995 resultados para 728


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Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors. Individual exposure data remain scarce and development of alternative assessment methods is greatly needed. We developed a model simulating human exposure to solar UV. The model predicts the dose and distribution of UV exposure received on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop a rendering engine that estimates the solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by each triangle was calculated, taking into account reflected, direct and diffuse radiation, and shading from other body parts. Dosimetric measurements (n = 54) were conducted in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model provides a tool to assess outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research.


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The low GFR of newborns is maintained by various factors including the renin-angiotensin system. We previously established the importance of angiotensin II in the newborn kidney, using the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindoprilat. The present study was designed to complement these observations by evaluating the role of angiotensin-type 1 (AT(1)) receptors, using losartan, a specific AT(1)-receptor blocker. Increasing doses of losartan were infused into anesthetized, ventilated, newborn rabbits. Renal function and hemodynamic variables were assessed using inulin and para-aminohippuric acid clearances as markers of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Losartan 0.1 mg/kg slightly decreased mean blood pressure (-11%) and increased diuresis (+22%). These changes can be explained by inhibition of the AT(1)-mediated vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic effects of angiotensin, and activation of vasodilating and diuretic AT(2) receptors widely expressed in the neonatal period. GFR and renal blood flow were not modified. Losartan 0.3 mg/kg decreased mean blood pressure significantly (-15%), probably by inhibiting systemic AT(1) receptors. GFR significantly decreased (-25%), whereas renal blood flow remained stable. The decrease in filtration fraction (-21%) indicates predominant efferent vasodilation. At 3 mg/kg, the systemic hypotensive effect of losartan was marked (mean blood pressure, -28%), with decreased GFR and renal blood flow (-57% and -51%, respectively), a stable filtration fraction, and an increase in renal vascular resistance by 124%. The renal response to this dose can be considered as reflex vasoconstriction of afferent and efferent arterioles, rather than specific receptor antagonism. We conclude that under physiologic conditions, the renin-angiotensin is critically involved in the maintenance of GFR in the immature kidney.


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The identification of the presence of active signaling between astrocytes and neurons in a process termed gliotransmission has caused a paradigm shift in our thinking about brain function. However, we are still in the early days of the conceptualization of how astrocytes influence synapses, neurons, networks, and ultimately behavior. In this Perspective, our goal is to identify emerging principles governing gliotransmission and consider the specific properties of this process that endow the astrocyte with unique functions in brain signal integration. We develop and present hypotheses aimed at reconciling confounding reports and define open questions to provide a conceptual framework for future studies. We propose that astrocytes mainly signal through high-affinity slowly desensitizing receptors to modulate neurons and perform integration in spatiotemporal domains complementary to those of neurons.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a precisão experimental na avaliação da massa de matéria verde de nabo forrageiro, em cenários formados por combinações de tamanhos de parcela e número de tratamentos e de repetições. Utilizaram-se os dados de massa de matéria verde de 3.456 unidades experimentais básicas de 0,5×0,5 m (0,25 m2). Os cenários (1.728) foram planejados e formados pela combinação de seis tamanhos de parcela (0,25, 0,50, 1,00, 1,50, 2,00 e 2,25 m2), i tratamentos (i = 5, 6,..., 20) e r repetições (r = 3, 4,..., 20). Em cada cenário, foram realizadas 2.000 reamostragens, com reposição. Calculou-se a média das 2.000 estimativas, em cada cenário, quanto à diferença mínima significativa pelo teste de Tukey, ao índice de variação e ao coeficiente de variação experimental. Essas estatísticas, nesta ordem, são adequadas para avaliar a precisão experimental. Para avaliar a massa de matéria verde de nabo forrageiro, em experimentos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 a 20 tratamentos e cinco repetições, parcelas com o tamanho de seis unidades experimentais básicas (1,50 m2) são suficientes para identificar diferenças significativas entre tratamentos - menores ou iguais a 36,88% da média geral do experimento -, pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade, em experimentos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 a 20 tratamentos e cinco repetições.


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BACKGROUND: The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits: alpha, beta, and gamma. Mutations in the Scnn1b and Scnn1g genes, which encode the beta and the gamma subunits of ENaC, cause a severe form of hypertension (Liddle syndrome). The contribution of genetic variants within the Scnn1a gene, which codes for the alpha subunit, has not been investigated. METHODS: We screened for mutations in the COOH termini of the alpha and beta subunits of ENaC. Blood from 184 individuals from 31 families participating in a study on the genetics of hypertension were analyzed. Exons 13 of Scnn1a and Scnn1b, which encode the second transmembrane segment and the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-ENaC, respectively, were amplified from pooled DNA samples of members of each family by PCR. Constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) was used to detect mutations in PCR products of the pooled DNA samples. RESULTS: The detection limit of CDCE for ENaC variants was 1%, indicating that all members of any family or up to 100 individuals can be analyzed in one CDCE run. CDCE profiles of the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC in pooled family members showed that the 31 families belonged to four groups and identified families with genetic variants. Using this approach, we analyzed 31 rather than 184 samples. Individual CDCE analysis of members from families with different pooled CDCE profiles revealed five genotypes containing 1853G-->T and 1987A-->G polymorphisms. The presence of the mutations was confirmed by DNA sequencing. For the COOH terminus of beta-ENaC, only one family showed a different CDCE profile. Two members of this family (n = 5) were heterozygous at 1781C-->T (T594M). CONCLUSION: CDCE rapidly detects point mutations in these candidate disease genes.


