999 resultados para 675


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El presente estudio se realizó de junio de 1992 a marzo de 1993 en El Ingenio Victoria de Julio. Se evaluó el efecto de 13 dosis de N-P-K (0-60-60, 40-60-60, 80-60-60, 120-60-60, 40-0-60, 40-30-60, 80-0-60, 80-30-60, 40-9Ó-60, 120-0-60, 120-30-60, 120-60-0 y 120-60-30), sobre el cultivo de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum sp. híbrido), las cuales se compararon con e1 testigo (0-0-0). Se plantó la variedad L 68-90. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de Bloques Completos al Azar modificado, las variables analizadas fueron: brotación, diámetro, altura, población, rendimiento agrícola, rendimiento industrial y rendimiento agro industrial. Los datos que se obtuvieron se sometieron al análisis de varianza y separación de medías según Tukey a un 5 % de margen de error. En ninguna de las variables evaluadas se observó diferencia estadística significativa. Con respecto a la Germinación el mayor porcentaje fue de 75.33 porciento y correspondió a los tratamientos 120-60-0 y 40-30-60. El mayor diámetro fue de 2.73 cm habiéndose obtenido con el tratamiento 120-60-30. La mayor altura se obtuvo con el tratamiento 40-30-60 y fue de 2.94 cm. La población mayor fue de 231 750 tallos/ha correspondiendo al tratamiento 40-30-60. El mayor rendimiento agrícola se logró con el tratamiento 80-0-60 y fue de 86.23 t/ha. El mayor rendimiento industrial fue de 93.80 kg/t correspondiendo éste al tratamiento 120-0-60. El mayor rendimiento agro-industrial se obtuvo con el tratamiento 80-0-60 siendo éste valor de 7.675 t/ha.


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Con el propósito de evaluar el rendimiento y la adaptabilidad de cinco cultivares de cebolla ( Allium cepa L.) amarilla dulce de exportación, se realizó un ensayo en la zona de Sébaco durante el período de noviembre de 1 996 a Marzo de 1 997. El método de siembra utilizado fue el de trasplante. El diseño fue Bloques Completos al Azar con 4 repeticiones. La parcela experimental constó de 3.7 m de largo por 3.25 m de ancho. El área de la parcela útil fue de 4.3 m2. Las variables a medir parámetros fueron los siguientes: altura de planta, número de hojas, diámetro del cuello, diámetro del bulbo, peso de bulbo sano (rendimiento comercial), peso de bulbos dañados (rendimiento no comercial), rendimiento de bulbos totales en kg/ha., rendimiento exportable y rendimiento nacional (no exportable). En base al ANDEVA y prueba de Duncan al 5% se determinó que los cultivares Yellow granex (16 675 kg/ha) y Granex 33 (15 900 kg/ha) superaron en rendimiento al resto de los cultivares. El cultivar Regia presentó los rendimientos más bajos en comparación con el resto de los cultivares. Desde el punto de vista económico, el cultivar más rentable fué Yellow granex debido a su bajos costos presentando un rendimiento exportable más alto que el resto de los cultivares.


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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锂离子电池是一种新型能源,与现有的可充电电池(铅酸电池、镉镍电池和金属氢化物镍电池)相比,在比能量上占有明显优势,目前比能量可高达170~180Wh/kg,是Cd-Ni电池的4倍,MH-Ni电池的2倍。锂离子电池的高T作电压(3.6V)使其相当于3节镉镍电池或金属氢化物镍电池的串连,有利于电池的小型化、轻量化。同时,又具有自放电率低(一般月自放电率小于6%)、长循环寿命的优点.,而且对环境友善,没有污染,是一种绿色能源。自从锂离子电池1991年成功进入世界市场,凭借以上优越性能,在手提电话,摄像机,笔记本电脑和各种便携设备方面的应用越来越广泛。随着新能源的不断开发和利用,对电解液和电极材料的要求也越来越高,特别是对环境的关注和对能源短缺的思考使得人们对锂离子电池进行了新的改进。开发新型电池正极材料是锂离子电池研究的一项重要内容,目前的研究处在实验阶段。由于候选材料的多样性,导致实验上消耗大量的人力、物力和财力,于是从理论上寻求一种计算方法对实验结果进行解释,对相关的材料进行稳定性和电化学性能预测,从而找出一些普遍性规律,已引起研究人员的广泛关注。Ceder于1998年在Nature杂志上发表了《使用第一性原理计算来指导锂离子电池正极材料合成》的研究论文,文中计算出LiAIO_2的嵌入电压高达5.4 V,但纯的LiAIO_2 是电子绝缘体,所以考虑用A1部分替代LiCoO_2 中的Co元素,可以调节电压值,还有利于提高质量比容量。从那时起,理论计算预测锂离子电池正极材料的性能越来越重要。


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目的:探讨采用工程材料力学中抗弯梁的力学模型,通过兔胫骨三点弯测试,获得整骨材料力学测试方法实用的力学参数。方法:采用10只正常成年大耳白兔下肢骨标本,共10对胫骨,行三点弯力学测试。作为骨的三维实体模型建立后,虚拟加载的一种实验对比模式。支承跨距为80mm。结果:得到10对正常大耳白兔胫骨抗弯力学参数。胫骨最大载荷所对应的加载点挠度平均值右侧(2.737±0.262)mm,左侧(2.739±0.233)mm;胫骨的最大载荷(代表抗弯强度)的平均值右侧(17.803±2.675)kg,左侧(18.366±2.653)kg;胫骨最大载荷前载荷-挠度曲线下面积平均值右侧(23.829±4.413)kg·mm,左侧(24.725±4.101)kg·mm;胫骨载荷 ̄挠度曲线线性部分斜率(代表抗弯刚性)平均值右侧(7.545±1.310)kg/mm,左侧(7.631±1.174)kg/mm。结论:正常家兔胫骨个体间差异较大,建议三点弯测试实验中采用双侧配对比较。


