919 resultados para Accounting information
Auditing is an important activity in today’s society and is characterised by several dilemmas. The assumption underlying this thesis is that auditing is influenced in prac-tice by the thought patterns of auditors. These patterns are shaped in an environment that is both regulated and self-regulated. The purpose of the thesis is to describe, analyse and compare the thought patterns of Swedish auditors and important stake-holders with regard to the way in which auditors audit information provided by listed companies and how they make statements about this information. The purpose is also to make some suggestions about how the auditing activity can be modified in order to reduce conflicting interests. The methodological approach combines the use of the repertory grid technique and open-ended interview questions. Interviews were carried out with 82 auditors and 73 stakeholders. To validate the findings, four focus groups, consisting of auditors, investors and creditors, were consulted. The findings indicate that auditors devote a relatively large amount of time and considerable effort to objects that can be verified satisfactorily, but not to objects that they perceive as being of primary importance to investors and creditors. A similar gap is found in the thought patterns of investors and creditors. Moreover, several expec-tation gaps are found, in particular regarding auditors’ statements. On the one hand, the auditors studied were reluctant to make statements about any other information than information obtained according to current practice; on the other hand, the inves-tors and creditors expressed a need for additional information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects. The concluding suggestions concern measures that can reduce the discrepancies identi-fied, including (i) the introduction of a mandatory primary audit and a market-oriented secondary audit, (ii) extended information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects that will benefit the stakeholders, (iii) a somewhat less expo-sed position of the auditors, and (iv) the importance of a changed balance of power in the auditing arena and the need for an integrated and dynamic approach to auditing. Keywords: auditing, accounting information, auditors, stakeholders, agency theory, thought patterns, expectation gap, repertory grid.
La costruzione di un modello efficiente di corporate governance deve offrire una disciplina adeguata dei doveri contabili. Ciò nonostante, gli ordinamenti giuridici configurano i doveri di contabilità in modo incompleto, giacché l’inadempimento di questi non comporta una sanzione diretta per il soggetto inadempiente. Come informazione sulla situazione economica e finanziaria della società, esiste un interesse pubblico nella contabilità, e questa può servire come base di giudizio a soggetti interni ed esterni all’impresa, nell’adozione delle sue scelte. Disporre di un’informazione falsa o inesatta al riguardo può comportare un danno ingiustificato alla società stessa, ai soci o ai terzi, che potranno esercitare le azioni precise per il risarcimento del danno cagionato. Per evitare la produzione di questi danni, da una prospettiva preventiva, la corporate governance delle società di capitali può prevedere dei meccanismi di controllo che riducano il rischio di offrire un’informazione sbagliata. Questi controlli potranno essere esercitati da soggetti interni o esterni (revisori legali) alla struttura della società, ed avranno una configurazione diversa a seconda che le società adottino una struttura monistica o dualistica di governance. Questo ci colloca di fronte ad una eventuale situazione di concorrenza delle colpe, giacché i diversi soggetti che intervengono nel processo d’elaborazione dell’informazione contabile versano la sua attuazione sullo stesso documento: il bilancio. Risulta dunque cruciale determinare il contributo effettivo di ciascuno per analizzare il suo grado di responsabilità nella produzione del danno.
