Objective: To examine the association between gain in motor and cognitive functional status with patient satisfaction 3-6 mo after rehabilitation discharge. Design: Patient satisfaction and changes in functional status were examined in 18,375 patients with stroke who received inpatient medical rehabilitation. Information was obtained from 144 hospitals and rehabilitation facilities contributing records to the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation and the National Follow-up Services. Results: Data analysis revealed significant (P < 0.05) differences in satisfaction responses based on whether information was collected from patient self-report or from a family member proxy, and the two subsets were analyzed separately. Logistic regression revealed the following significant predictors of satisfaction for data collected from stroke patients: cognitive and motor gain, rehospitalization, who the patient was living with at follow-up, age, and follow-up therapy. In the patient-reported data subset, compared with patients who showed improved cognitive or motor functional status, those with no change, respectively, had a 31% and 33% reduced risk of dissatisfaction. In addition, rehospitalized patients had a higher risk of dissatisfaction. For the proxy reported data subset, significant influences on satisfaction were health maintenance, rehospitalization, stroke type, ethnicity, cognitive FIM(TM) gain, length of stay, and follow-up therapy. Conclusions: Ratings of satisfaction with rehabilitation services were affected by change in functional status and whether the information was collected from patient rating or proxy response.
Objectives: To determine patient participation rates in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (OCR) programs; ascertain the barriers to participation; and evaluate the quality of OCR programs. Design and setting: Retrospective cohort study of patient separations from selected public and private Queensland hospitals; questionnaire survey of hospitals and all registered OCR programs. Participants: Patients discharged with cardiac diagnoses between 1 July 1999 and 30 June 2000 from 31 hospitals (24 public; 7 private). Main outcome measures: Rates of referral of hospitalised patients to OCR programs; rates of program attendance and completion; barriers to OCR referral and attendance. Results: 15186 patients were discharged with cardiac diagnoses from participating hospitals, of whom 4346 (29%) were referred to an OCR program after discharge, compared with an estimated 59% (8895/15 186) of patients who were eligible for such a program. Proportionately more patients were referred from secondary (38% [1720/4500]) and private (52% [2116/4031]; P < 0.001) hospitals than from tertiary (25% [2626/10 686]) and public (20% [2230/11 155]) hospitals. Patients undergoing coronary revascularisation procedures comprised 35% of discharges, but accounted for 56% of all program attendances. Fewer than a third of all referred patients completed OCR programs, and only 39% of available OCR program places were fully utilised. Catchment populations of programs with unused places had excess coronary mortality. Conclusion: There is significant underutilisation of facility-based OCR programs in Queensland. Procedures are required for identifying and referring eligible patients to existing programs and improving program compliance. Alternative OCR models are also required.
Evaluation of patients for rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injury involves identifying, grading and assessing the injury and its impact on the patient's normal activities. Management is guided by a multidisciplinary team, comprising the patient, doctor and physical therapist, with other health professionals recruited as required. Parallel interventions involving the various team members are specified in a customised management plan. The key component of the plan is active mobilisation utilising strengthening, flexibility and endurance exercise programs. Passive physical treatments (heat, ice, and manual therapy), as well as drug therapy and psychological interventions, are used as adjunctive therapy. Biomechanical devices or techniques (eg, orthotic devices) may also be helpful. Coexisting conditions such as depression and drug dependence are treated at the same time as the injury. Effective team communication, simulated environmental testing and, for those employed, contact with the employer facilitate a staged return to normal living, sports and occupational activities.
Bone weakening can occur due to the absence of load on the skeleton or even short periods of decreased physical activity. Therefore, musculoskeletal diseases that involve temporary immobilization by casts, inactivity or tension increases the risk of fractures. Physical activity is the most studied procedure both to prevent damage and to restore bone structure. The present study aimed at evaluating, by bone densitometry on rat femurs, the influence of hindlimb unloading and later running activity on treadmill or free movement. Sixty-four Wistar rats were used, aged 65 days with a mean corporal mass of 316.11g, randomly divided into eight experimental groups: group 1, the suspended control with seven animals under hindlimb unloading regimen for 28 days, then euthanized; groups 2 and 3, the trained suspended comprising of 7 and five animals, respectively, subjected to hindlimb unloading for 28 days, followed by treadmill exercise for 28 days (group 2) or 56 days (group 3), then euthanized; groups 4 and 5, designated free suspended, comprised of 7 animals each under hindlimb unloading regimen for 28 days followed by free activity in cages for 28 days (group 4) or 56 days (group 5), then euthanized; groups 6, 7 and 8, negative controls, each with 8 animals allowed to free activity in cages and euthanized at the ages of 93, 121 and 149 days, respectively. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the left femur was analyzed by bone densitometry. Unloading by tail-suspension decreased BMD while treadmill training and free activity in cages promoted its recovery in a similar way and over time.
