894 resultados para Accuracy, fingerprint identification, forensic science


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A tooth-like foreign body (FB) was found inside a sausage bread. Analysis aimed to investigate whether the FB was a tooth and its origin. The FB was measured, weighed, photographed, and radiographed. Macroscopic findings were suggestive of an anterior tooth. Histological slides of undecalcified cross-sections of the FB and samples of human and swine teeth were prepared. Histological features of the FB (in light microscopy, 125X magnification) were discrepant from human tissues. Compared histological analysis displayed majority of features consistent with a hypsodont swine tooth, probably a canine. Cellularized cementum in crown region, adjacent to the enamel, and shape of the cementocytes were the main criteria excluding the possibility of human origin of the FB. Scanning electronic microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy were not performed because of fewer features to be analyzed and FB size. It was concluded that the FB may have been incorporated during meat grinding of the sausage.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the reliability of computed tomography (CT) numbers, also known as Hounsfield-units (HU) in the differentiation and identification of forensically relevant materials and to provide instructions to improve the reproducibility of HU measurements in daily forensic practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We scanned a phantom containing non-organic materials (glass, rocks and metals) on three different CT scanners with standardized parameters. The t-test was used to assess the influence of the scanner, the size and shape of different types of regions-of-interest (ROI), the composition and shape of the object, and the reader performance on HU measurements. Intra-class correlation coefficient was used to assess intra- and inter-reader reliability. RESULTS: HU values did not change significantly as a function of ROI-shape or -size (p>0.05). Intra-reader reliability reached ICC values >0.929 (p<0.001). Inter-reader reliability was also excellent with an ICC of 0.994 (p<0.001). Four of seven objects yielded significantly different CT numbers at different levels within the object (p<0.05). In 6/7 objects the HU changed significantly from CT scanner to CT scanner (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Reproducible CT number measurements can be achieved through correct ROI-placement and repeat measurements within the object of interest. However, HU may differ from CT-scanner to CT-scanner. In order to obtain comparable CT numbers we suggest that a dedicated Forensic Reference Phantom be developed.


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The three-dimensional documentation of footwear and tyre impressions in snow offers an opportunity to capture additional fine detail for the identification as present photographs. For this approach, up to now, different casting methods have been used. Casting of footwear impressions in snow has always been a difficult assignment. This work demonstrates that for the three-dimensional documentation of impressions in snow the non-destructive method of 3D optical surface scanning is suitable. The new method delivers more detailed results of higher accuracy than the conventional casting techniques. The results of this easy to use and mobile 3D optical surface scanner were very satisfactory in different meteorological and snow conditions. The method is also suitable for impressions in soil, sand or other materials. In addition to the side by side comparison, the automatic comparison of the 3D models and the computation of deviations and accuracy of the data simplify the examination and delivers objective and secure results. The results can be visualized efficiently. Data exchange between investigating authorities at a national or an international level can be achieved easily with electronic data carriers.


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Radiological identification is important in forensic medicine. Identification using comparison of individualising structures with ante- and post-mortem conventional radiographs has been known for a long time. New radiological procedures such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are being increasingly used for identification. In this paper, a new comparative approach using various radiological methods is described and its application demonstrated. This new approach is the comparison of ante-mortem conventional radiographs with projected images calculated from post-mortem CT data. The identification procedure will be illustrated with reference to the frontal sinus and the pelvis.


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After a mass fatality incident (MFI), all victims have to be rapidly and accurately identified for juridical reasons as well as for the relatives' sake. Since MFIs are often international in scope, Interpol has proposed standard disaster victim identification (DVI) procedures, which have been widely adopted by authorities and forensic experts. This study investigates how postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can contribute to the DVI process as proposed by Interpol. The Interpol postmortem (PM) form has been analyzed, and a number of items in sections D and E thereof have been postulated to be suitable for documentation by CT data. CT scans have then been performed on forensic cases. Interpretation of the reconstructed images showed that indeed much of the postmortem information required for identification can be gathered from CT data. Further advantages of the proposed approach concern the observer independent documentation, the possibility to reconstruct a variety of images a long time after the event, the possibility to distribute the work by transmitting CT data digitally, and the reduction of time and specialists needed at the disaster site. We conclude that MSCT may be used as a valuable screening tool in DVI in the future.


