913 resultados para 396.5[82]
Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron 1) obtener y validar ecuaciones de predicción para determinar in vivo la composición corporal y de la canal de conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 días de vida utilizando la técnica de la Impedancia Bioeléctrica (BIA), y 2) evaluar su aplicación para determinar diferencias en la composición corporal y de la canal, así como la retención de nutrientes de animales alimentados con diferentes fuentes y niveles de grasa. El primer estudio se realizó para determinar y después validar, usando datos independientes, las ecuaciones de predicción obtenidas para determinar in vivo la composición corporal de los conejos en crecimiento. Se utilizaron 150 conejos a 5 edades distintas (25, 35, 49, 63 y 77 días de vida), con un rango de pesos entre 231 y 3138 g. Para determinar los valores de resistencia (Rs,) and reactancia (Xc,) se usó un terminal (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) con cuatro electrodos. Igualmente se registró la distancia entre electrodos internos (D), la longitud corporal (L) y el peso vivo (PV) de cada animal. En cada edad, los animales fueron molidos y congelados (-20 ºC) para su posterior análisis químico (MS, grasa, proteína, cenizas y EB). El contenido en grasa y energía de los animales se incrementó, mientras que los contenidos en proteína, cenizas y agua de los animales disminuyeron con la edad. Los valores medios de Rs, Xc, impedancia (Z), L y D fueron 83.5 ± 23.1 , 18.2 ± 3.8 , 85.6 ± 22.9 , 30.6 ± 6.9 cm y 10.8 ± 3.1 cm. Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple para determinar las ecuaciones de predicción, utilizando los valores de PV, L and Z como variables independientes. Las ecuaciones obtenidas para estimar los contenidos en agua (g), PB (g), grasa (g), cenizas (g) and EB (MJ) tuvieron un coeficiente de determinación de (R2) de 0.99, 0.99, 0.97, 0.98 y 0.99, y los errores medios de predicción relativos (EMPR) fueron: 2.79, 6.15, 24.3, 15.2 y 10.6%, respectivamente. Cuando el contenido en agua se expresó como porcentaje, los valores de R2 y EMPR fueron 0.85 and 2.30%, respectivamente. Al predecir los contenidos en proteína (%MS), grasa (%MS), cenizas (%MS) y energía (kJ/100 g MS), se obtuvieron valores de 0.79, 0.83, 0.71 y 0.86 para R2, y 5.04, 18.9, 12.0 y 3.19% para EMPR. La reactancia estuvo negativamente correlacionada con el contenido en agua, cenizas y PB (r = -0.32, P < 0.0001; r = -0.20, P < 0.05; r = -0.26, P < 0.01) y positivamente correlacionada con la grasa y la energía (r = 0.23 y r = 0.24; P < 0.01). Sin embargo, Rs estuvo positivamente correlacionada con el agua, las cenizas y la PB (r = 0.31, P < 0.001; r = 0.28, P < 0.001; r = 0.37, P < 0.0001) y negativamente con la grasa y la energía (r = -0.36 y r = -0.35; P < 0.0001). Igualmente la edad estuvo negativamente correlacionada con el contenido en agua, cenizas y proteína (r = -0.79; r = -0.68 y r = -0.80; P < 0.0001) y positivamente con la grasa y la energía (r = 0.78 y r = 0.81; P < 0.0001). Se puede concluir que el método BIA es una técnica buena y no invasiva para estimar in vivo la composición corporal de conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 días de vida. El objetivo del segundo estudio fue determinar y validar con datos independientes las ecuaciones de predicción obtenidas para estimar in vivo la composición de la canal eviscerada mediante el uso de BIA en un grupo de conejos de 25 a 77 días, así como testar su aplicación para predecir la retención de nutrientes y calcular las eficacias de retención de la energía y del nitrógeno. Se utilizaron 75 conejos agrupados en 5 edades (25, 35, 49, 63 y 77 días de vida) con unos pesos que variaron entre 196 y 3260 g. Para determinar los valores de resistencia (Rs, ) y reactancia (Xc, ) se usó un terminal (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) con cuatro electrodos. Igualmente se registró la distancia entre electrodos internos (D), la longitud corporal (L) y el peso vivo (PV) del cada animal. En cada edad, los animales fueron aturdidos y desangrados. Su piel, vísceras y contenido digestivo fueron retirados, y la