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BACKGROUND: Edoxaban, an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor, is in development for thromboprophylaxis, including prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an efflux transporter, modulates absorption and excretion of xenobiotics. Edoxaban is a P-gp substrate, and several cardiovascular (CV) drugs have the potential to inhibit P-gp and increase drug exposure. OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential pharmacokinetic interactions of edoxaban and 6 cardiovascular drugs used in the management of AF and known P-gp substrates/inhibitors. METHODS: Drug-drug interaction studies with edoxaban and CV drugs with known P-gp substrate/inhibitor potential were conducted in healthy subjects. In 4 crossover, 2-period, 2-treatment studies, subjects received edoxaban 60 mg alone and coadministered with quinidine 300 mg (n = 42), verapamil 240 mg (n = 34), atorvastatin 80 mg (n = 32), or dronedarone 400 mg (n = 34). Additionally, edoxaban 60 mg alone and coadministered with amiodarone 400 mg (n = 30) or digoxin 0.25 mg (n = 48) was evaluated in a single-sequence study and 2-cohort study, respectively. RESULTS: Edoxaban exposure measured as area under the curve increased for concomitant administration of edoxaban with quinidine (76.7 %), verapamil (52.7 %), amiodarone (39.8 %), and dronedarone (84.5 %), and exposure measured as 24-h concentrations for quinidine (11.8 %), verapamil (29.1 %), and dronedarone (157.6 %) also increased. Administration of edoxaban with amiodarone decreased the 24-h concentration for edoxaban by 25.7 %. Concomitant administration with digoxin or atorvastatin had minimal effects on edoxaban exposure. CONCLUSION: Coadministration of the P-gp inhibitors quinidine, verapamil, and dronedarone increased edoxaban exposure. Modest/minimal effects were observed for amiodarone, atorvastatin, and digoxin.


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BACKGROUND: The impact of preoperative impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) in octogenarians following coronary bypass surgery on short-term survival was evaluated in this study. METHODS: A total of 147 octogenarians (mean age 82.1 ± 1.9 years) with coronary artery diseases underwent elective coronary artery bypass graft between January 2000 and December 2009. Patients were stratified into: Group I (n = 59) with EF >50%, Group II (n = 59) with 50% > EF >30% and in Group III (n = 29) with 30% > EF. RESULTS: There was no difference among the three groups regarding incidence of COPD, renal failure, congestive heart failure, diabetes, and preoperative cerebrovascular events. Postoperative atrial fibrillation was the sole independent predictive factor for in-hospital mortality (odds ratio (OR), 18.1); this was 8.5% in Group I, 15.3% in Group II and 10.3% in Group III. Independent predictive factors for mortality during follow up were: decrease of EF during follow-up for more that 5% (OR, 5.2), usage of left internal mammary artery as free graft (OR, 18.1), and EF in follow-up lower than 40% (OR, 4.8). CONCLUSIONS: The results herein suggest acceptable in-hospital as well short-term mortality in octogenarians with impaired EF following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and are comparable to recent literature where the mortality of younger patients was up to 15% and short-term mortality up to 40%, respectively. Accordingly, we can also state that in an octogenarian cohort with impaired EF, CABG is a viable treatment with acceptable mortality.