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The active magnetic bearings have recently been intensively developed because of noncontact support having several advantages compared to conventional bearings. Due to improved materials, strategies of control, and electrical components, the performance and reliability of the active magnetic bearings are improving. However, additional bearings, retainer bearings, still have a vital role in the applications of the active magnetic bearings. The most crucial moment when the retainer bearings are needed is when the rotor drops from the active magnetic bearings on the retainer bearings due to component or power failure. Without appropriate knowledge of the retainer bearings, there is a chance that an active magnetic bearing supported rotor system will be fatal in a drop-down situation. This study introduces a detailed simulation model of a rotor system in order to describe a rotor drop-down situation on the retainer bearings. The introduced simulation model couples a finite element model with component mode synthesis and detailed bearing models. In this study, electrical components and electromechanical forces are not in the focus. The research looks at the theoretical background of the finite element method with component mode synthesis that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The retainer bearings are described by using two ball bearing models, which include damping and stiffness properties, oil film, inertia of rolling elements and friction between races and rolling elements. Thefirst bearing model assumes that the cage of the bearing is ideal and that the cage holds the balls in their predefined positions precisely. The second bearing model is an extension of the first model and describes the behavior of the cageless bearing. In the bearing model, each ball is described by using two degrees of freedom. The models introduced in this study are verified with a corresponding actual structure. By using verified bearing models, the effects of the parameters of the rotor system onits dynamics during emergency stops are examined. As shown in this study, the misalignment of the retainer bearings has a significant influence on the behavior of the rotor system in a drop-down situation. In this study, a stability map of the rotor system as a function of rotational speed of the rotor and the misalignment of the retainer bearings is presented. In addition, the effects of parameters of the simulation procedure and the rotor system on the dynamics of system are studied.


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Background: Nursing terminologies are designed to support nursing practice but, as with any other clinical tool, they should be evaluated. Cross-mapping is a formal method for examining the validity of the existing controlled vocabularies. Objectives: The study aims to assess the inclusiveness and expressiveness of the nursing diagnosis axis of a newly implemented interface terminology by cross-mapping with the NANDA-I taxonomy. Design/Methods: The study applied a descriptive design, using a cross-sectional, bidirectional mapping strategy. The sample included 728 concepts from both vocabularies. Concept cross-mapping was carried out to identify one-to-one, negative, and hierarchical connections. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Results: Agreement of the raters" mapping achieved 97%. More than 60% of the nursing diagnosis concepts in the NANDA-I taxonomy were mapped to concepts in the diagnosis axis of the new interface terminology; 71.1% were reversely mapped. Conclusions: Main results for outcome measures suggest that the diagnosis axis of this interface terminology meets the validity criterion of cross-mapping when mapped from and to the NANDA-I taxonomy.


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BACKGROUND: The concept of meaning in life (MIL) has become a central one in recent years, particularly in psycho-oncology and palliative care. The Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMILE) has been developed to allow individuals to choose the life areas that they consider to be important for their own MIL. This approach relates to the "World Health Organisation" definition of quality of life (QOL) as an individual's perception of his own position. The aims of this study were (i) to assess MIL in a representative sample of the Swiss population according to the three linguistic regions and (ii) to evaluate whether MIL constitutes a significant determinant of the perceived QOL. METHODS: A telephone survey of the Swiss population, performed by a professional survey company, was conducted between November and December 2013. The interview included the SMILE, perceived QOL (0-10) and health status (1-5), and various sociodemographic variables. In the SMILE, an index of weighting (IOW, 20-100), an index of satisfaction (IOS, 0-100), and a total SMILE index (IOWS, 0-100) are calculated from the areas mentioned by the participants as providing MIL. RESULTS: Among the 6671 telephonic contacts realized, 1015 (15 %) participants completed the survey: 405 French, 400 German and 210 Italian participants. "Family" (80.2 %), "occupation/work" (51 %), and "social relations" (43.3 %) were the most cited MIL-relevant categories. Italian participants listed "health" more frequently than German and French participants (50.4 % vs 31.5 % and 24.8 % respectively, χ(2) = 12.229, p = .002). Age, gender, education, employment, and marital status significantly influenced either the MIL scores or the MIL-relevant categories. Linear regression analyses indicate that 24.3 % of the QOL variance (p = .000) is explained by health status (B = .609, IC = .490-.728, p = .000), MIL (B = .034, IC = .028-.041, p = .000) and socioeconomic status (F = 11.01, p = .000). CONCLUSION: The major finding of our analysis highlights the positive and significant influence of MIL on the perceived QOL in a representative sample of a general, multilingual and multicultural population. This result indicates that the existential dimension is not only determinant for QOL in some critical life events, as shown e.g. in psycho-oncology and palliative care, but also in everyday life.


