706 resultados para 937


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 磷脂酰甘油(PG)是类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂, 并具有独特的结构。其甘油的sn-2位上总是连接着一个棕榈酸 (16:0) 或反式十六碳烯酸 (16:1tans)。很多研究表明, PG在维持类囊体膜的结构与功能方面具有重要的作用。然而,一些研究表明,在缺磷培养条件下,蓝藻、衣藻和拟南芥中PG含量下降,同时双半乳糖甘油二酯(DGDG)和硫代异鼠李糖甘油二酯(SQDG)含量上升,这一现象似乎表明在缺磷条件下,DGDG和SQDG可以取代PG。在本工作中,我们在叶片、类囊体膜和光系统II水平上研究了缺磷对小麦和黄瓜膜脂组成和含量的影响,特别是缺磷对PG含量影响的机理,以阐明PG与其它甘油脂的关系和其在类囊体膜中的功能。   通过对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下9天龄和16天龄小麦叶片中光合膜脂含量的分析,发现在磷缺失培养条件下,小麦光合膜脂的相对含量发生了很大变化,这种变化与小麦叶龄密切相关。在16天龄小麦植株中,第一片叶为老叶,第二片叶为较老叶,而第三片叶为新叶,PG和单半乳糖甘油二酯(MGDG)在叶片中的相对含量从新叶到老叶逐渐下降,而DGDG和SQDG含量逐渐上升;在磷缺失条件下,16天龄小麦第一叶片中PG的含量(2.5%)远远低于其在9天龄小麦第一叶片中的含量(5.5%)。这些结果说明,磷缺失引起小麦叶片中脂含量的变化不仅与脂合成有关,而且与PG的降解有关:新生叶片中PG含量减少的主要原因是由于磷供应不足, 从而影响了PG的合成;而PG的降解则是老叶中PG含量下降的主要原因。   由于植物叶片中有部分PG并不分布于类囊体膜中,并且PG是类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂,为了阐明缺磷对类囊体膜脂含量的影响,利用黄瓜作为实验材料, 提取了缺磷和对照条件下黄瓜叶片中的类囊体膜和PSII颗粒,并对其中的脂进行了分析,以期在叶片、类囊体膜和PSII颗粒三个不同层次上来分析缺磷对黄瓜膜脂的影响。结果表明: 1. 黄瓜幼苗的缺磷培养可显著改变叶片中膜脂的组成, 表现为所有磷脂含量的下降和DGDG、SQDG含量上升。 2. 对不同叶位中脂含量的分析表明,在缺磷条件下,随着叶片年龄的增加,叶片中磷脂的含量是逐渐下降的并且低磷处理使新生叶中PC和PE的下降幅度明显高于PG,而PG含量的下降只有在老叶中才明显表现出来。由于PC和PE是质膜、内质网膜和线粒体膜等膜系统的主要组成成分,而叶片中PG主要存在于类囊体膜中。这说明,在新生叶中,缺磷对于其类囊体膜外其他膜系统中磷脂的影响要大于类囊体膜;并且在磷缺失条件下,老叶磷脂中的磷可以运送到新叶中被重新利用。 3. 缺磷引起叶片类囊体膜脂含量的变化与叶片类似, 即PG含量的降低伴随着DGDG和SQDG含量的升高。然而,与叶片中不同的是,缺磷使类囊体膜中MGDG含量轻微下降。在植株生长过程中,缺磷导致老叶类囊体膜中PG含量的下降幅度远远大于新生叶中的下降幅度,而伴随着PG含量的下降,老叶类囊体膜中SQDG和DGDG的含量要远远高于新叶中两种脂的含量。这说明,在叶片生长过程中,缺磷条件下类囊体膜脂中DGDG和SQDG含量的上升可以弥补PG含量的下降。 4. 尽管缺磷使类囊体膜中的PG含量有较大幅度的下降, 但是叶绿素荧光动力学和PSII光合放氧活性都没有受到显著的影响。这些结果说明缺磷胁迫并没有对PSII的功能产生显著的影响。进一步研究发现, 在缺磷黄瓜植株中, PSII中PG的含量仍然维持在一个较高的水平。这些结果表明, 缺磷可以导致类囊体膜中某些区域中的PG大幅度降低, 但是对分布在PSII中的PG含量则影响较小。缺磷对类囊体膜脂组成及分布在不同区域PG的影响说明了类囊体膜中的PG可能存在着两种类型: 一些PG分子在类囊体膜中仅仅起结构作用, 当这些PG分子缺少时, 其它脂特别是SQDG可以替代PG; 而另一些PG分子在PSII的结构和功能中起重要的作用, 具有其它脂类分子不可取代的功能。


