199 resultados para 99mTc-HMPAO


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FUNDAMENTO: Métodos cardiológicos não invasivos têm sido utilizados na identificação de comprometimento miocárdico na doença de Chagas. OBJETIVO: Verificar se a cintilografia miocárdica de perfusão em repouso e esforço é capaz de identificar comprometimento miocárdico precoce na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas. MÉTODOS: Dezoito pacientes portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas e igual número de controles normais, pareados pelo sexo e idade, foram submetidos a cintilografia miocárdica de repouso e esforço com sestamibi-99mTc com o objetivo de detectar lesões cardíacas precoces. RESULTADOS: Os resultados não mostraram defeitos de perfusão ou da função ventricular nos pacientes na fase indeterminada da doença de Chagas e nos controles normais, exceto em um paciente que apresentou sinais de disfunção ventricular na análise funcional na cintilografia miocárdica de perfusão sincronizada com o eletrocardiograma (ECG). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo, em que pese o pequeno número de pacientes, mostraram que a cintilografia miocárdica de repouso e esforço com sestamibi-99mTc não é um método eficaz para detectar precocemente alterações miocárdicas na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas.


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FUNDAMENTO: Pela redução da especificidade associada à perda de informação, a influência da atenuação das mamas é de fundamental importância em estudos de perfusão do miocárdio. Entretanto, apesar de vários estudos terem sido realizados ao longo dos últimos anos, pouco se tem evoluído para determinar com acurácia a influência das características das mamas sobre a qualidade da cintilografia miocárdica, evitando exposições adicionais de radiação às pacientes. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é quantificar a atenuação de fótons pelas mamas, em estudos de perfusão do miocárdio com 99mTc, de acordo com diferentes tamanhos e composições. MÉTODOS: Cada mama foi assumida como sendo um cubo composto de tecido adiposo e fibroglandular. Os dados referentes aos fótons de 99mTc foram analisados em um modelo de Monte Carlo. Variamos a espessura e a composição das mamas e analisamos as interferências na atenuação. Foi empregado o software EGS 4 para as simulações. RESULTADOS: Fixando a espessura de uma mama, a variação da sua composição acarreta um acréscimo máximo de 2,3% no número de fótons atenuados. Em contrapartida, mantendo-se uma composição do tecido mamário fixa, a diferença na atenuação de fótons foi de 45,0%, sendo em média de 6,0% para cada acréscimo de centímetro na espessura da mama. CONCLUSÃO: A simulação por Monte Carlo demonstrou que a influência das espessuras das mamas na atenuação de fótons em cintilografias do miocárdio com 99mTc é muito maior do que a influência das suas composições.


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FUNDAMENTO: A ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose é um teste específico para predizer disfunção de contratilidade reversível, mas mesmo assim, sua sensibilidade é menor do que ideal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os preditores de recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização, em pacientes sem viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose. MÉTODOS: Trinta pacientes consecutivos foram selecionados consecutivamente, que apresentavam estenose coronária/oclusão significantes, tratáveis através de revascularização, anormalidade de motilidade de parede regional na distribuição da artéria afetada e ausência de viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose. Os pacientes foram submetidos a estudo de imagem com 99mTc-sestamibi em repouso e então submetidos à revascularização coronária bem sucedida. A ecocardiografia de seguimento foi realizada três meses depois. Os pacientes foram classificados em 2 grupos: grupo 1: com evidência de recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização na ecocardiografia de seguimento e grupo 2: sem evidência de recuperação miocárdica. Os dois grupos foram comparados em relação aos dados clínicos, ecocardiográficos e cintilográficos. RESULTADOS: A média da idade era 52,3 ± 5,9 anos e 97% eram do sexo masculino. A porcentagem de captação total de 99mTc-sestamibi foi significantemente mais alta no grupo 1 quando comparado ao grupo 2 (p < 0,01) e foi o preditor independente mais forte de recuperação miocárdica contrátil no seguimento de 3 meses na análise de regressão multivariada. A curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) mostrou que um valor de corte da porcentagem de captação total do 99mTc-sestamibi uptake de 72%, foi o melhor preditor da recuperação miocárdica contrátil, com uma sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 95.7%. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes sem evidência de viabilidade na ecocardiografia de estresse com dobutamina de baixa dose, a porcentagem de captação total do 99mTc-sestamibi prediz, de forma independente, a recuperação miocárdica contrátil após a revascularização coronária.


