664 resultados para 937


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the use of guideline-recommended medical and interventional therapies in older and younger patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACSs). DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Fifty-five hospitals in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Eleven thousand nine hundred thirty-two patients with ACS enrolled between March 1, 2001, and June 30, 2006. ACS definition included ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina pectoris (UA). MEASUREMENTS: Use of medical and interventional therapies was determined after exclusion of patients with contraindications and after adjustment for comorbidities. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) per year increase in age. RESULTS: Elderly patients were less likely to receive acetylsalicylic acid (OR=0.976, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.969-0.980) or beta-blockers (OR=0.985, 95% CI=0.981-0.989). No age-dependent difference was found for heparin use. Elderly patients with STEMI were less likely to receive percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or thrombolysis (OR=0.955, 95% CI=0.949-0.961). Elderly patients with NSTEMI or UA less often underwent PCI (OR=0.943, 95% CI=0.937-0.949). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients across the whole spectrum of ACS were less likely to receive guideline-recommended therapies, even after adequate adjustment for comorbidities. Prognosis of elderly patients with ACS may be improved by increasing adherence to guideline-recommended medical and interventional therapies.


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Adaptation to different ecological environments can promote speciation. Although numerous examples of such 'ecological speciation' now exist, the genomic basis of the process, and the role of gene flow in it, remains less understood. This is, at least in part, because systems that are well characterized in terms of their ecology often lack genomic resources. In this study, we characterize the transcriptome of Timema cristinae stick insects, a system that has been researched intensively in terms of ecological speciation, but for which genomic resources have not been previously developed. Specifically, we obtained >1 million 454 sequencing reads that assembled into 84,937 contigs representing approximately 18,282 unique genes and tens of thousands of potential molecular markers. Second, as an illustration of their utility, we used these genomic resources to assess multilocus genetic divergence within both an ecotype pair and a species pair of Timema stick insects. The results suggest variable levels of genetic divergence and gene flow among taxon pairs and genes and illustrate a first step towards future genomic work in Timema.


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Although cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption increase risk for head and neck cancers, there have been few attempts to model risks quantitatively and to formally evaluate cancer site-specific risks. The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies and modeled the excess odds ratio (EOR) to assess risk by total exposure (pack-years and drink-years) and its modification by exposure rate (cigarettes/day and drinks/day). The smoking analysis included 1,761 laryngeal, 2,453 pharyngeal, and 1,990 oral cavity cancers, and the alcohol analysis included 2,551 laryngeal, 3,693 pharyngeal, and 3,116 oval cavity cancers, with over 8,000 controls. Above 15 cigarettes/day, the EOR/pack-year decreased with increasing cigarettes/day, suggesting that greater cigarettes/day for a shorter duration was less deleterious than fewer cigarettes/day for a longer duration. Estimates of EOR/pack-year were homogeneous across sites, while the effects of cigarettes/day varied, indicating that the greater laryngeal cancer risk derived from differential cigarettes/day effects and not pack-years. EOR/drink-year estimates increased through 10 drinks/day, suggesting that greater drinks/day for a shorter duration was more deleterious than fewer drinks/day for a longer duration. Above 10 drinks/day, data were limited. EOR/drink-year estimates varied by site, while drinks/day effects were homogeneous, indicating that the greater pharyngeal/oral cavity cancer risk with alcohol consumption derived from the differential effects of drink-years and not drinks/day.


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BACKGROUND: Replicative phenotypic HIV resistance testing (rPRT) uses recombinant infectious virus to measure viral replication in the presence of antiretroviral drugs. Due to its high sensitivity of detection of viral minorities and its dissecting power for complex viral resistance patterns and mixed virus populations rPRT might help to improve HIV resistance diagnostics, particularly for patients with multiple drug failures. The aim was to investigate whether the addition of rPRT to genotypic resistance testing (GRT) compared to GRT alone is beneficial for obtaining a virological response in heavily pre-treated HIV-infected patients. METHODS: Patients with resistance tests between 2002 and 2006 were followed within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). We assessed patients' virological success after their antiretroviral therapy was switched following resistance testing. Multilevel logistic regression models with SHCS centre as a random effect were used to investigate the association between the type of resistance test and virological response (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL or ≥1.5 log reduction). RESULTS: Of 1158 individuals with resistance tests 221 with GRT+rPRT and 937 with GRT were eligible for analysis. Overall virological response rates were 85.1% for GRT+rPRT and 81.4% for GRT. In the subgroup of patients with >2 previous failures, the odds ratio (OR) for virological response of GRT+rPRT compared to GRT was 1.45 (95% CI 1.00-2.09). Multivariate analyses indicate a significant improvement with GRT+rPRT compared to GRT alone (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.31-2.15). CONCLUSIONS: In heavily pre-treated patients rPRT-based resistance information adds benefit, contributing to a higher rate of treatment success.


