965 resultados para 5,6-Dihydro-4H-2-oxa-1-aza-benzo[e]azulene
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Chiral symmetrical alk-2-yne-1,4-diols have been stereoselectively transformed into 5-alkyl-4-alkenyl-4-phenyl-1,3-oxazolidin- 2-ones, which are precursors of quaternary α-amino β-hydroxy acids. The key step was the cyclization of the bis(tosylcarbamates) of 2- phenylalk-2-yne-1,4-diols, easily obtained from the starting chiral diols. These cyclizations were accomplished with complete regioselectivity and up to 92:8 dr in the presence of catalytic amounts of Ni(0) or Pd (II) derivatives under microwave heating.
A new method for the preparation of 2-chloro-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane (1) and 2-chloro-4,5-benzo-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane (2), are reported. The modifications introduced in the synthetic route improved the yield and facilitated the control of reaction, but the synthesis require longer reaction time. The compounds were characterized by ¹H, 13C{¹H} and31P{¹H} NMR spectroscopy. Due to the complexity of the spin system AA'BB'X (A, A', B, B' = ¹H; X = 31P) of 2, a simulation of the ¹H NMR spectra was done and it's in agreement with the bibliography.
This study describes the use of three (-)-alpha-pinene derivatives, one diol-1,2 [(-)-(1R, 2R, 3S, 5R)-2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptane-2,3-diol 4] and two piridine-hydroxy derivatives [(+)-(1R,2S,3R,5S)-2,6,6-trimethyl-3-(2-pyridinylmethyl)bicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-3-ol 7 and (-)-(1R,2S,3R,5S)-2,6,6-trimethyl-3-[2-(2-pyridinyl) ethyl]bicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-3-ol 8]; one diol-1,3 [(-)-(1S,2R,5S)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-5-methylcyclohexanol 5] derived from (+)-isopulegol 2 and one diol-1,3 [(+)-(1R,2R,5R)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-5-methylcyclohexanol 6] derived from (+)-neo-isopulegol 3, as ligands in the asymmetric Reformatsky reaction. The best enantiomeric excess of beta-hydroxy ester obtained in the Reformatsky asymmetric reaction was 18% using ligand 6, and the chemical yield of the reactions was 65% on average.
In the present study, various amides of 2-amino-5-(4-methylphenyl)-diazenyl-4-phenyl-1, 3-thiazole was synthesized and their biological activities were evaluated. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by the combination of elemental analysis and standard spectroscopic methods. They are screened for anti-bacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as well as screened for antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Apergillus oryzae by cup plate method at 1 µg/ mL concentration in DMF.
Sulfonic acid functionalized SBA-15 nanoporous material (SBA-Pr-SO3H) with a large pore size of 6 nm, a high surface area, high selectivity, and excellent chemical and thermal stability was applied as an efficient heterogeneous nanoporous acid catalyst in the reaction of isatin with pyrazolones under mild reaction conditions. A novel class of symmetrical spiro[indoline-3,4'-pyrano[2,3-c:6,5-c']dipyrazol]-2-one derivatives was successfully obtained in high yields. Comparison of these results with those reported in the literature shows that the current method is efficient, and results in better reaction times and yields of the desired products. Other advantages of this new method are its operational simplicity, easy work-up procedure, and the use of SBA-Pr-SO3H as a reusable and environmentally benign nanoreactor, such that the reaction proceeds easily in its nanopores. We also tested the antimicrobial activity of the prepared compounds using the disc diffusion method, and some of the synthesized compounds exhibited the best results against B. subtilis and S. aureus.