A aprovação da norma contábil IAS 41- Agriculture em 2001 trouxe uma série de desafios nas práticas contábeis das empresas, sendo a principal delas o reconhecimento de ganhos/perdas durante o crescimento biológico de um ativo e a mensuração destes ganhos/perdas pelo valor justo. Toda forma de reconhecimento e mensuração apresenta relação com o modelo de negócios da empresa e irá afetar o relacionamento entre os envolvidos neste contexto e a forma como os usuários da informação contábil avaliam a gestão dos recursos investidos na entidade, que é o stewardship. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi discutir quais e como os fatores internos e externos presentes no contexto social das organizações, contribuíram para que a informação contábil a valor justo atingisse o objetivo de stewardship. Para isto foi realizado um estudo etnográfico por meio de entrevistas direcionadas aos responsáveis pela informação contábil em onze empresas de diferentes segmentos do agronegócio. O modelo de analise primeiramente se ateve ao entendimento do Modelo de Mensuração dos ativos biológicos dentro destas empresas, e como esta informação é utilizada para fins de stewardship. Em três empresas, a informação contábil referente ao ativo biológico é utilizada para fins de avaliação de performance global e do gestor e para o relacionamento com o credor, que constituem elementos para a proxy do stewardship. O processo de mudança nestas empresas, analisado conforme modelo desenvolvido por Miller (1991) se deu primeiramente pela Problematização ocorrida no contexto social destas empresas, em que seu modelo de negócios tem a madeira como produto final, bem como no modelo de gestão que visa em primeiro lugar o retorno do capital investido, mensurado pela valorização da floresta ao longo dos anos. Os atores que agem para que isto se torne numa mudança efetiva, denominados de Comunidades Epistêmicas, são os acionistas e os credores destas empresas. Os acionistas que são fundos de investimentos têm que apresentar aos seus cotistas a valorização destes investimentos, e o credor (em uma das empresas) vincula a garantia dos empréstimos ao valor da floresta. Também atua neste processo de uma forma mais distante (Ação à Distância) a cultura dos fundos de investimentos, em que a gestora florestal é responsável pela formação e venda de novas áreas florestais, bem como a legislação específica da constituição destes fundos. Nas outras empresas, além de o ativo biológico ser um insumo de produção no modelo de negócios na maioria dos casos analisados, o modelo de gestão é baseado na eficiência operacional. Desta forma, a mensuração a ser utilizada deve ser relacionada tanto ao modelo de negócios como ao modelo de gestão da empresa, que são fatores que revelam como os ativos estão sendo geridos, e isto influencia na perspectiva de geração de caixa do negócio. Apesar da obrigatoriedade que uma norma contábil impõe, a prática contábil segue suas próprias leis no âmbito social que operam as empresas, e qualquer alteração imposta passa por um extenso processo de problematização antes de esta norma ser socialmente aceita.
A pesquisa permeia a contabilidade e autogestão existentes nos empreendimentos econômicos solidários, em que o modelo de gestão é democrático e participativo e requer ferramentas contábeis compatíveis com suas características. O objetivo é verificar se a aplicação de técnica de ensino-aprendizagem contábil baseada nas rotinas gerenciais e demandas dos usuários contribui com a decodificação da informação contábil, colaborando com o controle gerencial dos empreendimentos. Assim, foi feito experimento em que no pré-teste foi analisado o entendimento contábil no que tange ao conteúdo informacional, sua utilidade e domínio. No pós-teste foi feita análise dos efeitos da aplicação da técnica sobre esses entendimentos. O estudo foi realizado com 16 cooperativas pertencentes à Incubadora Social da Universidade Federal de Goiás e a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas estruturadas, observações e análise de registros. Estas foram transcritas e analisadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo, que consistiu em organizar categorias conceituais representantes do entendimento contábil testado, designada pela ocorrência ou expressão nos dados transcritos. A análise dos resultados foi feita pelo teste não-paramétrico, Postos Sinalizados de Wilcoxon. Os resultados apresentados não demonstraram diferenças significativas com relação ao entendimento contábil dos diretores e não diretores antes e depois da intervenção. Limitações como amostra e a rotatividade de pessoas na cooperativa denotam a necessidade de haver formações recorrentes para os cooperados. Para futuras pesquisas fica o tempo de curso ser prolongado permitindo a participação recorrente e de mais cooperados. Como implicações práticas têm-se a percepção dos cooperados na necessidade de ter e entender as ferramentas e controles para administrar à cooperativa.
In accordance with 15-ILCS 15/11, from Chapter 127, paragraph 1811, the following report is offered to summarize the reorganization of the Department of the Lottery, the Liquor Control Commission, and the Illinois Racing Board merger with the Department of Revenue, pursuant to Executive Order 9, which took effect on June 1, 2003. As part of the governor's ongoing effort to streamline state government and improve efficiency, the consolidation eliminated duplication by integrating administrative functions of the agencies with the Department of Revenue. The change resulted in savings of $3 million on an annual basis from 29 fewer positions and a reduction of leased office space at 7 Lottery locations throughout the state. Streamlined operations were achieved by merging human resource management, procurement, accounting, information technology, and other administrative support services. In addition, Lottery headquarters in Springfield and Chicago, as well as sales district office locations throughout the state were merged with existing Department of Revenue offices, significantly reducing state lease costs. Core functions of the Lottery, Liquor Control Commission, and Racing Board remain intact, and the boards and commission that oversee these entities retain their regulatory responsibilities. The department is considering recommending "clean-up" legislation to replace statutory references to the "Department of the Lottery" with the "Division of the Lottery" or "Department of Revenue Division of the Lottery".
