding phenylalanine), and acyl-CoA oxidase (fatty acid degradation, yielding acetyl-CoA), and moderate induction for an mRNA encoding S-adenosyl-homocysteine hydrolase (activated methyl cycle, yielding S-adenosyl-methionine for B-ring methylation). Ten arbitrarily selected mRNAs representing various unrelated metabolic activities remained unaffected. Comparative analysis of acyl-CoA oxidase and chalcone synthase with respect to mRNA expression modes and gene promoter structure and function revealed close similarities. These results indicate a fine-tuned regulatory network integrating those functionally related pathways of primary and secondary metabolism that are specifically required for protective adaptation to UV irradiation. Although the response of parsley cells to UV light is considerably broader than previously assumed, it contrasts greatly with the extensive metabolic reprogramming observed previously in elicitor-treated or fungus-infected cells.


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Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver may play a primary role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the mechanism by which insulin resistance occurs may be related to alterations in fat metabolism. Transgenic mice with muscle- and liver-specific overexpression of lipoprotein lipase were studied during a 2-h hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp to determine the effect of tissue-specific increase in fat on insulin action and signaling. Muscle–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 3-fold increase in muscle triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of decreases in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. In contrast, liver–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 2-fold increase in liver triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of impaired ability of insulin to suppress endogenous glucose production associated with defects in insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-2-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. These defects in insulin action and signaling were associated with increases in intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites (i.e., diacylglycerol, fatty acyl CoA, ceramides). Our findings suggest a direct and causative relationship between the accumulation of intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites and insulin resistance mediated via alterations in the insulin signaling pathway, independent of circulating adipocyte-derived hormones.


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The t(15;17) chromosomal translocation, specific for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), fuses the PML gene to the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) gene, resulting in expression of a PML-RAR alpha hybrid protein. In this report, we analyzed the nature of PML-RAR alpha-containing complexes in nuclear protein extracts of t(15;17)-positive cells. We show that endogenous PML-RAR alpha can bind to DNA as a homodimer, in contrast to RAR alpha that requires the retinoid X receptor (RXR) dimerization partner. In addition, these cells contain oligomeric complexes of PML-RAR alpha and endogenous RXR. Treatment with retinoic acid results in a decrease of PML-RAR alpha protein levels and, as a consequence, of DNA binding by the different complexes. Using responsive elements from various hormone signaling pathways, we show that PML-RAR alpha homodimers have altered DNA-binding characteristics when compared to RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers. In transfected Drosophila SL-3 cells that are devoid of endogenous retinoid receptors PML-RAR alpha inhibits transactivation by RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers in a dominant fashion. In addition, we show that both normal retinoid receptors and the PML-RAR alpha hybrid bind and activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor responsive element from the Acyl-CoA oxidase gene, indicating that retinoids and peroxisome proliferator receptors may share common target genes. These properties of PML-RAR alpha may contribute to the transformed phenotype of APL cells.


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A obtenção de uma lavoura com população adequada de plantas depende da utilização de diferentes práticas agronômicas, estando o sucesso condicionado ao uso de sementes de boa qualidade. No entanto, a semeadura dificilmente é realizada em condições ideais o que resulta em problemas na emergência das plantas. Grande é a procura por alternativas que melhorem a germinação e o desenvolvimento inicial dos cultivos resultando em uniformidade de emergência, garantindo o estande e culminando em produção. O tratamento de sementes com agroquímicos fitossanitários é uma solução parcial no combate de agentes fitopatológicos e pragas, mas poucas são as soluções adotadas para melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetal inicial, que pode levar a desuniformidade e falhas no estande gerando prejuízos econômicos. Os extratos de algas já demonstraram em diversos estudos sua eficiência no desenvolvimento vegetal quando aplicados em plantas. Porém poucos são os estudos voltados para os efeitos dos extratos de algas na germinação e emergência. Assim, o intuito deste trabalho foi testar o extrato comercial de Ascophyllum nodosum, e diferentes fracionamentos do mesmo, no tratamento de sementes de soja e milho. Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses no desenvolvimento das plântulas e as doses de melhor resposta foram utilizadas no tratamento de sementes de soja a fim de associar as respostas obtidas à expressão gênica de 9 genes relacionados ao processo germinativo em 24 e 48h de embebição. Sementes de soja tratadas com o extrato comercial resultaram em plântulas menos desenvolvidas o que pode estar relacionado ao alto teor de sais contidos no produto. O tratamento com as demais frações favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plântulas, principalmente o desenvolvimento radicular. Sementes de milho tratadas não apresentaram desenvolvimento tão satisfatório quanto as sementes de soja tratadas. A análise da expressão gênica relativa demonstrou que o tratamento com frações do extrato comercial é capaz de regular algumas vias do metabolismo hormonal, como a isopentenil transferase e a GA20 oxidase 2, e do catabolismo de reservas, como a acil-CoA oxidase. Em condições ótimas, o tratamento de sementes de soja com frações do extrato comercial de A. nodosum favoreceu o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas de soja, no entanto não ocasionou grandes alterações no desenvolvimento de milho. Este estudo demonstrou a possibilidade de utilização de frações do extrato de A. nodosum no favorecimento do desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de soja. Maiores estudos são necessários quanto às respostas em campo e na atenuação de estresses para viabilizar seu uso como um bioestimulante em sementes.


