407 resultados para ATTA SEXDENS RUBROPILOSA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
1. 1. The oxygen consumption in workers of two simpatric leaf cutting ants, Atta laevigata and Atta sexdens rubropilosa was measured at different temperatures. 2. 2. In the temperature range between 5-35°C, with 5°C increments, the respiratory rates increased with temperature, but the R-T curves of both ants showed neither a marked drop at the low end nor a break at the high end; except between 30 and 35°C. 3. 3. The respiratory rates of A. s. rubropilosa were higher than those of A. laevigata and in the midrange of temperatures, the rates of A. laevigata increased faster than those of A. s. rubropilosa. 4. 4. Q10 values did not indicate regions of compensation for temperature in both ants, but suggested that adjustments may occur at high temperatures (25-35°C), as expected for tropical ants. 5. 5. Temperature variations did not alter significantly the slope of the curve relating oxygen consumption and body weight in both species. © 1982.
1. 1. The respiration of the different castes of two species of leaf-cutting ants, Atta laevigata and Atta sexdens rubropilosa was measured in both workers and sexed forms. 2. 2. The respiratory rates (μl O2/mg(live)/hr) were, in A. laevigata, 0.644 (gardeners), 0.594 (cutters), 0.354 (soldiers), 0.233 (males) and 0.085 (females); in A. s. rubropilosa, 0.803 (gardeners), 0.748 (cutters), 0.510 (soldiers), 0.375 (males) and 0.274 (females), significantly higher than A. laevigata. 3. 3. All castes considered, the b-values of the equation relating oxygen consumption and weight in A. laevigata (0.53) were significantly different from that in A. s. rubropilosa (0.73). © 1981.
1. Respiratory rates of workers of the leaf cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa were measured at different oxygen pressures, at 25°C. 2. In experiments where different ants were used at each of the oxygen pressures, respiration was regulated down to 70.8 mmHg. 3. When the same ants were submitted in sequence to declining pO2, the 'oxygen dependence indexes' (Tang P.S. (1933) Quart. Rev. Biol. 8, 260-274) also suggested a good regulatory capacity. 4. The results are discussed in terms of the variation of the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 that the ants probably encounter when wandering to and from the nest to forage, and when performing their heavy tasks (leaf transport, offspring and fungus care). 5. CO2 rise and O2 fall, from ants' respiration inside the ant hill, may act as the factors that, in a reflex way, keep the spiracles open and increase ventilation and the frequency of CO2 emission to keep the oxygen supply adequate to face the energetic demand of the routine level of activity of the workers, when passing from normoxia (air) to hypoxia (in nest galleries).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Annually, mature colonies of Atta ants produce winged males and females, where leave the colony in which they were produced to form new colonies and thus continue the species perpetuation. The foundation of Atta spp. colonies always involves high queen effort, solely responsible for growing the fungus and the care with itself and its offspring. During the foundation there is consumption of body reserves. This study investigated how the environment influences the development of newly founded colonies of leaf cutting ant, Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Therefore, it was compared field colonies collected five months after the nuptial flight and colonies maintained in the laboratory since the nuptial flight. It was analyzed the weight and size of the population (number of workers, larvae, pupae and eggs), the workers size, the volume and weight of the fungus garden and queen effort for the nest foundation (lipid content and weight of queens). In comparison to the field colonies, the laboratory colonies showed higher values in the weight and size of population, the volume and weight of the fungus garden. Measures of workers by class size did not vary between colonies from field and laboratory. The queen effort for nest foundation was higher in field colonies, which showed a lower percentage of fat and lower weight compared to laboratory colonies. These results show that the environment has a strong influence on the colonies development during the foundation, as well as on the physiological status of the queens, and therefore the survival, development and success of the colony, it is a reflection of the queen efforts and of the environment conditions.
Mobile elements are widely present in eukaryotic genomes. They are repeated DNA segments that are able to move from one locus to another within the genome. They are divided into two main categories, depending on their mechanism of transposition, involving RNA (class I) or DNA (class II) molecules. The mariner-like elements are class II transposons. They encode their own transposase, which is necessary and sufficient for transposition in the absence of host factors. They are flanked by a short inverted terminal repeat and a TA dinucleotide target site, which is duplicated upon insertion. The transposase consists of two domains, an N-terminal inverted terminal repeat binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain. We identified a transposable element with molecular characteristics of a mariner-like element in Atta sexdens rubropilosa genome. Identification started from a PCR with degenerate primers and queen genomic DNA templates, with which it was possible to amplify a fragment with mariner transposable-element homology. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that this element belongs to the mauritiana subfamily of mariner-like elements and it was named Asmar1. We found that Asmar1 is homologous to a transposon described from another ant, Messor bouvieri. The predicted transposase sequence demonstrated that Asmar1 has a truncated transposase ORF. This study is part of a molecular characterization of mobile elements in the Atta spp genome. Our finding of mariner-like elements in all castes of this ant could be useful to help understand the dynamics of mariner-like element distribution in the Hymenoptera.