This study explores the institutional logic(s) governing the Corporate Internet Reporting (CIR) by Egyptian listed companies. In doing so, a mixed methods approach was followed. The qualitative part seeks to understand the perceptions, believes, values, norms, that are commonly shared by Egyptian companies which engaged in these practices. Consequently, seven cases of large listed Egyptian companies operating in different industries have been examined. Other stakeholders and stockholders have been interviewed in conjunction with these cases. The quantitative part consists of two studies. The first one is descriptive aiming to specify whether the induced logic(s) from the seven cases are commonly embraced by other Egyptian companies. The second study is explanatory aiming to investigate the impact of several institutional and economic factors on the extent of CIR, types of the online information, quality of the websites as well as the Internet facilities. Drawing on prior CIR literature, four potential types of logics could be inferred: efficiency, legitimacy, technical and marketing based logics. In Egypt, legitimacy logic was initially embraced in the earlier years after the Internet inception. latter, companies confronted radical challenges in their internal and external environments which impelled them to raise their websites potentialities to defend their competitive position; either domestically or internationally. Thus, two new logics emphasizing marketing and technical perspectives have emerged, in response. Strikingly, efficiency based logic is not the most prevalent logic driving CIR practices in Egypt as in the developed countries. The empirical results support this observation and show that almost half of Egyptian listed companies 115 as on December 2010 possessed an active website, half of them 62 disclosed part of their financial and accounting information, during December 2010 to February 2011. Less than half of the websites 52 offered latest annual financial statements. Fewer 33(29%) websites provided shareholders and stock information or included a separate section for corporate governance 25 (22%) compared to 50 (44%) possessing a section for news or press releases. Additionally, the variations in CIR practices, as well as timeliness and credibility were also evident even at industrial level. After controlling for firm size, profitability, leverage, liquidity, competition and growth, it was realized that industrial companies and those facing little competition tend to disclose less. In contrast, management size, foreign investors, foreign listing, dispersion of shareholders and firm size provided significant and positive impact individually or collectively. In contrast, neither audit firm, nor most of performance indicators (i.e. profitability, leverage, and liquidity) did exert an influence on the CIR practices. Thus, it is suggested that CIR practices are loosely institutionalised in Egypt, which necessitates issuing several regulative and processional rules to raise the quality attributes of Egyptian websites, especially, timeliness and credibility. Beside, this study highlights the potency of assessing the impact of institutional logic on CIR practices and suggests paying equal attention to the institutional and economic factors when comparing the CIR practices over time or across different institutional environments in the future.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States and in particular its immediately past chairman, Christopher Cox, has been actively promoting an upgrade of the EDGAR system of disseminating filings. The new generation of information provision has been dubbed by Chairman Cox, "Interactive Data" (SEC, 2006). In October this year the Office of Interactive Disclosure was created(http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2007/2007-213.htm). The focus of this paper is to examine the way in which the non-professional investor has been constructed by various actors. We examine the manner in which Interactive Data has been sold as the panacea for financial market 'irregularities' by the SEC and others. The academic literature shows almost no evidence of researching non-professional investors in any real sense (Young, 2006). Both this literature and the behaviour of representatives of institutions such as the SEC and FSA appears to find it convenient to construct this class of investor in a particular form and to speak for them. We theorise the activities of the SEC and its chairman in particular over a period of about three years, both following and prior to the 'credit crunch'. Our approach is to examine a selection of the policy documents released by the SEC and other interested parties and the statements made by some of the policy makers and regulators central to the programme to advance the socio-technical project that is constituted by Interactive Data. We adopt insights from ANT and more particularly the sociology of translation (Callon, 1986; Latour, 1987, 2005; Law, 1996, 2002; Law & Singleton, 2005) to show how individuals and regulators have acted as spokespersons for this malleable class of investor. We theorise the processes of accountability to investors and others and in so doing reveal the regulatory bodies taking the regulated for granted. The possible implications of technological developments in digital reporting have been identified also by the CEO's of the six biggest audit firms in a discussion document on the role of accounting information and audit in the future of global capital markets (DiPiazza et al., 2006). The potential for digital reporting enabled through XBRL to "revolutionize the entire company reporting model" (p.16) is discussed and they conclude that the new model "should be driven by the wants of investors and other users of company information,..." (p.17; emphasis in the original). Here rather than examine the somewhat illusive and vexing question of whether adding interactive functionality to 'traditional' reports can achieve the benefits claimed for nonprofessional investors we wish to consider the rhetorical and discursive moves in which the SEC and others have engaged to present such developments as providing clearer reporting and accountability standards and serving the interests of this constructed and largely unknown group - the non-professional investor.
