997 resultados para ANIONS


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We have developed a series of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrachlorocuprate(II) and dibromoargentate(I) ionic liquids with enhanced antimicrobial activity when compared with 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids. These new ionic liquids proved to be effective against a range of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.


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Absolute photodetachment cross sections of two anions of astrophysical importance CN- and C3N- were measured to be (1.18 +- (0.03)_stat (0.17)_sys) * 10^-17 cm^2 and (1.43 +- (0.14)_stat (0.37)_sys) * 10^-17 cm^2 respectively at the ultraviolet wavelength of 266 nm (4.66 eV). These relatively large values of the cross sections imply that photodetachment can play a major role in the destruction mechanisms of these anions particularly in photon-dominated regions. We have therefore carried out model calculations using the newly measured cross sections to investigate the abundance of these molecular anions in the cirumstellar envelope of the carbon-rich star IRC+10216. The model predicts the relative importance of the various mechanisms of formation and destruction of these species in different regions of the envelope. UV photodetachment was found to be the major destruction mechanism for both CN- and C3N- anions in those regions of the envelope, where they occur in peak abundance. It was also found that photodetachment plays a crucial role in the degradation of these anions throughout the circumstellar envelope.


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Photoexcited electrochemically generated quinone radical anions reduced 1,2-dibromobenzene to bromobenzene, 1,4-dibromobenzene to bromobenzene and 4-chlorobenzonitrile to benzonitrile. In the presence of anthracene, 2-bromophenyl-, 4-bromophenyl- and 4-cyanophenyl-anthracenes were formed. With acetaldehyde, acetone, acetophenone, benzaldehyde and benzophenone, the major products were the corresponding pinacols, with small amounts of the two-electron secondary alcohols. In acetonitrile as solvent, cinnamonitriles, hydrocinnamonitriles and phenylglutaronitriles were formed in addition to the alcohols. Glyoxylic acid was reduced to tartaric, glycolic and malic acids. The reduction of CO2 was unsuccessful.


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Cyclic voltammograms of quinones were recorded in acetonitrile in the presence of various substrates: carbonyl compounds, halobenzenes, Methyl Viologen and Neutral Red. When illuminated with light of λ >410 nm, catalytic waves were observed. From the ratio of the catalysed to uncatalysed peak current, electron transfer rate constants were calculated using the working curves of Saveant and coworkers. The values of these rate constants were compared with the values obtained by Shukla and Rusling for different systems using a similar method and with quenching rate constants calculated using Rehm-Weller-Marcus theory.


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The photoelectrochemistry of quinone radical anions has been demonstrated qualitatively by the photoassisted reduction of methyl viologen with benzoquinone and of neutral red with chloranil. Data were then collected for the estimation of quenching rate constants using Marcus-Weller theory. Reduction potentials of seven quinones were obtained in four solvents (and two aqueous mixtures) by cyclic voltammetry. The solvent effects on these potentials were studied by fitting them to the Taft relationship. The effects of proton donors were also noted. Absorption spectra of the radical anions were measured and the solvent effects noted and commented upon. From the molar absorption coefficients of the radical anions, the mean lifetimes of the excited states were estimated. Fluorescence spectra were obtained for anthraquinone and naphthaquinone radical anions and excitation energies were calculated. These values were estimated for the other quinones. Values of redox potentials for the excited radical anions were thence obtained. The Gibbs energies of the electron transfers between the excited quinone radical anions and the various substrates were obtained and hence the Gibbs energies of activation were calculated using the Marcus equation. The quenching rate constants were calculated using the Rehm-Weller equation and plotted vs. ΔG giving a characteristic Marcus plot including some data in the inverted region. The significance of the inverted region is discussed.


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Modification of citrate and hydroxylamine reduced Ag colloids with thiocholine bromide, a thiol functionalized quaternary ammonium salt, creates particles where the zeta potential is switched from the normal values of ca. -50 mV to ca. + 50 mV. These colloids are stable but can be aggregated with metal salts in much the same way as the parent colloids. They are excellent SERS substrates for detection of anionic targets since their positive zeta potentials promote adsorption of negatively charged ions. This is important because the vast majority of published SERS studies involve cationic or neutral targets. Moreover, the fact that the modifier is a quaternary ammonium ion means that the negative surface charge is maintained even at alkaline pH. The modified colloids can be used to detect compounds which cannot be detected using conventional negatively-charged citrate or hydroxylamine reduced metal nanoparticles, for example the detection limit was 5.0 x 10(-5) M for perchlorate and