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Le cœur des vertébrés est un organe modulaire qui requiert le " patterning " complexe des champs morphogénétiques cardiogènes et la convergence coordonnée des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques. Au moins 7 facteurs de transcription de la famille T-box coopèrent au sein de ces nombreuses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques afin de réguler la morphogenèse et l’agencement de multiples structures le long de l’ébauche cardiaque, ce qui explique que les mutations humaines de ces gènes engendrent diverses malformations congénitales cardiaques (MCCs). L’un de ces gènes T-box, Tbx5, dont l’haploinsuffisance génère le syndrome de Holt-Oram (SHO), intervient dans une grande variété de réseaux de régulation géniques (RRGs) qui orchestrent la morphogenèse des oreillettes, du ventricule gauche, de la valve mitrale, des septums inter-auriculaire et inter-ventriculaire, ainsi que du système de conduction cardiaque. La diversité des RRGs impliqués dans la formation de ces structures cardiaques suggère que Tbx5 détient une profusion de fonctions qui ne seront identifiables qu’en répertoriant ses activités moléculaires dans chaque lignée cardiaque examinée isolément. Afin d’aborder cette problématique, une ablation génétique de Tbx5 dans l’endocarde a été réalisée. Cette expérience a démontré le rôle crucial de Tbx5 dans la survie des cellules endocardiques bordant le septum primum et des cardiomyocytes au sein de cette structure embryonnaire qui contribuera à la morphogenèse du septum inter-auriculaire. En outre, cette étude a révélé l’existence d’une communication croisée entre la sous-population de cellules endocardiques Tbx5+ et le myocarde au niveau du septum primum, afin d’assurer la survie des cardiomyocytes, et ultimement de garantir la maturation du septum inter-auriculaire. Nos résultats confirment aussi l’importance de l’interdépendance génétique (Tbx5 et Gata4 ainsi que Tbx5 et Nos3) entre différents loci dans la morphogenèse de la cloison inter-auriculaire, et particulièrement de l’influence que peut avoir l’environnement sur la pénétrance et l’expressivité des communications inter-auriculaires (CIAs) dans le SHO. En outre, puisque les fonctions d’un gène dépendent ordinairement des différents isoformes qu’il peut générer, une deuxième étude a focalisé davantage sur l’aspect transcriptionnel de Tbx5. Cette approche a mené à la découverte de 6 transcrits alternatifs exhibant des fonctions à la fois communes et divergentes. La caractérisation de 2 de ces isoformes a révélé le rôle de l’isoforme long (Tbx5_v1) dans la régulation de la croissance des cardiomyocytes durant la cardiogénèse, tandis que l’isoforme court (Tbx5_v2), préférentiellement exprimé dans le cœur mature, réprime la croissance cellulaire. Il est donc entièrement concevable que les mutations de TBX5 entraînant une troncation de la région C-terminale accroissent la concentration d’une protéine mutée qui, à l’instar de Tbx5_v2, interfère avec la croissance de certaines structures cardiaques. En revanche, la divergence de fonctions de ces isoformes, caractérisée par les disparités de localisation subcellulaire et de d’interaction avec d’autres cofacteurs cardiaques, suggère que les mutations affectant davantage un isoforme favoriseraient l’émergence d’un type particulier de MCC. Finalement, un dernier objectif était d’identifier le ou les mécanisme(s) moléculaire(s) par le(s)quel(s) Tbx5 régule son principal gène cible, Nppa, et d’en extraire les indices qui éclairciraient sa fonction transcriptionnelle. Cet objectif nécessitait dans un premier lieu d’identifier les différents modules cis-régulateurs (MCRs) coordonnant la régulation transcriptionnelle de Nppa et Nppb, deux gènes natriurétiques dont l’organisation en tandem et le profil d’expression durant la cardiogénèse sont conservés dans la majorité des vertébrés. L’approche d’empreinte phylogénétique employée pour scanner le locus Nppb/Nppa a permis d’identifier trois MCRs conservés entre diverses espèces de mammifères, dont un (US3) est spécifique aux euthériens. Cette étude a corroboré que la régulation de l’expression du tandem génique Nppb/Nppa requérait l’activité transcriptionnelle d’enhancers en complément aux promoteurs de Nppa et Nppb. La concordance quasiment parfaite entre les profils d’expression de Tbx5 et de ces deux gènes natriurétiques chez les mammifères, suggère que le gradient d’expression ventriculaire de Tbx5 est interprété par le recrutement de ce facteur au niveau des différents enhancers identifiés. En somme, les études présentées dans cette thèse ont permis de clarifier la profusion de fonctions cardiaques que possède Tbx5. Certaines de ces fonctions émanent de l’épissage alternatif de Tbx5, qui favorise la synthèse d’isoformes dotés de propriétés spécifiques. Les diverses interactions combinatoires entre ces isoformes et d’autres facteurs cardiaques au sein des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogènes contribuent à l’émergence de RRGs cardiaques divergents.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est une arythmie touchant les oreillettes. En FA, la contraction auriculaire est rapide et irrégulière. Le remplissage des ventricules devient incomplet, ce qui réduit le débit cardiaque. La FA peut entraîner des palpitations, des évanouissements, des douleurs thoraciques ou l’insuffisance cardiaque. Elle augmente aussi le risque d'accident vasculaire. Le pontage coronarien est une intervention chirurgicale réalisée pour restaurer le flux sanguin dans les cas de maladie coronarienne sévère. 10% à 65% des patients qui n'ont jamais subi de FA, en sont victime le plus souvent lors du deuxième ou troisième jour postopératoire. La FA est particulièrement fréquente après une chirurgie de la valve mitrale, survenant alors dans environ 64% des patients. L'apparition de la FA postopératoire est associée à une augmentation de la morbidité, de la durée et des coûts d'hospitalisation. Les mécanismes responsables de la FA postopératoire ne sont pas bien compris. L'identification des patients à haut risque de FA après un pontage coronarien serait utile pour sa prévention. Le présent projet est basé sur l'analyse d’électrogrammes cardiaques enregistrées chez les patients après pontage un aorte-coronaire. Le premier objectif de la recherche est d'étudier si les enregistrements affichent des changements typiques avant l'apparition de la FA. Le deuxième objectif est d'identifier des facteurs prédictifs permettant d’identifier les patients qui vont développer une FA. Les enregistrements ont été réalisés par l'équipe du Dr Pierre Pagé sur 137 patients traités par pontage coronarien. Trois électrodes unipolaires ont été suturées sur l'épicarde des oreillettes pour enregistrer en continu pendant les 4 premiers jours postopératoires. La première tâche était de développer un algorithme pour détecter et distinguer les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires sur chaque canal, et pour combiner les activations des trois canaux appartenant à un même événement cardiaque. L'algorithme a été développé et optimisé sur un premier ensemble de marqueurs, et sa performance évaluée sur un second ensemble. Un logiciel de validation a été développé pour préparer ces deux ensembles et pour corriger les détections sur tous les enregistrements qui ont été utilisés plus tard dans les analyses. Il a été complété par des outils pour former, étiqueter et valider les battements sinusaux normaux, les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires prématurées (PAA, PVA), ainsi que les épisodes d'arythmie. Les données cliniques préopératoires ont ensuite été analysées pour établir le risque préopératoire de FA. L’âge, le niveau de créatinine sérique et un diagnostic d'infarctus du myocarde se sont révélés être les plus importants facteurs de prédiction. Bien que le niveau du risque préopératoire puisse dans une certaine mesure prédire qui développera la FA, il n'était pas corrélé avec le temps de l'apparition de la FA postopératoire. Pour l'ensemble des patients ayant eu au moins un épisode de FA d’une durée de 10 minutes ou plus, les deux heures précédant la première FA prolongée ont été analysées. Cette première FA prolongée était toujours déclenchée par un PAA dont l’origine était le plus souvent sur l'oreillette gauche. Cependant, au cours des deux heures pré-FA, la distribution des PAA et de la fraction de ceux-ci provenant de l'oreillette gauche était large et inhomogène parmi les patients. Le nombre de PAA, la durée des arythmies transitoires, le rythme cardiaque sinusal, la portion basse fréquence de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque (LF portion) montraient des changements significatifs dans la dernière heure avant le début de la FA. La dernière étape consistait à comparer les patients avec et sans FA prolongée pour trouver des facteurs permettant de discriminer les deux groupes. Cinq types de modèles de régression logistique ont été comparés. Ils avaient une sensibilité, une spécificité et une courbe opérateur-receveur similaires, et tous avaient un niveau de prédiction des patients sans FA très faible. Une méthode de moyenne glissante a été proposée pour améliorer la discrimination, surtout pour les patients sans FA. Deux modèles ont été retenus, sélectionnés sur les critères de robustesse, de précision, et d’applicabilité. Autour 70% patients sans FA et 75% de patients avec FA ont été correctement identifiés dans la dernière heure avant la FA. Le taux de PAA, la fraction des PAA initiés dans l'oreillette gauche, le pNN50, le temps de conduction auriculo-ventriculaire, et la corrélation entre ce dernier et le rythme cardiaque étaient les variables de prédiction communes à ces deux modèles.


