993 resultados para Activated Potassium Currents


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Using patch-clamp and calcium imaging techniques, we characterized the effects of ATP and histamine on human keratinocytes. In the HaCaT cell line, both receptor agonists induced a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i in a Ca2+-free medium followed by a secondary [Ca2+]i rise upon Ca2+ readmission due to store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). In voltage-clamped cells, agonists activated two kinetically distinct currents, which showed differing voltage dependences and were identified as Ca2+-activated (ICl(Ca)) and volume-regulated (ICl, swell) chloride currents. NPPB and DIDS more efficiently inhibited ICl(Ca) and ICl, swell, respectively. Cell swelling caused by hypotonic solution invariably activated ICl, swell while regulatory volume decrease occurred in intact cells, as was found in flow cytometry experiments. The PLC inhibitor U-73122 blocked both agonist- and cell swelling–induced ICl, swell, while its inactive analogue U-73343 had no effect. ICl(Ca) could be activated by cytoplasmic calcium increase due to thapsigargin (TG)-induced SOCE as well as by buffering [Ca2+]i in the pipette solution at 500 nM. In contrast, ICl, swell could be directly activated by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a cell-permeable DAG analogue, but neither by InsP3 infusion nor by the cytoplasmic calcium increase. PKC also had no role in its regulation. Agonists, OAG, and cell swelling induced ICl, swell in a nonadditive manner, suggesting their convergence on a common pathway. ICl, swell and ICl(Ca) showed only a limited overlap (i.e., simultaneous activation), although various maneuvers were able to induce these currents sequentially in the same cell. TG-induced SOCE strongly potentiated ICl(Ca), but abolished ICl, swell, thereby providing a clue for this paradox. Thus, we have established for the first time using a keratinocyte model that ICl, swell can be physiologically activated under isotonic conditions by receptors coupled to the phosphoinositide pathway. These results also suggest a novel function for SOCE, which can operate as a "selection" switch between closely localized channels.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are inward currents in interstitial cells (IC) isolated from the guinea-pig detrusor and if so, to characterise them using the patch-clamp technique and pharmacological agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, inward currents were studied in IC enzymatically isolated from the detrusor of the guinea-pig bladder. Currents were evoked by stepping positively from a holding potential of - 80 mV. RESULTS: Outward K+ currents were blocked by Cs+ internal solution to reveal inward currents, which activated at voltages more positive than - 50 mV, peaked at 0 mV, reversed near + 50 mV and were half-maximally activated at - 27 mV. The inward currents showed voltage-dependent inactivation and were half-maximally inactivated at - 36 mV. Fitting the activation and inactivation data with a Boltzmann function revealed a window current between - 40 mV and + 20 mV. The decay of the current evoked at 0 mV could be fitted with a single exponential with a mean time-constant of 88 ms. Replacing external Ca2+ with Ba2+ significantly increased this to 344 ms. The current amplitude was augmented by Ba2+, and by Bay K 8644. Inward currents were significantly reduced by 1 microm nifedipine, across the voltage range, but the blockade was more effective on the current evoked at 0 mV than that evoked by a step to - 20 mV, perhaps indicating voltage-dependence of the action of nifedipine or another component of inward current. Increasing the concentration of the drug to 10 microm caused no further significant reduction either at 0 mV or at -20 mV. However, in the presence of 1 microm nifedipine the latter current was significantly reduced by 100 microm Ni2+. Both currents were significantly reduced in Ca2+-free solution. CONCLUSIONS: IC from the guinea-pig detrusor possess inward currents with typical characteristics of L-type Ca2+ current. They also have a component of inward Ca2+ current, which was resistant to nifedipine, but sensitive to Ni2+. Further work is needed to characterise the latter conductance. PMID: 16686735 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Freshly dispersed sheep mesenteric lymphatic smooth muscle cells were studied at 37 degrees C using the perforated patch-clamp technique with Cs(+)- and K(+)-filled pipettes. Depolarizing steps evoked currents that consisted of L-type Ca(2+) [I(Ca(L))] current and a slowly developing current. The slow current reversed at 1 +/- 1.5 mV with symmetrical Cl(-) concentrations compared with 23.2 +/- 1.2 mV (n = 5) and -34.3 +/- 3.5 mV (n = 4) when external Cl(-) was substituted with either glutamate (86 mM) or I(-) (125 mM). Nifedipine (1 microM) blocked and BAY K 8644 enhanced I(Ca(L)), the slow-developing sustained current, and the tail current. The Cl(-) channel blocker anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9-AC) reduced only the slowly developing inward and tail currents. Application of caffeine (10 mM) to voltage-clamped cells evoked currents that reversed close to the Cl(-) equilibrium potential and were sensitive to 9-AC. Small spontaneous transient depolarizations and larger action potentials were observed in current clamp, and these were blocked by 9-AC. Evoked action potentials were triphasic and had a prominent plateau phase that was selectively blocked by 9-AC. Similarly, fluid output was reduced by 9-AC in doubly cannulated segments of spontaneously pumping sheep lymphatics, suggesting that the Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) current plays an important role in the electrical activity underlying spontaneous activity in this tissue. PMID: 11029279 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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The perforated-patch technique was used to measure membrane currents in smooth muscle cells from sheep urethra. Depolarizing pulses evoked large transient outward currents and several components of sustained current. The transient current and a component of sustained current were blocked by iberiotoxin, penitrem A, and nifedipine but were unaffected by apamin or 4-aminopyridine, suggesting that they were mediated by large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK) channels. When the BK current was blocked by exposure to penitrem A (100 nM) and Ca(2+)-free bath solution, there remained a voltage-sensitive K(+) current that was moderately sensitive to blockade with tetraethylammonium (TEA; half-maximal effective dose = 3.0 +/- 0.8 mM) but not 4-aminopyridine. Penitrem A (100 nM) increased the spike amplitude and plateau potential in slow waves evoked in single cells, whereas addition of TEA (10 mM) further increased the plateau potential and duration. In conclusion, both Ca(2+)-activated and voltage-dependent K(+) currents were found in urethral myocytes. Both of these currents are capable of contributing to the slow wave in these cells, suggesting that they are likely to influence urethral tone under certain conditions.