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Han sido examinadas varias colecciones de peces obtenidas por el Instituto del Mar a lo largo de la costa peruana, durante 1964-1966. Como resultado del análisis de 1150 especimenes de peces capturados principalmente con los barcos comerciales "Bettina" y "Onda", se obtuvieron 21 órdenes, 74 familias, 121 géneros y 147 especies; de éstos representan nuevos registros para la ictiofauna marina del Perú: 9 familias (Myxinidae, Chimaeridae, Dussumieriidae, Argentinidae, Macrouridae, Centrolophidae, Oncocephalidae, Himantolophidae Y Ceratiidae), 24 géneros y 35 especies, los que son dados en una lista.


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Recent studies of American politics evidence that political polarization of both the electorate and the political elite have moved 'almost in tandem for the past half century' (McCarty et al., 2003, p.2), and that party polarization has steadily increased since the 1970s. On the other hand, the empirical literature on party platforms and implemented policies has consistently found an imperfect but nonnegligible correlation between electoral platforms and governmental policies: while platforms tend to be polarized, policies are moderate or centrist. However, existing theoretical models of political competition are not manifestly compatible with these observations.In this paper, we distinguish between electoral platforms and implemented policies by incorporating a non-trivial policy-setting process. It follows that voters may care not only about the implemented policy but also about the platform they support with their vote. We find that while parties tend to polarize their positions, the risk of alienating their constituency prevents them from radicalizing. The analysis evidences that the distribution of the electorate, and not only the (expected) location of a pivotal voter, matters in determining policies. Our results are consistent with the observation of polarized platforms and moderate policies, and the alienation and indifference components of abstention.


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The granules which appear in the nucleolar area in apoptotic HL-60 cells after camptothecin administration (Zweyer et al., Exp. Cell Res. 221,27-40, 1995) were detected also in several other cell lines induced to undergo apoptosis by different stimuli, such as MOLT-4 treated with staurosporine, K-562 incubated with actinomycin D, P-815 exposed to temperature causing heat shock, Jurkat cells treated with EGTA, U-937 growing in the presence of cycloheximide and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and HeLa cells treated with etoposide. Using immunoelectron microscopy techniques, we demonstrate that, besides the already described nuclear matrix proteins p125 and p160, these granules contain other nucleoskeletal polypeptides such as proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a component of ribonucleoprotein particles, a 105-kDa constituent of nuclear spliceosomes, and the 240-kDa nuclear mitotic apparatus-associated protein referred to as NuMA. Moreover, we also found in the granules SAF-A/hn-RNP-U and SATB1 proteins, two polypeptides that have been reported to bind scaffold-associated regions DNA sequences in vitro, thus mediating the formation of looped DNA structures in vivo. Fibrillarin and coilin are not present in these granules or the PML protein. Thus, the granules seen during the apoptotic process apparently are different from coiled bodies or other types of nuclear bodies. Furthermore, these granules do not contain chromatin components such as histones and DNA. Last, Western blotting analysis revealed that nuclear matrix proteins present in the granules are not proteolytically degraded except for the NuMA polypeptide. We propose that these granules might represent aggregates of nuclear matrix proteins forming during the apoptotic process. Moreover, since the granules are present in several cell lines undergoing apoptosis, they could be considered a previously unrecognized morphological hallmark of the apoptotic process.


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Contient : Colb. 1548 [lat. 3858 B] : collection de canons ; Colb. 1562 [lat. 4172] : formulaire de lettres pontificales, XIVe-XVe siècle ; Colb. 1701 [lat. 4863] : catalogue en vers des archevêques de Rouen ; Colb. 1713 [lat. 937] : formulaire de la chancellerie des papes d'Avignon ; Colb. 1995 [lat. 4667] : catalogue des rois goths ; Colb. 2052 [lat. 2259] : bulles et diplômes du XIIIe siècle ; Colb. 2089 [lat. 4241] : traité de Jean Schadlant sur les cardinaux ; Colb. 2104 [lat. 5990] : bulles en faveur des rois de France ; Colb. 2262. [lat. 5244] : martyrologe de l'église du Puy ; Colb. 2275 [lat. 9996] : registre de la sénéchaussée de Carcassonne ; Colb. 2446 [lat. 8567] : Etienne de Saint-Georges ; Colb. 2479 [lat. 1772] : « planctus in obitum Constantii Luxoviensis » ; Colb. 2509 [lat. 5294] : miracles de saint Mansuy ; Colb. 2546 [lat. 5373 A] : procès de canonisation de Philippe, archevêque de Bourges ; Colb. 2576 [lat. 1458] : « Gesta Romanorum pontificum » ; Colb. 2578 [lat. 4955] : catalogues épiscopaux ; Colb. 2607 [lat. 673] : extrait de Guibert de Nogent ; Colb. 2835 [lat. 4991 A] : Aimeri de Peyrat ; Colb. 2958 [lat. 5302] : lettre de Jésus-Christ tombée du ciel ; Colb. 3126 [lat. 5954] : traités entre les rois de France et d'Angleterre ; Colb. 3280 [lat. 1745] : « Herberti, De hereticis » ; Colb. 3352 [lat. 8121 A] : satire de Garnier de Rouen ; Colb. 3969 [lat. 6042] : catalogues épiscopaux de la province de Reims ; Colb. 4001 [lat. 7185] : « Arithmomachia » ; Colb. 4047 [lat. 3881] : recueil de canons ; Colb. 4064 [lat. 1682] : recueil de décrétales ; Colb. 4085 [lat. 2731 A] : lettre d'Alcuin ; Colb. 4305 et 4309 [lat. 4280 AA et 2240] : traité contre les hérétiques ; Colb. 4374 [lat. 4889] : chronique d'Ekkehard ; Colb. 4467 [lat. 4350] : lettres de Boniface VIII ; Colb. 4799 [lat. 3555] : recueil d'Exempla ; Colb. 4822 [lat. 8654] : formulaire de Boncompagni ; Colb. 4967 [fr. 5909] : pièces relatives au règne de Charles III ; Colb. 5016 [lat. 2498] : vie de sainte Hélène ; Colb. 5080 [lat. 11015] : chartes de Narbonne ; Colb. 5222 [lat. 2858] : pièces concernant la marche d'Espagne ; Notes écrites par François Bohier, évêque de Saint-Malo [1535-1569] sur les feuillets blancs d'un pontifical ; Chartes de Philippe-Auguste pour Baudouin, comte de Flandre, 1195 et 1200 [Delisle, nos 447 et 579], d'après les originaux ; Bulle de Jean XXII, 7 juillet 1316, relative à la division du diocèse de Toulouse ; Fragment de synode sénonais de la fin du Xe siècle, d'après l'original ; Lettre d'Alcuin, feuillet mutilé d'un ms. du IXe siècle, avec transcription (cf. Bibl. de l'Ecole des chartes, t. XLII, p. 8-10)