Over the last decade, software architecture emerged as a critical issue in Software Engineering. This encompassed a shift from traditional programming towards software development based on the deployment and assembly of independent components. The specification of both the overall systems structure and the interaction patterns between their components became a major concern for the working developer. Although a number of formalisms to express behaviour and to supply the indispensable calculational power to reason about designs, are available, the task of deriving architectural designs on top of popular component platforms has remained largely informal. This paper introduces a systematic approach to derive, from CCS behavioural specifications the corresponding architectural skeletons in the Microsoft .Net framework, in the form of executable C and Cω code. The prototyping process is fully supported by a specific tool developed in Haskell
Current software development often relies on non-trivial coordination logic for combining autonomous services, eventually running on different platforms. As a rule, however, such a coordination layer is strongly woven within the application at source code level. Therefore, its precise identification becomes a major methodological (and technical) problem and a challenge to any program understanding or refactoring process. The approach introduced in this paper resorts to slicing techniques to extract coordination data from source code. Such data are captured in a specific dependency graph structure from which a coordination model can be recovered either in the form of an Orc specification or as a collection of code fragments corresponding to the identification of typical coordination patterns in the system. Tool support is also discussed
Hand and finger tracking has a major importance in healthcare, for rehabilitation of hand function required due to a neurological disorder, and in virtual environment applications, like characters animation for on-line games or movies. Current solutions consist mostly of motion tracking gloves with embedded resistive bend sensors that most often suffer from signal drift, sensor saturation, sensor displacement and complex calibration procedures. More advanced solutions provide better tracking stability, but at the expense of a higher cost. The proposed solution aims to provide the required precision, stability and feasibility through the combination of eleven inertial measurements units (IMUs). Each unit captures the spatial orientation of the attached body. To fully capture the hand movement, each finger encompasses two units (at the proximal and distal phalanges), plus one unit at the back of the hand. The proposed glove was validated in two distinct steps: a) evaluation of the sensors’ accuracy and stability over time; b) evaluation of the bending trajectories during usual finger flexion tasks based on the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results revealed that the glove was sensitive mainly to magnetic field distortions and sensors tuning. The inclusion of a hard and soft iron correction algorithm and accelerometer and gyro drift and temperature compensation methods provided increased stability and precision. Finger trajectories evaluation yielded high ICC values with an overall reliability within application’s satisfying limits. The developed low cost system provides a straightforward calibration and usability, qualifying the device for hand and finger tracking in healthcare and animation industries.
LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission
Revista Lusófona de Arquitectura e Educação
Amblyopia develops in an early period and is a decrease of visual acuity (unilateral or bilateral) caused by a deprivation of vision or abnormal binocular interaction. Prognosis of Amblyopia is better when occlusive treatment is implemented in an early stage. Visual acuity of amblyopic eye does not improve without effective occlusive therapy. The aim of this study is to identify potential risk factors of noncompliance with treatment when it is implemented by parents in amblyopic children.
