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Essential hypertension is a multifactorial disorder and is the main risk factor for renal and cardiovascular complications. The research on the genetics of hypertension has been frustrated by the small predictive value of the discovered genetic variants. The HYPERGENES Project investigated associations between genetic variants and essential hypertension pursuing a 2-stage study by recruiting cases and controls from extensively characterized cohorts recruited over many years in different European regions. The discovery phase consisted of 1865 cases and 1750 controls genotyped with 1M Illumina array. Best hits were followed up in a validation panel of 1385 cases and 1246 controls that were genotyped with a custom array of 14 055 markers. We identified a new hypertension susceptibility locus (rs3918226) in the promoter region of the endothelial NO synthase gene (odds ratio: 1.54 [95% CI: 1.37-1.73]; combined P=2.58 · 10(-13)). A meta-analysis, using other in silico/de novo genotyping data for a total of 21 714 subjects, resulted in an overall odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI: 1.25-1.44; P=1.032 · 10(-14)). The quantitative analysis on a population-based sample revealed an effect size of 1.91 (95% CI: 0.16-3.66) for systolic and 1.40 (95% CI: 0.25-2.55) for diastolic blood pressure. We identified in silico a potential binding site for ETS transcription factors directly next to rs3918226, suggesting a potential modulation of endothelial NO synthase expression. Biological evidence links endothelial NO synthase with hypertension, because it is a critical mediator of cardiovascular homeostasis and blood pressure control via vascular tone regulation. This finding supports the hypothesis that there may be a causal genetic variation at this locus.


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Mammary tumors of a newly isolated strain of Chinese wild mouse (JYG mouse) harbor exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). The complete nucleotide sequence of exogenous JYG-MMTV was determined on the proviral 5' long terminal repeat (LTR)(partial)-gag-pol-env-3' LTR (partial) fragment cloned into a plasmid vector and the cDNA sequence from JYG-MMTV producing cells. Similarly to the other MMTV species the LTR of JYG-MMTV contains an open reading frame (ORF). The amino acid sequence of the JYG-MMTV ORF resembles that of SW-MMTV (92% identity) and endogenous Mtv-7 (93% identity) especially at the C-terminal region. Thus, a functional similarity in T-cell receptor V beta recognition as a superantigen is implicated among these MMTV species. Analysis of the viral gag nucleotide sequence revealed that this gene is not disrupted by the bacterial insertion sequence IS1 or IS2, which have been reported to be present in the majority of the plasmids containing the gag region. Comparison of amino acid sequences of JYG-MMTV with those of BR6-MMTV showed that over 96% of the amino acids of gag, pol, protease and env products are identical. These results suggest the intact nature of the nucleotide sequence of the near full-length MMTV genome cloned in the plasmid.


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The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a commercially valuable flatfish and one of the most promising aquaculture species in Europe. Two transcriptome 454-pyrosequencing runs were used in order to detect Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in genesrelated to immune response and gonad differentiation. A total of 866 true SNPs were detected in 140 different contigs representing 262,093 bp as a whole. Only one true SNP was analyzed in each contig. One hundred and thirteen SNPs out of the 140 analyzed were feasible (genotyped), while Ш were polymorphic in a wild population. Transition/transversion ratio (1.354) was similar to that observed in other fish studies. Unbiased gene diversity (He) estimates ranged from 0.060 to 0.510 (mean = 0.351), minimum allele frequency (MAF) from 0.030 to 0.500 (mean = 0.259) and all loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. A large number of SNPs (49) were located in the coding region, 33 representing synonymous and 16 non-synonymous changes. Most SNP-containing genes were related to immune response and gonad differentiation processes, and could be candidates for functional changes leading to phenotypic changes. These markers will be useful for population screening to look for adaptive variation in wild and domestic turbot


