166 resultados para 3282


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Oggi, grazie al continuo progredire della tecnologia, in tutti i sistemi di produzione industriali si trova almeno un macchinario che permette di automatizzare determinate operazioni. Alcuni di questi macchinari hanno un sistema di visione industriale (machine vision), che permette loro di osservare ed analizzare ciò che li circonda, dotato di algoritmi in grado di operare alcune scelte in maniera automatica. D’altra parte, il continuo progresso tecnologico che caratterizza la realizzazione di sensori di visione, ottiche e, nell’insieme, di telecamere, consente una sempre più precisa e accurata acquisizione della scena inquadrata. Oggi, esigenze di mercato fanno si che sia diventato necessario che macchinari dotati dei moderni sistemi di visione permettano di fare misure morfometriche e dimensionali non a contatto. Ma le difficoltà annesse alla progettazione ed alla realizzazione su larga scala di sistemi di visione industriali che facciano misure dimensioni non a contatto, con sensori 2D, fanno sì che in tutto il mondo il numero di aziende che producono questo tipo di macchinari sia estremamente esiguo. A fronte di capacità di calcolo avanzate, questi macchinari necessitano dell’intervento di un operatore per selezionare quali parti dell’immagine acquisita siano d’interesse e, spesso, anche di indicare cosa misurare in esse. Questa tesi è stata sviluppata in sinergia con una di queste aziende, che produce alcuni macchinari per le misure automatiche di pezzi meccanici. Attualmente, nell’immagine del pezzo meccanico vengono manualmente indicate le forme su cui effettuare misure. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di studiare e prototipare un algoritmo che fosse in grado di rilevare e interpretare forme geometriche note, analizzando l’immagine acquisita dalla scansione di un pezzo meccanico. Le difficoltà affrontate sono tipiche dei problemi del “mondo reale” e riguardano tutti i passaggi tipici dell’elaborazione di immagini, dalla “pulitura” dell’immagine acquisita, alla sua binarizzazione fino, ovviamente, alla parte di analisi del contorno ed identificazione di forme caratteristiche. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo, sono state utilizzate tecniche di elaborazione d’immagine che hanno permesso di interpretare nell'immagine scansionata dalla macchina tutte le forme note che ci siamo preposti di interpretare. L’algoritmo si è dimostrato molto robusto nell'interpretazione dei diametri e degli spallamenti trovando, infatti, in tutti i benchmark utilizzati tutte le forme di questo tipo, mentre è meno robusto nella determinazione di lati obliqui e archi di circonferenza a causa del loro campionamento non lineare.


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The subject of this research, the medicalization of the gendered body, is a shifting object. It has changed its medical name from Intersex to DSD (Disorders -or Divergence- of Sex Development), since the beginning of this research project. Loosely speaking it addresses the gendered components of the body, and their subsequent consideration. Drawing closer, it addresses how modern medicine treats people who manifest variations of one of the gendered components of the body, inserting their bodies into pathological categories now called DSD. This shifting terrain of different modes of viewing the gendered body has grown to include many variations, no longer solely interested in the mythical hermaphrodite. The locus of this investigation is in the interaction between these patient groups and doctors in Italy.