Cette présente recherche vise à défendre le point de vue selon lequel le don de l’Esprit dans le récit de la Pentecôte (Ac 2, 1-13) s’interprète principalement comme l’investissement d’une puissance habilitant au témoignage. À cette fin, nous posons l’hypothèse que le contenu d’Ac 2, 17-21 est un axe fondamental de la théologie pneumatique de l’œuvre lucanienne, lequel interprète la manifestation pentecostale dans une perspective prophétique. La démonstration se fait par le biais d’une analyse rédactionnelle d’Ac 2, 17-21, une citation de Jl 3,1-5 insérée dans un discours explicatif de Pierre du phénomène pentecostal. Nous examinons d’abord le lieu d’inscription de ce passage dans l’œuvre lucanienne afin d’évaluer la valeur stratégique de son emplacement (chapitre 1). Nous étudions ensuite l’interprétation que fait Luc de cette prophétie pour en venir à la conclusion qu’il envisage l’intervention de l’Esprit essentiellement dans une perspective d’habilitation à la prophétie (chapitre 2). Nous vérifions cette première conclusion dans l’Évangile de Luc (chapitre 3); puis ensuite dans les Actes des Apôtres (chapitre 4). Nous en arrivons ainsi à établir un parallélisme entre les étapes initiatiques du ministère de Jésus dans le troisième évangile et celui des disciples dans les Actes, pour y découvrir que, dans les deux cas, l’effusion de l’Esprit habilite à l’activité prophétique. Le ministère des disciples s’inscrit de la sorte dans le prolongement de celui du Maître. Nous soutenons, en fait, que tout le discours pneumatique de l’Évangile de Luc converge vers l’effusion initiale de l’Esprit sur les disciples dans le récit pentecostal, d’une part, et que cette effusion jette un éclairage sur l’ensemble de l’œuvre missionnaire des Actes, d’autre part. Bref, le passage explicatif du phénomène pentecostal, en l’occurrence Ac 2, 17-21, met en lumière un axe central des perspectives de Luc sur l’Esprit : Il s’agit de l’Esprit de prophétie. Dans cette optique, l’effusion de l’Esprit à la Pentecôte s’interpréterait essentiellement comme l’investissement du croyant d’une puissance en vue du témoignage.
Un mago y sus amigos ayudan a los niños a aprender y practicar los conocimientos básicos de inglés, requeridos en la etapa clave uno (Key Stage 1). Diseñadas para captar la imaginación del estudiante, las actividades están divididas en secciones, cada una centrada en una competencia básica de fonética y ortografía:alfabeto; las letras iniciales; las letras finales; las vocales; la formación de la palabra; recitando versos; ortografía ck, terminación ng; los finales de palabra; sonido ch y sh. En la última página incluye un Certificado de Excelencia donde cada niño puede pegar una estrella dorada como recompensa por los logros alcanzados en cada actividad.
A four-wavelength MAD experiment on a new brominated octanucleotide is reported here. d[ACGTACG(5-BrU)], C77H81BrN30O32P7, (DNA) = 2235, tetragonal, P43212 (No. 96), a = 43.597, c = 26.268 Å, V = 49927.5 Å3, Z = 8, T = 100 K, R = 10.91% for 4312 reflections between 15.0 and 1.46 Å resolution. The self-complementary brominated octanucleotide d[ACGTACG(5-BrU)]2 has been crystallized and data measured to 1.45 Å at both 293 K and a second crystal flash frozen at 100 K. The latter data collection was carried out to the same resolution at the four wavelengths 0.9344, 0.9216, 0.9208 and 0.9003 Å, around the Br K edge at 0.92 Å and the structure determined from a map derived from a MAD data analysis using pseudo-MIR methodology, as implemented in the program MLPHARE. This is one of the first successful MAD phasing experiments carried out at Sincrotrone Elettra in Trieste, Italy. The structure was refined using the data measured at 0.9003 Å, anisotropic temperature factors and the restrained least-squares refinement implemented in the program SHELX96, and the helical parameters are compared with those previously determined for the isomorphous d(ACGTACGT)2 analogue. The asymmetric unit consists of a single strand of octamer with 96 water molecules. No countercations were located. The A-DNA helix geometry obtained has been analysed using the CURVES program.
Reaction of with one or two equivalents of LiPPh2 afforded the new phosphanidometal(III) complexes . Reaction of 2 with LiC≡CSiMe3 led to the diamagnetic zirconium(III) alkynyl derivative [{Zr(C5H5)(μ−C≡CSiMe3)}2(μ−η5−C5H4−η5−C5H4], 7. Alkylation of 6 with LiCH2CMe2Ph gave [{Zr(η5−C5H5)(CH2CMe2Ph)2}2{μ−(η5−C5H4)}], 8. A detailed NMR study of complexes 3 and 4 allowed the observation of the spectral behaviour of the eight different fulvalene protons through their coupling to the 31P nucleus. The fluxional behaviour of complex 7 was studied by dynamic DNMR, and kinetic parameters for the σ-π-conversion of the alkynyl ligand were determined. The molecular structures of complexes 3 and 7 were determined by X-ray diffraction methods.