Esta dissertação insere-se num projecto de investigação relacionado com o papel que a madeira apresenta na construção nos tempos de hoje, necessário para obtenção do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. A madeira apresenta, enquanto material de construção, especificidades únicas: é um material orgânico, ao contrário da pedra, do aço e do betão; é um material combustível, sem que isto implique necessariamente uma baixa resistência ao fogo; é um material tradicional, presente em pavimentos e coberturas de edifícios antigos e é, paradoxalmente, um material novo, adoptado em arrojadas obras de arquitectura contemporânea. Estas características, associadas à necessidade de garantir a sustentabilidade da construção e de conservar e reabilitar o património edificado, tornam essencial o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material, dos seus processos de degradação química e biológica, dos meios de protecção e do comportamento de elementos estruturais ao fogo. As estruturas em madeira têm tido uma procura crescente no nosso país, revelando-se uma opção interessante, como alternativa a estruturas de aço ou de betão. No entanto, por configurarem ainda soluções estruturais, materiais e processos construtivos pouco comuns entre nós, considera-se que não estão suficientemente divulgados os instrumentos de que podemos e devemos dispor para a garantia da qualidade destas estruturas. É apresentado um estudo de viabilidade económica no âmbito do nosso país, comparando casas em madeira, modulares pré-fabricadas, com casas cuja construção é feita em alvenaria e betão armado, de forma a poder comparar os custos para ambas as soluções construtivas. Para tal, foram realizadas visitas a empresas, fábricas e a obras com o objectivo de entender como funciona o processo de fabrico de uma casa pré-fabricada em madeira.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
The morpho-structural evolution of oceanic islands results from competition between volcano growth and partial destruction by mass-wasting processes. We present here a multi-disciplinary study of the successive stages of development of Faial (Azores) during the last 1 Myr. Using high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), and new K/Ar, tectonic, and magnetic data, we reconstruct the rapidly evolving topography at successive stages, in response to complex interactions between volcanic construction and mass wasting, including the development of a graben. We show that: (1) sub-aerial evolution of the island first involved the rapid growth of a large elongated volcano at ca. 0.85 Ma, followed by its partial destruction over half a million years; (2) beginning about 360 ka a new small edifice grew on the NE of the island, and was subsequently cut by normal faults responsible for initiation of the graben; (3) after an apparent pause of ca. 250 kyr, the large Central Volcano (CV) developed on the western side of the island at ca 120 ka, accumulating a thick pile of lava flows in less than 20 kyr, which were partly channelized within the graben; (4) the period between 120 ka and 40 ka is marked by widespread deformation at the island scale, including westward propagation of faulting and associated erosion of the graben walls, which produced sedimentary deposits; subsequent growth of the CV at 40 ka was then constrained within the graben, with lava flowing onto the sediments up to the eastern shore; (5) the island evolution during the Holocene involves basaltic volcanic activity along the main southern faults and pyroclastic eruptions associated with the formation of a caldera volcano-tectonic depression. We conclude that the whole evolution of Faial Island has been characterized by successive short volcanic pulses probably controlled by brief episodes of regional deformation. Each pulse has been separated by considerable periods of volcanic inactivity during which the Faial graben gradually developed. We propose that the volume loss associated with sudden magma extraction from a shallow reservoir in different episodes triggered incremental downward graben movement, as observed historically, when immediate vertical collapse of up to 2 m was observed along the western segments of the graben at the end of the Capelinhos eruptive crises (1957-58).
A utilização da madeira enquanto material estrutural é um aspeto abordado com algum receio ou até desconhecimento por parte dos elementos intervenientes no processo de construção civil, sendo ainda uma área pouco lecionada e muitas vezes excluída dos planos curriculares em Engenharia Civil. Assim sendo é importante o surgimento de trabalhos relacionados com esta matéria, relembrando ao sector da construção civil e ao ramo de estudo relacionado, que a madeira já teve e possivelmente voltará a ter um papel importante a desempenhar na área da construção. Um dos aspetos evidenciados nos estudos realizados consiste na importância da reabilitação de edifícios e do seu papel cada vez mais determinante na sociedade. Esta metodologia de intervenção apresenta-se muitas vezes como uma vantagem económica assim como contribui para a preservação do património arquitetónico e cultural, cujo valor histórico é incalculável. A importância da reabilitação de edifícios habitacionais nas zonas históricas, bem como de monumentos de grande importância cultural apresenta-se cada vez mais como um desafio devido à falta de conservação dos mesmos ao longo da sua vida útil, e da necessidade de preservar a identidade do local, beneficiando assim a qualidade do tecido urbano. Assim sendo, este trabalho apresenta um levantamento dos danos possíveis de ocorrer em elementos de madeira, dando especial destaque aos agentes patológicos e às consequências da sua atividade na madeira assim como às metodologias de inspeção e diagnóstico que poderão ser aplicadas em estruturas de madeira existentes, favorecendo assim a vertente da reabilitação ao invés da demolição. Estas metodologias recorrem a ensaios não destrutivos, como é exemplo o Pilodyn, o Resistógrafo, o Ultra-sons, etc., referindo também o recurso a ensaios destrutivos, cuja utilização terá de ser uma questão muito bem ponderada devido às consequências que implica. Por fim, apresenta-se um caso real de estudo em que se analisa um pavimento em madeira através da aplicação de metodologias de ensaio não destrutivas e destrutivas a amostras recolhidas. O objetivo será determinar o estado de conservação da madeira e algumas características físicas tais como a sua densidade e os módulos de elasticidade, sendo posteriormente efetuada uma análise estrutural. Os resultados obtidos permitem efetuar uma avaliação qualitativa do estado geral do pavimento sendo as principais conclusões que o pavimento se encontra atacado por parte de insetos xilófagos e apresenta problemas a nível de verificação a estados limite de utilização, deformação e vibração, fator que condiciona a possível utilização do pavimento.