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Les liquides ioniques connaissent depuis quelques décennies un essor particulier en raison de leurs nombreuses propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes, telles qu’une faible pression de vapeur saturante, une viscosité limitée, une faible miscibilité avec la plupart des solvants communs, ou encore des propriétés d’agencement supramoléculaire, qui en font des outils puissants dans de nombreux domaines de la chimie. Les sels d’imidazolium représentent la plus grande famille de liquides ioniques à ce jour. Leur modulabilité leur permet d’être dérivés pour de nombreuses applications spécifiques, notamment en synthèse organique, où ils sont utilisés majoritairement comme solvants, et plus récemment comme catalyseurs. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse se concentrent sur leur utilisation en synthèse organique, à la fois comme solvants et principalement comme catalyseurs chiraux, catalyseurs pour lesquels l’anion du sel est l’espèce catalytique, permettant d’ajouter de la flexibilité et de la mobilité au système. En tirant parti de la tolérance des liquides ioniques envers la majorité des macromolécules naturelles, l’objectif principal des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est le développement d’un nouveau type de catalyseur bio-hybride reposant sur l’encapsulation d’un sel d’imidazolium dans une protéine. Par le biais de la technologie biotine-avidine, l’inclusion supramoléculaire de sels d’imidazolium biotinylés portant des contre-anions catalytiques dans l’avidine a été réalisée et exploitée en catalyse. Dans un premier temps, le développement et l’étude de deux sels de 1-butyl-3-méthylimidazolium possédant des anions chiraux dérivés de la trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline sont rapportés, ainsi que leur comportement dans des réactions énantiosélectives d’aldol et d’addition de Michael. Ces types de composés se sont révélés actifs et performants en milieu liquide ionique. Dans un second temps, la préparation de sels d’imidazolium dont le cation est biotinylé et portant un contre-anion achiral, a été réalisée. Le comportement de l’avidine en milieu liquide ionique et son apport en termes de chiralité sur le système bio-hybride ont été étudiés. Les résultats montrent le rôle crucial des liquides ioniques sur la conformation de la protéine et l’efficacité du catalyseur pour des réactions d’aldol. Dans un dernier temps, l’influence de la structure du cation et de l’anion sur le système a été étudiée. Différents espaceurs ont été introduits successivement dans les squelettes cationiques et anioniques des sels d’imidazolium biotinylés. Dans le cas du cation, les résultats ne révèlent aucune influence majeure sur l’efficacité du catalyseur. La structure de l’anion se montre cependant beaucoup plus importante : la préparation de différents catalyseurs bio-hybrides possédant des anions aux propriétés physico-chimiques différentes a permis d’obtenir de plus amples informations sur le mode de fonctionnement du système bio-hybride et de la coopérativité entre l’avidine et l’anion du sel d’imidazolium.La nature ionique de la liaison cation-anion offrant une liberté de mouvement accrue à l’anion dans la protéine, la tolérance à différents substrats a également été abordée après optimisation du système.


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Le motif imidazole, un hétérocycle à 5 atomes contenant 2 atomes d’azote et trois atomes de carbone, présente des propriétés physico-chimiques intéressantes qui en font un composé de choix pour plusieurs applications. Parmi ces propriétés, la fonctionnalisation simple des deux atomes d’azote pour former un sel d’imidazolium est très intéressante. Ces sels sont d’excellents précurseurs de carbènes N-hétérocycliques (NHC) et sont couramment utilisés pour synthétiser des ligands en vue d’une utilisation en catalyse organométallique. D’autre part, cette famille de composés possède des propriétés anionophores permettant une utilisation en transport anionique. Le présent travail contient les résultats de travaux concernant ces deux domaines, soit la catalyse et le transport anionique. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés de dérivés de l’imidazole sont exploitées pour former un catalyseur de type palladium-NHC qui est utilisé pour catalyser la réaction de Suzuki-Miyaura en milieu aqueux. L’efficacité de ce catalyseur a été démontrée en utilisant aussi peu que 0,001 mol% pour un rendement quantitatif. Il s’agit de la première occurrence d’un processus hétérogène et recyclable dans l’eau, utilisant un catalyseur de type Pd-NHC et qui ne nécessite aucun additif ou co-solvant. Le recyclage a été prouvé jusqu’à 10 cycles sans diminution apparente de l’activité du catalyseur. Dans un second temps, plusieurs sels d’imidazolium ont été testés en tant que transporteurs transmembranaires d’anions chlorures. Les propriétés intrinsèques des sels utilisés qui en font des transporteurs efficaces ont été élucidées. Ainsi, les paramètres qui semblent affecter le plus le transport anionique sont le changement du contre-anion du sel d’imidazolium de même que la propension de ce dernier à s’auto-assembler via une succession d’empilements-π. De plus, les propriétés du transport ont été élucidées, montrant la formation de canaux transmembranaires qui permettent non-seulement la diffusion d’ions Cl-, mais aussi le transport de protons et d’ions Ca2+. L’intérêt de cette recherche repose d’abord dans le traitement de diverses pathologies voyant leur origine dans le dysfonctionnement du transport anionique. Cependant, les propriétés bactéricides des sels d’imidazolium utilisés ont été identifiées lors des dernières expériences.