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Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulatory switches. Recent advances have revealed many regulatory layers between the two essential processes, miRNA biogenesis and function. However, how these multilayered regulatory processes ultimately control miRNA gene regulation and connects miRNAs and plant responses with the surrounding environment is still largely unknown. In this opinion article, we propose that the miRNA pathway is highly dynamic and plastic. The apparent flexibility of the miRNA pathway in plants appears to be controlled by a number recently identified proteins and poorly characterized signaling cascades. We further propose that altered miRNA accumulation can be a direct consequence of the rewiring of interactions between proteins that function in the miRNA pathway, an avenue that remains largely unexplored.


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BACKGROUND: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients are confronted with needs and concerns related to their disease. AIM: To explore information expectations of patients included in a national bilingual IBD cohort in Switzerland (SIBDC). METHODS: This is a mixed-methods study, comprising 1) a semi-narrative survey sent to 1506 patients from the SIBDC and 2) two focus groups conducted with 14 patients to explore and assess the relevance of the survey's findings. Data collected within the framework of the SIBDC was used to characterize survey's responders. RESULTS: 728 patients (48%) replied to the survey: 52.5% females, 56% Crohn's disease (CD), 87% secondary/tertiary level educated, 70% full/part-time employed. On average, 47% of patients sought for information, regardless of the disease stage; 27% of them were dissatisfied with information received at the time of first symptoms. During flares, 43% were concerned about drugs and therapies; in remission, 57% had concerns on research and developments; 27% searched for information linked to daily disease management. Information-seeking increased when active disease, for CD with high levels of perceived stress (OR = 2.47; p = 0.003), and for all with higher posttraumatic stress symptoms. The focus groups confirmed a perceived lack of information about general functioning, disease course, treatments and their risks, extra-intestinal symptoms and manifestations. CONCLUSIONS: Information remains insufficient for IBD patients. Lack of information in specific domains can potentially cause stress and hinder detection of symptoms. Better information should be considered as a potentially important component in improving patients' outcomes in IBD.


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Purchasing and supply management (PSM) has become increasingly important for companies to survive in current highly competitive market. Increased outsourcing has extended the role of PSM, making external resource management and supplier relationships critical success factors in business. However, the recent research has mainly concentrated on large enterprises. Therefore the PSM issues related to medium-sized enterprises represent a significant research area. The thesis aims to explore the status and role of PSM in Finnish medium-sized firms, understand how strategic companies consider PSM to be, clarify what are the competence requirements for PSM professionals, and increase the understanding of PSM capabilities needed from the points view of individual competence and organisational capabilities. The study uses data that was collected in 2007 from purchasing executives at the director/CEO level representing a sample of 94 Finnish firms. 54 % of the respondent enterprises had a supply strategy. The total supply cost was on average 60 % of firms' turnover. Centralisation of PSM and outsourcing of logistics will increase in Finnish medium-sized enterprises. The findings point out that Finnish medium-sized enterprises had strategical features of PSM. However, Finnish firms have not concentrated on making strategies that relate to PSM. The elements that explain the existence of a supply strategy could be found in this study. It can be concluded from this study that there is an advantageous base for the development of strategic PSM, because nearly all the enterprises were of the opinion that PSM capabilities have an effect on business success. When reviewing the organisational capabilities, the five most important development elements were supplier relationships, both operational and strategic processes, time management, and personnel's competence. Training in internationalisation, strategic management, and communication could help to improve competences of PSM personnel.


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Honey is a food used since the most remote times, appreciated for its characteristic flavor, considerable nutritional value and medicinal properties; however, little information exists about the presence of chemical elements in it. The objectives of this work were to determine the chemical elements present in 38 honey samples, collected directly from beekeepers from the State of Piauí, Brazil and to verify whether they presented any contamination. The chemical elements were determined by means of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence. The means of three replicates were: K (109.671 ± 17.487), Ca (14.471 ± 3.8797), Ti (0.112 ± 0.07), Cr (0.196 ± 0.11), Mn (0.493 ± 0.103), Fe (1.722 ± 0.446), Co (0.038), Ni (0.728 ± 0.706), Cu (0.179 ± 0.0471), Zn (0.967 ± 0.653), Se (not detected), Br (not detected), Rb (0.371 ± 0.097), Sr (0.145 ± 0.45), Ba (11.681), Hg (not detected), and Pb (0.863) µg g-1.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.