876 resultados para Abús de substàncies
Foram aplicados testes para pesquisa dos níveis de IgM (por imunodifusão radial simples) e de anticorpos para sífilis (FTA- ABS-IgG e IgM, VDRL e Wassermann (W) e toxoplasmose (imunofluorescência IgG (IFI-IgG) e IgM (IFI-IgM) em 408 casos de recém-nascidos (RN) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil), escolhidos casualmente no período de 01/07 a 09/10/198 1. O fator reumatóide (FR) foi pesquisado para excluir resultados falso-positivos para anticorpos classe IgM. Os soros IFI-IgG positivos, e eventualmente falso-negativos à IFI-IgM para toxoplasmose, foram tratados por cromatografía em gel. Um soro positivo para FR foi tratado com gamaglobulina humana agregada pelo calor antes da pesquisa de anticorpos IgM. Confrontou-se os soros reagentes para sífilis com dados de prontuários dos respectivos RN e mães. Foram reagentes a pelo menos um dos testes para sífilis 7,0% dos RN; o FTA-ABS-IgG foi positivo em 89,3%, o VDRL em 67,8% e o W em 60,7%. Um soro foi FTA-ABS-IgM reagente. A co-positividade entre FTA-ABS-IgG e VDRL foi 60,7%; entre FTA-ABS-IgG e W 53,6% e entre VDRL e W 60%. A confrontação mostrou que em 53,5% dos RN a sorologia foi positiva ao nascimento, em 3,6% negativa e em 42,9% não havia dados. O seguimento clínico-sorológico revelou que 2 RN evoluíram com sinais de lues congênita e outros 2 a suspeita clínica foi descartada pela sorologia de controle; em 21 não havia dados. Foram reagentes à IFI-IgG para toxoplasmose 71,3% dos RN e 100% não reagentes à IFI-IgM antes e após a cromatografia. No período estudado não houve diagnóstico clínico de toxoplasmose congênita. Três RN apresentaram valores de IgM aumentados, mas não houve diagnóstico clínico ou laboratorial de lues ou toxoplasmose congênitas nos mesmos. Sugere-se a nível local introdução do FTA-ABS-IgG para triagem mais abrangente da sífilis congênita.
Opposite enantiomers exhibit different NMR properties in the presence of an external common chiral element, and a chiral molecule exhibits different NMR properties in the presence of external enantiomeric chiral elements. Automatic prediction of such differences, and comparison with experimental values, leads to the assignment of the absolute configuration. Here two cases are reported, one using a dataset of 80 chiral secondary alcohols esterified with (R)-MTPA and the corresponding 1H NMR chemical shifts and the other with 94 13C NMR chemical shifts of chiral secondary alcohols in two enantiomeric chiral solvents. For the first application, counterpropagation neural networks were trained to predict the sign of the difference between chemical shifts of opposite stereoisomers. The neural networks were trained to process the chirality code of the alcohol as the input, and to give the NMR property as the output. In the second application, similar neural networks were employed, but the property to predict was the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents. For independent test sets of 20 objects, 100% correct predictions were obtained in both applications concerning the sign of the chemical shifts differences. Additionally, with the second dataset, the difference of chemical shifts in the two enantiomeric solvents was quantitatively predicted, yielding r2 0.936 for the test set between the predicted and experimental values.