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The hexaazamacrocycle 7,22-dimethyl-3,7,11,18,22,26-hexaazatricyclo[,16)] tetratriaconta-1(30), 13,15,28,31,33- hexaene (Me-2[30] pbz(2)N(6)) was synthesized and characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The macrocycle adopts a conformation with the two aromatic rings almost parallel at a distance of ca. 4.24 Angstrom, but displaced relative to each other by ca. 1.51 Angstrom. The protonation constants of this compound and the stability constants of its complexes with Cu2+ and Zn2+, were determined in water - methanol (9 : 1 v/v) at 25 degreesC with ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KCl. The potentiometric and spectroscopic studies (NMR of zinc, cadmium and lead complexes, and EPR of the copper complexes) indicate the formation of only dinuclear complexes. The association constants of the dinuclear copper complex with anions ( thiocyanate, terephthalate and glyphosate) and neutral molecules (1,4-benzenedimethanol, p-xylylenediamine and terephthalic acid) were determined at 20 degreesC in methanol. The structural preferences of this ligand and of its dinuclear copper(II) complex with a variety of bridging ligands were evaluated theoretically by molecular mechanics calculations (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD) using quenching techniques.


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The new dioxatetraazamacrocycle (L-1) was synthesized by a 2 + 2 condensation and characterized. Stability constants of its copper(II) complexes were determined by spectrophotometry in DMSO at 298.2 K in 0. 10 mol dm(-3) KClO4. Mainly dinuclear complexes are formed and the presence of mononuclear species is dependent on the counterion (Cl- or ClO4-). The association constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes with dicarboxylate anions [oxalate (oxa(2-)), malonate (mal(2-)), succinate (suc(2-)), and glutarate (glu(2-))] were also determined by spectrophotometry at 298.2 K in DMSO, and it was found that values decrease with an increase of the alkyl chain between the carboxylate groups. X-Band EPR spectra of the dicopper(II) complexes and of their cascade species in frozen DMSO exhibit dipole-dipole coupling, and their simulation, together with their UV-vis spectra, showed that the copper centres of the complexes in solution had square pyramidal geometries though with different distortions. From the experimental data, it was also possible to predict the Cu...Cu distances, the minimum being found at 6.4 angstrom for the (Cu2LCl4)-Cl-1 complex and then successively this distance slightly increases when the chloride anions are replaced by dicarboxylate anions, from 6.6 angstrom for oxa(2-) to 7.8 for glu(2-). The crystal structures of the dinuclear copper cascade species with oxa(2-) and suc(2-) were determined and showed one anion bridging both copper centres and Cu...Cu distances of 5.485(7) angstrom and 6.442(8) angstrom, respectively.


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Two sets of ligands, set-1 and set-2, have been prepared by mixing 1,3-diaminopentane and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively, and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate, Ni(II) thiocyanate and Ni(II) chloride. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2)(L = L-1 [N-3-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1 or L-2[N-3-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 2) in which the Schiff bases are monocondensed terdentate, whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL(SCN)(2)] (L = L-3[N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2- yl-ethylidine)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 3 or L-4 [N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyline)-pentane-1,3- diamine] for complex 4) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Complexes 5 {[NiL3(N-3)(2)]} and 6 {[NiL4(N-3)(2)]} are prepared by adding sodium azide to the methanol solution of complexes 1 and 2. Addition of Ni(II) chloride to the set-1 or set-2 ligands produces [Ni(pn)(2)]Cl-2, 7, as the major product, where pn = 1,3-diaminopentane. Formation of the complexes has been explained by the activation of the imine bond by the counter anion and thereby favouring the hydrolysis of the Schiff base. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectral data. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies con. firm the structures of three representative members, 1, 4 and 7; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complex of terdentate ligands, 1, is the mer isomer, and complexes 4 and 7 possess trans geometry. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The 28-membered octaazamacrocycle Me-2[28]py(2)N(6) was used as a receptor for the molecular recognition of aromatic and aliphatic carboxylate substrates. The receptor-substrate binding behaviour of (H6Me2[28]py(2)N(6))(6+) with an aliphatic (-O2C(CH2)(n)CO2-, n=0 to 4) and an aromatic (phthalate, isophthalate, terephthalate, 4,4'-dibenzoate, benzoate, 3- and 4-nitrobenzoate) series of carboxylate anions was evaluated by H-1 NMR spectroscopy (carried out in DMSO-d(6) at 300 K). Two association constants were found for most of the studied cases, except for 3- and 4-nitrobenzoate for which only K-1 was determined. For oxalate, malonate, benzoate and dibenzoate anions only the beta(2) constants could be obtained. The values of the first association constant cover a range from 2.86 to 3.69 (log units), and the second stepwise constant from 2.15 to 2.89 (also in log units). No special selectivity was found but the highest values were determined for adipate and the lowest for the monoprotic 3- and 4-nitrobenzoates. Single crystal X-ray structures of H6Me2[28]py(2)N(6)(6+) with terephthalate, 1, and 4,4'-dibenzoate (2) were determined showing supramolecular entities with general formula (H6Me2[28]py(2)N(6)).(substrate)(2)(PF6)(2).4H(2)O. These anions are the building blocks of an extensive 3-D network of hydrogen bonds.