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Arterial hyperpolarization to acetylcholine (ACh) reflects coactivation of KCa3.1 (IKCa) channels and KCa2.3 (SKCa) channels in the endothelium that transfers through myoendothelial gap junctions and diffusible factor(s) to affect smooth muscle relaxation (endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor [EDHF] response). However, ACh can differentially activate KCa3.1 and KCa2.3 channels, and we investigated the mechanisms responsible in rat mesenteric arteries. KCa3.1 channel input to EDHF hyperpolarization was enhanced by reducing external [Ca2+]o but blocked either with forskolin to activate protein kinase A or by limiting smooth muscle [Ca2+]i increases stimulated by phenylephrine depolarization. Imaging [Ca2+]i within the endothelial cell projections forming myoendothelial gap junctions revealed increases in cytoplasmic [Ca2+]i during endothelial stimulation with ACh that were unaffected by simultaneous increases in muscle [Ca2+]i evoked by phenylephrine. If gap junctions were uncoupled, KCa3.1 channels became the predominant input to EDHF hyperpolarization, and relaxation was inhibited with ouabain, implicating a crucial link through Na+/K+-ATPase. There was no evidence for an equivalent link through KCa2.3 channels nor between these channels and the putative EDHF pathway involving natriuretic peptide receptor-C. Reconstruction of confocal z-stack images from pressurized arteries revealed KCa2.3 immunostain at endothelial cell borders, including endothelial cell projections, whereas KCa3.1 channels and Na+/K+-ATPase {alpha}2/{alpha}3 subunits were highly concentrated in endothelial cell projections and adjacent to myoendothelial gap junctions. Thus, extracellular [Ca2+]o appears to modify KCa3.1 channel activity through a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism independent of changes in endothelial [Ca2+]i. The resulting hyperpolarization links to arterial relaxation largely through Na+/K+-ATPase, possibly reflecting K+ acting as an EDHF. In contrast, KCa2.3 hyperpolarization appears mainly to affect relaxation through myoendothelial gap junctions. Overall, these data suggest that K+ and myoendothelial coupling evoke EDHF-mediated relaxation through distinct, definable pathways.


