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Inselbergs are isolated rock outcrops that rise abruptly above the surrounding plains. Granitic and gneissic inselbergs are geologically and geomorphologically old and occur throughout a broad spectrum of climatic zones. They form microclimatically and edaphically dry growth sites that support a highly specialized vegetation. Based on physiognomic criteria a number of habitat types can be distinguished that are widespread on inselbergs (e.g. ephemeral flush vegetation, monocotyledonous mats, rock pools). Three hot spots of global inselberg plant diversity can be identified which are both rich in species and endemics: a) southeastern Brazil, b) Madagascar and c) southwestern Australia.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often affects social adaptive functioning and these changes in social adaptability are usually associated with general damage to the frontal cortex. Recent evidence suggests that certain neurons within the orbitofrontal cortex appear to be specialized for the processing of faces and facial expressions. The orbitofrontal cortex also appears to be involved in self-initiated somatic activation to emotionally-charged stimuli. According to Somatic Marker Theory (Damasio, 1994), the reduced physiological activation fails to provide an individual with appropriate somatic cues to personally-relevant stimuli and this, in turn, may result in maladaptive behaviour. Given the susceptibility of the orbitofrontal cortex in TBI, it was hypothesized that impaired perception and reactivity to socially-relevant information might be responsible for some of the social difficulties encountered after TBL Fifteen persons who sustained a moderate to severe brain injury were compared to age and education matched Control participants. In the first study, both groups were presented with photographs of models displaying the major emotions and either asked to identify the emotions or simply view the faces passively. In a second study, participants were asked to select cards from decks that varied in terms of how much money could be won or lost. Those decks with higher losses were considered to be high-risk decks. Electrodermal activity was measured concurrently in both situations. Relative to Controls, TBI participants were found to have difficulty identifying expressions of surprise, sadness, anger, and fear. TBI persons were also found to be under-reactive, as measured by electrodermal activity, while passively viewing slides of negative expressions. No group difference,in reactivity to high-risk card decks was observed. The ability to identify emotions in the face and electrodermal reactivity to faces and to high-risk decks in the card game were examined in relationship to social monitoring and empathy as described by family members or friends on the Brock Adaptive Functioning Questionnaire (BAFQ). Difficulties identifying negative expressions (i.e., sadness, anger, fear, and disgust) predicted problems in monitoring social situations. As well, a modest relationship was observed between hypo-arousal to negative faces and problems with social monitoring. Finally, hypo-arousal in the anticipation of risk during the card game related to problems in empathy. In summary, these data are consistent with the view that alterations in the ability to perceive emotional expressions in the face and the disruption in arousal to personally-relevant information may be accounting for some of the difficulties in social adaptation often observed in persons who have sustained a TBI. Furthermore, these data provide modest support for Damasio's Somatic Marker Theory in that physiological reactivity to socially-relevant information has some value in predicting social function. Therefore, the assessment of TBI persons, particularly those with adaptive behavioural problems, should be expanded to determine whether alterations in perception and reactivity to socially-relevant stimuli have occurred. When this is the case, rehabilitative strategies aimed more specifically at these difficulties should be considered.


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Des études adultes sur l’œdème pulmonaire lésionnel et le Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Aiguë ont mené à l’établissement de recommandations sur les stratégies de ventilation mécanique à employer chez ces patients. Cependant, il n’est pas clair si les recommandations adultes sont également bénéfiques pour l’enfant. Objectif Décrire les stratégies de ventilation mécanique employées chez les enfants atteints d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel. Méthodes Étude épidémiologique transversale tenue dans 59 unités de Soins Intensifs Pédiatriques de 12 pays en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Six jours d’étude ont eu lieu entre juin et novembre 2007. Les enfants atteints d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel étaient inclus et des données sur la sévérité de leur maladie, les paramètres de ventilation mécanique et les thérapies adjuvantes employées ont été recueillies. Résultats Des 3823 enfants dépistés, 414 (10.8%) avaient un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel et 165 (40%) ont été inclus dans l’étude (124 étaient sous ventilation mécanique conventionnelle, 27 sous ventilation à haute fréquence par oscillation et 14 sous ventilation non invasive). Dans le groupe sous ventilation conventionnelle, 43.5% étaient ventilés avec un mode contrôlé à pression, le volume courant moyen était de 8.3±3.3 ml/kg et l’utilisation de la PEP et FiO2 était hétérogène. Conclusions Cette étude démontre une hétérogénéité dans les stratégies de ventilation mécanique employées chez les enfants souffrant d’un œdème pulmonaire lésionnel. Celle-ci pourrait être en partie reliée à la robustesse des critères diagnostiques actuellement utilisés pour définir l’ALI/SDRA. Une évaluation rigoureuse de ces stratégies est nécessaire pour guider la standardisation des soins et optimiser l’issue de ces patients.