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In der Arbeit wird die Wahlbeteiligung bei Europawahlen analysiert. Es geht um die Beantwortung der Frage, ob die individuelle Wahlteilnahme in alten und neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten bzw. alten und jungen Demokratien auf die gleichen Erklärungsgrößen zurückgeht oder ob möglicherweise Unterschiede zwischen beiden Ländergruppen bestehen. rnAls Bezugspunkt dient die Europawahl, die im Juni 2009 stattfand: Bei dieser Wahl fällt nicht nur die generell niedrige Beteiligung auf, sondern auch erhebliche Niveauunterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten. Um diesen Befund erklären zu können, wird zunächst ein theoretisches Erklärungsmodell entwickelt, das sich auf die folgenden fünf Dimensionen bezieht: politisches System der EU, europäische politische Gemeinschaft, Wählermobilisierung während des Europawahlkampfes, Gewohnheitswahl und Einschätzung der staatlichen sowie der eigenen wirtschaftlichen Lage. Als Erklärungsgröße werden in den fünf Bereichen jeweils unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägte Defizite in den beiden Ländergruppen angenommen. rnExemplarisch werden Deutschland und Polen untersucht. Die empirischen Analysen basieren auf dem umfangreichen Datensatz der European Election Study 2009 (ESS), hier werden die Daten der Voter Study verwendet. Nicht alle Hypothesen lassen sich im Rahmen der Arbeit bestätigten, nur ein Teil der unabhängigen Variablen hat auch im multivariaten Modell noch einen Einfluss auf die Europawahlbeteiligung. rnFür Deutschland zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Wahlnorm und Wählermobilisierung einen größeren Effekt auf die Stimmabgabe ausüben als die Nutzenseite (Effektivität) der Wahlen. Im zweiten Modell, das für die polnischen Befragten berechnet wurde, erweisen sich nur zwei der unabhängigen Variablen als signifikant, d.h. nur die Einschätzung der Effektivität der Wahl und die internalisierte Wahlnorm haben einen Einfluss auf die Wahlteilnahme. Von der Effektivitätseinstufung geht eine größere Erklärungskraft aus als von der Wahlnorm; in diesem Modell überwiegt folglich die Nutzenseite der Europawahl. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die unterschiedlichen Beteiligungsraten in den beiden Staaten durch unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägte Defizite in den Bereichen des politischen Systems und der Wahlnorm zustande kommen. Die Defizite sind in Polen stärker ausgeprägt und können so die niedrigere Wahlbeteiligung erklären. Darüber hinaus kann resümiert werden, dass die Nutzenseite der Europawahl in Polen einen stärkeren Einfluss auf die Beteiligung ausübt als in Deutschland.


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NHA2 was recently identified as a novel sodium/hydrogen exchanger which is strongly upregulated during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. Previous in vitro studies suggested that NHA2 is a mitochondrial transporter required for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Due to the lack of suitable antibodies, NHA2 was studied only on RNA level thus far. To define the protein's role in osteoclasts in vitro and in vivo, we generated NHA2-deficient mice and raised several specific NHA2 antibodies. By confocal microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, NHA2 was found to co-localize with the late endosomal and lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the V-ATPase a3 subunit, but not with mitochondrial markers. Immunofluorescence studies and surface biotinylation experiments further revealed that NHA2 was highly enriched in the plasma membrane of osteoclasts, localizing to the basolateral membrane of polarized osteoclasts. Despite strong upregulation of NHA2 during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation, however, structural parameters of bone, quantified by high-resolution microcomputed tomography, were not different in NHA2-deficient mice compared to wild-type littermates. In addition, in vitro RANKL stimulation of bone marrow cells isolated from wild-type and NHA2-deficient mice yielded no differences in osteoclast development and activity. Taken together, we show that NHA2 is a RANKL-induced plasmalemmal sodium/hydrogen exchanger in osteoclasts. However, our data from NHA2-deficient mice suggest that NHA2 is dispensable for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo.


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Purpose: In a prospective study, we assessed if a diagnosis of osteoporosis and periodontitis could predict hip and hand fractures in older persons. Materials and methods: Bone density was assessed by a Densitometer. Periodontitis was defined by evidence of alveolar bone loss. Results: 788 Caucasians (52.4% women, overall mean age: 76 years, S.D. +/- 9.0, range: 62 to 96) were enrolled and 7.4% had a hip/hand fracture in 3 years. Calcaneus PIXI T-values < - 1.6 identified osteoporosis in 28.2% of the older persons predicting a hip/hand fracture with an odds ratio of 3.3:1 (95% CI: 1.9, 5.7, p < 0.001). Older persons with osteoporosis had more severe periodontitis (p < 0.01). Periodontitis defined by >= 30% of sites with >= 5 mm distance between the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and bone level (ABL) was found in 18.7% of the older persons predicting a hip/hand fracture with an odds ratio of 1.8:1 (95% CI: 1.0, 3.3, p < 0.05). Adjusted for age, the odds ratio of a hip/hand fracture in older persons with osteoporosis (PIXI T-value <-2.5) and periodontitis was 12.2:1 (95% CI: 3.5, 42.3, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Older persons with osteoporosis and periodontitis have an increased risk for hip/hand fractures