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The novel dioxatetraaza macrocycle [26]phen(2)N(4)O(2), which incorporates two phenanthroline units, has been synthesized, and its acid-base behavior has been evaluated by potentiometric and H-1 NMR methods. Six protonation constants were determined, and the protonation sequence was established by NMR. The location of the fifth proton on the phen nitrogen was confirmed by X-ray determinations of the crystal structures of the receptor as bromide and chloride salts. The two compounds have the general molecular formula {(H-5[26]phen(2)N(4)O(2))X-n(H2O)(5-n)}X(n-1)(.)mH(2)O, where X = Cl, n = 3, and m = 6 or X = Br, n = 4, and m = 5.5. In the solid state, the (H-5[26]phen(2)N(4)O(2))(5+) cation adopts a "horseshoe" topology with sufficient room to encapsulate three or four halogen anions through the several N-(HX)-X-... hydrogen-bonding interactions. Two supermolecules {(H-5[26]phen(2)N(4)O(2))X-n(H2O)(5-n)}((5-n)+) form an interpenetrating dimeric species, which was also found by ESI mass spectrum. Binding studies of the protonated macrocycle with aliphatic (ox(2-), mal(2-), suc(2-), cit(3-), cta(3-)) and aromatic (bzc(-), naphc(-), anthc(-), pyrc(-), ph(2-), iph(2-), tph(2-), btc(3-)) anions were determined in water by potentiometric methods. These studies were complemented by H-1 NMR titrations in D2O of the receptor with selected anions. The H-i[26]phen(2)N(4)O(2)(i+) receptor can selectively uptake highly charged or extended aromatic carboxylate anions, such as btc(3-) and pyrc(-), in the pH ranges of 4.0-8.5 and < 4.0, respectively, from aqueous solution that contain the remaining anions as pollutants or contaminants. To obtain further insight into these structural and experimental findings, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out in water solution.


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A tetraazamacrocycle containing ferrocene moieties has been synthesized and characterized. The tetraprotonated form of this compound was evaluated as a receptor (R) for anion recognition of several substrates (S), Cl-, PF6-, HSO4-, H2PO4- and carboxylates, such as p-nitrobenzoate (p-nbz(-)), phthalate (ph(2-)), isophthalate (iph(2-)) and dipicolinate (dipic(2-)). H-1 NMR titrations in CD3OD indicated that this receptor is not suitable for recognizing HSO4- and H2PO4-, but weakly binds p-nbz(-), and strongly interacts with ph(2-), dipic(2-), and iph(2-) anions forming 1 : 2 assembled species. The largest beta(2) binding constant was determined for ph(2-), followed by dipic(2-) and finally iph(2-). The effect of the anionic substrates on the electron-transfer process of the ferrocene units of R was evaluated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) in methanol solution and 0.1 mol dm(-3) (CH3)(4)NCl as the supporting electrolyte. Titrations of the receptor were undertaken by addition of anion solutions in their tetrabutylammonium or tetramethylammonium forms. The protonated ligand exhibits a reversible voltammogram, which shifts cathodically in the presence of the substrates. The data revealed kinetic constraints in the formation of the receptor/substrate entity for dipic(2-), ph(2-) and iph(2-) anions, but not for p-nbz(-). In spite of the slow kinetics of assembled species formation with the ph(2-) substrate, this anion provides the largest redox-response when the supramolecular entity is formed, followed by dipic(2-), iph(2-) and finally p-nbz(-) anions. This trend is in agreement with the H-1 NMR results and the values of the binding constants. Single crystal X-ray structures of the receptor with PF6-, ph(2-), iph(2-) and p-nbz(-) were carried out and showed that supermolecules with a RS2 stoichiometry are formed with the first three anions, but RS4 with p-nbz(-). In all cases the binding occurs outside the macrocyclic cavity via N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C hydrogen bonds for carboxylate anions and N - H center dot center dot center dot F hydrogen bonds for the PF6- anion, which is in agreement with the solution results. The macrocyclic framework adopts different conformations in order to interact with each substrate having Fe center dot center dot center dot Fe intramolecular distances ranging from 10.125(14) to 12.783(15) angstrom.