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1. The patch-clamp technique was used to measure membrane currents in isolated smooth muscle cells dispersed from sheep mesenteric lymphatics. Depolarizing steps positive to -30 mV evoked rapid inward currents followed by noisy outward currents. 2. Nifedipine (1 microM) markedly reduced the outward current, while Bay K 8644 (1 microM) enhanced it. Up to 90% of the outward current was also blocked by iberiotoxin (Kd = 36 nM). 3. Large conductance (304 +/- 15 pS, 7 cells), Ca(2+)- and voltage-sensitive channels were observed during single-channel recordings on inside-out patches using symmetrical 140 mM K+ solutions (at 37 degrees C). The voltage required for half-maximal activation of the channels (V1/2) shifted in the hyperpolarizing direction by 146 mV per 10-fold increase in [Ca2+]i. 4. In whole-cell experiments a voltage-dependent outward current remained when the Ca(2+)-activated current was blocked with penitrem A (100 nM). This current activated at potentials positive to -20 mV and demonstrated the phenomenon of voltage-dependent inactivation (V1/2 = -41 +/- 2 mV, slope factor = 18 +/- 2 mV, 5 cells). 6. Tetraethylammonium (TEA; 30 mM) reduced the voltage-dependent current by 75% (Kd = 3.3 mM, 5 cells) while a maximal concentration of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; 10 mM) blocked only 40% of the current. TEA alone had as much effect as TEA and 4-AP together, suggesting that there are at least two components to the voltage-sensitive K+ current. 7. These results suggest that lymphatic smooth muscle cells generate a Ca(2+)-activated current, largely mediated by large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels, and several components of voltage-dependent outward current which resemble 'delayed rectifier' currents in other smooth muscle preparations.