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Oxidative stress and free radical production have been implicated in Alzheimer's disease, where low levels of the antioxidant vitamin C (ascorbate) have been shown to be associated with the disease. In this study, neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells were treated with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ascorbate in order to elucidate the me0chanism(s) of protection against oxidative stress afforded by ascorbate. Protein oxidation, glutathione levels, cell viability and the effects on the proteome and its oxidized counterpart were monitored. SH-SY5Y cells treated with ascorbate prior to co-incubation with peroxide showed increased viability in comparison to cells treated with peroxide alone. This dual treatment also caused an increase in protein carbonyl content and a decrease in glutathione levels within the cells. Proteins, extracted from SH-SY5Y cells that were treated with either ascorbate or peroxide alone or with ascorbate prior to peroxide, were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analyzed for oxidation. Co-incubation for 24 hours decreased the number of oxidised proteins (e.g. acyl CoA oxidase 3) and induced brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression. Enhanced expression of BDNF may contribute to the protective effects of ascorbate against oxidative stress in neuronal cells.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Picornaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens capable of inflicting serious public health diseases and economic burdens. Treatments options through vaccines for prevention or antivirals to cure infection are not available for the vast majority of these viruses. These shortcomings, in the development of vaccines or antivirals therapeutic, are linked to the genetic diversity and to an incomplete understanding of the biology of these viruses. Despite the diverse host range, this group of positive-strand RNA viruses shares the same replication mechanisms, including the development of membranous structures (replication organelles) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The development of these membranous structures, which serve as sites for the replication of the viral RNA genome, has been linked to the hijacking of elements of the cellular membrane metabolism pathways. Here we show that upon picornavirus infection, there is a specific activation of acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes resulting in strong import and accumulation of long chain fatty acids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. We show that the newly imported fatty acids serve as a substrate for the upregulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis required for the structural development of replication organelles. In this work, we identified that acyl-CoA synthetase long chain 3 (ACSL3) is required for the upregulation of lipids syntheses and the replication of poliovirus. We have shown that the poliovirus protein 2A was required but not sufficient for the activation of import of long chain fatty acids in infected cells. We demonstrated that the fatty acid import is upregulated upon infection by diverse picornaviruses and that such upregulation is not dependent on activation of ER stress response or the autophagy pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine was required for the structural development of replication organelles. Phosphatidylcholine synthesis was dispensable for the production of infectious particles at high MOI but required at a low MOI for the protection of the replication complexes from the cellular innate immunity mechanisms.


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(3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase is part of multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2) of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. The MFE-2 protein from yeasts contains in the same polypeptide chain two dehydrogenases (A and B), which possess difference in substrate specificity. The crystal structure of Candida tropicalis (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase AB heterodimer, consisting of dehydrogenase A and B, determined at the resolution of 2.2A, shows overall similarity with the prototypic counterpart from rat, but also important differences that explain the substrate specificity differences observed. Docking studies suggest that dehydrogenase A binds the hydrophobic fatty acyl chain of a medium-chain-length ((3R)-OH-C10) substrate as bent into the binding pocket, whereas the short-chain substrates are dislocated by two mechanisms: (i) a short-chain-length 3-hydroxyacyl group ((3R)-OH-C4) does not reach the hydrophobic contacts needed for anchoring the substrate into the active site; and (ii) Leu44 in the loop above the NAD(+) cofactor attracts short-chain-length substrates away from the active site. Dehydrogenase B, which can use a (3R)-OH-C4 substrate, has a more shallow binding pocket and the substrate is correctly placed for catalysis. Based on the current structure, and together with the structure of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 unit of yeast MFE-2 it becomes obvious that in yeast and mammalian MFE-2s, despite basically identical functional domains, the assembly of these domains into a mature, dimeric multifunctional enzyme is very different.


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Sequencing of a fragment of Helicobacter pylori genome led to the identification of two open reading frames showing striking homology with Coenzyme A (CoA) transferases, enzymes catalyzing the reversible transfer of CoA from one carboxylic acid to another. The genes were present in all H. pylori strains tested by polymerase chain reaction or slot blotting but not in Campylobacter jejuni. Genes for the putative A and B subunits of H. pylori CoA-transferase were introduced into the bacterial expression vector pKK223-3 and expressed in Escherichia coli JM105 cells. Amino acid sequence comparisons, combined with measurements of enzyme activities using different CoA donors and acceptors, identified the H. pylori CoA-transferase as a succinyl CoA:acetoacetate CoA-transferase. This activity was consistently observed in different H. pylori strains. Antibodies raised against either recombinant A or B subunits recognized two distinct subunits of Mr approximately 26,000 and 24, 000 that are both necessary for H. pylori CoA-transferase function. The lack of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and of succinyl CoA synthetase activities indicates that the generation of succinyl CoA is not mediated by the tricarboxylic acid cycle in H. pylori. We postulate the existence of an alternative pathway where the CoA-transferase is essential for energy metabolism.


