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应用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统对金银忍冬(Loniccra maackii)和榆叶梅(Prunus triloba)春季光合作用的日变化规律进行研究,利用SPSS统计分析软件,采用相关分析及回归分析得出净光合速率与光合有效辐射、气温、大气湿度、气孔导度等生理生态因子间的相关关系。结果表明:金银忍冬春季光合速率呈双峰曲线,17∶00出现一个小高峰,影响光合速率的主要因子为气孔导度(Gs)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气相对湿度(RH)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci);榆叶梅春季光合速率呈双峰曲线,影响光合速率的主要因子为光合有效辐射(PAR)、气孔导度(Gs);金银忍冬较榆叶梅春季净光合速率大。
王万忠研究员 ,男 ,生于 1 95 2年 ,陕西省临潼县人。 1 976年毕业于陕西师范大学地理系 ,分配到中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所工作至今。 1 988年担任科研处处长 ,1 991年任中国科学院黄土项目办公室副主任 ,1 994年 9月 ,以高级访问学者身份赴日本东京大学、宫崎大学访问 ,1 995年任副所长 ,现任西北农林科技大学党委副书记 ,硕士研究生导师。王万忠研究员 ,长期从事土壤侵蚀与水土保持研究工作 ,曾主持国家“八五”攻关专题“黄土高原区域水土保持与农业发展综合研究”,国家“九五”攻关子专题“水土保持效益区域性评估及主体措施配置”,中国科学院知识创新项目子专题“高强度治理下黄土高原水土流失预测”以及“中国降雨侵蚀力研究”等项目。其中国家“八五”攻关专题“黄土高原区域水土保持与农业发展综合研究”获 1 998年中国科学院科技进步二等奖 ,他本人也被国家计委、国家科委及财政部授予“八五”国家科技攻关先进个人 ,受到江泽民总书记的接见。出版专著 2部 ,参编专著 2部 ,发表论文 2 0余篇 ,其中专著《黄土高原降雨侵蚀产沙与黄河输沙》、《黄土高原降雨侵蚀产沙数据图集》,以及论文“黄土地区...
张建华 ,男 ,1 95 6年出生于江苏省金坛县 ,1 982年毕业于江苏农学院 (现为扬州大学 )农学系农学专业。 1 985年赴英国进修 ,1 988年在英国兰卡斯特大学获博士学位 ,1 988— 1 991年在该校受聘继续做博士后研究员。一直从事植物根土关系及缺水条件下根系感知土壤缺水信号传递研究工作。已在国内、外学术刊物上发表论文 70余篇 ,其中 SCI期刊论文 5 0余篇 ,并被国际上许多同行专家多次引用 ,受邀撰写综述1 0余篇 ,参加各类国际会议 2 0余次 ,特别是受《Annual Review of Plant Physiologyand Molecular Biology》编辑部邀请 ,与导师合作发表综述 (1 991 )文章 ,以自己的系统研究为基础 ,对植物感知土壤干旱信号及其生长发育调节做了详细评述 ,是根源信号理论体系建立的代表性论文 ,构成了目前根信号理论体系的基础 ,被认为是该研究领域最为重要的论文。现已被国内外多种教科书引用和介绍。另外在国际著名植物生理学家 W.J.Davies指导下 ,在英国兰卡斯特大学攻读博士期间于 1 987年在植物学界享有盛誉的《Journal o...
依据 1 996年 7~ 9月和 1 988年 8~ 1 0月两个时期的LandsatTM遥感信息 ,分别对中国东北西部地区荒漠化发展前沿的典型区域吉林省乾安县的盐渍化、吉林省梨树县土地沙化变化和乌尔吉木伦河与新开河间的土地利用状况 ,进行遥感解译和实地调查。分析研究结果表明 ,东北西部这三个区域的生态环境 1 996年比 1 988年有所恶化 ,主要表征为盐渍化和沙化土地向东有较强发展和蔓延 ,撂荒地显著扩大 ,与沙化土地面积量级接近。由此东北西部应该成为我国荒漠化和生态环境治理的重点区域
The banded textures in the films of a thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) containing a lateral chloro group have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy(TEM), electron diffraction(ED) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The crystallization-induced Landed texture without external shear can be formed when the thin films were annealed at the temperature range(320-330 degrees C) of the liquid crystalline state from the melt, The results show that the banded regions have high orientation of single crystal based on the orthorhombic packing and the growing direction of the Lands is along the b axis of the crystals, This kind of single crystal-like bands is due to the different orientation of the packing molecular chains, The molecular chains of the dark bands in the bright field electron micrograph are perpendicular to the film plane, while the ones of the bright Lands are tilt along the b axis with the tilt angle upto +/-20 degrees.
Nanopowders of amorphous silicon nitride were densified and sintered without additives under ultrahigh pressure (1.0-5.0 GPa) between room temperature and 1600 degrees C. The powders had a mean diameter of 18 nm and contained similar to 5.0 wt% oxygen that came from air-exposure oxidation, Sintering results at different temperatures were characterized in terms of sintering density, hardness, phase structure, and grain size. It was observed that the nanopowders can be pressed to a high density (87%) even at room temperature under the high pressure. Bulk Si3N4 amorphous and crystalline ceramics (relative density: 95-98%) were obtained at temperatures slightly below the onset of crystallization (1000-1100 degrees C and above 1420 degrees C, respectively. Rapid grain growth occurred during the crystallization leading to a grain size (>160 nm) almost 1 order of magnitude greater than the starting particulate diameters, With the rise of sintering temperature, a final density was reached between 1350 and 1420 degrees C, which seemed to be independent of the pressure applied (1.0-5.0 GPa), The densification temperature observed under the high pressure is lower by 580 degrees C than that by hot isostatic pressing sintering, suggesting a significantly enhanced low-temperature sintering of the nanopowders under a high external pressure.
yA review with 44 references is presented on the development of sol-gel-based biosensor. The main discussions are devoted to the process, advantages and properties of sol-gel immobilization method, sol-gel optical biosensor and amperometric biosensor, also the trend in this field is forecasted.
The novel poly(aryl ether ketone)s with liquid crystallinity were synthesized by nucleophilic substitution reactions of 4,4'-biphenol and substituted hydroquinone with 4,4'-difluorobenzophenone and their thermotropic liquid crystalline properties were characterized by DSC, PLM and WAXD, The copolymers containing 70% biphenol formed nematic phase while the copolymer containing 50% biphenol exhibited smectic texture, The banded textures were formed after shearing the sample in the nematic liquid crystalline state. The identification of the structures in each mesogenic phase has been carried out by combining WAXD with PLM and DSC.