Audit reporting lag continues to remain an issue of significant interest to regulators, financial statement users, public companies, and auditors. The SEC has recently acted to reduce the deadline for filing annual and quarterly financial statements. Such focus on audit reporting lag arises because, as noted by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, relevance and reliability are the two primary qualities of accounting information; and, to be relevant, information has to be timely. In my dissertation, I examine three issues related to the audit report lag. The first essay focuses on the association between audit report lag and the meeting or beating of earnings benchmarks. I do not find any association between audit report lag and just meeting or beating earnings benchmarks. However, I find that longer audit report lag is negatively associated with the probability of using discretionary accruals to meet or beat earnings benchmarks. We can infer from these results that audit effort, for which audit report lag is a proxy, reduces earnings management. The second part of my dissertation examines the association between types of auditor changes and audit report lag. I find that the resignation of an auditor is associated longer audit report lag compared to the dismissal of an auditor. I also find a significant positive association between the disclosure of a reportable event and audit report lag. The third part of my dissertation investigates the association between senior executive changes and audit report lag. I find that audit report lag is longer when client firms have a new CEO or CFO. Further, I find that audit report lag is longer when the new executive is someone from outside the firm. These results provide empirical evidence about the importance of senior management in the financial reporting process.
Firm’s financial information is essential to stakeholders’ decision making. Although not always financial statements show the firm’s real image. This study examines listed firms from Portugal and UK. Firms have different purposes to manipulate earnings: some strive for influencing investors’ perception about a particular company, some try to provide better position for gaining finance from credit institutions or paying less tax to tax authorities. Usually, this behaviour is induced when firms have financial problems. Consequently, the study also aims to see the impact of financial crisis on earnings management. We try to answer question how does extent of firms’ involvement in earnings management change when the world undergoes financial crisis. Furthermore, we also compare two countries with different legal forces in terms of quality of accounting to see the main differences. We used a panel data methodology to analyse financial data from 2004 till 2014 of listed firms from Portugal and UK. Beneish (1999) model was applied to categorize manipulator and non-manipulator firms. Analysing accounting information according to Beneish’s ratios, findings suggest that financial crisis had certain impact on firms’ tendency to manipulate financial results in UK although it is not statistically significant. Moreover, besides the differences between Portugal and UK, results contradict the common view of legal systems’ quality, as UK firms tend to apply more accounting techniques for manipulation than the Portuguese ones. Our main results also confirm that some UK firms manipulate ratios of receivables’ days, asset quality index, depreciation index, leverage, sales and general administrative expenses whereas Portuguese firms manipulate only receivables’ days. Finally, we also find that the main reason to manipulate results is not to influence the cost of obtained funds neither to minimize tax burden since net profit does not explain the ratios used in the Beneish model. Results suggest that the main concern to listed firms manipulate results is to influence financial investors perception.