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East Asia is one of the few regions in the world where a large number of human fossils have been unearthed. The continuity of hominid fossils in East Asia, particularly in China has been presented as strong evidence supporting an independent origin of mod


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DNA templates were extracted from isolates of Sarcocystis hominis-like cysts collected from cattle and water buffalo, as well as from Sarcocystis fusiformis cysts and Sarcocystis suihominis cysts. The 18S rRNA genes were amplified using DNA from a single


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对库布齐沙地4种三年生不同立地条件下人工藻结皮的发育特征和微生物分布进行研究,结果表明:(1)将荒漠蓝藻接种到沙面,形成的人工藻结皮经过3年的生长和发育,结皮的平均厚度达到2.23—5.36mm,呈现深黑色和灰绿色,结皮盖度大于70%。其中沙柳(Salixcheilophila Schneid.)-羊草(Aneurolepidium chinensis)-藻(algae)结皮(SAA)发育最好、生物量最高,且演替成苔藓结皮。在人工藻结皮区普遍出现沙生植物的拓殖和大量生长,如沙米(Agriphyllum s


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Confronted with high variety and low volume market demands, many companies, especially the Japanese electronics manufacturing companies, have reconfigured their conveyor assembly lines and adopted seru production systems. Seru production system is a new type of work-cell-based manufacturing system. A lot of successful practices and experience show that seru production system can gain considerable flexibility of job shop and high efficiency of conveyor assembly line. In implementing seru production, the multi-skilled worker is the most important precondition, and some issues about multi-skilled workers are central and foremost. In this paper, we investigate the training and assignment problem of workers when a conveyor assembly line is entirely reconfigured into several serus. We formulate a mathematical model with double objectives which aim to minimize the total training cost and to balance the total processing times among multi-skilled workers in each seru. To obtain the satisfied task-to-worker training plan and worker-to-seru assignment plan, a three-stage heuristic algorithm with nine steps is developed to solve this mathematical model. Then, several computational cases are taken and computed by MATLAB programming. The computation and analysis results validate the performances of the proposed mathematical model and heuristic algorithm. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.


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A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to cluster the water quality data of Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. The results showed that 81 sampling sites could be divided into several groups representing different land use types. The forest dominated region had low concentrations of most nutrient variables except COD, whereas the agricultural region had high concentrations of NO3N, TN, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The sites downstream of an urban area were high in NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP. Redundancy analysis was used to identify the individual effects of topography and land use on river water quality. The results revealed that the watershed factors accounted for 61.7% variations of water quality in the Xiangxi River. Specifically, topographical characteristics explained 26.0% variations of water quality, land use explained 10.2%, and topography and land use together explained 25.5%. More than 50% of the variation in most water quality variables was explained by watershed characteristics. However, water quality variables which are strongly influenced by urban and industrial point source pollution (NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP) were not as well correlated with watershed characteristics.


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Apiosoma piscicola (Blanchard 1885) was reported from fry of Carassius auratus (Var. pengze) and Ctenopharyngodon idella during parasite surveys in May 2005 and June 2006 at Hongze Lake Fish Hatchery, Jiangsu province, China. Twelve morphometric parameters were used to describe this peritrich in detail in the present study and comparisons were made with other reports. Its synonyms, Glossatella cylindriformis (Chen 1955) and Apiosoma magna (Banina 1968), were clarified based on reliable data. A. piscicola was still considered somewhat host-specific by us, especially to cyprinids, although it shows a quite wide limit of host variability. The telotroch was also observed, and its structures were described herein. Besides, the difficulties of the generic taxonomy were discussed and some suggestions were given.


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This paper proposes a novel and innovative scheme for 10Gb/s parallel Very Short Reach (VSR) optical communication system. The optimized scheme properly manages the SDH/SONET redundant bytes and adjusts the position of error detecting bytes and error correction bytes. Compared with the OIF-VSR4-01.0 proposal, the scheme has a coding process module. The SDH/SONET frames in transmission direction are disposed as follows: (1) The Framer-Serdes Interface (FSI) gets 16x622.08Mb/s STM-64 frame. (2) The STM-64 frame is byte-wise stripped across 12 channels, all channels are data channels. During this process, the parity bytes and CRC bytes are generated in the similar way as OIF-VSR4-01.0 and stored in the code process module. (3) The code process module will regularly convey the additional parity bytes and CRC bytes to all 12 data channels. (4) After the 8B/10B coding, the 12 channels is transmitted to the parallel VCSEL array. The receive process approximately in reverse order of transmission process. By applying this scheme to 10Gb/s VSR system, the frame size in VSR system is reduced from 15552x12 bytes to 14040x12 bytes, the system redundancy is reduced obviously.