1000 resultados para Abbot, John Emery, 1793-1819.
Norton, John, 1773-1843. A.L.s. (John Norton) to Samuel Norton; Boston, 11 Feb 1793. folders ([6]p.)
One letter from Tudor’s Phi Beta Kappa brother thanking him for a visit to Rockwood and commenting on the deportment of his sisters, as well as the progress his brother John was making at Harvard.
Three letters, one in which Tudor suggests persuading the Episcopal Church to send a bishop to reside in Cambridge and establish a divinity professorship as a means to attract students from other states who are wary of Unitarianism. Tudor also makes inquiries regarding the title of Doctor for a Reverend Chaplin and asks about college records of James Otis.
One letter regarding the death of Tudor’s father and the acreage of his estate.
Three letters regarding James Otis correspondence in the John Dickinson papers, and an American Philosophical Society publication Vaughan was sending to the Boston Athenaeum library.
A notebook containing handwriting exercises written by John Gordon at Atkinson Academy, New Hamsphire.