I examine the implications of nondisclosure in a setting where there is a credible signal as to the proprietary nature of the undisclosed information. Specifically, I investigate the market and analysts' response to firms’ application to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a confidential treatment order (CTO), which allows firms to redact required disclosures from SEC filings when the redacted information is proprietary. I find that the market and analysts react favorably to the voluntary nondisclosure of proprietary information using the SEC confidential treatment process. Market and analysts reactions are more favorable to the redaction of information that is more likely to have proprietary value, such as information related to research and development. In addition, I show that the redacting firms experience superior accounting performance compared to their peers in the years following the redaction, consistent with the market and analysts’ response to the redaction. However, I find that analysts engage in more intense private information search in response to a CTO redaction. This finding suggests that, although a CTO redaction can signal the nature of undisclosed information, analysts believe that the signal is not fully revealing of the economic magnitude of the undisclosed information. Overall, this study’s findings indicate that a firm's willingness to submit to the CTO approval process serves as a credible signal of the proprietary nature of the withheld information. The results of this study suggest a possible role for a credible signaling channel to facilitate communication between insiders and outsiders regarding the nature of withheld information.
Las asociaciones cooperativas han tenido mayor auge en nuestro país en los últimos años, siendo indispensables para el desarrollo de la economía nacional, en tal sentido el cooperativismo moderno ha diversificado las áreas de producción de las cooperativas, pasando de producir para el sector primario de la economía, al secundario y terciario; es decir, de la producción agrícola, al de agroindustria comercial hasta la prestación de servicios, con el fin último de satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de los usuarios del sistema cooperativo, sin perder de vista que desempeñan un papel importante en el ámbito social, convirtiéndose así en entidades de economía solidaria. En El Salvador, el departamento de Cabañas pertenece a una zona geográfica de gran importancia para el sector agroindustrial ya que de acuerdo al 4º Censo Agropecuario realizado por la Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos (DIGESTYC) 2007-2008, de los 9 municipios del departamento el 27.17% de cabezas de ganado bovino pertenecen al municipio de Sensuntepeque, volviéndose así un mercado propicio para COPIGAC dedicada a la producción agroindustrial y comercialización de concentrado para ganado bovino. El Instituto Salvadoreño de Fomento Cooperativo (INSAFOCOOP) ha generado legislación especial denominada Norma de Información Financiera Para Asociaciones Cooperativas de El Salvador (NIFACES), con la finalidad de normar la constitución, funcionamiento y administración del sector cooperativo y que obtengan certeza de reflejar en su información financiera contable el cumplimiento de los requerimientos que demanda el organismo que las fiscaliza, a la vez que adopta uniformidad en la presentación de los datos contables en relación con los demás sectores. Debido a la importancia de la Asociación Cooperativa de Producción Agroindustrial y Comercialización Ganadera en el municipio de Sensuntepeque, el propósito principal que busca la ejecución del presente trabajo de investigación es diseñar una ORGANIZACIÓN FINANCIERA CONTABLE que sirva como un instrumento para estructurar, ordenar, clasificar y resumir la información que se genere de sus actividades; a fin de establecer resultados confiables, que sirvan a la administración para la toma de decisiones. La Organización Financiera Contable es regida por leyes y reglamentos generales, especiales, mercantiles, tributarios, y de previsión y seguridad social las cuales son fundamentales para su diseño, está compuesta por el Control Interno y el Sistema Contable y de Costos con base a la Norma de Información Financiera Para Asociaciones Cooperativas de El Salvador (NIFACES). El documento final que contiene la Organización Financiera Contable fue elaborado utilizando metodología que permitió la recolección de información bibliográfica de elementos teóricos sobre el cooperativismo, contabilidad general, contabilidad de costos y el control interno, se utilizaron como instrumentos de recolección de datos, la entrevista, la observación directa a las actividades ejecutadas por la cooperativa y listas de cotejo, los cuales permitieron el análisis e interpretación de los resultados. Así mismo al analizar e interpretar los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se lograron determinar las conclusiones y recomendaciones con el propósito de brindar solución a la problemática resultante, posteriormente se diseñó un plan de intervención para elaborar la Organización Financiera Contable. Es necesario mencionar que debido a la importancia de las asociaciones cooperativas ante un mundo globalizado y competitivo, deben mantener la uniformidad en la presentación de la información financiera contable en comparación con otros sectores económicos, por ello es beneficioso para la cooperativa en estudio aplicar los lineamientos que establece la normativa de información financiera especial. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cooperative associations have had the greatest boom in our country in recent years, being indispensable for the development of the national economy, in this sense the modern cooperative has diversified production areas of cooperatives, from producing for the primary sector economy, secondary and tertiary; ie agricultural production, commercial agribusiness to provide services, with the ultimate aim to meet the different needs of users of the cooperative system, without losing sight of that play an important role in the social field, thus becoming in solidarity economy entities. In El Salvador Cabañas department belongs to a geographical area of great importance for the agribusiness sector since according to the 4th Census of Agriculture conducted by the Department of Statistics and Census (DIGESTYC) 2007-2008 of 9 municipalities in the department 27.17% of the heads of cattle belonging to the municipality of Sensuntepeque, thus becoming an enabling market for COPIGAC dedicated to the agroindustrial production and marketing of concentrate for cattle. The Salvadoran Institute for Cooperative Development (INSAFOCOOP) has created special legislation called Financial Reporting Standard for Cooperative Associations of El Salvador (NIFACES), in order to regulate the establishment, operation and administration of the cooperative sector and obtain certainty to reflect on their financial accounting information meeting the requirements demanded by the body that oversees, while adopting uniformity in the presentation of financial data relating to other sectors. Because of the importance of the Cooperative Production Association Agroindustrial and Marketing Livestock in the municipality of Sensuntepeque, the main purpose that seeks the implementation of this research is to design a STOCKHOLDERS financial organization that serves as an instrument to structure, order, classify and summarize the information generated by its activities; to establish reliable results that serve the administration for decision-making. Financial Organization Accounting is governed by laws and general, special, commercial, tax regulations, and welfare and social security which are fundamental to its design, it is made by the Internal Control and Accounting System and Cost based on the Standard Financial Information for Cooperative Associations of El Salvador (NIFACES). The final document containing the Financial Organization Accounting was developed using methodology that allowed the collection of bibliographic information theoretical elements on cooperativism, general accounting, cost accounting and internal control, were used as instruments of data collection, interview, direct observation of the activities carried out by the cooperative and checklists, which allowed the analysis and interpretation of results. Also to analyze and interpret the results of the investigation are able to determine the conclusions and recommendations in order to provide a solution to the resulting problem, then an intervention plan designed to develop the Financial Accounting Organization. It should be mentioned that because of the importance of cooperative associations in a globalized and competitive world, should maintain uniformity in the presentation of accounting and financial information compared with other economic sectors, it is beneficial for the cooperative study apply the guidelines which establishes special rules of financial information.
O presente relatório tem por base o estágio curricular realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Contabilidade e Finanças, da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. O estágio decorreu durante o período de 1 de Dezembro de 2013 a 13 de junho de 2014, na empresa UNUS – Contabilidade, Consultadoria Fiscal e Empresarias Lda., com sede em Bragança e cuja atividade principal é a prestação de serviços de contabilidade e consultoria. Foram efetuadas diversas atividades ao longo deste período, podendo as principais resumir-se em tarefas de classificação, lançamento e arquivo, conferências e encerramento de contas, processamento de salários e obrigações sociais, prestação de contas de natureza fiscal, preenchimento das demonstrações financeiras exigidas e elaboração de relatórios de gestão. Ao longo do relatório pôde observar-se em detalhe as funções desenvolvidas na empresa. Assim, a estrutura deste relatório divide-se em quatro capítulos: no primeiro capítulo é elaborada uma caraterização da entidade de acolhimento; no segundo apresentam-se as tarefas desenvolvidas, suportadas nas mais importantes referências legislativas e esclarecimentos pertinentes; no capítulo terceiro faz-se um breve enquadramento teórico relacionado com contabilidade nas autarquias locais e a utilidade da informação financeira nas mesmas; por fim, no capítulo quarto, apresenta-se um estudo relacionado com a utilidade da contabilidade financeira nas Juntas de Freguesias do Distrito de Bragança. Os resultados do estudo permitem, de entre outros aspetos, concluir que os responsáveis das Juntas de Freguesia do Distrito de Bragança consideram que informação contabilística não influencia a sua tomada de decisões; os responsáveis que atribuem maior grau de importância á contabilidade na tomada de decisões, são aqueles que consideram que a informação contabilística influencia as suas tomadas de decisões; o grau de utilidade dos diferentes documentos contabilísticos não diferem em função do responsável ser da área de economia e gestão ou outra.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Multi-Institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Programa MultiInstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de Pós-Graduação Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.