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A new tetranortriterpenoid 11-epi-azadirachtin H has been isolated from the methanolic extracts of Azadirachta indica seeds. Its structure is proposed on the basis of various spectral analyses.
Aminoglycoside resistance in six clinically isolated Staphylococcus aureus was evaluated. Genotypical examination revealed that three isolates (HLGR-10, HLGR-12, and MSSA-21) have aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme (AME) coding genes and another three (GRSA-2, GRSA-4, and GRSA-6) lacked these genes in their genome. Whereas isolates HLGR-10 and HLGR-14 possessed bifunctional AME coding gene aac(6′)-aph(2′′), and aph(3′)-III and showed high-level resistance to gentamycin and streptomycin, MSSA-21 possessed aph(3′)-III and exhibited low resistance to gentamycin, streptomycin, and kanamycin. The remaining three isolates (GRSA-2, GRSA-4, and GRSA-6) exhibited low resistance to all the aminoglycosides because they lack aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme coding genes in their genome. The transmission electron microscopy of the three isolates revealed changes in cell size, shape, and septa formation, supporting the view that the phenomenon of adaptive resistance is operative in these isolates.
The lead based ferroelectric PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT), (Pb0.90La0.10)TiO3 (PLT10) and (Pb0.80La0.20)TiO3 (PLT20) thin films, prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique, were studied for their response to the 70 MeV oxygen ion irradiation. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage (C- V) and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after the irradiation to high-energy oxygen ions. The irradiation produced considerable changes in the dielectric, C-V, leakage characteristics and induced some amount of amorphization. The PZT films showed partial recrystallization after a thermal annealing at 400 degrees C for 10 min. The phase transition temperature [T-c] of PLT20 increased from 115 degrees C to 120 degrees C. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region. The current density decreased by two orders of magnitude after irradiation. After annealing the irradiated films at a temperature of 400 degrees C for 10 min, the films partially regained the dielectric and electrical properties. The results are discussed in terms of the irradiation-induced amorphization, the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges and the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The viscosity of five binary gas mixtures - namely, oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-nitrogen, oxygen-carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-nitrogen, carbon dioxide-hydrogen - and two ternary mixtures - oxygen-nitrogen-carbon dioxide and oxygen-hydrogen-carbon dioxide - were determined at ambient temperature and pressure using an oscillating disk viscometer. The theoretical expressions of several investigators were in good agreement with the experimental results obtained with this viscometer. In the case of the ternary gas mixture oxygen-carbon dioxide-nitrogen, as long as the volumetric ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide in the mixture was maintained at 11 to 8, the viscosity of the ternary mixture at ambient temperature and pressure remained constant irrespective of the percentage of nitrogen present in the mixture.
Due to boom in telecommunications market, there is hectic competition among the cellular handset manufacturers. As cellular manufacturing industry operates in an oligopoly framework, often price-rigidity leads to non-price wars. The handset manufacturing firms indulge in product innovation and also advertise their products in order to achieve their objective of maximizing discounted flow of profit. It is of interest to see what would be the optimal advertisement-innovation mix that would maximize the discounted How of profit for the firms. We used differential game theory to solve this problem. We adopted the open-loop solution methodology. We experimented for various scenarios over a 30 period horizon and derived interesting managerial insights.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan dementiakuolleisuutta sekä siihen vaikuttavia sosiaalisia tekijöitä. Dementia on oireyhtymä, jota pääasiassa sairastavat yli 65 -vuotiaat henkilöt. Väestön ikääntyessä sekä elinajanodotteen kasvaessa on odotettavissa, että dementiaa sairastavien määrä tulee kasvamaan merkittävästi lähivuosina. On viitteitä siitä, että dementiaan sairastumisen riskiin vaikuttavat erilaiset sosiaaliset tekijät kuten koulutus, mutta varsinkin dementiakuolleisuudesta tiedetään vähän. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin Tilastokeskuksen muodostamaa Elinolot ja kuolinsyyt -rekisteriaineistoa, joka koostuu väestölaskentatiedoista sekä työssäkäyntitilaston pitkittäisaineistosta, johon on liitetty kuolinsyytietoja. Peruskuolinsyyn lisäksi aineistossa oli tieto korkeintaan kolmesta myötävaikuttavasta syystä. Dementiakuolleisuuden on esitetty aliarvioituvan peruskuolinsyynä, joten dementiakuolleisuuden määrittelyssä käytettiin myös tietoa myötävaikuttavista syistä. Rajausten jälkeen aineistossa on 317 944 henkilöä, joista 128 562 on miehiä ja 189 382 naisia. Pääanalyysimenetelmänä on käytetty elinaikamalleihin kuuluvaa Coxin regressiota. Dementiakuolleisuudessa oli vaihtelua kaikkien tutkimuksessa käytettyjen muuttujien, eli koulutuksen, sosiaaliluokan, tulojen, siviilisäädyn sekä perhemuodon mukaan. Koulutuksen