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Traces of backspatter recovered from the inside of the barrel of a gun that was used to deliver suicidal or homicidal contact shots may be a source of valuable forensic evidence and first systematic investigations of the persistence of victim DNA from inside firearms have been presented. The aim of the present study was to include victim RNA in such analyses to determine the origin of tissues in addition and parallel to standard DNA profiling for forensic identification purposes. In a first step, suitable mRNA (C1orf61) and micro-RNAs (miR-124a and miR-124*) that are primarily expressed in brain tissue were selected from potential candidates and confirmed using quantitative PCR (qPCR). Secondly, a co-extraction procedure for RNA and DNA was established and brain differentiability of the selected RNAs was demonstrated via qPCR using samples from experimental shots at ballistic models. In a third step, this procedure was successfully applied to analyse samples from real casework comprising eight cases of suicidal contact shots. In this pilot study, we are first to report the possibility of co-extracting mRNA, miRNA and DNA from ballistic trace samples collected from the inside of firearms and we demonstrate that RNA and DNA based analyses can be performed in parallel to produce informative and highly complementary evidence.


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PURPOSE The goal of this study was to investigate whether different computed tomography (CT) energy levels could supply additional information for the differentiation of dental materials for forensic investigations. METHODS Nine different commonly used restorative dental materials were investigated in this study. A total of 75 human third molars were filled with the restorative dental materials and then scanned using the forensic reference phantom in singlesource mode. The mean Hounsfield unit values and standard deviations (SDs) of each material were calculated at 120, 80 and 140 kVp. RESULTS Most of the dental materials could be differentiated at 120 kVp. We found that greater X-ray density of a material resulted in higher SDs and that the material volume could influence the measurements. CONCLUSION Differentiation of dental materials in CT was possible in many cases using single-energy CT scans at 120 kVp. Because of the number of dental restorative materials available and scanner and scan parameter dependence, as well as the CT imaging artifacts, the identification (in contrast to differentiation) was problematic.


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After attending this presentation, attendees will: (1) understand how body height from computed tomography data can be estimated; and, (2) gain knowledge about the accuracy of estimated body height and limitations. The presentation will impact the forensic science community by providing knowledge and competence which will enable attendees to develop formulas for single bones to reconstruct body height using postmortem Computer Tomography (p-CT) data. The estimation of Body Height (BH) is an important component of the identification of corpses and skeletal remains. Stature can be estimated with relative accuracy via the measurement of long bones, such as the femora. Compared to time-consuming maceration procedures, p-CT allows fast and simple measurements of bones. This study undertook four objectives concerning the accuracy of BH estimation via p-CT: (1) accuracy between measurements on native bone and p-CT imaged bone (F1 according to Martin 1914); (2) intra-observer p-CT measurement precision; (3) accuracy between formula-based estimation of the BH and conventional body length measurement during autopsy; and, (4) accuracy of different estimation formulas available.1 In the first step, the accuracy of measurements in the CT compared to those obtained using an osteometric board was evaluated on the basis of eight defleshed femora. Then the femora of 83 female and 144 male corpses of a Swiss population for which p-CTs had been performed, were measured at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern. After two months, 20 individuals were measured again in order to assess the intraobserver error. The mean age of the men was 53±17 years and that of the women was 61±20 years. Additionally, the body length of the corpses was measured conventionally. The mean body length was 176.6±7.2cm for men and 163.6±7.8cm for women. The images that were obtained using a six-slice CT were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 1.25mm. Analysis and measurements of CT images were performed on a multipurpose workstation. As a forensic standard procedure, stature was estimated by means of the regression equations by Penning & Riepert developed on a Southern German population and for comparison, also those referenced by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 All statistical tests were performed with a statistical software. No significant differences were found between the CT and osteometric board measurements. The double p-CT measurement of 20 individuals resulted in an absolute intra-observer difference of 0.4±0.3mm. For both sexes, the correlation between the body length and the estimated BH using the F1 measurements was highly significant. The correlation coefficient was slightly higher for women. The differences in accuracy of the different formulas were small. While the errors of BH estimation were generally ±4.5–5.0cm, the consideration of age led to an increase in accuracy of a few millimetres to about 1cm. BH estimations according to Penning & Riepert and Trotter & Gleser were slightly more accurate when age-at-death was taken into account.2,3 That way, stature estimations in the group of individuals older than 60 years were improved by about 2.4cm and 3.1cm.2,3 The error of estimation is therefore about a third of the common ±4.7cm error range. Femur measurements in p-CT allow very accurate BH estimations. Estimations according to Penning led to good results that (barely) come closer to the true value than the frequently used formulas by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 Therefore, the formulas by Penning & Riepert are also validated for this substantial recent Swiss population.