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FUNDAMENTO: O índice de dilatação transitória pode ser determinado através de teste ergométrico ou estresse farmacológico. Desconhece-se se o tipo de estresse tem impacto sobre os valores médios do índice de dilatação transitória. OBJETIVO: Comparar os valores médios do índice de dilatação transitória na cintilografia com 99mTc-sestamibi, em pacientes submetidos a teste ergométrico em esteira, versus estresse com dipiridamol. O objetivo secundário foi avaliar o impacto sobre o valor médio do índice exercido pelas características demográficas, pelos fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana e a gravidade da isquemia. MÉTODOS: O estudo transversal incluiu 200 pacientes, entre 40 e 70 anos, portadores ou não de fatores de risco para cardiopatia isquêmica, com ou sem diagnóstico prévio de cardiopatia isquêmica. A separação entre grupos foi sequencial. O software 4D-MSPECT calculou o índice de dilatação transitória e forneceu um sistema de escores para análise da perfusão. RESULTADOS: O valor do índice de dilatação transitória médio do grupo submetido a teste ergométrico foi de 1,06 (±0,23). O do grupo submetido ao estresse com dipiridamol foi de 1,10 (±0,22);(p = 0,200). Não houve associação entre o tipo de estresse e os valores médios do índice de dilatação transitória. Encontrou-se associação entre os valores médios do índice e a faixa etária somente para os pacientes do grupo do teste ergométrico (p = 0,009). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do nosso estudo demonstram que o índice de dilatação transitória não difere quando os pacientes são submetidos a estresse pelo teste ergométrico em esteira ou estresse farmacológico pelo dipiridamol.


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FUNDAMENTO: Técnicas de imageamento in vivo permitem avaliar sequencialmente a morfologia e a função dos órgãos em diversos modelos experimentais. Desenvolvemos um dispositivo de adaptação de uma gama-câmara clínica para obter imagens tomográficas por emissão de fótons singulares (SPECT) de alta resolução, baseado em colimador pinhole. OBJETIVO: Determinar a acurácia desse sistema na quantificação da área de infarto miocárdico em ratos. MÉTODOS: Treze ratos Wistar machos (250 g) foram submetidos a infarto do miocárdio por oclusão da artéria coronária esquerda. Após 4 semanas, foram adquiridas imagens tomográficas com o sistema desenvolvido, 1,5 hora após a injeção endovenosa de 555MBq de 99mTc-Sestamibi. Na reconstrução tomográfica, utilizamos software especialmente desenvolvido baseado no algoritmo de Máxima Verossimilhança. Comparamos as médias e analisamos a correlação entre a extensão dos defeitos perfusionais detectados pela cintilografia e a extensão da fibrose miocárdica avaliada pela histologia. RESULTADOS: As imagens apresentaram ótima relação órgão-alvo/fundo, com apropriada visualização das paredes e da cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo. Todos os animais exibindo áreas de infarto foram corretamente identificados pelas imagens de perfusão. Não houve diferença entre a área do infarto medida pelo SPECT (21,1 ± 21,2%) e pela histologia (21,7 ± 22,0%; p = 0,45), obtendo forte correlação entre os valores da área de infarto mensurada pelos dois métodos (r = 0,99; p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: O sistema desenvolvido apresentou resolução espacial adequada e elevada acurácia para detecção e quantificação das áreas de infarto miocárdico, sendo uma opção de baixo custo e grande versatilidade na obtenção de imagens em SPECT de alta resolução de órgãos de pequenos roedores.


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FUNDAMENTO: No período pós-menopausa, a presença dos fatores de risco para doença arterial coronária (DAC) aumentam. Entretanto, não é bem estabelecida a diferença de prevalência de isquemia miocárdica em mulheres pré/pós-menopausa com múltiplos fatores de risco para DAC. OBJETIVO: Comparar a prevalência de isquemia na cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com sestamibi-99mTc (CPM) em mulheres nos períodos pré/pós-menopausa e avaliar se a menopausa pode ser considerada fator preditor de risco independente para isquemia em mulheres com múltiplos fatores de risco para DAC. MÉTODOS: Analisamos, retrospectivamente, 500 CPM de mulheres pré/pós-menopausa, com múltiplos fatores de risco cardiovascular. A análise estatística foi realizada por teste exato de Fisher e pelas análises univariada e multivariada, sendo considerado significativo o valor de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Do total, 55,9% das mulheres estavam no período pós-menopausa, 83,3% eram hipertensas, 28,9% diabéticas, 61,2% dislipidêmicas, 32,1% tabagistas, 25% obesas e 34,3% já apresentavam DAC conhecida. No grupo pós-menopausa, as mulheres eram mais hipertensas, diabéticas e dislipidêmicas, e tiveram menor capacidade funcional no teste ergométrico (p = < 0,005). Não houve diferença estatística significativa na presença de isquemia na CPM entre os grupos pré/pósmenopausa (p = 0,395). A única variável associada à isquemia na CPM foi a presença de DAC prévia (p = 0,004). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, em mulheres com múltiplos fatores de risco para DAC, a menopausa não foi fator preditor independente de isquemia na CPM. Essas informações reforçam a ideia de que a investigação de isquemia pela CPM em mulheres com múltiplos fatores de risco para DAC talvez deva iniciar antes da menopausa.