Understanding the impact of training sessions on the immune response is crucial for the adequate periodization of training, to prevent both a negative influence on health and a performance impairment of the athlete. This study evaluated acute systemic immune cell changes in response to an actual swimming session, during a 24-h recovery period, controlling for sex, menstrual cycle phases, maturity, and age group. Competitive swimmers (30 females, 15 ± 1.3 years old; and 35 males, 16.5 ± 2.1 years old) performed a high-intensity training session. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, 2 h after, and 24 h after exercise. Standard procedures for the assessment of leukogram by automated counting (Coulter LH 750, Beckman) and lymphocytes subsets by flow cytometry (FACS Calibur BD, Biosciences) were used. Subjects were grouped according to competitive age groups and pubertal Tanner stages. Menstrual cycle phase was monitored. The training session induced neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and a low eosinophil count, lasting for at least 2 h, independent of sex and maturity. At 24 h postexercise, the acquired immunity of juniors (15-17 years old), expressed by total lymphocytes and total T lymphocytes (CD3+), was not fully recovered. This should be accounted for when planning a weekly training program. The observed lymphopenia suggests a lower immune surveillance at the end of the session that may depress the immunity of athletes, highlighting the need for extra care when athletes are exposed to aggressive environmental agents such as swimming pools
INTRODUCCIÓN: Se ha demostrado que la sífilis, debido a la ulceración genital que produce, es un cofactor asociado para adquirir otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS), principalmente de origen viral como herpes tipo-2, hepatitis B, y el VIH. Aunque las mujeres trabajadoras del sexo comercial (MTSC) han adquirido mejores conocimientos para prevenir las ETS, constituyen un grupo que por su heterogenicidad en términos de condición socioeconómica, estado de salud, ambiente y sitio de trabajo, manifiestan diferentes actitudes y conocimientos que hacen latente la posibilidad de adquirir y transmitir ETS incluyendo sífilis, por lo que lo estudio hace un acercamiento hacia los factores asociados a infección por Treponema pallidum en este grupo de mujeres. MÉTODO: Basado en un marco muestral, que identifica sitios donde se practica el comercio sexual femenino en la ciudad de México, se seleccionó una muestra de 807 MTSC, a quienes previo consentimiento informado, se entrevistó para que respondieran un cuestionario estructurado. Se obtuvo una muestra sanguínea para la identificación de diversos marcadores serológicos de ETS de acuerdo al manual de procedimientos para el diagnóstico de ETS. Para el diagnóstico de Treponema pallidum se utilizó una prueba de tamizaje de RPR (Bigaux Diagnóstica), y prueba confirmatoria de FTA-ABS (Pasteur Diagnostics). RESULTADOS: Las prevalencias de sífilis en la muestra de MTSC fue de 6,4% (52/807), siendo mayor en quienes trabajaban en sitios de calle comparadas con aquellas de estéticas. La edad de las mujeres entrevistadas osciló entre 17 y 58 años con una media de 29,2 años (d.s. 7,3 años). La prevalencia de sífilis fue mayor en los grupos etáreos mayores de 30 anos. La edad de inicio de relaciones sexuales varió desde 11 hasta 30 anos con una media de 16 años (d.s. 3,1 años). Los factores predictores de infección por T. pallidum, determinados mediante regresión logística ajustada, fueron: sitio de trabajo (bar y puntos de calle), NSE (medio y bajo), edad (mayores de 30 anos), antiguedad en el trabajo sexual (> 5 años), y número de clientes en una semana (>10). CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de las limitaciones de precisión estadística, queda demostrado que existe una heterogenicidad de MTSC, diferenciado principalmente por el sitio donde se desempeñan. Debe entenderse que más que grupos de riesgo de adquirir y transmitir ETS, existen prácticas sexuales de riesgo en cualquier individuo que tiene relaciones sexuales, que aunadas a infecciones predisponentes como sífilis, facilitan la transmisibilidad de otras ETS. Por lo tanto, las campañas de prevención y fomento de uso de condón, deben orientarse no sólo a las MTSC sino también a sus clientes y parejas, con la finalidad de que todos asuman la responsabilidad del sexo seguro.
The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 μm2/cm3, which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles. Implications: The approach of this study considers the measurement of surface deposited alveolar area of particles in the outdoor urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal. This type of measurements has not been done so far. Only particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 (PM2.5) and >10 (PM10) μm have been measured in outdoor environments and the levels found cannot be found responsible for all the observed health effects. Therefore, the exposure to nano- and ultrafine particles has not been assessed systematically, and several authors consider this as a real knowledge gap and claim for data such as these that will allow for deriving better and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies. Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) equipments are recent ones and their use has been limited to indoor atmospheres. However, as this study shows, NSAM is a very powerful tool for outdoor environments also. As most lung diseases are, in fact, related to deposition of the alveolar region of the lung, the metric used in this study is the ideal one.