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Abstract APO866 is an inhibitor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthesis that exhibits potent anti-lymphoma activity. Rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD20 antibody, kills lymphoma cells by direct apoptosis and antibody- and complement-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicities, and has clinical efficacy in non-Hodgkin cell lymphomas. In the present study, we evaluated whether RTX could potentiate APO866-induced human B-lymphoma cell death and shed light on death-mediated mechanisms associated with this drug combination. We found that RTX significantly increases APO866-induced death in lymphoma cells from patients and lines. Mechanisms include enhancement of autophagy-mediated cell death, activation of caspase 3 and exacerbation of mitochondrial depolarization, but not increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, when compared with those induced by each drug alone. In vivo, combined administration of APO866 with RTX in a laboratory model of human aggressive lymphoma significantly decreased tumor burden and prolonged survival over single-agent treatment. Our study demonstrates that the combination of RTX and APO866 optimizes B-cell lymphoma apoptosis and therapeutic efficacy over both compounds administered separately.


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DNA methylation is involved in a diversity of processes in bacteria, including maintenance of genome integrity and regulation of gene expression. Here, using Caulobacter crescentus as a model, we exploit genome-wide experimental methods to uncover the functions of CcrM, a DNA methyltransferase conserved in most Alphaproteobacteria. Using single molecule sequencing, we provide evidence that most CcrM target motifs (GANTC) switch from a fully methylated to a hemi-methylated state when they are replicated, and back to a fully methylated state at the onset of cell division. We show that DNA methylation by CcrM is not required for the control of the initiation of chromosome replication or for DNA mismatch repair. By contrast, our transcriptome analysis shows that >10% of the genes are misexpressed in cells lacking or constitutively over-expressing CcrM. Strikingly, GANTC methylation is needed for the efficient transcription of dozens of genes that are essential for cell cycle progression, in particular for DNA metabolism and cell division. Many of them are controlled by promoters methylated by CcrM and co-regulated by other global cell cycle regulators, demonstrating an extensive cross talk between DNA methylation and the complex regulatory network that controls the cell cycle of C. crescentus and, presumably, of many other Alphaproteobacteria.


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Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic variations near the IL28B gene which are strongly associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Protective IL28B variations are strongly associated with on-treatment viral kinetics and approximately 2-fold increased sustained virologic response (SVR) rates in HCV genotype 1 and 4 patients. In HCV genotype 1 patients, IL28B variations were shown to be the strongest pre-treatment predictor of virologic response. In the treatment of HCV genotype 2 and 3 infected patients, IL28B variations play only a minor role. Preliminary data indicate that IL28B variations are also associated with treatment outcome of regimens, including directly acting antiviral (DAA) agents, though their impact seems to be attenuated compared to standard treatment. Here, we review these important findings and discuss possible implications for clinical decision making in the treatment of HCV infection.


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The malic enzyme (ME) gene is a target for both thyroid hormone receptors and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR). Within the ME promoter, two direct repeat (DR)-1-like elements, MEp and MEd, have been identified as putative PPAR response elements (PPRE). We demonstrate that only MEp and not MEd is able to bind PPAR/retinoid X receptor (RXR) heterodimers and mediate peroxisome proliferator signaling. Taking advantage of the close sequence resemblance of MEp and MEd, we have identified crucial determinants of a PPRE. Using reciprocal mutation analyses of these two elements, we show the preference for adenine as the spacing nucleotide between the two half-sites of the PPRE and demonstrate the importance of the two first bases flanking the core DR1 in 5'. This latter feature of the PPRE lead us to consider the polarity of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer bound to its cognate element. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the polarity of RXR/TR and RXR/RAR bound to DR4 and DR5 elements respectively, PPAR binds to the 5' extended half-site of the response element, while RXR occupies the 3' half-site. Consistent with this polarity is our finding that formation and binding of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer requires an intact hinge T region in RXR while its integrity is not required for binding of the RXR/TR heterodimer to a DR4.