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An understanding of isoniazid (INH) drug resistance mechanism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis should provide significant insight for the development of newer anti-tubercular agents able to control INH-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The inhA-encoded 2-trans enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase enzyme (InhA) has been shown through biochemical and genetic studies to be the primary target for INH. In agreement with these results, mutations in the inhA structural gene have been found in INH-resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. In addition, the InhA mutants were shown to have higher dissociation constant values for NADH and lower values for the apparent first-order rate constant for INH inactivation as compared to wild-type InhA. Here, in trying to identify structural changes between wild-type and INH-resistant InhA enzymes, we have solved the crystal structures of wild-type and of S94A, I47T and I21V InhA proteins in complex with NADH to resolutions of, respectively, 2.3 angstrom, 2.2 angstrom, 2.0 angstrom, and 1.9 angstrom. The more prominent structural differences are located in, and appear to indirectly affect, the dinucleotide binding loop structure. Moreover, studies on pre-steady-state kinetics of NADH binding have been carried out. The results showed that the limiting rate constant values for NADH dissociation from the InhA-NADH binary complexes (k(off)) were eleven, five, and tenfold higher for, respectively, I21V, I47T and S94A INH-resistant mutants of InhA as compared to INH-sensitive wildtype InhA. Accordingly, these results are proposed to be able to account for the reduction in affinity for NADH for the INH-resistant InhA enzymes. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The resumption of tuberculosis led to an increased need to understand the molecular mechanisms of drug action and drug resistance, which should provide significant insight into the development of newer compounds. Isoniazid (INH), the most prescribed drug to treat TB, inhibits an NADH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (InhA) that provides precursors of mycolic acids, which are components of the mycobacterial cell wall. InhA is the major target of the mode of action of isoniazid. INH is a pro-drug that needs activation to form the inhibitory INH-NAD adduct. Missense mutations in the inhA structural gene have been identified in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to INH. To understand the mechanism of resistance to INH, we have solved the structure of two InhA mutants (121V and S94A), identified in INH-resistant clinical isolates, and compare them to INH-sensitive WT InhA structure in complex with the INH-NAD adduct. We also solved the structure of unliganded INH-resistant S94A protein, which is the first report on apo form of InhA. The salient features of these structures are discussed and should provide structural information to improve our understanding of the mechanism of action of, and resistance to, INH in M. tuberculosis. The unliganded structure of InhA allows identification of conformational changes upon ligand binding and should help structure-based drug design of more potent antimycobacterial agents. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Δ9-Desaturase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of desaturated fatty acyl-CoAs. Desaturase is an integral membrane protein induced in the endoplasmic reticulum by dietary manipulations and then rapidly degraded. The proteolytic machinery that specifically degrades desaturase and other short-lived proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum has not been identified. As the first step in identifying cellular factors involved in the degradation of desaturase, liver subcellular fractions of rats that had undergone induction of this enzyme were examined. In livers from induced animals, desaturase was present in the microsomal, nuclear (P-1), and subcellular fractions (P-2). Incubation of desaturase containing fractions at physiological pH and temperature led to the complete disappearance of the enzyme. Washing microsomes with a buffer containing high salt decreased desaturase degradation activity. N-terminal sequence analysis of desaturase freshly isolated from the P-1 fraction without incubation indicated the absence of three residues from the N terminus, but the mobility of this desaturase preparation on SDS-PAGE was identical to the microsomal desaturase, which contains a masked N terminus under similar purification procedures. Addition of concentrated cytosol or the high-salt wash fraction did not enhance the desaturase degradation in the washed microsomes. Extensive degradation of desaturase in the high-salt washed microsomes could be restored by supplementation of the membranes with the lipid and protein components essential for the reconstituted desaturase catalytic activity. Lysosomotrophic agents leupeptin and pepstatin A were ineffective in inhibiting desaturase degradation. The calpain inhibitor, N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-methional, or the proteosome inhibitor, Streptomyces metabolite, lactacystin, did not inhibit the degradation of desaturase in the microsomal or the P-1 and P-2 fractions. These results show that the selective degradation of desaturase is likely to be independent of the lysosomal and the proteosome systems. The reconstitution of complete degradation of desaturase in the high-salt–washed microsomes by the components essential for its catalytic activity reflects that the degradation of this enzyme may depend on a specific orientation of desaturase and intramembranous interactions between desaturase and the responsible protease.