This essay sees “through” an object produced by Portuguese folklore: the moliceiro boat of Ria de Aveiro, whose most original characteristic is the group of four different panels painted on each boat. These unique panels have echoed national mythologies and have undergone influence from institutional channels of instruction and propaganda for much of the twentieth century. We will analyse how this boat expresses the inventory of a community’s identity, imagination, and practices.
The aim of this study was to contribute to the assessment of exposure levels of ultrafine particles in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, by monitoring lung deposited alveolar surface area (resulting from exposure to ultrafine particles) in a major avenue leading to the town center during late spring, as well as in indoor buildings facing it. Data revealed differentiated patterns for week days and weekends, consistent with PM2.5 and PM10 patterns currently monitored by air quality stations in Lisbon. The observed ultrafine particulate levels may be directly correlated with fluxes in automobile traffic. During a typical week, amounts of ultrafine particles per alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35 and 89.2 μm2/cm3, which are comparable with levels reported for other towns in Germany and the United States. The measured values allowed for determination of the number of ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter, which are comparable to levels reported for Madrid and Brisbane. In what concerns outdoor/indoor levels, we observed higher levels (32 to 63%) outdoors, which is somewhat lower than levels observed in houses in Ontario.
This article describes work performed on the assessment of the levels of airborne ultrafine particles emitted in two welding processes metal-active gas (MAG) of carbon steel and friction-stir welding (FSW) of aluminium in terms of deposited area in alveolar tract of the lung using a nanoparticle surface area monitor analyser. The obtained results showed the dependence from process parameters on emitted ultrafine particles and clearly demonstrated the presence of ultrafine particles, when compared with background levels. The obtained results showed that the process that results on the lower levels of alveolar-deposited surface area is FSW, unlike MAG. Nevertheless, all the tested processes resulted in important doses of ultrafine particles that are to be deposited in the human lung of exposed workers.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the assessment of exposure levels of ultrafine particles (UFP) in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, by monitoring lung-deposited alveolar surface area (resulting from exposure to UFP) in a major avenue leading to the town centre during late Spring, as well as in indoor buildings facing it. This study revealed differentiated patterns for week days and weekends, consistent with PM(2.5) and PM(10) patterns currently monitored by air quality stations in Lisbon. The observed ultrafine particulate levels could be directly related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, UFP alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 µm(2)/cm(3), which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and United States. The measured values allowed the determination of the number of UFP per cm(3), which are comparable to levels reported for Madrid and Brisbane. In what concerns outdoor/indoor levels, we observed higher levels (32-63%) outdoor, which is somewhat lower than levels observed in houses in Ontario.
Cooking was found to be a main source of submicrometer and ultrafine aerosols from gas combustion in stoves. Therefore, this study consisted of the determination of the alveolar deposited surface area due to aerosols resulting from common domestic cooking activities (boiling fish, vegetables, or pasta, and frying hamburgers and eggs). The concentration of ultrafine particles during the cooking events significantly increased from a baseline of 42.7 μm2/cm3 (increased to 72.9 μm2/cm3 due to gas burning) to a maximum of 890.3 μm2/cm3 measured during fish boiling in water, and a maximum of 4500 μm2/cm3 during meat frying. This clearly shows that a domestic activity such as cooking can lead to exposures as high as those of occupational exposure activities.
In the management of solid waste, pollutants over a wide range are released with different routes of exposure for workers. The potential for synergism among the pollutants raises concerns about potential adverse health effects, and there are still many uncertainties involved in exposure assessment. In this study, conventional (culture-based) and molecular real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) methodologies were used to assess fungal air contamination in a waste-sorting plant which focused on the presence of three potential pathogenic/toxigenic fungal species: Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, and Stachybotrys chartarum. In addition, microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) were measured by photoionization detection. For all analysis, samplings were performed at five different workstations inside the facilities and also outdoors as a reference. Penicillium sp. were the most common species found at all plant locations. Pathogenic/toxigenic species (A. fumigatus and S. chartarum) were detected at two different workstations by RTPCR but not by culture-based techniques. MVOC concentration indoors ranged between 0 and 8.9 ppm (average 5.3 ± 3.16 ppm). Our results illustrated the advantage of combining both conventional and molecular methodologies in fungal exposure assessment. Together with MVOC analyses in indoor air, data obtained allow for a more precise evaluation of potential health risks associated with bioaerosol exposure. Consequently, with this knowledge, strategies may be developed for effective protection of the workers.