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Stent implantation was performed on two patients to treat chronic dissecting aneurysms of the upper cervical internal carotid artery. Treatment was decided because of the youth of the patients, their medical history of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and the angiographic findings associated with the dissection. Normal arteriographic morphology was obtained after deployment of a single self-expandable stent.


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A erosão hídrica resulta da erosividade das chuvas e da erodibilidade dos solos. O conhecimento da erosividade, portanto, torna-se um guia valioso na recomendação de práticas de manejo e conservação do solo que visem à redução da erosão hídrica. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar e quantificar o fator de erosividade das chuvas naturais de Lages (SC), bem como conhecer sua distribuição temporal. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2000, utilizando dados de chuvas e perdas de solo do período entre 1989 e 1998, no Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias de Lages (SC), situado a 27º 49' de latitude Sul e 50º 20' de longitude Oeste, a 937 m de altitude média, na região do Planalto Sul Catarinense. Foram estudados diversos fatores de erosividade, utilizando os métodos de Wischmeier & Smith e de Wagner & Massambani, de 437 chuvas erosivas, num total de 966 chuvas, compreendendo um volume médio anual de 1.301 mm de chuvas erosivas, num total médio anual de 1.549 mm de chuvas. O EI30 é o fator de erosividade (fator R da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo - EUPS) recomendado para Lages, cujo valor médio anual é de 5.790 MJ mm ha-1 h-1; 63 % do qual ocorre na primavera-verão; 76 % no período de setembro a março e, no período crítico, outubro, janeiro e fevereiro, 41 % do referido fator. Considerando o número e o volume das chuvas, 45 e 84 %, respectivamente, são erosivas.


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A acumulação de herbicidas no ambiente em virtude de sua larga utilização em sistemas agrícolas, associada à alta persistência, é extremamente preocupante, considerando os efeitos maléficos que alguns destes compostos causam à flora e à fauna. A atrazina (2-cloro-4-etilamino-6-isopropilamino-s-triazina) é um dos herbicidas mais utilizados na atualidade e tem sido detectada em teores consideráveis em mananciais e solos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento sortivo da atrazina comercial em Cambissolo Húmico em condições naturais e em ausência de matéria orgânica. Foram determinadas isotermas de sorção de atrazina comercial em amostras do horizonte A na sua forma natural e na forma oxidada. A quantidade máxima de herbicida sorvido variou de 8 % (amostra oxidada) a 49 % (amostra natural) da quantidade adicionada. A aplicação do modelo de Freundlich na forma linear aos dados experimentais forneceu altos coeficientes de correlação para a sorção em amostra natural (r = 0,960, P < 0,01) e na amostra oxidada (r = 0,937, P < 0,01). O coeficiente n f (modelo de Freundlich) obtido na amostra natural (1,40) indica que a afinidade do sorbato pelo sorvente aumentou com o progresso da sorção, enquanto, na amostra oxidada, o comportamento foi inverso (n f = 0,78). O valor do coeficiente Kf foi de 1,10 L kg-1 na amostra natural e de 0,84 L kg-1 na amostra oxidada, enquanto o coeficiente de distribuição da atrazina (Kd) foi de 4,64 e 0,33 L kg-1, respectivamente. Estes resultados mostram que a matéria orgânica foi o sorvente determinante na retenção de atrazina no Cambissolo húmico. Adicionalmente, o valor de Koc de 103 L kg-1 obtido classifica a atrazina comercial como de alta mobilidade para o sistema atrazina-solo estudado.