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Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a controversial risk factor for dementia. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the association between AF and dementia in the "Sao Paulo Ageing & Health" (SPAH) study participants. Methods: SPAH is a cross-sectional, population-based study of elderly people living in a deprived neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dementia diagnosis was performed according to the 10/66 study group protocol based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria. Diagnosis of AF was made using a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, which was assessed by two cardiologists. Data on demographics and cardiovascular risk factors were also obtained. Results: Dementia was diagnosed in 66 (4.3%) and AF in 36 (2.4%) of 1,524 participants with a valid ECG. The crude odds ratio (OR) for dementia in participants with AF was 2.8 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.0-8.1; p=0.06) compared with individuals without AF. When analyzing data according to sex, a positive relationship was found in women (OR 4.2; 95% CI: 1.24-15.1; p=0.03). After age-adjustment, however, this association was no longer significant (OR 2.2; 95% CI: 0.6-8.9; p=0.26). Conclusion: There was no independent association between AF and dementia in this sample. The prevalence of AF may be low in this population owing to premature cardiovascular death. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(6):1108-1114)


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Abstract Background Heart chambers rupture in blunt trauma is uncommon and is associated with a high mortality. The determinant factors, and the incidence of isolated heart chambers rupture remains undetermined. Isolated rupture of the right atrium appendage (RAA) is very rare, with 8 cases reported in the reviewed literature. The thin wall of the RAA has been presumed to render this chamber more prone to rupture in blunt trauma. Objective To report a case of isolated RAA rupture in blunt trauma, and to compare right atrium (RA) and RAA wall thickness in a necropsy study. Methods The thickness of RA and RAA wall of hearts from cadavers of fatal penetrating head trauma victims was measured. Our case of isolated RAA rupture is presented. The main findings of the 8 cases reported in the literature, and the findings of our case, were organized in a table. Result The comparison of the data showed that wall thickness of the RAA (0.53 ± 0.33 mm) was significantly thinner than that of RA (1.11 ± 0.42 mm) (p < 0.05). Comments In all these 9 cases of isolated RAA rupture, cardiac tamponade occurred, RAA rupture was diagnosed intraoperatively and sutured, and the patients survived. Main mechanisms hypothesized for heart chamber rupture include mechanical compression coincident with phases of cardiac cycle, leading to high hydrostatic pressure inside the chamber. Published series include numerous cases of RA rupture, and only a few cases of RAA rupture. Conclusion Thus, our data suggests that wall thickness is not a determinant factor for RA or RAA rupture in blunt trauma.


