973 resultados para AT(1)-RECEPTOR
PURPOSE: Although metabolic changes make diagnosis of insulinoma relatively easy, surgical removal is hampered by difficulties in locating it, and there is no efficient treatment for malignant insulinoma. We have previously shown that the high density of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GLP-1R) in human insulinoma cells provides an attractive target for molecular imaging and internal radiotherapy. In this study, we investigated the therapeutic potential of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4, an (111)In-labeled agonist of GLP-1, in a transgenic mouse model of human insulinoma. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 was assessed in the Rip1Tag2 mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis, which exhibits a GLP-1R expression comparable with human insulinoma. Mice were injected with 1.1, 5.6, or 28 MBq of the radiopeptide and sacrificed 7 days after injection. Tumor uptake and response, the mechanism of action of the radiopeptide, and therapy toxicity were investigated. RESULTS: Tumor uptake was >200% injected activity per gram, with a dose deposition of 3 Gy/MBq at 40 pmol [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4. Other GLP-1R-positive organs showed > or =30 times lower dose deposition. A single injection of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 resulted in a reduction of the tumor volume by up to 94% in a dose-dependent manner without significant acute organ toxicity. The therapeutic effect was due to increased tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis and decreased proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 is a promising radiopeptide capable of selectively targeting insulinoma. Furthermore, Auger-emitting radiopharmaceuticals such as (111)In are able to produce a marked therapeutic effect if a high tumor uptake is achieved.
Peptide hormone receptors overexpressed in human tumors, such as somatostatin receptors, can be used for in vivo targeting for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A novel promising candidate in this field is the GLP-1 receptor, which was recently shown to be massively overexpressed in gut and lung neuroendocrine tumors--in particular, in insulinomas. Anticipating a major development of GLP-1 receptor targeting in nuclear medicine, our aim was to evaluate in vitro the GLP-1 receptor expression in a large variety of other tumors and to compare it with that in nonneoplastic tissues. METHODS: The GLP-1 receptor protein expression was qualitatively and quantitatively investigated in a broad spectrum of human tumors (n=419) and nonneoplastic human tissues (n=209) with receptor autoradiography using (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. Pharmacologic competition experiments were performed to provide proof of specificity of the procedure. RESULTS: GLP-1 receptors were expressed in various endocrine tumors, with particularly high amounts in pheochromocytomas, as well as in brain tumors and embryonic tumors but not in carcinomas or lymphomas. In nonneoplastic tissues, GLP-1 receptors were present in generally low amounts in specific tissue compartments of several organs--namely, pancreas, intestine, lung, kidney, breast, and brain; no receptors were identified in lymph nodes, spleen, liver, or the adrenal gland. The rank order of potencies for receptor binding--namely, GLP-1(7-36)amide = exendin-4 >> GLP-2 = glucagon(1-29)--provided proof of specific GLP-1 receptor identification. CONCLUSION: The GLP-1 receptors may represent a novel molecular target for in vivo scintigraphy and targeted radiotherapy for a variety of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tumors. For GLP-1 receptor scintigraphy, a low-background signal can be expected, on the basis of the low receptor expression in the normal tissues surrounding tumors.
The surgical removal of insulinomas is hampered by difficulties to localize it using conventional radiological procedures. Recently these tumors were shown to exhibit a very high density of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GLP-1R) in vitro that may be used as specific targets for in vivo receptor radiolabeling.
BACKGROUND Small benign insulinomas are hard to localise, leading to difficulties in planning of surgical interventions. We aimed to prospectively assess the insulinoma detection rate of single-photon emission CT in combination with CT (SPECT/CT) with a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor avid radiotracer, and compare detection rates with conventional CT/MRI techniques. METHODS In our prospective imaging study, we enrolled adults aged 25-81 years at centres in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Eligible patients had proven clinical and biochemical endogenous hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia and no evidence for metastatic disease on conventional imaging. CT/MRI imaging was done at referring centres according to standard protocols. At three tertiary nuclear medicine centres, we used whole body planar images and SPECT/CT of the abdomen up to 168 h after injection of (111)In-[Lys40(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH2]-exendin-4 ((111)In-DTPA-exendin-4) to identify insulinomas. Consenting patients underwent surgery and imaging findings were confirmed histologically. FINDINGS Between Oct 1, 2008, and Dec 31, 2011, we recruited 30 patients. All patients underwent (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 imaging, 25 patients underwent surgery (with histological analysis), and 27 patients were assessed with CT/MRI. (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 SPECT/CT correctly detected 19 insulinomas and four additional positive lesions (two islet-cell hyperplasia and two uncharacterised lesions) resulting in a positive predictive value of 83% (95% CI 62-94). One true negative (islet-cell hyperplasia) and one false negative (malignant insulinoma) result was identified in separate patients by (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 SPECT/CT. Seven patients (23%) were referred to surgery on the basis of (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 imaging alone. For 23 assessable patients, (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 SPECT/CT had a higher sensitivity (95% [95% CI 74-100]) than did CT/MRI (47% [27-68]; p=0·011). INTERPRETATION (111)In-DTPA-exendin-4 SPECT/CT could provide a good second-line imaging strategy for patients with negative results on initial imaging with CT/MRI. FUNDING Oncosuisse, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and UK Department of Health.