canal oreada fue pesada y molida para posteriores análisis (MS, grasa, PB, cenizas y EB). Los contenidos en energía y grasa aumentaron mientras que los de agua, cenizas y proteína disminuyeron con la edad. Los valores medios de Rs, Xc, impedancia (Z), L y D fueron 95.9±23.9 , 19.5±4.7 , 98.0±23.8 , 20.6±6.3 cm y 13.7±3.1 cm. Se realizó un análisis de regresión linear múltiple para determinar las ecuaciones de predicción, utilizando los valores de PV, L and Z como variables independientes. Los coeficientes de determinación (R2) de las ecuaciones obtenidas para estimar los contenidos en agua (g), PB (g), grasa (g), cenizas (g) and EB (MJ) fueron: 0.99, 0.99, 0.95, 0.96 y 0.98, mientras que los errores medios de predicción relativos (EMPR) fueron: 4.20, 5.48, 21.9, 9.10 y 6.77%, respectivamente. Cuando el contenido en agua se expresó como porcentaje, los valores de R2 y EMPR fueron 0.79 y 1.62%, respectivamente. Cuando se realizó la predicción de los contenidos en proteína (%MS), grasa (%MS), cenizas (%MS) y energía (kJ/100 g MS), los valores de R2 fueron 0.68, 0.76, 0.66 and 0.82, y los de RMPE: 3.22, 10.5, 5.82 and 2.54%, respectivamente. La reactancia estuvo directamente correlacionada con el contenido en grasa (r = 0.24, P < 0.05), mientras que la resistencia guardó una correlación positiva con los contenidos en agua, cenizas y proteína (r = 0.55, P < 0.001; r = 0.54, P < 0.001; r = 0.40, P < 0.005) y negativa con la grasa y la energía (r = -0.44 y r = -0.55; P < 0.001). Igualmente la edad estuvo negativamente correlacionada con los contenidos en agua, cenizas y PB (r = -0.94; r = -0.85 y r = -0.75; P < 0.0001) y positivamente con la grasa y la energía (r = 0.89 y r = 0.90; P < 0.0001). Se estudió la eficacia global de retención de la energía (ERE) y del nitrógeno (ERN) durante todo el periodo de cebo (35-63 d), Los valores de ERE fueron 20.4±7.29%, 21.0±4.18% and 20.8±2.79% en los periodos 35 a 49, 49 a 63 y 35 a 63 d, respectivamente. ERN fue 46.9±11.7%, 34.5±7.32% y 39.1±3.23% para los mismos periodos. La energía fue retenida en los tejidos para crecimiento con una eficiencia del 52.5% y la eficiencia de retención de la energía como proteína y grasa fue de 33.3 y 69.9% respectivamente. La eficiencia de utilización del nitrógeno para crecimiento fue cercana al 77%. Este trabajo muestra como el método BIA es técnica buena y no invasiva para determinar in vivo la composición de la canal y la retención de nutrientes en conejos en crecimiento de 25 a 77 días de vida. En el tercer estudio, se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos con el fin de investigar los efectos del nivel de inclusión y de la fuente de grasa, sobre los rendimientos productivos, la mortalidad, la retención de nutrientes y la composición corporal total y de la canal eviscerada de conejos en crecimiento de 34 a 63 d de vida. En el Exp. 1 se formularon 3 dietas con un diseño experimental factorial 3 x 2 con el tipo de grasa utilizada: Aceite de Soja (SBO), Lecitinas de Soja (SLO) y Manteca (L) y el nivel de inclusión (1.5 y 4%) como factores principales. El Exp. 2 también fue diseñado con una estructura factorial 3 x 2, pero usando SBO, Aceite de Pescado (FO) y Aceite de Palmiste como fuentes de grasa, incluidas a los mismos niveles que en el Exp. 1. En ambos experimentos 180 animales fueron alojados en jaulas individuales (n=30) y 600 en jaulas colectivas en grupos de 5 animales (n=20). Los animales alimentados con un 4% de grasa añadida tuvieron unos consumos diarios y unos índices de conversión más bajos que aquellos alimentados con las dietas con un 1.5% de grasa. En los animales alojados en colectivo del Exp. 1, el consumo fue un 4.8% más alto en los que consumieron las dietas que contenían manteca que en los animales alimentados con las dietas SBO (P = 0.036). La inclusión de manteca tendió a reducir la mortalidad (P = 0.067) en torno al 60% y al 25% con respecto a las dietas con SBO y SLO, respectivamente. La mortalidad aumentó con el nivel máximo de inclusión de SLO (14% vs. 1%, P < 0.01), sin observarse un efecto negativo sobre la mortalidad con el nivel más alto de inclusión de las demás fuentes de grasa utilizadas. En los