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Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is an evolutionary conserved DNA repair system that is essential for the removal of UV-induced DNA damage. In this study we investigated how NER is compartmentalized in the interphase nucleus of human cells at the ultrastructural level by using electron microscopy in combination with immunogold labeling. We analyzed the role of two nuclear compartments: condensed chromatin domains and the perichromatin region. The latter contains transcriptionally active and partly decondensed chromatin at the surface of condensed chromatin domains. We studied the distribution of the damage-recognition protein XPC and of XPA, which is a central component of the chromatin-associated NER complex. Both XPC and XPA rapidly accumulate in the perichromatin region after UV irradiation, whereas only XPC is also moderately enriched in condensed chromatin domains. These observations suggest that DNA damage is detected by XPC throughout condensed chromatin domains, whereas DNA-repair complexes seem preferentially assembled in the perichromatin region. We propose that UV-damaged DNA inside condensed chromatin domains is relocated to the perichromatin region, similar to what has been shown for DNA replication. In support of this, we provide evidence that UV-damaged chromatin domains undergo expansion, which might facilitate the translocation process. Our results offer novel insight into the dynamic spatial organization of DNA repair in the human cell nucleus.


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Adrenoceptors are prototypic members of the superfamily of seven transmembrane domain, G protein-coupled receptors. Study of the properties of several mutationally activated adrenoceptors is deepening understanding of the normal functioning of this ubiquitous class of receptors. The new findings suggest an expansion of the classical ternary complex model of receptor action to include an explicit isomerization of the receptors from an inactive to an active state which couples to the G protein ('allosteric ternary complex model'). This isomerization involves conformational changes which may occur spontaneously, or be induced by agonists or appropriate mutations which abrogate the normal 'constraining' function of the receptor, allowing it to 'relax' into the active conformation. Robert Lefkowitz and colleagues discuss the physiological and pathophysiological implications of these new insights into regulation of receptor activity.


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The IncP alpha promiscuous plasmid (R18, R68, RK2, RP1 and RP4) comprises 60,099 bp of nucleotide sequence, encoding at least 74 genes. About 40 kb of the genome, designated the IncP core and including all essential replication and transfer functions, can be aligned with equivalent sequences in the IncP beta plasmid R751. The compiled IncP alpha sequence revealed several previously unidentified reading frames that are potential genes. IncP alpha plasmids carry genetic information very efficiently: the coding sequences of the genes are closely packed but rarely overlap, and occupy almost 86% of the genome's nucleotide sequence. All of the 74 genes should be expressed, although there is as yet experimental evidence for expression of only 60 of them. Six examples of tandem-in-frame initiation sites specifying two gene products each are known. Two overlapping gene arrangements occupy different reading frames of the same region. Intergenic regions include most of the 25 promoters; transcripts are usually polycistronic. Translation of most of the open reading frames seems to be initiated independently, each from its own ribosomal binding and initiation site, although, a few cases of coupled translation have been reported. The most frequently used initiation codon is AUG but translation for a few open reading frames begins at GUG or UUG. The most common stop-codon is UGA followed by UAA and then UAG. Regulatory circuits are complex and largely dependent on two components of the central control operon. KorA and KorB are transcriptional repressors controlling at least seven operons. KorA and KorB act synergistically in several cases by recognizing and binding to conserved nucleotide sequences. Twelve KorB binding sites were found around the IncP alpha sequence and these are conserved in R751 (IncP beta) with respect to both sequence and location. Replication of IncP alpha plasmids requires oriV and the plasmid-encoded initiator protein TrfA in combination with the host-encoded replication machinery. Conjugative plasmid transfer depends on two separate regions occupying about half of the genome. The primary segregational stability system designated Par/Mrs consists of a putative site-specific recombinase, a possible partitioning apparatus and a post-segregational lethality mechanism, all encoded in two divergent operons. Proteins related to the products of F sop and P1 par partitioning genes are separately encoded in the central control operon.