Human pigmentation is a complex trait with the observed variation caused by the varied production of eumelanin (brown/black melanins) and phaeomelanin (red/yellow melanins) by the melanocytes. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in the melanocytes, is a regulator eu- and phaeomelanin synthesis, and MC1R mutations causing skin and coat color changes are known in many mammals. To understand the role of MC1R in human pigmentation variation, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in 121 individuals sampled from world populations. In addition, I have sequenced the MC1R gene in common and pygmy chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and baboon to study the evolution of MC1R and to infer the ancestral human MC1R sequence. The ancestral MC1R sequence is observed in all 25 African individuals studied, but at lower frequencies in the other populations examined, especially in East and Southeast Asians. The Arg163Gln variant is absent in the Africans studied, almost absent in Europeans, and at a low frequency in Indians, but is at an exceptionally high frequency (70%) in East and Southeast Asians. To further evaluate the role of MC1R variants in human pigmentation variation, I have combined these molecular evolution and population studies with functional assays on MC1R variants and primate MC1Rs. ^
Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP1) analogs may induce thyroid or pancreatic diseases in animals, raising questions about their use in diabetic patients. There is, however, controversy regarding expression of GLP1 receptors (GLP1R) in human normal and diseased thyroid and pancreas. Here, 221 human thyroid and pancreas samples were analyzed for GLP1R immunohistochemistry and compared with quantitative in vitro GLP1R autoradiography. Neither normal nor hyperplastic human thyroids containing parafollicular C cells express GLP1R with either method. Papillary thyroid cancer do not, and medullary thyroid carcinomas rarely express GLP1R. Insulin- and somatostatin-producing cells in the normal pancreas express a high density of GLP1R, whereas acinar cells express them in low amounts. Ductal epithelial cells do not express GLP1R. All benign insulinomas express high densities of GLP1R, whereas malignant insulinomas rarely express them. All ductal pancreatic carcinomas are GLP1R negative, whereas 6/20 PanIN 1/2 and 0/12 PanIN 3 express GLP1R. Therefore, normal thyroid, including normal and hyperplastic C cells, or papillary thyroid cancer are not targets for GLP1 analogs in humans. Conversely, all pancreatic insulin- and somatostatin-producing cells are physiological GLP1 targets, as well as most acini. As normal ductal epithelial cells or PanIN 3 or ductal pancreatic carcinomas do not express GLP1R, it seems unlikely that GLP1R is related to neoplastic transformation in pancreas. GLP1R-positive medullary thyroid carcinomas and all benign insulinomas are candidates for in vivo GLP1R targeting.Modern Pathology advance online publication, 12 September 2014; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2014.113.
PURPOSE Radiolabelled glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists have recently been shown to successfully image benign insulinomas in patients. For the somatostatin receptor targeting of tumours, however, it was recently reported that antagonist tracers were superior to agonist tracers. The present study therefore evaluated various forms of the (125)iodinated-Bolton-Hunter (BH)-exendin(9-39) antagonist tracer for the in vitro visualization of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tissues in rats and humans and compared it with the agonist tracer (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. METHODS Receptor autoradiography studies with (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide agonist or (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) antagonist radioligands were performed in human and rat tissues. RESULTS The antagonist (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) labelled at lysine 19 identifies all human and rat GLP-1 target tissues and GLP-1 receptor-expressing tumours. Binding is of high affinity and is comparable in all tested tissues in its binding properties with the agonist tracer (125)I-GLP-1(7-36)amide. For comparison, (125)I-BH-exendin(9-39) with the BH labelled at lysine 4 did identify the GLP-1 receptor in rat tissues but not in human tissues. CONCLUSION The GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin(9-39) labelled with (125)I-BH at lysine 19 is an excellent GLP-1 radioligand that identifies human and rat GLP-1 receptors in normal and tumoural tissues. It may therefore be the molecular basis to develop suitable GLP-1 receptor antagonist radioligands for in vivo imaging of GLP-1 receptor-expressing tissues in patients.