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Rationnelle. La ventilation mécanique invasive (VI) s’accompagne lorsqu’elle se prolonge, d’une augmentation de la morbimortalité. Jusqu’à 64% des enfants hospitalisés aux soins intensifs sont ventilés et peu de données épidémiologiques existent afin d’estimer précocement la durée du support ventilatoire. Objectifs. Déterminer l’incidence et les facteurs de risque précoces de ventilation mécanique invasive prolongée aux soins intensifs pédiatriques. Méthode. Nous avons conduit une étude descriptive rétroélective sur un an. Tous les épisodes de VI aux soins intensifs du Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte Justine de Montréal ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque de VI prolongée (≥ 96 heures) ont été déterminés par régression logistique. Résultats. Parmi les 360 épisodes de VI, 36% ont duré ≥ 96 heures. Les facteurs de risques de ventilation prolongée en analyse multivariée sont : âge <12 mois, score de PRISM ≥ 15 à l’admission, pression moyenne dans les voies aériennes ≥13 cm H2O au jour 1 de ventilation, utilisation de la sédation intraveineuse continue au jour 1 de ventilation et ventilation non invasive avant intubation. Conclusion. La VI prolongée survient chez environ un tiers des patients ventilés. Les patients de moins de 12 mois semblent être plus à risque que les enfants plus âgés et devraient bénéficier de stratégies différentes pour diminuer leur durée de ventilation mécanique. La sévérité de la maladie, l’agressivité du support ventilatoire, l’utilisation d’une sédation continue au premier jour de ventilation sont également des facteurs à considérer dans les études visant à diminuer la durée de support ventilatoire.


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Le traumatisme de la moelle épinière est à l’origine d’une inflammation locale importante caractérisée par l’augmentation massive des cellules inflammatoires et la présence de réactions oxydatives. Cette inflammation locale peut déclencher une réponse inflammatoire systémique par voie hématogène. Au niveau cervical, les lésions médullaires peuvent entraîner des faiblesses ou la paralysie des muscles respiratoires. Le patient, qui ne peut plus respirer de façon autonome, doit avoir recours à un support respiratoire. Bien que la ventilation mécanique soit la thérapie traditionnellement appliquée aux blessés médullaires souffrant d’insuffisance respiratoire, les études ont démontré qu’elle pouvait contribuer à promouvoir une réponse inflammatoire ainsi que des dommages pulmonaires. L’interaction entre le traumatisme médullaire et la ventilation mécanique, indispensable au maintien de l’équilibre des échanges respiratoires, est inconnue à ce jour. En voulant protéger les tissus, cellules et organes, l’organisme met en œuvre toute une panoplie de réponses inflammatoires à différents endroits. Nous pensons que ces réponses peuvent être altérées via l’interaction entre ce traumatisme et cette ventilation mécanique, sous l’influence de la principale source cellulaire de cytokines pour la défense de l’hôte, le macrophage, récemment classé en deux phénotypes principaux: 1) l’activation classique de type M1 et 2) l’activation alternative de type M2. Le phénotype M1 est conduit par le facteur GM-CSF et induit par l’interféron IFN-ɣ ainsi que le lipopolysaccharide. Le phénotype M2 quant à lui, est conduit par le facteur M-CSF et induit par les interleukines IL-4, IL-13 ou IL-21. M1 relâche principalement IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α et MIP-1α tandis que M2 principalement IL-10 et MCP-1. Toutefois, nous ignorons actuellement par quel type d’activation se manifestera cette réponse immunitaire et si l’application de support respiratoire pourrait entraîner un risque inflammatoire additionnel au site du traumatisme. Nous ignorons également si la ventilation mécanique affecterait, à distance, les tissus de la moelle épinière via une inflammation systémique et amplifierait alors le dommage initial. Il n’existe pas à ce jour, de thérapie qui ait montré d’effet bénéfique réel envers une récupération fonctionnelle des patients blessés médullaires. Il paraît donc essentiel de déterminer si la ventilation mécanique peut moduler l’inflammation post-traumatique à la fois au niveau pulmonaire et au site de la lésion. Ce travail visait à caractériser les liens entre l’inflammation issue du traumatisme médullaire et celle issue de la ventilation, dans le but de fournir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes inflammatoires activés dans ce contexte. L’étude a été menée sur un modèle animal. Elle consistait à évaluer : 1) si le traumatisme médullaire influençait les réponses inflammatoires pulmonaires induites par la ventilation mécanique, y compris le phénotype des macrophages alvéolaires et 2) si la ventilation pouvait altérer à distance, les tissus de la moelle épinière. L’impact de la blessure médullaire sur l’inflammation pulmonaire et locale, induite par la ventilation fut interprété grâce à l’analyse des cellules inflammatoires dans les lavages broncho-alvéolaires et dans les tissus prélevés à l’endroit de la blessure après 24 heures. Ces analyses ont démontré un profil spécifique des cytokines pulmonaires et médullaires. Elles ont révélé que la ventilation mécanique a engendré un environnement pro-inflammatoire en faveur d’un phénotype M1 chez les animaux ayant bénéficié de la thérapie respiratoire. Inversement, l’atteinte thoracique chez les animaux sans ventilation, a montré qu’une réponse immunitaire avait été activée en faveur d’un environnement anti-inflammatoire de phénotype M2. La lésion cervicale quant à elle a induit un profil de cytokines différent et les réponses au stress oxydatif dans le poumon induites par la ventilation ont été réduites significativement. De plus, une lésion médullaire a augmenté l’expression d’IL-6 et la ventilation a diminué l’IL-1β et augmenté le TNF-α dans les tissus de la moelle. Finalement, ces données ont fourni les premières évidences que la ventilation a induit d’avantage à un phénotype pulmonaire M1 et que le traumatisme médullaire a impacté spécifiquement les réponses inflammatoires et oxydatives dans le poumon. La ventilation a contribué non seulement à distance à une inflammation des tissus médullaires lésés mais aussi des tissus sains.


