998 resultados para 665


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[EN] Debt issue credit ratings can lead to conflicts of interest as the issuer itself is entrusted with contracting and compensating the rating agency. Into the bargain, the credit rating agency may be involved in designing the issues that the same agency subsequently rates. Credit rating agencies thus could have incentives to rate issues advantageously. Given the economic importance of this issue, in this paper we have proposed to analyze this phenomenon, known as rating shopping in academic literature, for Spanish market securitization issues for the period of time comprehensive from January 1993 to December 2011. In sum 3,665 published ratings are been analysed, for an issued nominal amount of 791,090 million Euros. The results show an association between the credit rating agency contracted and the mean rating awarded. Significant differences are observed in the ratings associated to the contracting manager (or special purpose vehicle SPV- manager firm), to the number of ratings or to the type of collateral. Furthermore, a pattern compatible with rating shopping was observed for some types of collateral: abnormally high market shares associated with certain agencies awarding unusually generous ratings. However, this phenomenon is not seen to be widespread on the rating market associated to Spanish securitization issues.


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Transparent glass-ceramics containing beta-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Intense broad-band luminescence centering at 1200 nm was observed when the sample was excited by a diode laser at 980 nm. The room-temperature fluorescent lifetime was 665 mu s, which is longer than the Ni2+-doped ZnAl2O4 and LiGa5O8 glass-ceramics and is also comparable to the Ni2+-doped LiGa5O8 single crystal. The intense infrared luminescence with long fluorescent lifetime may be ascribed to the high crystal field hold by Ni2+ and the moderate lattice phonon energy of beta-Ga2O3. The excellent optical properties of this novel material indicate that it might be a promising candidate for broad-band amplifiers and room-temperature tunable lasers.


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The 19th century commercial ship-based fishery for gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the eastern North Pacific began in 1846 and continued until the mid 1870’s in southern areas and the 1880’s in the north. Henderson identified three periods in the southern part of the fishery: Initial, 1846–1854; Bonanza, 1855–1865; and Declining, 1866–1874. The largest catches were made by “lagoon whaling” in or immediately outside the whale population’s main wintering areas in Mexico—Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon. Large catches were also made by “coastal” or “alongshore” whaling where the whalers attacked animals as they migrated along the coast. Gray whales were also hunted to a limited extent on their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in summer. Using all available sources, we identified 657 visits by whaling vessels to the Mexican whaling grounds during the gray whale breeding and calving seasons between 1846 and 1874. We then estimated the total number of such visits in which the whalers engaged in gray whaling. We also read logbooks from a sample of known visits to estimate catch per visit and the rate at which struck animals were lost. This resulted in an overall estimate of 5,269 gray whales (SE = 223.4) landed by the ship-based fleet (including both American and foreign vessels) in the Mexican whaling grounds from 1846 to 1874. Our “best” estimate of the number of gray whales removed from the eastern North Pacific (i.e. catch plus hunting loss) lies somewhere between 6,124 and 8,021, depending on assumptions about survival of struck-but-lost whales. Our estimates can be compared to those by Henderson (1984), who estimated that 5,542–5,507 gray whales were secured and processed by ship-based whalers between 1846 and 1874; Scammon (1874), who believed the total kill over the same period (of eastern gray whales by all whalers in all areas) did not exceed 10,800; and Best (1987), who estimated the total landed catch of gray whales (eastern and western) by American ship-based whalers at 2,665 or 3,013 (method-dependent) from 1850 to 1879. Our new estimates are not high enough to resolve apparent inconsistencies between the catch history and estimates of historical abundance based on genetic variability. We suggest several lines of further research that may help resolve these inconsistencies.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal implementar um algoritmo empírico para o monitoramento do processo de eutrofização da Baía de Guanabara (BG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), utilizando dados de clorofila-a coletados in situ e imagens de satélite coletadas pelo sensor MERIS, a bordo do satélite ENVISAT, da Agência Espacial Européia (ESA). Para a elaboração do algoritmo foi utilizada uma série histórica de clorofila-a (Out/2002 a Jan/2012) fornecida pelo Laboratório de Biologia Marinha da UFRJ, que, acoplada aos dados radiométricos coletados pelo sensor MERIS em datas concomitantes com as coletas in situ de clorofila-a, permitiu a determinação das curvas de regressão que deram origem aos algorítmos. Diversas combinações de bandas foram utilizadas, com ênfase nos comprimentos de onda do verde, vermelho e infra-vermelho próximo. O algoritmo escolhido (R = 0,66 e MRE = 77,5%) fez uso dos comprimentos de onda entre o verde e o vermelho (665, 680, 560 e 620 nm) e apresentou resultado satisfatório, apesar das limitações devido à complexidade da área de estudo e problemas no algoritmo de correção atmosférica . Algorítmos típicos de água do Caso I (OC3 e OC4) também foram testados, assim como os algoritmos FLH e MCI, aconselhados para águas com concentrações elevadas de Chl-a, todos com resultados insatisfatório. Como observado por estudos pretéritos, a Baia de Guanabara possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal de concentrações de clorofila-a, com as maiores concentrações no período úmido (meses: 01, 02, 03, 10, 11 12) e nas porções marginais (~ 100 mg.m-3), particularmente na borda Oeste da baia, e menores concentrações no período seco e no canal principal de circulação (~ 20 mg.m-3). O presente trabalho é pioneiro na construção e aplicação de algoritmos bio-óptico para a região da BG utilizando imagens MERIS. Apesar dos bons resultados, o presente algorítmo não deve ser considerado definitivo, e recomenda-se para trabalhos futuros testar os diferentes modelos de correção atmosférico para as imagens MERIS.