Therapeutic antibodies targeting programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) activate tumor-specific immunity and have shown remarkable efficacy in the treatment of melanoma. Yet, little is known about tumor cell-intrinsic PD-1 pathway effects. Here, we show that murine and human melanomas contain PD-1-expressing cancer subpopulations and demonstrate that melanoma cell-intrinsic PD-1 promotes tumorigenesis, even in mice lacking adaptive immunity. PD-1 inhibition on melanoma cells by RNAi, blocking antibodies, or mutagenesis of melanoma-PD-1 signaling motifs suppresses tumor growth in immunocompetent, immunocompromised, and PD-1-deficient tumor graft recipient mice. Conversely, melanoma-specific PD-1 overexpression enhances tumorigenicity, as does engagement of melanoma-PD-1 by its ligand, PD-L1, whereas melanoma-PD-L1 inhibition or knockout of host-PD-L1 attenuate growth of PD-1-positive melanomas. Mechanistically, the melanoma-PD-1 receptor modulates downstream effectors of mTOR signaling. Our results identify melanoma cell-intrinsic functions of the PD-1:PD-L1 axis in tumor growth and suggest that blocking melanoma-PD-1 might contribute to the striking clinical efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy.
BACKGROUND Insulinomas are rare tumors, in the majority of cases best treated by surgical resection. Preoperative localization of insulinoma is challenging. The more precise the preoperative localization the less invasive and safer is the resection. The purpose of the study is to check the impact of a new technique to localize insulinoma on the surgical strategy. FINDINGS We present exact preoperative localization with Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) imaging. This allows a more precise resection thereby reducing surgical access trauma, loss of healthy pancreatic tissue and increasing safety and quality of the surgical intervention. CONCLUSION With the help of precise preoperative localization of insulinoma with GLP-1R imaging the surgeon is able to minimize the amount of resected healthy pancreatic tissue. We hypothesize that GLP-1R imaging will become a preoperative diagnostic tool to be used for many patients scheduled for open or laparoscopic insulinoma resection.
Substance P, acting via the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R), plays an important role in mediating a variety of inflammatory processes. However, its role in acute pancreatitis has not been previously described. We have found that, in normal mice, substance P levels in the pancreas and pancreatic acinar cell expression of NK1R are both increased during secretagogue-induced experimental pancreatitis. To evaluate the role of substance P, pancreatitis was induced in mice that genetically lack NK1R by administration of 12 hourly injections of a supramaximally stimulating dose of the secretagogue caerulein. During pancreatitis, the magnitude of hyperamylasemia, hyperlipasemia, neutrophil sequestration in the pancreas, and pancreatic acinar cell necrosis were significantly reduced in NK1R−/− mice when compared with wild-type NK1R+/+ animals. Similarly, pancreatitis-associated lung injury, as characterized by intrapulmonary sequestration of neutrophils and increased pulmonary microvascular permeability, was reduced in NK1R−/− animals. These effects of NK1R deletion indicate that substance P, acting via NK1R, plays an important proinflammatory role in regulating the severity of acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury.
Two isoforms of the substance P (SP) receptor, differing in the length of the cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminus by ≈8 kDa, have been detected previously in rat salivary glands and other tissues. The binding and functional properties of these two isoforms have been investigated using full-length (407 amino acids) and carboxyl-terminally truncated (324 amino acids) rat SP receptors transfected stably into Chinese hamster ovary cells. Both the full-length and the truncated receptor bound radiolabeled SP with a similar Kd (≈0.1 nM). The average number of high affinity SP binding sites per cell was 1.0 × 105 and 0.3 × 105 for the full-length and the truncated SP receptor, respectively. In both cell lines, SP induced a rapid but transient increase in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), which consisted of the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and the influx of extracellular Ca2+. Both components are dependent on phospholipase C activation. Although the full-length and the truncated receptor utilize the same calcium pathways, they differ in their EC50 values (0.28 nM for the full-length; 0.07 nM for the truncated). These differences in responsiveness may be related to the observed differences in receptor desensitization. The truncated receptor, in contrast to the full-length receptor, does not undergo rapid and long-lasting desensitization. Cells possessing the short isoform of the SP receptor would thus be expected to exhibit a prolonged responsiveness.
Understanding the mechanism for sucrose-induced protein stabilization is important in many diverse fields, ranging from biochemistry and environmental physiology to pharmaceutical science. Timasheff and Lee [Lee, J. C. & Timasheff, S. N. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7193–7201] have established that thermodynamic stabilization of proteins by sucrose is due to preferential exclusion of the sugar from the protein’s surface, which increases protein chemical potential. The current study measures the preferential exclusion of 1 M sucrose from a protein drug, recombinant interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1ra). It is proposed that the degree of preferential exclusion and increase in chemical potential are directly proportional to the protein surface area and that, hence, the system will favor the protein state with the smallest surface area. This mechanism explains the observed sucrose-induced restriction of rhIL-1ra conformational fluctuations, which were studied by hydrogen–deuterium exchange and cysteine reactivity measurements. Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy of rhlL-1ra suggested that a more ordered native conformation is induced by sucrose. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated that in the presence of sucrose, spin-labeled cysteine 116 becomes more buried in the protein’s interior and that the hydrodynamic diameter of the protein is reduced. The preferential exclusion of sucrose from the protein and the resulting shift in the equilibrium between protein states toward the most compact conformation account for sucrose-induced effects on rhIL-1ra.