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The oxidation of hydrogen was studied at an activated platinum micro-electrode by cyclic voltammetry in the following ionic liquids: [C(2)mim][NTf2], [C(4)mim][NTf2], [N-][NTf2], [P-][NTf2], [C(4)mim][OTf], [C(4)mim][BF4] [C(4)mim][PF6], [C(4)mim][NO3], [C(6)mim]Cl and [C(6)mim][FAP] (where [C(n)mim](+) = 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, [N-6,N-2,N-2,N-2](+) = n-hexyltriethylammonium, [P-14,P-6,P-6,P-6](+) = tris(n-hexyltetradecyl) phosphonium, [NTf2](-) = bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide, [OTf] = trifluoromethlysulfonate and [FAP](-) = tris(perfluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate). Activation of the Pt electrode was necessary to obtain reliable and reproducible voltammetry. After activation of the electrode, the H-2 oxidation waves were nearly electrochemically and chemically reversible in [C(n)mim][NTf2] ionic liquids, chemically irreversible in [C(6)mim]Cl and [C(4)mim][NO3], and showed intermediate characteristics in OTf-, [BF4](-), [PF6](-), [FAP](-) and other [NTf2](-)-based ionic liquids. These differences reflect the contrasting interactions of protons with the respective RTIL anions. The oxidation peaks are reported relative to the half-wave potential of the cobaltocenium/cobaltocene redox couple in all ionic liquids studied, giving an indication of the relative proton interactions of each ionic liquid. A preliminary temperature study (ca. 298-333 K) has also been carried out in some of the ionic liquids. Diffusion coefficients and solubilities of hydrogen at 298 K were obtained from potential-step chronoamperometry, and there was no relationship found between the diffusion coefficients and solvent viscosity. RTILs possessing [NTf2](-) and [FAP](-) anions showed the highest micro-electrode peak currents for the oxidation in H-2 saturated solutions, with[C(4)mim][NTf2] toeing the most sensitive. The large number of available RTIL anion/cation pairs allows scope for the possible electrochemical detection of hydrogen gas for use in gas sensor technology. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To characterize the biophysical, pharmacologic, and functional properties of the Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) current in retinal arteriolar myocytes. METHODS: Whole-cell perforated patch-clamp recordings were made from myocytes within intact isolated arteriolar segments. Arteriolar tone was assessed using pressure myography. RESULTS: Depolarizing of voltage steps to -40 mV and greater activated an L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca(L))) that was followed by a sustained current. Large tail currents (I(tail)) were observed on stepping back to -80 mV. The sustained current and I(tail) reversed close to 0 mV in symmetrical Cl(-) concentrations. The ion selectivity sequence for I(tail) was I(-)> Cl(-)> glucuronate. Outward I(tail) was sensitive to the Cl(-) channel blockers 9-anthracene-carboxylic acid (9-AC; 1 mM), 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS; 1 mM), and disodium 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS; 1 mM), but only DIDS produced a substantial (78%) block of inward tail currents at -100 mV. I(tail) was decreased in magnitude when the normal bathing medium was substituted with Ca(2+)-free solution or if I(Ca(L)) was inhibited by 1 microM nimodipine. Caffeine (10 mM) produced large transient currents that reversed close to the Cl(-) equilibrium potential and were blocked by 1 mM DIDS or 100 microM tetracaine. DIDS had no effect on basal vascular tone in pressurized arterioles but dramatically reduced the level of vasoconstriction observed in the presence of 10 nM endothelin-1. CONCLUSIONS: Retinal arteriolar myocytes have I(Cl(Ca)), which may be activated by Ca(2+) entry through L-type Ca(2+) channels or Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores. This current appears to contribute to agonist-induced retinal vasoconstriction.


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PURPOSE: The presence of novel KCNQ currents was investigated in guinea pig bladder interstitial cells of Cajal and their contribution to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential was assessed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Enzymatically dispersed interstitial cells of Cajal were patch clamped with K(+) filled pipettes in voltage clamp and current clamp modes. Pharmacological modulators of KCNQ channels were tested on membrane currents and the resting membrane potential. RESULTS: Cells were stepped from -60 to 40 mV to evoke voltage dependent currents using a modified K(+) pipette solution containing ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (5 mM) and adenosine triphosphate (3 mM) to eliminate large conductance Ca activated K channel and K(adenosine triphosphate) currents. Application of the KCNQ blockers XE991, linopirdine (Tocris Bioscience, Ellisville, Missouri) and chromanol 293B (Sigma) decreased the outward current in concentration dependent fashion. The current-voltage relationship of XE991 sensitive current revealed a voltage dependent, outwardly rectifying current that activated positive to -60 mV and showed little inactivation. The KCNQ openers flupirtine and meclofenamic acid (Sigma) increased outward currents across the voltage range. In current clamp mode XE991 or chromanol 293B decreased interstitial cell of Cajal resting membrane potential and elicited the firing of spontaneous transient depolarizations in otherwise quiescent cells. Flupirtine or meclofenamic acid hyperpolarized interstitial cells of Cajal and inhibited any spontaneous electrical activity. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides electrophysiological evidence that bladder interstitial cells of Cajal have KCNQ currents with a role in the regulation of interstitial cell of Cajal resting membrane potential and excitability. These novel findings provide key information on the ion channels present in bladder interstitial cells of Cajal and they may indicate relevant targets for the development of new therapies for bladder instability.


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Inward rectifier potassium channels of the Kir2 subfamily are important determinants of the electrical activity of brain and muscle cells. Genetic mutations in Kir2.1 associate with Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS), a familial disorder leading to stress-triggered periodic paralysis and ventricular arrhythmia. To identify the molecular mechanisms of this stress trigger, we analyze Kir channel function and localization electrophysiologically and by time-resolved confocal microscopy. Furthermore, we employ a mathematical model of muscular membrane potential. We identify a novel corticoid signaling pathway that, when activated by glucocorticoids, leads to enrichment of Kir2 channels in the plasma membranes of mammalian cell lines and isolated cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. We further demonstrate that activation of this pathway can either partly restore (40% of cases) or further impair (20% of cases) the function of mutant ATS channels, depending on the particular Kir2.1 mutation. This means that glucocorticoid treatment might either alleviate or deteriorate symptoms of ATS depending on the patient's individual Kir2.1 genotype. Thus, our findings provide a possible explanation for the contradictory effects of glucocorticoid treatment on symptoms in patients with ATS and may open new pathways for the design of personalized medicines in ATS therapy. © FASEB.