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El siguiente Trabajo Fin de Master se divide en tres partes, siempre, alrededor de la identificación biométrica. Esta ciencia aprovecha que existen ciertas características biológicas o conductuales singulares e inalterables, por lo que pueden ser analizados y medidos para crear una huella biométrica. Estas características son difíciles de perder, transferir u olvidar y son perdurables en el tiempo. En la primera de las partes se ofrecerá una visión sobre la importancia histórica de esta ciencia, desde los primeros vestigios humanos, en la zona de Mesopotamia, pasando por los grandes innovadores y precursores de la identificación biométrica, como Bertillon, Galton, Vucetich, etc. auspiciados por una finalidad mayoritariamente criminalística o policiaca, hasta la gran revolución a finales del siglo pasado, en las que técnicas que parecían ciencia ficción se hicieron realidad. En el siguiente apartado se analizaran las 6 principales técnicas que se usan actualmente, realizando una mirada más profunda en los principios naturales, fisiológicos y físicos sobre los que se basan se expondrán las tendencias futuras sobre las que trabajara la industria para el desarrollo de técnicas más seguras, menos invasivas y más transparentes para los usuarios finales. Estas como ha pasado a lo largo de la historia sonaran increíbles, pero una vez más la raza humana conseguirá materializarlas e introducirlas en su día a día. Para finalizar y después de este estudio en detalle, se intentará realizar una comparación y análisis basados en las más importantes características para las técnicas biométricas, fiabilidad, facilidad, usurpación, aceptación y estabilidad, etc. ABSTRACT The following Master's Thesis is divided into three parts, always, about biometric identification. This science fail that certain biological or behavioural characteristics unique and unchangeable, so it can be analysed and measured to create a biometric fingerprint. These features are hard to miss, or forget to transfer and are enduring in time. In the first part a vision of the historical importance of this science are offered, from the earliest human remains in the area of Mesopotamia, to the great innovators and pioneers of biometric identification, such as Bertillon, Galton, Vucetich, etc. . sponsored a largely forensic or detective purpose, until the great revolution in the late nineteenth century, in which techniques that seemed science fiction became reality. The following section will analyse the 6 main techniques currently in use, making a deeper look at the natural, physiological and physical principles on which future trends are based on the industry to work for the development of techniques will be discussed more safer, less invasive and more transparent to end users. Such as has happened throughout history sounded amazing, but once again the human race get materialize and introduce them in their day to day. Finally and after the study in detail, and try to make a comparison based on the most important features for biometric technologies, reliability, ease, alienation, acceptance and stability analysis etc..


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Genetic analysis in animals has been used for many applications, such as kinship analysis, for determining the sire of an offspring when a female has been exposed to multiple males, determining parentage when an animal switches offspring with another dam, extended lineage reconstruction, estimating inbreeding, identification in breed registries, and speciation. It now also is being used increasingly to characterize animal materials in forensic cases. As such, it is important to operate under a set of minimum guidelines that assures that all service providers have a template to follow for quality practices. None have been delineated for animal genetic identity testing. Based on the model for human DNA forensic analyses, a basic discussion of the issues and guidelines is provided for animal testing to include analytical practices, data evaluation, nomenclature, allele designation, statistics, validation, proficiency testing, lineage markers, casework files, and reporting. These should provide a basis for professional societies and/or working groups to establish more formalized recommendations.


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Human scent, or the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by an individual, has been recognized as a biometric measurement because of the distinct variations in both the presence and abundance of these VOCs between individuals. In forensic science, human scent has been used as a form of associative evidence by linking a suspect to a scene/object through the use of human scent discriminating canines. The scent most often collected and used with these specially trained canines is from the hands because a majority of the evidence collected is likely to have been handled by the suspect. However, the scents from other biological specimens, especially those that are likely to be present at scenes of violent crimes, have yet to be explored. Hair, fingernails and saliva are examples of these types of specimens. ^ In this work, a headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) technique was used for the identification of VOCs from hand odor, hair, fingernails and saliva. Sixty individuals were sampled and the profiles of the extracted VOCs were evaluated to assess whether they could be used for distinguishing individuals. Preliminary analysis of the biological specimens collected from an individual (intra-subject) showed that, though these materials have some VOCs in common, their overall chemical profile is different for each specimen type. Pair-wise comparisons, using Spearman Rank correlations, were made between the chemical profiles obtained from each subject, per a specimen type. Greater than 98.8% of the collected samples were distinguished from the subjects for all of the specimen types, demonstrating that these specimens can be used for distinguishing individuals. ^ Additionally, field trials were performed to determine the utility of these specimens as scent sources for human scent discriminating canines. Three trials were conducted to evaluate hair, fingernails and saliva in comparison to hand odor, which was considered the standard source of human odor. It was revealed that canines perform similarly to these alternative human scent sources as they do to hand odor implying that, though there are differences in the chemical profiles released by these specimens, they can still be used for the discrimination of individuals by trained canines.^


