985 resultados para 771


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以5个不同抗寒性小麦品种(不抗寒的春小麦京771,抗寒性中等的郑州741和济南13号,以及强抗寒性冬小麦农大139和燕大1817)为材料,对其在抗寒锻炼过程中所发生的可溶性蛋白及膜蛋白组分的变化进行了电泳图谱的分析。主要结果如下: 1、可溶性蛋白质电泳图谱的分析表明:人工低温锻炼20天后,在不同品种中新合成的多肽分子量分别为:郑州741是28,73 KD;济南13号是24,28和73 KD;农大139是28,60,65和68 KD;田间抗寒锻炼的燕大1817为15,28,51,60,65和68 KD。 2、不同抗寒性品种经人工低温锻炼20天后,新合成的膜多肽分别是:郑州741为30和68 KD;济南13号为30,58,68和81 KD;农大139为18,21,27,32和56 KD。田间锻炼的冬小麦燕大1817为21,29,36,43和83 KD。 3、脱锻炼后,抗寒特异性的多肽及与抗寒相关的膜多肽发生减少或完全消失。 4、春小麦在低温锻炼后,抗寒力不显著提高,不产生抗寒特异蛋白质。此外,膜多肽的变化也较少。 以上结果进一步揭示和证实,在小麦的抗寒锻炼过程中无论是可溶性蛋白还是膜蛋白均确实有抗寒特异性蛋白的新合成,并在各品种间表现出某些共同的特异性多肽,这些新合成的多肽与品种的抗寒性存在密切的关系,品种愈抗寒,特异多肽的种类愈多。这些结果进一步证明,植物抗寒性是由多基因控制的。


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观赏向日葵作为一种新型花卉,具有巨大的市场开发潜力。而花色作为向日葵的重要观赏性状之一,对其的研究却比较少。本文从向日葵花色多样性、花色遗传规律、花色与虫媒传粉的关系及其对向日葵花色遗传的影响做了分析和讨论,利用英国皇家园艺学会比色卡和分光色差仪对向日葵的花色做了归类总结,并且利用高效液相色谱法对向日葵的花青苷成分做了分析研究。 本研究结果表明,彩色向日葵色系可以分为两大类,即黄色系和红色系,其中红色系向日葵的花色变异较小;而黄色系向日葵的花色变异较大,可以再细分为橙黄色和柠檬黄色两个亚类。利用高效液相色谱法测定了39份向日葵舌状花瓣中的花青苷大概有9种(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I),这9种花青苷并不是在所有39份样品中都出现,且红色系向日葵中花青苷的种类较多。花青苷G在红色系和黄色系向日葵中均被检出。对红色向日葵花瓣的花青苷提取液进行多级质谱分析发现,花青苷元类型主要是矢车菊苷元,其糖苷类型主要是和葡萄糖、鼠李糖和/或阿拉伯糖结合;而在纯黄色的向日葵中通过多级质谱分析未检测到这些花青苷,说明矢车菊类花青苷是红色向日葵舌状花红色形成的化学基础。


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A variety of hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films have been characterized by means of grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (XRR) to give information about their density, thickness, surface roughness and layering. We used XRR to validate the density of ta-C, ta-C:H and a-C:H films derived from the valence plasmon in electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements, up to 3.26 and 2.39 g/cm3 for ta-C and ta-C:H, respectively. By comparing XRR and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data, we have been able for the first time to fit a common electron effective mass of m*/me = 0.87 for all amorphous carbons and diamond, validating the `quasi-free' electron approach to density from valence plasmon energy. While hydrogenated films are found to be substantially uniform in density across the film, ta-C films grown by the filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) show a multilayer structure. However, ta-C films grown with an S-bend filter show a high uniformity and only a slight dependence on the substrate bias of both sp3 and layering.


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A new L-amino acid oxidase (designated as DRS-LAAO) was purified from Daboia russellii siamensis venom by ion-exchange, gel filtration and affinity chromatographies. DRS-LAAO is a homodimeric enzyme with a molecular weight of 120.0 kDa as measured by size


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小波鱼属(Microrasbora)隶属于鲤形目(Cypriniformes)鲤科(Cprinidae) Danioninae 亚科,小型鱼类,目前包括5 个种,其中库氏小波鱼(Microrasbora kubotai)分布于泰国,盖氏小波鱼(M. gatesi)、红身小波鱼(M. rubescence)、 娜拉小波鱼(M. nana)分布于缅甸,小眼小波鱼(M. microphthalma sp. nov. )分 布于中国。本文对该属鱼类5 种45 尾标本的9 个可数性状和12 个可量性状 进行分析比较,并描述该属鱼类一新种。主要结论如下: 1. 小波鱼属的主要鉴别特征:体小型、短而侧扁;眼大而突出,眼径是 眼间距的150 %;口小、亚上位;下颌无须,前端腹缘宽钝;背鳍鳍 条8–10、其中分支鳍条5–7;臀鳍分支鳍条8–13,臀鳍前长/体长约 60-71 %;尾鳍深叉形;鳞片大而薄,不易见,易脱落,横列鳞数目 7–71/2,侧线缺失;沿体侧中轴线一模糊条带,周围具分散黑色素(大 的个体在背部具模糊的网状纹);第四胸肋基部一大孔,其侧面可见。 2. 基于外部形态特征,利用分支系统学原理和方法对小波鱼属鱼类进行 系统发育研究。分支系统学结果证明小波鱼属的单系性是成立的,小 波鱼属鱼类可能具有的分化顺序是:小眼小波鱼是最早分化出来的物 种;红身小波鱼是第二个分化出来的物种;库氏小波鱼是第三个分化 出来的物种;娜拉小波鱼与盖氏小波鱼是最晚分化出来的物种。 3. 小眼小波鱼的主要鉴别特征:背鳍前鳞 15–16,背鳍前长是标准长的 60–68%,臀鳍前长是标准长的65–71%,眼径是头长的27–38%,眼径 是眼间距的70–93%,背鳍起点在背鳍起点之后。根据以上特征,将其 描述为小波鱼属一新种。 4. 小眼小波鱼在中国瑞丽江(伊洛瓦底水系)支流南畹河被发现。该种 鱼为国内该属鱼类的首次记录。 5. 小眼小波鱼生活于平缓山间溪流,食性以浮游动物和浮游植物为主。


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Do hospitals experience safety tipping points as utilization increases, and if so, what are the implications for hospital operations management? We argue that safety tipping points occur when managerial escalation policies are exhausted and workload variability buffers are depleted. Front-line clinical staff is forced to ration resources and, at the same time, becomes more error prone as a result of elevated stress hormone levels. We confirm the existence of safety tipping points for in-hospital mortality using the discharge records of 82,280 patients across six high-mortality-risk conditions from 256 clinical departments of 83 German hospitals. Focusing on survival during the first seven days following admission, we estimate a mortality tipping point at an occupancy level of 92.5%. Among the 17% of patients in our sample who experienced occupancy above the tipping point during the first seven days of their hospital stay, high occupancy accounted for one in seven deaths. The existence of a safety tipping point has important implications for hospital management. First, flexible capacity expansion is more cost-effective for safety improvement than rigid capacity, because it will only be used when occupancy reaches the tipping point. In the context of our sample, flexible staffing saves more than 40% of the cost of a fully staffed capacity expansion, while achieving the same reduction in mortality. Second, reducing the variability of demand by pooling capacity in hospital clusters can greatly increase safety in a hospital system, because it reduces the likelihood that a patient will experience occupancy levels beyond the tipping point. Pooling the capacity of nearby hospitals in our sample reduces the number of deaths due to high occupancy by 34%.