994 resultados para 894.541


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Lisäpainokset: 2. p. 1922.


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Kannen signeeraus: ME.


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Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele) and 0.11 (T allele); for eNOS +894 G > T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele) and 0.43 (T allele); and for eNOS −786 T > C, the allele frequencies were 0.87 (T allele) and 0.13 (C allele). Conclusions Our PCR-RFLP method is a simple, cost-effective and time-saving method. It can be used to successfully genotype subjects for the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants simultaneously with 100% concordance from DNA sequencing data. This method can be routinely used for rapid investigation of the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G > T and eNOS −786 T > C variants.


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O Plenário votou todo o capítulo da Política Urbana. Os pontos principais aprovados garantem o desenvolvimento das funções sociais das cidades e o bem-estar de seus habitantes. Concluída a votação da Reforma Urbana, os constituintes se reúnem para tentar um acordo sobre o próximo capítulo: a Reforma Agrária. Duas comissões irão tratar dos temas mais polêmicos. Discutir a função social da terra, a insusceptibilidade de desapropriação, a política agrária, a política de reforma agrária e da política agrícola, compatibilizando com a planificação nacional. A pequena e média propriedade não será passível de desapropriação, bem como a propriedade produtiva, que cumpra a função social. Chegar a um texto comum é a expectativa dos constituintes.


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Zooplankton was studied in four alpine lakes in Switzerland, France and Italy. The presence the presence of the invertebrate predator Heterocope in three lakes was stated. It is then discussed why in three of these four lakes, the copepod Arctodiaptomus denticornis is present in the absence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, and vice versa respectively in the second and first parts of the lacustrine summer.


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Generación de nuevos programas académicos que resulten adecuados para la realidad del país y se constituyan en fuentes de soluciones y desarrollos innovadores para el avance y crecimiento de la nación colombiana, programa de Especialización en Gestión del Mejoramiento y la Productividad


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico gozan de una especial protección constitucional. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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u.a.: Johanna Schopenhauer; Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer; Gottlieb Ernst Schulze; Justus Radius;


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u.a. Nachricht des Todes Schopenhauers in der Zeitschrift "Didaskalia";


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109 Briefe zwischen Leo Löwenthal und Max Horkheimer, 1943; 4 Briefe von der Office War Information (Washington) an Leo Löwenthal, Januar 1943; 1 Brief von J. H. Randall an Leo Löwenthal, 24.11.1942; 1 Brief von Dan Levin an Leo Löwenthal, 10.01.1943;