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Human scent, or the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by an individual, has been recognized as a biometric measurement because of the distinct variations in both the presence and abundance of these VOCs between individuals. In forensic science, human scent has been used as a form of associative evidence by linking a suspect to a scene/object through the use of human scent discriminating canines. The scent most often collected and used with these specially trained canines is from the hands because a majority of the evidence collected is likely to have been handled by the suspect. However, the scents from other biological specimens, especially those that are likely to be present at scenes of violent crimes, have yet to be explored. Hair, fingernails and saliva are examples of these types of specimens. In this work, a headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) technique was used for the identification of VOCs from hand odor, hair, fingernails and saliva. Sixty individuals were sampled and the profiles of the extracted VOCs were evaluated to assess whether they could be used for distinguishing individuals. Preliminary analysis of the biological specimens collected from an individual (intra-subject) showed that, though these materials have some VOCs in common, their overall chemical profile is different for each specimen type. Pair-wise comparisons, using Spearman Rank correlations, were made between the chemical profiles obtained from each subject, per a specimen type. Greater than 98.8% of the collected samples were distinguished from the subjects for all of the specimen types, demonstrating that these specimens can be used for distinguishing individuals. Additionally, field trials were performed to determine the utility of these specimens as scent sources for human scent discriminating canines. Three trials were conducted to evaluate hair, fingernails and saliva in comparison to hand odor, which was considered the standard source of human odor. It was revealed that canines perform similarly to these alternative human scent sources as they do to hand odor implying that, though there are differences in the chemical profiles released by these specimens, they can still be used for the discrimination of individuals by trained canines.


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Using a desorption/ionization technique, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization coupled to mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), documents related to the 2nd generation of Brazilian Real currency (R$) were screened in the positive ion mode for authenticity based on chemical profiles obtained directly from the banknote surface. Characteristic profiles were observed for authentic, seized suspect counterfeit and counterfeited homemade banknotes from inkjet and laserjet printers. The chemicals in the authentic banknotes' surface were detected via a few minor sets of ions, namely from the plasticizers bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), most likely related to the official offset printing process, and other common quaternary ammonium cations, presenting a similar chemical profile to 1st-generation R$. The seized suspect counterfeit banknotes, however, displayed abundant diagnostic ions in the m/z 400-800 range due to the presence of oligomers. High-accuracy FT-ICR MS analysis enabled molecular formula assignment for each ion. The ions were separated by 44 m/z, which enabled their characterization as Surfynol® 4XX (S4XX, XX=40, 65, and 85), wherein increasing XX values indicate increasing amounts of ethoxylation on a backbone of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (Surfynol® 104). Sodiated triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TBG) of m/z 229 (C10H22O4Na) was also identified in the seized counterfeit banknotes via EASI(+) FT-ICR MS. Surfynol® and TBG are constituents of inks used for inkjet printing.


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With a huge amount of printed documents nowadays, identifying their source is useful for criminal investigations and also to authenticate digital copies of a document. In this paper, we propose novel techniques for laser printer attribution. Our solutions do not need very high resolution scanning of the investigated document and explore the multidirectional, multiscale and low-level gradient texture patterns yielded by printing devices. The main contributions of this work are: (1) the description of printed areas using multidirectional and multiscale co-occurring texture patterns; (2) description of texture on low-level gradient areas by a convolution texture gradient filter that emphasizes textures in specific transition areas and (3) the analysis of printer patterns in segments of interest, which we call frames, instead of whole documents or only printed letters. We show by experiments in a well documented dataset that the proposed methods outperform techniques described in the literature and present near-perfect classification accuracy being very promising for deployment in real-world forensic investigations.


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Determining the season of death by means of the composition of the families of insects infesting carrion is rarely attempted in forensic studies and has never been statistically modelled. For this reason, a baseline-category logit model is proposed for predicting the season of death as a function of whether the area where the carcass was exposed is sunlit or shaded and of the relative abundance of particular families of carrion insects (Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Sarcophagidae, and Formicidae). The field study was conducted using rodent carcasses (20-252 g) in an urban forest in southeastern Brazil. Four carcasses (2 in a sunlit and 2 in a shaded area) were placed simultaneously at the study site, twice during each season from August 2003 through June 2004. The feasibility of the model, measured in terms of overall accuracy, is 64 +/- 14%. It is likely the proposed model will assist forensic teams in predicting the season of death in tropical ecosystems, without the need of identifying the species of specimens or the remains of carrion insects.