animales alojados colectivo del Exp. 2 se encontró una disminución del consumo (11%), peso vivo a 63 d (4.8%) y de la ganancia diaria de peso (7.8%) con la inclusión de aceite de pescado con respecto a otras dietas (P < 0.01). Los dos últimos parámetros se vieron especialmente más reducidos cuando en las dietas se incluyó el nivel más alto de FO (5.6 y 9.5%, respectivamente, (P < 0.01)). Los animales alojados individualmente mostraron unos resultados productivos muy similares. La inclusión de aceite pescado tendió (P = 0.078) a aumentar la mortalidad (13.2%) con respecto al aceite de palmiste (6.45%), siendo intermedia para las dietas que contenían SBO (8.10%). La fuente o el nivel de grasa no afectaron la composición corporal total o de la canal eviscerada de los animales. Un incremento en el nivel de grasa dio lugar a una disminución de la ingesta de nitrógeno digestible (DNi) (1.83 vs. 1.92 g/d; P = 0.068 en Exp. 1 y 1.79 vs. 1.95 g/d; P = 0.014 en Exp. 2). Debido a que el nitrógeno retenido (NR) en la canal fue similar para ambos niveles (0.68 g/d (Exp. 1) y 0.71 g/d (Exp. 2)), la eficacia total de retención del nitrógeno (ERN) aumentó con el nivel máximo de inclusión de grasa, pero de forma significativa únicamente en el Exp. 1 (34.9 vs. 37.8%; P < 0.0001), mientras que en el Exp. 2 se encontró una tendencia (36.2 vs. 38.0% en Exp. 2; P < 0.064). Como consecuencia, la excreción de nitrógeno en heces fue menor en los animales alimentados con el nivel más alto de grasa (0.782 vs. 0.868 g/d; P = 0.0001 en Exp. 1, y 0.745 vs. 0.865 g/d; P < 0.0001 en Exp.2) al igual que el nitrógeno excretado en orina (0.702 vs. 0.822 g/d; P < 0.0001 en Exp. 1 y 0.694 vs. 0.7999 g/d; P = 0.014 en Exp.2). Aunque no hubo diferencias en la eficacia total de retención de la energía (ERE), la energía excretada en heces disminuyó al aumentar el nivel de inclusión de grasa (142 vs. 156 Kcal/d; P = 0.0004 en Exp. 1 y 144 vs. 154 g/d; P = 0.050 en Exp. 2). Sin embargo, la energía excretada como orina y en forma de calor fue mayor en el los animales del Exp. 1 alimentados con el nivel más alto de grasa (216 vs. 204 Kcal/d; P < 0.017). Se puede concluir que la manteca y el aceite de palmiste pueden ser considerados como fuentes alternativas al aceite de soja debido a la reducción de la mortalidad, sin efectos negativos sobre los rendimientos productivos o la retención de nutrientes. La inclusión de aceite de pescado empeoró los rendimientos productivos y la mortalidad durante el periodo de crecimiento. Un aumento en el nivel de grasa mejoró el índice de conversión y la eficacia total de retención de nitrógeno. ABSTRACT The aim of this Thesis is: 1) to obtain and validate prediction equations to determine in vivo whole body and carcass composition using the Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA) method in growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age, and 2) to study its application to determine differences on whole body and carcass chemical composition, and nutrient retention of animals fed different fat levels and sources. The first study was conducted to determine and later validate, by using independent data, the prediction equations obtained to assess in vivo the whole body composition of growing rabbits. One hundred and fifty rabbits grouped at 5 different ages (25, 35, 49, 63 and 77 days) and weighing from 231 to 3138 g were used. A four terminal body composition analyser was used to obtain resistance (Rs, ) and reactance (Xc, ) values (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA). The distance between internal electrodes (D, cm), body length (L, cm) and live BW of each animal were also registered. At each selected age, animals were slaughtered, ground and frozen (-20 ºC) for later chemical analyses (DM, fat, CP, ash and GE). Fat and energy body content increased with the age, while protein, ash, and water decreased. Mean values of Rs, Xc, impedance (Z), L and D were 83.5 ± 23.1 , 18.2 ± 3.8 , 85.6 ± 22.9 , 30.6 ± 6.9 cm and 10.8 ± 3.1 cm. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the prediction equations, using BW, L and Z data as independent variables. Equations obtained to estimate water (g), CP (g), fat (g), ash (g) and GE (MJ) content had, respectively, coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.99, 0.99, 0.97, 0.98 and 0.99, and the relative mean prediction error (RMPE) was: 2.79, 6.15, 24.3, 15.2 and 10.6%, respectively. When water was expressed as percentage, the R2 and RMPE were 0.85 and 2.30%, respectively. When prediction of the content of protein (%DM), fat (%DM), ash (%DM) and energy (kJ/100 g DM) was done, values of 0.79, 0.83, 0.71 and 0.86 for R2, and 5.04, 18.9, 12.0 and 3.19% for RMPE, respectively, were obtained. Reactance was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.32, P < 0.0001; r = -0.20, P < 0.05; r = -0.26, P < 0.01) and positively correlated with fat and GE (r = 0.23 and r = 0.24; P < 0.01). Otherwise, resistance was positively correlated with water, ash and CP (r = 0.31, P < 0.001; r = 0.28, P < 0.001; r = 0.37, P < 0.0001) and negatively correlated with fat and energy (r = -0.36 and r = -0.35; P < 0.0001). Moreover, age was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.79; r = -0.68 and r = -0.80; P < 0.0001) and positively correlated with fat and energy (r = 0.78 and r = 0.81; P < 0.0001). It could be concluded that BIA is a non-invasive good method to estimate in vivo whole body composition of growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age. The aim of the second study was to determine and validate with independent data, the prediction equations obtained to estimate in vivo carcass composition of growing rabbits by using the results of carcass chemical composition and BIA values in a group of rabbits from 25 to 77 days. Also its potential application to predict nutrient retention and overall energy and nitrogen retention efficiencies was analysed. Seventy five rabbits grouped at 5 different ages (25, 35, 49, 63 and 77 days) with weights ranging from 196 to 3260 g were used. A four terminal body composition analyser (Model BIA-101, RJL Systems, Detroit, MI USA) was used to obtain resistance (Rs, ) and reactance (Xc, ) values. The distance between internal electrodes (D, cm), body length (L, cm) and live weight (BW, g) were also registered. At each selected age, all the animals were stunned and bled. The skin, organs and digestive content were removed, and the chilled carcass were weighed and processed for chemical analyses (DM, fat, CP, ash and GE). Energy and fat increased with the age, while CP, ash, and water decreased. Mean values of Rs, Xc, impedance (Z), L and D were 95.9±23.9 , 19.5±4.7 , 98.0±23.8 , 20.6±6.3 cm y 13.7±3.1 cm. A multiple linear regression analysis was done to determine the equations, using BW, L and Z data as parameters. Coefficient of determination (R2) of the equations obtained to estimate water (g), CP (g), fat (g), ash (g) and GE (MJ) content were: 0.99, 0.99, 0.95, 0.96 and 0.98, and relative mean prediction error (RMPE) were: 4.20, 5.48, 21.9, 9.10 and 6.77%, respectively. When water content was expressed as percentage, the R2 and RMPE were 0.79 and 1.62%, respectively. When prediction of protein (%DM), fat (%DM), ash (%DM) and energy (kJ/100 g DM) content was done, R2 values were 0.68, 0.76, 0.66 and 0.82, and RMPE: 3.22, 10.5, 5.82 and 2.54%, respectively. Reactance was positively correlated with fat content (r = 0.24, P < 0.05) while resistance was positively correlated with water, ash and protein carcass content (r = 0.55, P < 0.001; r = 0.54, P < 0.001; r = 0.40, P < 0.005) and negatively correlated with fat and energy (r = -0.44 and r = -0.55; P < 0.001). Moreover, age was negatively correlated with water, ash and CP content (r = -0.97, r = -0.95 and r = -0.89, P < 0.0001) and positively correlated with fat and GE (r = 0.95 and r = 0.97; P < 0.0001). In the whole growing period (35-63 d), overall energy retention efficiency (ERE) and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE) were studied. The ERE values were 20.4±7.29%, 21.0±4.18% and 20.8±2.79%, from 35 to 49, 49 to 63 and from 35 to 63 d, respectively. NRE was 46.9±11.7%, 34.5±7.32% and 39.1±3.23% for the same periods. Energy was retained in body tissues for growth with an efficiency of approximately 52.5% and efficiency of the