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Facing the double menace of climate change threats and water crisis, poor communities have now encountered ever more severe challenges in ensuring agricultural productivity and food security. Communities hence have to manage these challenges by adopting a comprehensive approach that not only enhances water resource management, but also adapts agricultural activities to climate variability. Implemented by the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme, the Community Water Initiative (CWI) has adopted a distinctive approach to support demand-driven, innovative, low cost and community-based water resource management for food security. Experiences from CWI showed that a comprehensive, locally adapted approach that integrates water resources management, poverty reduction, climate adaptation and community empowerment provides a good model for sustainable development in poor rural areas.


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This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling


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Hypermedia systems based on the Web for open distance education are becoming increasingly popular as tools for user-driven access learning information. Adaptive hypermedia is a new direction in research within the area of user-adaptive systems, to increase its functionality by making it personalized [Eklu 961. This paper sketches a general agents architecture to include navigational adaptability and user-friendly processes which would guide and accompany the student during hislher learning on the PLAN-G hypermedia system (New Generation Telematics Platform to Support Open and Distance Learning), with the aid of computer networks and specifically WWW technology [Marz 98-1] [Marz 98-2]. The PLAN-G actual prototype is successfully used with some informatics courses (the current version has no agents yet). The propased multi-agent system, contains two different types of adaptive autonomous software agents: Personal Digital Agents {Interface), to interacl directly with the student when necessary; and Information Agents (Intermediaries), to filtrate and discover information to learn and to adapt navigation space to a specific student


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Engineering of negotiation model allows to develop effective heuristic for business intelligence. Digital ecosystems demand open negotiation models. To define in advance effective heuristics is not compliant with the requirement of openness. The new challenge is to develop business intelligence in advance exploiting an adaptive approach. The idea is to learn business strategy once new negotiation model rise in the e-market arena. In this paper we present how recommendation technology may be deployed in an open negotiation environment where the interaction protocol models are not known in advance. The solution we propose is delivered as part of the ONE Platform, open source software that implements a fully distributed open environment for business negotiation


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Identifying the genetic changes driving adaptive variation in natural populations is key to understanding the origins of biodiversity. The mosaic of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius butterflies makes an excellent system for exploring adaptive variation using next-generation sequencing. In this study, we use a combination of techniques to annotate the genomic interval modulating red color pattern variation, identify a narrow region responsible for adaptive divergence and convergence in Heliconius wing color patterns, and explore the evolutionary history of these adaptive alleles. We use whole genome resequencing from four hybrid zones between divergent color pattern races of Heliconius erato and two hybrid zones of the co-mimic Heliconius melpomene to examine genetic variation across 2.2 Mb of a partial reference sequence. In the intergenic region near optix, the gene previously shown to be responsible for the complex red pattern variation in Heliconius, population genetic analyses identify a shared 65-kb region of divergence that includes several sites perfectly associated with phenotype within each species. This region likely contains multiple cis-regulatory elements that control discrete expression domains of optix. The parallel signatures of genetic differentiation in H. erato and H. melpomene support a shared genetic architecture between the two distantly related co-mimics; however, phylogenetic analysis suggests mimetic patterns in each species evolved independently. Using a combination of next-generation sequencing analyses, we have refined our understanding of the genetic architecture of wing pattern variation in Heliconius and gained important insights into the evolution of novel adaptive phenotypes in natural populations.