vaikutus välittyi osin ammattiasemaan perustuvan sosiaaliluokan kautta. Suurimpia ryhmien väliset suhteelliset erot olivat nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä sekä sosiaaliluokan ja siviilisäädyn kohdalla. Eronneilla ja naimattomilla oli selvästi kohonnut riski suhteessa naimisissa oleviin. Myös työntekijöillä havaittiin kohonnut riski suhteessa ylempiin toimihenkilöihin. Siviilisääty vaikutti olevan merkittävä tekijä siinä mielessä, että koulutuksen, sosiaaliluokan ja tulojen tuominen malliin ei juuri vaikuttanut siviilisäätyryhmien välillä havaittuun vaihteluun. Dementiakuolleisuudessa havaitut ryhmien väliset suhteelliset erot olivat hieman pienempiä kuin muissa syissä, mutta kuitenkin hyvin samaa suuruusluokkaa. Tulosten perusteella on identifioitavissa tekijöitä, jotka suojaavat dementialta. Erityisesti avioliitto, korkea koulutus sekä ylemmät toimihenkilöammatit vaikuttavat olevan dementialta suojaavia tekijöitä. Avioliiton suojaavan vaikutuksen voidaan tulkita liittyvän sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen sekä puolison tukeen ja läsnäoloon. Korkea koulutus sekä toimihenkilöammatit indikoivat virikkeellisempää työympäristöä, mutta niiden vaikutus voi myös kulkea ylipäänsä aktiivisemman ja kognitiivisesti virikkeellisemmän elämäntavan kautta. Aktiivisen ja kognitiivisesti haastavan elämäntavan on esitetty suojaavan dementiaan sairastumiselta. Tuloksia voidaan tulkita elämänkaarinäkökulman kautta. Jo nuoruudessa vaikuttavilla tekijöillä, kuten koulutuksella, on vaikutusta. Tämän lisäksi elämänkaaren aikana myöhemmin vaikuttavat tekijät ovat merkityksellisiä. Näiden tekijöiden on esitetty vaikuttavan aivojen hermoverkostoon ja -yhteyksiin ja luovan kognitiivista reserviä, minkä on esitetty ehkäisevän tai lykkäävän dementiaan sairastumista.
The higher levels of cytochrone P-450 dependent enzyme activities reported earlier are traced to higher levels of cytochrome P-450 (CYPIIB1/B2 like) messenger RNA in the chloroquine resistant than the sensitive strains. The messenger RNA is also induced by phenobarbitone in the sensitive strain. Pretreatment with phenobarbitone affords partial protection to chloroquine toxicity in the sensitive strain and this is not due to a differential accumulation of the drug.
The effect of uncertainties on performance predictions of a helicopter is studied in this article. The aeroelastic parameters such as the air density, blade profile drag coefficient, main rotor angular velocity, main rotor radius, and blade chord are considered as uncertain variables. The propagation of these uncertainties in the performance parameters such as thrust coefficient, figure of merit, induced velocity, and power required are studied using Monte Carlo simulation and the first-order reliability method. The Rankine-Froude momentum theory is used for performance prediction in hover, axial climb, and forward flight. The propagation of uncertainty causes large deviations from the baseline deterministic predictions, which undoubtedly affect both the achievable performance and the safety of the helicopter. The numerical results in this article provide useful bounds on helicopter power requirements.
This paper is concerned with the modifications of the Extended Bellmouth Weir (EBM weir) earlier designed by Keshava Murthy. It is shown that by providing inclined sides (equivalent to providing an inward-trapezoidal weir) over a sector of a circle of radius R, separated by a distance 2t, and depth d, the measurable range of EBM can be considerably enhanced (over 375%). Simultaneously, the other parameters of the weir are optimized such that the reference plane of the weir coincides with its crest making it a constant-accuracy linear weir. Discharge through the aforementioned weir is proportional to the depths of flow measured above the crest of the weir for all heads in the range of 0.5R less-than-or-equal-to h less-than-or-equal-to 7.9R, within a maximum deviation of +/-1% from the theoretical discharge. Experiments with two typical weirs show excellent agreement with the theory by giving a constant-average coefficient of discharge of 0.619
Pentoxifylline (PF) is used to improve motility of spermatozoa from subfertile or nonfertile males to accomplish in vitro fertilization in humans. The possible adverse effect of PF on pre- and peri- implantation stage embryo development in a suitable rodent model, such as the golden hamster, is yet to be determined. In this study, hamster cauda epididymal spermatozoa were exposed to different concentrations (0.23 to 3.6 mM) of PF, and their quantitative [percentage of motility] and qualitative [Score 0 to 5] motility were assessed and values expressed as the sperm motility index. Upon addition of spermatozoa to dishes containing PF, an immediate increase in sperm motility and sperm motility index was evident, which increased up to 4 to 6 h and then declined. The sperm motility index increase by PF was dose-dependant, and greater than or equal to 1.8 mM PF was detrimental after 4 h. The optimum dose of PF was found to be 0.45 mM. To assess the fertilizing ability of PF-treated spermatozoa, in vitro fertilization was carried out. Fertilization rates for spermatozoa treated with 3.6 mM PF were lower (53.8 +/- 7.8) than for the controls (69.5 +/- 10.2), whereas, treatment with 0.45 mM PF increased the rates (91.6 +/- 4.3) compared with that of the controls (80.2 +/- 5.9). In conclusion, low concentrations (0.23 to 0.45 mM) of PF improve sperm capacitation and fertilization of oocytes in vitro in the golden hamster.