energy for protein and fat retention was 33.3 and 69.9%, respectively. Efficiency of utilization of nitrogen for growth was near to 77%. This work shows that BIA it’s a non-invasive and good method to estimate in vivo carcass composition and nutrient retention of growing rabbits from 25 to 77 days of age. In the third study, two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of the fat addition and source, on performance, mortality, nutrient retention, and the whole body and carcass chemical composition of growing rabbits from 34 to 63 d. In Exp. 1 three diets were arranged in a 3 x 2 factorial structure with the source of fat: Soybean oil (SBO), Soya Lecithin Oil (SLO) and Lard (L) and the dietary fat inclusion level (1.5 and 4%) as the main factors. Exp. 2 had also arranged as a 3 x 2 factorial design, but using SBO, Fish Oil (FO) and Palmkernel Oil (PKO) as fat sources, and included at the same levels than in Exp. 1. In both experiments 180 animals were allocated in individual cages (n=30) and 600 in collectives cages, in groups of 5 animals (n=20). Animals fed with 4% dietary fat level showed lower DFI and FCR than those fed diets with 1.5%. In collective housing of Exp. 1, DFI was a 4.8% higher in animals fed with diets containing lard than SBO (P = 0.036), being intermediate for diet with SLO. Inclusion of lard also tended to reduce mortality (P = 0.067) around 60% and 25% with respect SBO and SLO diets, respectively. Mortality increased with the greatest level of soya lecithin (14% vs. 1%, P < 0.01). In Exp. 2 a decrease of DFI (11%), BW at 63 d (4.8%) and DWG (7.8%) were observed with the inclusion of fish oil with respect the other two diets (P < 0.01). These last two traits impaired with the highest level of fish oil (5.6 and 9.5%, respectively, (P < 0.01)). Animals housed individually showed similar performance results. The inclusion of fish oil also tended to increase (P = 0.078) mortality (13.2%) with respect palmkernel oil (6.45%), being mortality of SBO intermediate (8.10%). Fat source and level did not affect the whole body or carcass chemical composition. An increase of the fat sources addition led to a decrease of the digestible nitrogen intake (DNi) (1.83 vs. 1.92 g/d; P = 0.068 in Exp. 1 and 1.79 vs. 1.95 g/d; P = 0.014 in Exp. 2). As the nitrogen retained (NR) in the carcass was similar for both fat levels (0.68 g/d (Exp. 1) and 0.71 g/d (Exp. 2)), the overall efficiency of N retention (NRE) increased with the highest level of fat, but only reached significant level in Exp. 1 (34.9 vs. 37.8%; P < 0.0001), while in Exp. 2 a tendency was found (36.2 vs. 38.0% in Exp. 2; P < 0.064). Consequently, nitrogen excretion in faeces was lower in animals fed with the highest level of fat (0.782 vs. 0.868 g/d; P = 0.0001 in Exp. 1, and 0.745 vs. 0.865 g/d; P < 0.0001 in Exp.2). The same effect was observed with the nitrogen excreted as urine (0.702 vs. 0.822 g/d; P < 0.0001 in Exp. 1 and 0.694 vs. 0.7999 g/d; P = 0.014 in Exp.2). Although there were not differences in ERE, the energy excreted in faeces decreased as fat level increased (142 vs. 156 Kcal/d; P = 0.0004 in Exp. 1 and 144 vs. 154 g/d; P = 0.050 in Exp. 2). In Exp. 1 the energy excreted as urine and heat production was significantly higher when animals were fed with the highest level of dietary fat (216 vs. 204 Kcal/d; P < 0.017). It can be concluded that lard and palmkernel oil can be considered as alternative sources to soybean oil due to the reduction of the mortality, without negative effects on performances or nutrient retention. Inclusion of fish impaired animals´ productivity and mortality. An increase of the dietary fat level improved FCR and overall protein efficiency retention.