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BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) mortality. This study aims to evaluate the prognostic implication of AF in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). METHODS: The International Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) Registry included 23,542 outpatients in Europe with established coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease (CVD), PAD and/or >/=3 risk factors. Of these, 3753 patients had symptomatic PAD. CV risk factors were determined at baseline. Study end point was a combination of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke (CV events) during 2 years of follow-up. Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, gender and other risk factors (i.e., congestive heart failure, coronary artery re-vascularisation, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), MI, hypertension, stroke, current smoking and diabetes) was used. RESULTS: Of 3753 PAD patients, 392 (10%) were known to have AF. Patients with AF were older and had a higher prevalence of CVD, diabetes and hypertension. Long-term CV mortality occurred in 5.6% of patients with AF and in 1.6% of those without AF (p<0.001). Multivariable analyses showed that AF was an independent predictor of late CV events (hazard ratio (HR): 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09-2.0). CONCLUSION: AF is common in European patients with symptomatic PAD and is independently associated with a worse 2-year CV outcome.


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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an important risk factor for stroke and is common among elderly patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of AF on clinical outcomes among patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.


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OBJECTIVES: Recurrent embolic events after device closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) have been related to incomplete closure. Another cause could be atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of AF in stroke patients after PFO closure. METHODS: Consecutive patients with device closure of a PFO after a stroke or transient ischemic attack and control patients with stroke underwent 7-day event loop recordings 3 and 6 months after PFO closure or stroke, respectively. RESULTS: Forty patients treated by PFO device closure 96 +/- 68 days after cryptogenic ischemic stroke and 70 control patients with ischemic stroke of other etiologies (known AF excluded) were compared. AF was identified in 6 patients (15%) of the treated group and in 12 control patients (17%, p = 0.77). In multivariate analysis, the presence of an occluder device was not an independent risk factor for AF. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of AF is high after device closure of a PFO in stroke patients and similar to that in patients with stroke of non-PFO etiology and, hence, with no device. Further studies are required to determine the risk of thromboembolism and the optimal treatment in patients developing AF after device closure of a PFO.


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BACKGROUND -Cardiac tamponade is the most dramatic complication observed during atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation and the leading cause of procedure-related mortality. Female gender is a known risk factor for complications during AF ablation; however, it is unknown whether women have a higher risk of tamponade. METHODS AND RESULTS -A systematic Medline search was used to locate academic electrophysiologic (EP) centers that reported cases of tamponade occurring during AF ablation. Centers were asked to provide information on cases of acute tamponade according to gender and their mode of management including any case of related mortality. Nineteen EP centers provided information on 34,943 ablation procedures involving 25,261 (72%) males. Overall 289 (0.9%) cases of tamponade were reported: 120 (1.24%) in females and 169 (0.67%) in males (odds ratio 1.83, P<0.001). There was a reciprocal association between center volume and the occurrence of tamponade with substantial lower risk in high volume centers. Most cases of tamponade occurred during catheter manipulation or ablation; females tended to develop more tamponades during transseptal catheterization. No gender difference in the mode of management was observed. However, 16% cases of tamponade required surgery with lower rates in high volume centers. Three cases of tamponade (1%) culminated in death. CONCLUSIONS -Tamponade during AF ablation procedures is relatively rare. Women have an almost twofold higher risk for developing this complication. The risk of tamponade among women decreases substantially in high volume centers. Surgical back-up and acute management skills for treating tamponade are important in centers performing AF ablation.


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Augmented inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) function has been linked to a variety of cardiac pathologies, including cardiac arrhythmia. The contribution of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release (IP3ICR) in excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) under physiological conditions, as well as under cellular remodelling, remains controversial. Here we test the hypothesis that local IP3ICR directly affects ryanodine receptor (RyR) function and subsequent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in atrial myocytes. IP3ICR was evoked by UV-flash photolysis of caged InsP3 under whole-cell configuration of the voltage-clamp technique in atrial myocytes isolated from C57/BL6 mice. Photolytic release of InsP3 was accompanied by a significant increase in the Ca2+ release event frequency (4.14±0.72 vs. 6.20±0.76 events (100 μm)−1 s−1). These individual photolytically triggered Ca2+ release events were identified as Ca2+ sparks, which originated from RyR openings. This was verified by Ca2+ spark analysis and pharmacological separation between RyR and InsP3R-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-Ca2+ release (2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, xestospongin C, tetracaine). Significant SR-Ca2+ flux but eventless SR-Ca2+ release through InsP3R were characterized using SR-Ca2+ leak/SR-Ca2+ load measurements. These results strongly support the idea that IP3ICR can effectively modulate RyR openings and Ca2+ spark probability. We conclude that eventless and highly efficient InsP3-dependent SR-Ca2+ flux is the main mechanism of functional cross-talk between InsP3Rs and RyRs, which may be an important factor in the modulation of ECC sensitivity.