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AbstractBackground:Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) in patients not reaching 85% of the maximum predicted heart rate (MPHR) has reduced sensitivity.Objectives:In an attempt to maintain diagnostic sensitivity without losing functional exercise data, a new exercise and dipyridamole combined protocol (EDCP) was developed. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of this protocol and to compare its diagnostic sensitivity against standard exercise and dipyridamole protocols.Methods:In patients not reaching a sufficient exercise (SE) test and with no contraindications, 0.56 mg/kg of dipyridamole were IV administered over 1 minute simultaneously with exercise, followed by 99mTc-MIBI injection.Results:Of 155 patients, 41 had MPS with EDCP, 47 had a SE test (≥ 85% MPHR) and 67 underwent the dipyridamole alone test (DIP). They all underwent coronary angiography within 3 months. The three stress methods for diagnosis of coronary lesions had their sensitivity compared. For stenosis ≥ 70%, EDCP yielded 97% sensitivity, SE 90% and DIP 95% (p = 0.43). For lesions ≥ 50%, the sensitivities were 94%, 88% and 95%, respectively (p = 0.35). Side effects of EDCP were present in only 12% of the patients, significantly less than with DIP (p < 0.001).Conclusions:The proposed combined protocol is a valid and safe method that yields adequate diagnostic sensitivity, keeping exercise prognostic information in patients unable to reach target heart rate, with fewer side effects than the DIP.


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Fifty-three patients with histologically proven carcinoma were injected with highly purified [131I]-labeled goat antibodies or fragments of antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Each patient was tested by external photoscanning 4, 24, 36 and 48 h after injection. In 22 patients (16 of 38 injected with intact antibodies, 5 of 13 with F(ab')2 fragments and 1 of 2 with Fab' fragments), an increased concentration of 131I radioactivity corresponding to the previously known tumor location was detected by photoscanning 36-48 h after injection. Blood pool and secreted radioactivity was determined in all patients by injecting 15 min before scanning, [99mTc]-labeled normal serum albumin and free 99mTc04-. The computerized subtraction of 99mTc from 131I radioactivity enhanced the definition of tumor localization in the 22 positive patients. However, in spite of the computerized subtraction, interpretation of the scans remained doubtful for 12 patients and was entirely negative for 19 additional patients. In order to provide a more objective evaluation for the specificity of the tumor localization of antibodies, 14 patients scheduled for tumor resection were injected simultaneously with [131I]-labeled antibodies or fragments and with [125I]-labeled normal goat IgG or fragments. After surgery, the radioactivity of the two isotopes present either in tumor or adjacent normal tissues was measured in a dual channel scintillation counter. The results showed that the antibodies or their fragments were 2-4 times more concentrated in the tumor than in the normal tissues. In addition, it was shown that the injected antibodies formed immune complexes with circulating CEA and that the amount of immune complexes detectable in serum was roughly proportional to the level of circulating CEA.


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Technetium-99m (99mTc) is a radionuclide that has negligible enviromnental impact, is easily available, inexpensive and can be used as a radioactive tracer in biological experiences. In order to know the mode of action of sodium phenobarbital in moving adult Schistosoma mansoni worms from mesenteric veins to the liver, we labelled sodium phenobarbital (PBBT) with 99mTc and a biodistribution study in infected and non-infected Swiss mice was performed. The PBBT was incubated with stannous chloride used as reducing agent and with 99mTc, as sodium pertechnetate. The radioactivity labelling (%) was determined by paper ascending chromatography perfomed with acetone (solvent). The 99mTc-PBBT was administered by intraperitoneal route to Swiss mice infected eight weeks before. The animals were perfused after diferent periods of time (0,1,2,3,4 hr) when blood, spleen, liver, portal vein, mesenteric veins, stomach, kidneys and adult worms were isolated. The radioactivity present in these samples was counted in a well counter and the percentage was determined. The radioactivity was mainly taken up by the blood, kidney, liver and spleen. No radioactivity was found on the adult worms. We concluded that the worm shift was due to an action on the host of the sodium phenobarbital