In the printing industry, the exploitation of triggerable materials that can have their surface properties altered on application of a post-deposition external stimulus has been crucial for the production of robust layers and patterns. To this end, herein, a series of clickable poly(R-alkyl p-styrene sulfonate) homopolymers, with systematically varied thermally-labile protecting groups, has been synthesised via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerisation. The polymer range has been designed to offer varied post-deposition thermal treatment to switch them from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. Suitable RAFT conditions have been identified to produce well-defined homopolymers (Đ, Mw/Mn < 1.11 in all cases) at high monomer conversions (>80% for all but one monomer) with controllable molar mass. Poly(p-styrene sulfonate) with an isobutyl protecting group has been shown to be the most readily thermolysed polymer that remains stable at room temperature, and was thus investigated further by incorporation into a diblock copolymer, P3HT-b-PiBSS, by click chemistry. The strategy for preparation of thermal modifiable block copolymers exploiting R-protected p-styrene sulfonates and azide-alkyne click chemistry presented herein allows the design of new, roll-to-roll processable materials for potential application in the printing industry, particularly organic electronics.
Reconstructing the long-term evolution of organic sedimentation in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Leg 159) provides information about the history of the climate/ocean system, sediment accumulation, and deposition of hydrocarbon-prone rocks. The recovery of a continuous, 1200 m long sequence at ODP Site 959 covering sediments from Albian (?) to the present day (about 120 Ma) makes this position a key location to study these aspects in a tropical oceanic setting. New high resolution carbon and pyrolysis records identify three main periods of enhanced organic carbon accumulation in the eastern tropical Atlantic, i.e. the late Cretaceous, the Eocene-Oligocene, and the Pliocene-Pleistocene. Formation of Upper Cretaceous black shales off West Africa was closely related to the tectonosedimentary evolution of the semi-isolated Deep Ivorian Basin north of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin. Their deposition was confined to certain intervals of the last two Cretaceous anoxic events, the early Turonian OAE2 and the Coniacian-Santonian OAE3. Organic geochemical characteristics of laminated Coniacian-Santonian shales reveal peak organic carbon concentrations of up to 17% and kerogen type I/II organic matter, which qualify them as excellent hydrocarbon source rocks, similar to those reported from other marginal and deep sea basins. A middle to late Eocene high productivity period occurred off equatorial West Africa. Porcellanites deposited during that interval show enhanced total organic carbon (TOC) accumulation and a good hydrocarbon potential associated with oil-prone kerogen. Deposition of these TOC-rich beds was likely related to a reversal in the deep-water circulation in the adjacent Sierra Leone Basin. Accordingly, outflow of old deep waters of Southern Ocean origin from the Sierra Leone Basin into the northern Gulf of Guinea favored upwelling of nutrient-enriched waters and simultaneously enhanced the preservation potential of sedimentary organic matter along the West African continental margin. A pronounced cyclicity in the carbon record of Oligocene-lower Miocene diatomite-chalk interbeds indicates orbital forcing of paleoceanographic conditions in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic since the Oligocene-Miocene transition. A similar control may date back to the early Oligocene but has to be confirmed by further studies. Latest Miocene-early Pliocene organic carbon deposition was closely linked to the evolution of the African trade winds, continental upwelling in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic, ocean chemistry and eustatic sea level fluctuations. Reduction in carbonate carbon preservation associated with enhanced carbon dissolution is recorded in the uppermost Miocene (5.82-5.2 Ma) section and suggests that the latest Miocene carbon record of Site 959 documents the influence of corrosive deep waters which formed in response to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Furthermore, sea level-related displacement of higher productive areas towards the West African shelf edge is indicated at 5.65, 5.6, 5.55, 5.2, 4.8 Ma. In view of humid conditions in tropical Africa and a strong West African monsoonal