Although numerous studies have been conducted on microbial contaminants associated with various stages related to poultry and meat products processing, only a few reported on fungal contamination of poultry litter. The goals of this study were to (1) characterize litter fungal contamination and (2) report the incidence of keratinophilic and toxigenic fungi presence. Seven fresh and 14 aged litter samples were collected from 7 poultry farms. In addition, 27 air samples of 25 litters were also collected through impaction method, and after laboratory processing and incubation of collected samples, quantitative colony-forming units (CFU/m3) and qualitative results were obtained. Twelve different fungal species were detected in fresh litter and Penicillium was the most frequent genus found (59.9%), followed by Alternaria (17.8%), Cladosporium (7.1%), and Aspergillus (5.7%). With respect to aged litter, 19 different fungal species were detected, with Penicillium sp. the most frequently isolated (42.3%), followed by Scopulariopsis sp. (38.3%), Trichosporon sp. (8.8%), and Aspergillus sp. (5.5%). A significant positive correlation was found between litter fungal contamination (CFU/g) and air fungal contamination (CFU/m3). Litter fungal quantification and species identification have important implications in the evaluation of potential adverse health risks to exposed workers and animals. Spreading of poultry litter in agricultural fields is a potential public health concern, since keratinophilic (Scopulariopsis and Fusarium genus) as well as toxigenic fungi (Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium genus) were isolated.
Indoor air quality recently entered legislation in Portugal. Several parameters must be evaluated and kept within limits in order to obtain a certification for air quality and energy consumption. Certification parameters were analyzed in two Portuguese archives in order to assess indoor air quality both for people attending or working on these premises and for maintenance of a written heritage that must be retained for future generations. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, and fungal counts were kept within stipulated limits. Relative humidity (RH), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter (PM10), and ozone (O3) showed values above legislated levels and justified the implementation of corrective measures. In terms of conservation, studies on the limit values are still needed, but according to the available international guidelines, some of the analyzed parameters such as PM10, O3, and RH were also above desirable values. Corrective measures were proposed to these institutions. Although this study was only of a short duration, it proved valuable in assessing potential eventual problems and constitutes the first Portuguese indoor air quality assessment taking into consideration both aspects of an archive such as human health and heritage safekeeping.
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has been recognized to produce cancer in human liver. In addition, epidemiological and laboratory studies demonstrated that the respiratory system was a target for AFB1. Exposure occurs predominantly through the food chain, but inhalation represents an additional route of exposure. The present study aimed to examine AFB1 exposure among poultry workers in Portugal. Blood samples were collected from a total of 31 poultry workers from six poultry farms. In addition, a control group (n = 30) was included comprised of workers who undertook administrative tasks. Measurement of AFB1 in serum was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For examining fungi contamination, air samples were collected through an impaction method. Air sampling was obtained in pavilion interior and outside the premises, since this was the place regarded as the reference location. Using molecular methods, toxicogenic strains (aflatoxin-producing) were investigated within the group of species belonging to Aspergillus flavus complex. Eighteen poultry workers (59%) had detectable levels of AFB1 with values ranging from <1 ng/ml to4.23 ng/ml and with a mean value of 2 ± 0.98ng/ml. AFB1 was not detected in the serum sampled from any of the controls. Aspergillus flavus was the fungal species third most frequently found in the indoor air samples analyzed (7.2%) and was the most frequently isolated species in air samples containing only Aspergillus genus (74.5%). The presence of aflatoxigenic strains was only confirmed in outdoor air samples from one of the units, indicating the presence of a source inside the building in at least one case. Data indicate that AFB1 inhalation represents an additional risk in this occupational setting that needs to be recognized, assessed, and prevented.
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