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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Effects of flame stretch on the laminar burning velocities of near-limit fuel-lean methane/air flames have been studied experimentally using a microgravity environment to minimize the complications of buoyancy. Outwardly propagating spherical flames were employed to assess the sensitivities of the laminar burning velocity to flame stretch, represented by Markstein lengths, and the fundamental laminar burning velocities of unstretched flames. Resulting data were reported for methane/air mixtures at ambient temperature and pressure, over the specific range of equivalence ratio that extended from 0.512 (the microgravity flammability limit found in the combustion chamber) to 0.601. Present measurements of unstretched laminar burning velocities were in good agreement with the unique existing microgravity data set at all measured equivalence ratios. Most of previous 1-g experiments using a variety of experimental techniques, however, appeared to give significantly higher burning velocities than the microgravity results. Furthermore, the burning velocities predicted by three chemical reaction mechanisms, which have been tuned primarily under off-limit conditions, were also considerably higher than the present experimental data. Additional results of the present investigation were derived for the overall activation energy and corresponding Zeldovich numbers, and the variation of the global flame Lewis numbers with equivalence ratio. The implications of these results were discussed. 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This article relates the experience of creating and developing a fishery in southern England. The fishery was made from a small stream which dries up from time to time, and marks the boundary between a Sussex farm and a large coniferous forest. The preparation of the site and creation of the impoundment are described, and early experiences outlined. The fishery was expanded in later years, as a result of its popularity, and records of its use by anglers are illustrated. The performance of the fishery is measured in terms of "good fish" (more than 675 g) taken, and their number has increased from 81 in 1984 to 226 in 1991. The aquatic plants, invertebrates, and birds of the fishery are discussed, as are the natural predators of the fish.


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A despeito de suas limitações, os dados do SIHSUS são os mais sistemáticos e abrangentes sobre as Reações Adversas e Intoxicações a medicamentos que provocam hospitalização. Eles demonstram a importância das ações de educação e investigação de casos do Programa Nacional de Farmacovigilância para possibilitar o diagnóstico mais acurado e superação do quadro atual de ocorrência desses agravos, além da possibilidade de o SIH/SUS ser utilizado sistematicamente como fonte de dados na detecção e análise dos problemas relacionados a medicamentos. No período de 1999 a 2007, foram emitidas 6.670.609 AIH (tipo 1), entre as quais 3.611 foram classificadas como internações devidas a RAM e 4.675 como Intoxicações, correspondendo, respectivamente, às taxas médias de 5,41 casos por 104 AIH e 7,2 casos por 104 AIH. Ocorreram 137 óbitos (3,79% das AIH) por RAM e 207 (4,43% das AIH) por Intoxicações na população internada. Tanto as RAM como as Intoxicações tiveram menor chance de levar ao óbito quando comparados às outras causas. Uma característica da distribuição dos RAM foi concentrar 62% das AIH nas faixas etárias de 20 a 59 anos de idade (grupo adulto). Nas Intoxicações merece destaque a elevada proporção de AIH na faixa etária de 0-4 anos (14,29%). As AIH registradas com causas básicas relacionados a RAM foram principalmente de pacientes do sexo masculino, já as Intoxicações foram principalmente de pacientes do sexo feminino. Em ambos tipos de agravos estes pacientes foram internados em hospitais que não faziam parte da Rede de Hospitais Sentinelas do Programa Nacional de Farmacovigilância. No entanto, a probabilidade destes hospitais registrarem as AIH com códigos CID-10 referentes às RAM é maior, o que ocorre provavelmente por estarem mais capacitados em diagnosticar este tipo de agravo. Porém este fato não foi observado para as Intoxicações. Os fármacos que causaram os agravos estudados são psicoativos. Este estudo apresentou algumas evidências sobre a distribuição da morbi-mortalidade provocada por medicamentos entre pacientes internados em hospitais conveniados ao SUS no período de 1999-2007, baseadas nas informações das AIH, que podem ser úteis ao Programa de Farmacovigilância no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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Thin films of four nickel(II) and copper(II) hydrazone complexes, which will hopefully be used as recording layers for the next-generation of high-density recordable disks, were prepared by using the spin-coating method. Absorption spectra of the thin films on K9 optical glass substrates in the 300-700 nm wavelength region were measured. Optical constants (complex refractive indices N) and thickness d of the thin films prepared on single-crystal silicon substrates in the 275-675 nm wavelength region were investigated on a rotating analyzer-polarizer scanning ellipsometer by fitting the measured ellipsometric angles (Psi(lambda) and Delta(lambda)) with a 3-layer model (Si/dye film/air). The dielectric functions epsilon and absorption coefficients alpha as a function of the wavelength were then calculated. Additionally, a design to achieve high reflectivity and optimum dye film thickness with an appropriate reflective layer was performed with the Film Wizard software using a multilayered model (PC substrate/reflective layer/dye film/air) at 405 nm wavelength.