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A wind catcher/tower natural ventilation system was installed in a seminar room in the building of the School of Construction Management and Engineering, the University of Reading in the UK . Performance was analysed by means of ventilation tracer gas measurements, indoor climate measurements (temperature, humidity, CO2) and occupant surveys. In addition, the potential of simple design tools was evaluated by comparing observed ventilation results with those predicted by an explicit ventilation model and the AIDA implicit ventilation model. To support this analysis, external climate parameters (wind speed and direction, solar radiation, external temperature and humidity) were also monitored. The results showed the chosen ventilation design provided a substantially greater ventilation rate than an equivalent area of openable window. Also air quality parameters stayed within accepted norms while occupants expressed general satisfaction with the system and with comfort conditions. Night cooling was maximised by using the system in combination with openable windows. Comparisons of calculations with ventilation rate measurements showed that while AIDA gave reasonably correlated results with the monitored performance results, the widely used industry explicit model was found to over estimate the monitored ventilation rate.


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It is argued that the truth status of emergent properties of complex adaptive systems models should be based on an epistemology of proof by constructive verification and therefore on the ontological axioms of a non-realist logical system such as constructivism or intuitionism. ‘Emergent’ properties of complex adaptive systems (CAS) models create particular epistemological and ontological challenges. These challenges bear directly on current debates in the philosophy of mathematics and in theoretical computer science. CAS research, with its emphasis on computer simulation, is heavily reliant on models which explore the entailments of Formal Axiomatic Systems (FAS). The incompleteness results of Gödel, the incomputability results of Turing, and the Algorithmic Information Theory results of Chaitin, undermine a realist (platonic) truth model of emergent properties. These same findings support the hegemony of epistemology over ontology and point to alternative truth models such as intuitionism, constructivism and quasi-empiricism.


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Uncertainty contributes a major part in the accuracy of a decision-making process while its inconsistency is always difficult to be solved by existing decision-making tools. Entropy has been proved to be useful to evaluate the inconsistency of uncertainty among different respondents. The study demonstrates an entropy-based financial decision support system called e-FDSS. This integrated system provides decision support to evaluate attributes (funding options and multiple risks) available in projects. Fuzzy logic theory is included in the system to deal with the qualitative aspect of these options and risks. An adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) is also employed to solve the decision algorithm in the system in order to provide optimal and consistent rates to these attributes. Seven simplified and parallel projects from a Hong Kong construction small and medium enterprise (SME) were assessed to evaluate the system. The result shows that the system calculates risk adjusted discount rates (RADR) of projects in an objective way. These rates discount project cash flow impartially. Inconsistency of uncertainty is also successfully evaluated by the use of the entropy method. Finally, the system identifies the favourable funding options that are managed by a scheme called SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS). Based on these results, resource allocation could then be optimized and the best time to start a new project could also be identified throughout the overall project life cycle.


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The deployment of Quality of Service (QoS) techniques involves careful analysis of area including: those business requirements; corporate strategy; and technical implementation process, which can lead to conflict or contradiction between those goals of various user groups involved in that policy definition. In addition long-term change management provides a challenge as these implementations typically require a high-skill set and experience level, which expose organisations to effects such as “hyperthymestria” [1] and “The Seven Sins of Memory”, defined by Schacter and discussed further within this paper. It is proposed that, given the information embedded within the packets of IP traffic, an opportunity exists to augment the traffic management with a machine-learning agent-based mechanism. This paper describes the process by which current policies are defined and that research required to support the development of an application which enables adaptive intelligent Quality of Service controls to augment or replace those policy-based mechanisms currently in use.


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Electricity load shifting is becoming a big topic in the world of ‘green’ retail. Marks & Spencer (M&S) aim to become the world’s most sustainable retailer (1) and part of that commitment means contributing to the future electricity network. While intelligent operation of fridges and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems are a wide area of research, standby generators should be considered too, as they are the most widely adopted form of distributed generation. In this paper, the experience of using standby generators in Northern Ireland to support the grid is shared and the logistics of future projects are discussed. Interactions with maintenance schedules, electricity costs, grid code, staffing and store opening times are discussed as well as the financial implications associated with running generators for grid support.