system around the Miocene-Pliocene transition, the onset of pronounced TOC cycles at about 5.6 Ma marks the first establishment of upwelling cycles in the northern Gulf of Guinea. An amplification in organic carbon deposition at 3.3 Ma and 2.45 Ma links organic sedimentation in the tropical eastern Equatorial Atlantic to the main steps of northern hemisphere glaciation and testifies to the late Pliocene transition from humid to arid conditions in central and western African climate. Aridification of central Africa around 2.8 Ma is not clearly recorded at Site 959. However, decreased and highly fluctuating carbonate carbon concentrations are observed from 2.85 Ma on that may relate to enhanced terrigenous (eolian) dilution from Africa.
Oil well cementing materials consist of slurries of Special class Portland cement dispersed in water. Admixtures can be used to provide the necessary fluidity, so the material can be efficiently pumped down as well as penetrate porous rocks with controlled filter loss. Construction admixtures can be used to modify the properties of oil well cements provided they can withstand and hold their properties at the higher than ambient temperatures usually encountered in oil fields. In civil construction, superplasticizer play the role of dispersants that reduce the facto r of water cement improve mechanical properties and fluidity of the cement, whereas anti-segregation agents improve the workability of the slurry. In the present study, oil well cement slurries were produced adding both a dispersant and an anti-segregation agent conventionally used in Portland CPII-Z-32 RS cement aiming at materials for primary cementing and squeeze operations. Three basic aspects were evaluated: fluidity, filter loss and the synergetic effect of the admixtures at two temperatures, i.e., 27°C and 56°C, following API RP 10B practical recommendations. The slurries were prepared using admixture concentrations varying from 2.60 Kgf/m3 (0.02 gallft3) to 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0.045 galJft3) BWOC. The density of the slurries was set to 1.89 g/cm3 (15.8 Ib/gal). 0.30 to 0.60% BWOC of a CMC-based anti-segregation agent was added to the cement to control the filter loss. The results showed that the addition of anti-segregation at concentrations above 0.55% by weight of cement resulted in the increased viscosity of the folders in temperatures evaluated. The increasing the temperature of the tests led to a reduction in the performance of anti-segregation. At concentrations of 5.20 kgf/m3 (0,040 gallft3) and 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0,045 gal/ft 3) observed a better performance of the properties evaluated in the proposed system. At low temperature was observed instability in the readings of rheology for all concentrations of anti-segregation. Contents that increasing the concentration of anti¬-segregation is limited concentrations greater than 0.55 % BWOC of the CMC in temperature analyzed. The use of the system with CMC promoted a good performance against the properties evaluated. The principal function of anti¬-segregation was optimized with increasing concentration of superplasticizer, at temperatures above the 2rC. The study of the behaviour of systemic additives, resulting in slurries of cement, which can be optimized face studies of other intrinsic properties in oil fields
The binding of xylo-oligosaccharides to Chainia endoxylanase resulted in a decrease in fluorescence intensity of the enzyme with the formation of 1:1 complex. Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters of ligand binding were determined by fluorescence titrations and titration calorimetry. The affinity of xylanase for the oligosaccharides increases in the order X-2 < X-3 < X-4 less than or equal to X-5. Contributions from the enthalpy towards the free energy change decreased with increasing chain length from X-2 to X-4, whereas an increase in entropy was observed, the change in enthalpy and entropy of binding being compensatory. The entropically driven binding process suggested that hydrophobic interactions as well as hydrogen bonds play a predominant role in ligand binding.