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BACKGROUND: HIV-infected individuals have an increased risk of myocardial infarction. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is regarded as a major determinant of dyslipidemia in HIV-infected individuals. Previous genetic studies have been limited by the validity of the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) interrogated and by cross-sectional design. Recent genome-wide association studies have reliably associated common SNPs to dyslipidemia in the general population. METHODS AND RESULTS: We validated the contribution of 42 SNPs (33 identified in genome-wide association studies and 9 previously reported SNPs not included in genome-wide association study chips) and of longitudinally measured key nongenetic variables (ART, underlying conditions, sex, age, ethnicity, and HIV disease parameters) to dyslipidemia in 745 HIV-infected study participants (n=34 565 lipid measurements; median follow-up, 7.6 years). The relative impact of SNPs and ART to lipid variation in the study population and their cumulative influence on sustained dyslipidemia at the level of the individual were calculated. SNPs were associated with lipid changes consistent with genome-wide association study estimates. SNPs explained up to 7.6% (non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), 6.2% (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and 6.8% (triglycerides) of lipid variation; ART explained 3.9% (non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), 1.5% (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and 6.2% (triglycerides). An individual with the most dyslipidemic antiretroviral and genetic background had an approximately 3- to 5-fold increased risk of sustained dyslipidemia compared with an individual with the least dyslipidemic therapy and genetic background. CONCLUSIONS: In the HIV-infected population treated with ART, the weight of the contribution of common SNPs and ART to dyslipidemia was similar. When selecting an ART regimen, genetic information should be considered in addition to the dyslipidemic effects of ART agents.


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The objective of this work was to genotype the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) A2959G (AF159246) of bovine CAST gene by PCR-RFLP technique, and to report its use for the first time. For this, 147 Bos indicus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus animals were genotyped. The accuracy of the method was confirmed through the direct sequencing of PCR products of nine individuals. The lowest frequency of the meat tenderness favorable allele (A) in Bos indicus was confirmed. The use of PCR-RFLP for the genotyping of the bovine CAST gene SNP was shown to be robust and inexpensive, which will greatly facilitate its analysis by laboratories with basic structure.


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PURPOSE: Evidence has accumulated in recent years suggestive of a genetic basis for a susceptibility to the development of radiation injury after cancer radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to assess whether patients with severe radiation-induced sequelae (RIS; i.e., National Cancer Institute/CTCv3.0 grade, > or =3) display both a low capacity of radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis (RILA) in vitro and possess certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in candidate genes associated with the response of cells to radiation. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: DNA was isolated from blood samples obtained from patients (n = 399) included in the Swiss prospective study evaluating the predictive effect of in vitro RILA and RIS. SNPs in the ATM, SOD2, XRCC1, XRCC3, TGFB1, and RAD21 genes were screened in patients who experienced severe RIS (group A, n = 16) and control subjects who did not manifest any evidence of RIS (group B, n = 18). RESULTS: Overall, 13 and 21 patients were found to possess a total of <4 and > or =4 SNPs in the candidate genes. The median (range) RILA in group A was 9.4% (5.3-16.5) and 94% (95% confidence interval, 70-100) of the patients (15 of 16) had > or =4 SNPs. In group B, median (range) RILA was 25.7% (20.2-43.2) and 33% (95% confidence interval, 13-59) of patients (6 of 18) had > or =4 SNPs (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that patients with severe RIS possess 4 or more SNPs in candidate genes and low radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro.


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A linkage between obesity-related phenotypes and the 2p21-23 locus has been reported previously. The urocortin (UCN) gene resides at this interval, and its protein decreases appetite behavior, suggesting that UCN may be a candidate gene for susceptibility to obesity. We localized the UCN gene by radiation hybrid mapping, and the surrounding markers were genotyped in a collection of French families. Evidence for linkage was shown between the marker D2S165 and leptin levels (LOD score, 1.34; P = 0.006) and between D2S2247 and the z-score of body mass index (LOD score, 1.829; P = 0.0019). The gene was screened for SNPs in 96 obese patients. Four new variants were established. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms were located in the promoter (-535 A-->G, -286 G-->A), one in intron 1 (+31 C-->G), and one in the 3'-untranslated region (+34 C-->T). Association studies in cohorts of 722 unrelated obese and 381 control subjects and transmission disequilibrium tests, performed for the two frequent promoter polymorphisms, in 120 families (894 individuals) showed that no association was present between these variants and obesity, obesity-related phenotypes, and diabetes. Thus, our analyses of the genetic variations of the UCN gene suggest that, at least in French Caucasians, they do not represent a major cause of obesity.