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OBJECTIVES: Comparison of doxorubicin uptake, leakage and spatial regional blood flow, and drug distribution was made for antegrade, retrograde, combined antegrade and retrograde isolated lung perfusion, and pulmonary artery infusion by endovascular inflow occlusion (blood flow occlusion), as opposed to intravenous administration in a porcine model. METHODS: White pigs underwent single-pass lung perfusion with doxorubicin (320 mug/mL), labeled 99mTc-microspheres, and Indian ink. Visual assessment of the ink distribution and perfusion scintigraphy of the perfused lung was performed. 99mTc activity and doxorubicin levels were measured by gamma counting and high-performance liquid chromatography on 15 tissue samples from each perfused lung at predetermined localizations. RESULTS: Overall doxorubicin uptake in the perfused lung was significantly higher (P = .001) and the plasma concentration was significantly lower (P < .0001) after all isolated lung perfusion techniques, compared with intravenous administration, without differences between them. Pulmonary artery infusion (blood flow occlusion) showed an equally high doxorubicin uptake in the perfused lung but a higher systemic leakage than surgical isolated lung perfusion (P < .0001). The geometric coefficients of variation of the doxorubicin lung tissue levels were 175%, 279%, 226%, and 151% for antegrade, retrograde, combined antegrade and retrograde isolated lung perfusion, and pulmonary artery infusion by endovascular inflow occlusion (blood flow occlusion), respectively, compared with 51% for intravenous administration (P = .09). 99mTc activity measurements of the samples paralleled the doxorubicin level measurements, indicating a trend to a more heterogeneous spatial regional blood flow and drug distribution after isolated lung perfusion and blood flow occlusion compared with intravenous administration. CONCLUSIONS: Cytostatic lung perfusion results in a high overall doxorubicin uptake, which is, however, heterogeneously distributed within the perfused lung.


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Introduction: To determine the metabolic effect of teriparatide (TPTD) on bone, 99mTc-MDP skeletal plasma clearance was measured in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with TPTD 20 μg/day. Methods: Ten postmenopausal women with osteoporosis had radionuclide bone scans at baseline, 3, and 18 months after starting TPTD 20 μg/day and after 6 months off therapy. Participants were injected with 600 MBq 99mTc- MDP and whole body bone scans acquired at 10 min, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. Multiple blood samples were taken between 5 min and 4 h and free 99mTc-MDP measured using ultrafiltration. 99mTc-MDP plasma clearance (Kbone) was evaluated using the Patlak plot method. Regional differences in Kbone were studied by measuring the whole skeleton and subregions. Serum procollagen type I Nterminal propeptide (PINP), bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), and urinary N-terminal telopeptide (NTX) were measured at each visit.Discussion: The median increase from baseline in whole skeleton Kbone was 22% (P=0.004) at 3 months and 34% (P= 0.002) at 18 months, decreasing to 0.7% after 6 months off therapy. In subregions, Kbone value increases were statistically significant at 3 months and in all subregions except the pelvis at 18 months. After 6 months off therapy, subregional Kbone values also returned toward baseline. Bone markers increases from baseline were statistically significant at 3 and 18 months (BSAP, 15% and 36%; PINP, 137% and 192%; NTX, 109% and 125%). After 6 months off therapy, PINP and NTX values had declined, though remained above baseline (BSAP, −3%; PINP, 43%; NTX, 56%). Increased Kbone values in the whole body and lower extremities were correlated with increases in most bone markers at 3 and 18 months. Increased skeletal uptake of 99mTc-MDP during treatment with TPTD is indicative of increased bone formation and is supported by increases in bone turnover markers.Conclusion: Changes in Kbone and skeletal uptake measured by radionuclide bone scans in patients taking TPTD are the result of metabolic activity of the drug. These data may provide physicians with useful insights when interpreting bone scan results in this population.