BACKGROUND: Leaf-cutting ants collect plant fresh material for the cultivation of their mutualistic fungus. Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) cause great economic losses through their foraging activity, mainly in agriculture. The main control method is the application of granulated toxic baits incorporated with an active ingredient (AI). The present goal is to evaluate the effect of caffeine on in vitro growth of the mutualistic fungus and on the survival of the leaf-cutting ants, aiming to verify the potential toxicity of this secondary metabolite over these organisms. RESULTS: Three distinct patterns of fungal growth correlated with caffeine concentration were observed: (1) no effect (0.01% caffeine); (2) intermediate growth reduction (0.05% caffeine); (3) drastic growth reduction (0.10 and 0.50% caffeine). The highest caffeine concentration causes fungus death in the first week. As for insect survival, caffeine does not seem to exert any effect. The treatments with diet containing caffeine showed similar values of M50, irrespective of caffeine concentration. CONCLUSION: As caffeine was shown to reduce growth of the mutualistic fungus of Atta sexdens rubropilosa, but with no conclusive effect on insect survival, a hypothetical explanation for the selection of different Coffea species by this leaf-cutting ant species might be associated with caffeine toxicity to the fungus. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
The focus of this study was the identification of compounds from plant extracts for use in crop protection. This paper reports on the toxic activity of fractions of leaf extracts of Ricinus communis L (Euphorbiaceae) and isolated active compounds in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel and its symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Moller. The main compounds responsible for activity against the fungus and ant in leaf extracts of R communis were found to be fatty acids for the former and ricinine for the ants. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
1 Nine synthetic amides similar to natural N-piperidine-3-(4,5-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenainide and N-pyrrolidine-3-(4,5-methylenedyoxiphenyl)2-(E)-propenamide were synthesized and identified by their spectroscopic data.2 the toxicity of these synthetic amides to the Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers and the antifungal activity against Leticoagaricus gongylophorus, the symbiotic fungus of the leaf-cutting ants, were determined.3 Workers ants that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which these compounds were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls for N-pyrrolidine-3(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide and N-benzyl-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at a concentration of 100 mu g/mL.4 the completely inhibition (100%) of the fungal growth was observed with N-piperldine-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide and N,N-diethyl-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at concentrations of 50 and 100 mu g/mL and N-pirrolidine-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at a concentration of 100 mu g/mL.5 the possibility of controlling these insects in the future using synthetic piperamides that can simultaneously target both organisms is discussed.
Leafcutter ants of the genus Atta Fabricius are serious agricultural pests. Morphological studies of immature stages within this group are few, and the data provided for species of considerable importance are usually incomplete. In this study, the immatures of Atta sexdens Linnaeus are described and compared using light and scanning electron microscopy. Only specimens from founding stage colonies (i.e., lacking adult workers) were used. The existence of four larval instars was estimated by a frequency plot of maximum head widths, and the larvae of different instars differed from each other mainly by their bodily dimensions. Worker larvae belonged to two distinct morphological castes: (1) gardeners and nurses and (2) within-nest generalists. The worker larvae described in this study differed from a previous description of the same species by the following traits: the existence of a genal lobe, the number of clypeal hairs, the presence of two hairs on the ninth abdominal somite, the presence of hairs on the anterior surface of the labrum, and the shape of the maxillary palpus. This study provides a comparative analysis of immature stages of A. sexdens that may be relevant to future morphological and biological studies of the Attini. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:10591065, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Using simulated ceramic refuse chambers, field decomposition studies were performed on the spent fungal refuse of the lead-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Refuse half life was estimated at 40 days, with complete decomposition at 100 days. These results suggest that the conversion-factor method used to estimate forage input into leaf-cutting ant colonies must be corrected for decomposition, or serious estimation errors will occur.
As formigas cortadeiras são consideradas pragas por causarem diversos prejuízos em áreas agrícolas e, por este motivo, há um crescente interesse em métodos variados de controle destes insetos. Atualmente, existem diversos métodos de controle conhecidos, mas o mais utilizado é o controle químico, que apresenta diferentes estratégias de formulação e modos de aplicação. O principal método químico utilizado são as iscas tóxicas, que tem a melhor eficiência e já são utilizadas em escala comercial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações que ocorrem na dinâmica de colônias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1906 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) submetidas ao tratamento com iscas tóxicas contendo os ingredientes ativos sulfluramida e hidrametilnona, as quais serão comparadas com uma colônia controle, que receberá isca sem ingrediente ativo. Para isso, foram utilizadas três colônias de A. s. rubropilosa, mantidas em laboratório, com aproximadamente 1000 mL de jardim de fungo cada. Elas foram dispostas em vitrais, interligados a dois potes plásticos, um para a câmara de forrageamento e outro para o lixo. Um dia antes de iniciar o experimento, todo o lixo foi retirado e as colônias foram deixadas sem o fornecimento de alimento. Após 24 horas sem alimentação, as iscas foram oferecidas na câmara de forrageamento de cada colônia. A colônia 1 recebeu 3g de isca sem ingrediente ativo; a colônia 2 recebeu 3g de isca contendo sulfluramida; e a colônia 3 recebeu 3g de isca contendo hidrametilnona. Durante 10 dias, foram avaliados aspectos como carregamento, incorporação e devolução das iscas, alterações comportamentais das operárias classificadas como sintomas de intoxicação, mudanças no aspecto físico dos jardins de fungo, como umidade e aparecimento de fungos contaminantes, e a extinção da colônia. A partir dos dados obtidos, foram feitas análises comparativas das atividades comportamentais...
Este trabalho foi realizado em plantios de eucalipto urograndis (Eucalyptus urophylla χ Eucalyptus grandis)da Jari Celulose S.A., no município de Almeirim, Pará, no período de agosto/94 a janeiro/95. Foi testada a eficiência de uma isca granulada com sulfluramida e de três outras com clorpirifós, em três dosagens cada por metro quadrado de formigueiro, no controle de Atta sexdens sexdens(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Os resultados foram comparados com os de uma isca à base de dodecacloro (0,45%) a 10 gramas por metro quadrado de formigueiro. A isca granulada com sulfluramida a 6, 8 e 10 gramas por metro quadrado de formigueiro apresentou 77,78%, 100,00% e 88,90% de controle, respectivamente, assemelhando-se à isca a base de dodecacloro que apresentou 100,00% de formigueiros mortos. As outras iscas, em qualquer dosagem, apresentaram eficiência abaixo de 45,00%.