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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism, and is the most prevalent factor for cardioembolic stroke. Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) have been the standard of care for stroke prevention in patients with AF since the early 1990s. They are very effective for the prevention of cardioembolic stroke, but are limited by factors such as drug-drug interactions, food interactions, slow onset and offset of action, haemorrhage and need for routine anticoagulation monitoring to maintain a therapeutic international normalised ratio (INR). Multiple new oral anticoagulants have been developed as potential replacements for VKAs for stroke prevention in AF. Most are small synthetic molecules that target thrombin (e.g. dabigatran etexilate) or factor Xa (e.g. rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban, betrixaban, YM150). These drugs have predictable pharmacokinetics that allow fixed dosing without routine laboratory monitoring. Dabigatran etexilate, the first of these new oral anticoagulants to be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency for stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular AF, represents an effective and safe alternative to VKAs. Under the auspices of the Regional Anticoagulation Working Group, a multidisciplinary group of experts in thrombosis and haemostasis from Central and Eastern Europe, an expert panel with expertise in AF convened to discuss practical, clinically important issues related to the long-term use of dabigatran for stroke prevention in non-valvular AF. The practical information reviewed in this article will help clinicians make appropriate use of this new therapeutic option in daily clinical practice.


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OBJECTIVES: Although regular physical exercise clearly reduces cardiovascular morbidity risk, long-term endurance sports practice has been recognized as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the mechanisms how endurance sports can lead to AF are not yet clear. The aim of our present study was to investigate the influence of long-term endurance training on vagal tone, atrial size, and inflammatory profile in professional elite soccer players. METHODS: A total of 25 professional major league soccer players (mean age 24+/-4 years) and 20 sedentary controls (mean age 26+/-3 years) were included in the study and consecutively examined. All subjects underwent a sports cardiology check-up with physical examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography, exercise testing on a bicycle ergometer, and laboratory analysis [standard laboratory and cytokine profile: interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, IL-8, IL-10]. RESULTS: Athletes were divided into two groups according to presence or absence of an early repolarization (ER) pattern, defined as a ST-segment elevation at the J-point (STE) >/=0.1mm in 2 leads. Athletes with an ER pattern showed significantly lower heart rate and an increased E/e' ratio compared to athletes without an ER pattern. STE significantly correlated with E/e' ratio as well as with left atrial (LA) volume. The pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha as well as the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 were significantly elevated in all soccer players. However, athletes with an ER pattern had significantly higher IL-6 plasma levels than athletes without ER pattern. Furthermore, athletes with "high" level IL-6 had significantly larger LA volumes than players with "low" level IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: Athletes with an ER pattern had significantly higher E/e' ratios, reflecting higher atrial filling pressures, higher LA volume, and higher IL-6 plasma levels. All these factors may contribute to atrial remodeling over time and thus increase the risk of AF in long-term endurance sports.


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UNLABELLED Obesity is a well-recognized risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF), yet adiposity measures other than body mass index (BMI) have had limited assessment in relation to AF risk. We examined the associations of adiposity measures with AF in a biracial cohort of older adults. Given established racial differences in obesity and AF, we assessed for differences by black and white race in relating adiposity and AF. METHODS We analyzed data from 2,717 participants of the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Adiposity measures were BMI, abdominal circumference, subcutaneous and visceral fat area, and total and percent fat mass. We determined the associations between the adiposity measures and 10-year incidence of AF using Cox proportional hazards models and assessed for their racial differences in these estimates. RESULTS In multivariable-adjusted models, 1-SD increases in BMI, abdominal circumference, and total fat mass were associated with a 13% to 16% increased AF risk (hazard ratio [HR] 1.14, 95% CI 1.02-1.28; HR 1.16, 95% CI 1.04-1.28; and HR 1.13, 95% CI 1.002-1.27). Subcutaneous and visceral fat areas were not significantly associated with incident AF. We did not identify racial differences in the associations between the adiposity measures and AF. CONCLUSION Body mass index, abdominal circumference, and total fat mass are associated with risk of AF for 10years among white and black older adults. Obesity is one of a limited number of modifiable risk factors for AF; future studies are essential to evaluate how obesity reduction can modify the incidence of AF.