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The role of lipase in the regulation of upper gastrointestinal function is poorly understood. We studied the effect of orlistat, a new, potent, and highly specific lipase inhibitor, on gastric emptying, cholecystokinin (CCK) release, and pancreaticobiliary secretion. Three groups of studies were performed in nine healthy volunteers, using the double-indicator technique with a triple-lumen duodenal tube, polyethylene glycol 4000 as a duodenal perfusion marker, and 99mTc-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid as a meal marker. Gastric emptying, pancreaticobiliary output, and postprandial plasma CCK levels were measured after ingestion of the following isocaloric 500-ml liquid meals with or without 200 mg orlistat: 1) a pure fat meal (10% Intralipid), 2) a meal containing free fatty acids, or 3) an albumin-glucose meal. All experiments were performed in a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Orlistat markedly inhibited lipase activity in all three experiments. Orlistat given with the fat meal reduced CCK release and output of lipase, trypsin, and bilirubin and accelerated the rate of gastric emptying (P < 0.05). After ingestion of the free fatty acid or albumin-glucose meal, orlistat had no significant effect on any of these parameters. We conclude that lipase plays an important, nutrient-specific role in the regulation of gastric emptying and pancreaticobiliary secretion after ingestion of fatty meals in humans.


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A comparative study of the parts played by technetium-99m diphosphonate and gallium-67 citrate bone scanning in the early diagnosis of infectious spondylodiscitis is presented. Nineteen patients were included in the study. All patients (11 men aged 19-70 years and eight women aged 18-72 years) had a history of back pain varying in duration from one to 15 weeks. A 99mTc diphosphonate bone scan was positive in 17 patients. The two patients with negative results had less than two weeks of back pain. The 67Ga citrate bone scan showed uptake in all patients.


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We have developed a technetium labeling technology based on a new organometallic chemistry, which involves simple mixing of the novel reagent, a 99m Tc(I)-carbonyl compound, with a His-tagged recombinant protein. This method obviates the labeling of unpaired engineered cysteines, which frequently create problems in large-scale expression and storage of disulfide-containing proteins. In this study, we labeled antibody single-chain Fv fragments to high specific activities (90 mCi/mg), and the label was very stable to serum and all other challenges tested. The pharmacokinetic characteristics were indistinguishable from iodinated scFv fragments, and thus scFV fragments labeled by the new method will be suitable for biodistribution studies. This novel labeling method should be applicable not only to diagnostic imaging with 99mTc, but also to radioimmunotherapy approaches with 186/188 Re, and its use can be easily extended to almost any recombinant protein or synthetic peptide.


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Aim: When planning SIRT using 90Y microspheres, the partition model is used to refine the activity calculated by the body surface area (BSA) method to potentially improve the safety and efficacy of treatment. For this partition model dosimetry, accurate determination of mean tumor-to-normal liver ratio (TNR) is critical since it directly impacts absorbed dose estimates. This work aimed at developing and assessing a reliable methodology for the calculation of 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT-derived TNR ratios based on phantom studies. Materials and methods: IQ NEMA (6 hot spheres) and Kyoto liver phantoms with different hot/background activity concentration ratios were imaged on a SPECT/CT (GE Infinia Hawkeye 4). For each reconstruction with the IQ phantom, TNR quantification was assessed in terms of relative recovery coefficients (RC) and image noise was evaluated in terms of coefficient of variation (COV) in the filled background. RCs were compared using OSEM with Hann, Butterworth and Gaussian filters, as well as FBP reconstruction algorithms. Regarding OSEM, RCs were assessed by varying different parameters independently, such as the number of iterations (i) and subsets (s) and the cut-off frequency of the filter (fc). The influence of the attenuation and diffusion corrections was also investigated. Furthermore, both 2D-ROIs and 3D-VOIs contouring were compared. For this purpose, dedicated Matlab© routines were developed in-house for automatic 2D-ROI/3D-VOI determination to reduce intra-user and intra-slice variability. Best reconstruction parameters and RCs obtained with the IQ phantom were used to recover corrected TNR in case of the Kyoto phantom for arbitrary hot-lesion size. In addition, we computed TNR volume histograms to better assess uptake heterogeneityResults: The highest RCs were obtained with OSEM (i=2, s=10) coupled with the Butterworth filter (fc=0.8). Indeed, we observed a global 20% RC improvement over other OSEM settings and a 50% increase as compared to the best FBP reconstruction. In any case, both attenuation and diffusion corrections must be applied, thus improving RC while preserving good image noise (COV<10%). Both 2D-ROI and 3D-VOI analysis lead to similar results. Nevertheless, we recommend using 3D-VOI since tumor uptake regions are intrinsically 3D. RC-corrected TNR values lie within 17% around the true value, substantially improving the evaluation of small volume (<15 mL) regions. Conclusions: This study reports the multi-parameter optimization of 99mTc MAA SPECT/CT images reconstruction in planning 90Y dosimetry for SIRT. In phantoms, accurate quantification of TNR was obtained using OSEM coupled with Butterworth and RC correction.