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Transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels are Ca(2+)-permeable nonselective cation channels implicated in diverse physiological functions, including smooth muscle contractility and synaptic transmission. However, lack of potent selective pharmacological inhibitors for TRPC channels has limited delineation of the roles of these channels in physiological systems. Here we report the identification and characterization of ML204 as a novel, potent, and selective TRPC4 channel inhibitor. A high throughput fluorescent screen of 305,000 compounds of the Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository was performed for inhibitors that blocked intracellular Ca(2+) rise in response to stimulation of mouse TRPC4ß by µ-opioid receptors. ML204 inhibited TRPC4ß-mediated intracellular Ca(2+) rise with an IC(50) value of 0.96 µm and exhibited 19-fold selectivity against muscarinic receptor-coupled TRPC6 channel activation. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, ML204 blocked TRPC4ß currents activated through either µ-opioid receptor stimulation or intracellular dialysis of guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTP?S), suggesting a direct interaction of ML204 with TRPC4 channels rather than any interference with the signal transduction pathways. Selectivity studies showed no appreciable block by 10-20 µm ML204 of TRPV1, TRPV3, TRPA1, and TRPM8, as well as KCNQ2 and native voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium channels in mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons. In isolated guinea pig ileal myocytes, ML204 blocked muscarinic cation currents activated by bath application of carbachol or intracellular infusion of GTP?S, demonstrating its effectiveness on native TRPC4 currents. Therefore, ML204 represents an excellent novel tool for investigation of TRPC4 channel function and may facilitate the development of therapeutics targeted to TRPC4.


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We have recently isolated a cDNA (SKV1.1) encoding a Shakei-related K+ channel from the human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni. In order to better understand the functions of SKv1.1 protein, the distribution of SKv1.1 protein in adult S. mansoni was analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a region-specific antibody. SKV1.1 proteins were widely expressed in the nervous and muscular systems. The strongest immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in the nervous system of both male and female. In the nervous system, IR for SKv1.1 proteins was localized in cell bodies and nerve fibers of the anterior ganglia, the central commissure, and the main nerve cords. IR was also observed in the dorsal and the ventral peripheral nerve nets, fine nerve fibers entering into a variety of structures such as the dorsal tubercles, longitudinal and ventral muscle fibers, and oral and ventral suckers. In the muscular system, SKv1.1 proteins were localized to the longitudinal, circular, and ventral muscle fibers of male as well as in isolated muscle fibers where native A-type K+ currents were measured. Moderate IR was also seen in a large number of cell bodies in the parenchyma. These results indicate that SKv1.1 protein may play an important role in the regulation of the excitability of neurons and muscle cells of S. mansoni. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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Most bacterial pathogens are resistant to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) that are key components of the innate immunity of both vertebrates and invertebrates. In Gram-negative bacteria, the known CAMPs resistance mechanisms involve outer membrane (OM) modifications and specifically those in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule. Here we report, the characterization of a novel CAMPs resistance mechanism present in Yersinia that is dependent on an efflux pump/potassium antiporter system formed by the RosA and RosB proteins. The RosA/RosB system is activated by a temperature shift to 37 degrees C, but is also induced by the presence of the CAMPs, such as polymyxin B. This is the first report of a CAMPs resistance system that is induced by the presence of CAMPs. It is proposed that the RosA/RosB system protects the bacteria by both acidifying the cytoplasm to prevent the CAMPs action and pumping the CAMPs out of the cell.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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The voltage-gated cardiac potassium channel hERG1 (human ether-à-gogo-related gene 1) plays a key role in the repolarization phase of the cardiac action potential (AP). Mutations in its gene, KCNH2, can lead to defects in the biosynthesis and maturation of the channel, resulting in congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS). To identify the molecular mechanisms regulating the density of hERG1 channels at the plasma membrane, we investigated channel ubiquitylation by ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2, a post-translational regulatory mechanism previously linked to other ion channels. We found that whole-cell hERG1 currents recorded in HEK293 cells were decreased upon neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4-2 (Nedd4-2) co-expression. The amount of hERG1 channels in total HEK293 lysates and at the cell surface, as assessed by Western blot and biotinylation assays, respectively, were concomitantly decreased. Nedd4-2 and hERG1 interact via a PY motif located in the C-terminus of hERG1. Finally, we determined that Nedd4-2 mediates ubiquitylation of hERG1 and that deletion of this motif affects Nedd4-2-dependent regulation. These results suggest that ubiquitylation of the hERG1 protein by Nedd4-2, and its subsequent down-regulation, could represent an important mechanism for modulation of the duration of the human cardiac action potential.


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Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2z channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2z and BK channels are coupled within distances of *20 nm (200 A˚). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2z and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a ‘‘locked-in’’ state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential- based value.