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Energy-dependent intestinal calcium absorption is important for the maintenance of calcium and bone homeostasis, especially when dietary calcium supply is restricted. The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25(OH)(2)D(3)], is a crucial regulator of this process and increases the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (Trpv6) calcium channel that mediates calcium transfer across the intestinal apical membrane. Genetic inactivation of Trpv6 in mice (Trpv6(-/-)) showed, however, that TRPV6 is redundant for intestinal calcium absorption when dietary calcium content is normal/high and passive diffusion likely contributes to maintain normal serum calcium levels. On the other hand, Trpv6 inactivation impaired the increase in intestinal calcium transport following calcium restriction, however without resulting in hypocalcemia. A possible explanation is that normocalcemia is maintained at the expense of bone homeostasis, a hypothesis investigated in this study. In this study, we thoroughly analyzed the bone phenotype of Trpv6(-/-) mice receiving a normal (approximately 1%) or low (approximately 0.02%) calcium diet from weaning onwards using micro-computed tomography, histomorphometry and serum parameters. When dietary supply of calcium is normal, Trpv6 inactivation did not affect growth plate morphology, bone mass and remodeling parameters in young adult or aging mice. Restricting dietary calcium had no effect on serum calcium levels and resulted in a comparable reduction in bone mass accrual in Trpv6(+/+) and Trpv6(-/-) mice (-35% and 45% respectively). This decrease in bone mass was associated with a similar increase in bone resorption, whereas serum osteocalcin levels and the amount of unmineralized bone matrix were only significantly increased in Trpv6(-/-) mice. Taken together, our findings indicate that TRPV6 contributes to intestinal calcium transport when dietary calcium supply is limited and in this condition indirectly regulates bone formation and/or mineralization.


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The repair of critical-sized bony defects remains a challenge in the fields of implantology, maxillofacial surgery and orthopaedics. As an alternative bone-defect filler to autologous bone grafts, deproteinized bovine bone (DBB) is highly osteoconductive and clinically now widely used. However, this product suffers from the disadvantage of not being intrinsically osteoinductive. In the present study, this property was conferred by coating DBB with a layer of calcium phosphate into which bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) was incorporated. Granules of DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2--together with the appropriate controls (DBB bearing a coating but no BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing adsorbed BMP-2; uncoated DBB bearing no BMP-2)--were implanted subcutaneously in rats. Five weeks later, the implants were withdrawn for a histomorphometric analysis of the volume densities of (i) bone, (ii) bone marrow, (iii) foreign-body giant cells and (iv) fibrous capsular tissue. Parameters (i) and (ii) were highest, whilst parameters (iii) and (iv) were lowest in association with DBB bearing a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2. Hence, this mode of functionalization not only confers DBB with the property of osteoinductivity but also improves its biocompatibility--thus dually enhancing its clinical potential in the repair of bony defects.


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Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) at the distal tibia, measured at the epiphysis (T-EPI) and diaphysis (T-DIA), is predictive for fracture risk. Structural bone parameters evaluated at the distal tibia by high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) displayed differences between healthy and fracture patients. With its simple geometry, T-DIA may allow investigating the correlation between bone structural parameter and bone strength.


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Inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) are potent stimulators of osteoclast formation and bone resorption and are frequently associated with pathologic bone metabolism. The cytokine exerts specific effects on its target cells and constitutes a part of the cellular microenvironment. Previously, TNFα was demonstrated to inhibit the development of osteoclasts in vitro via an osteoblast-mediated pathway. In the present study, the molecular mechanisms of the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis were investigated in co-cultures of osteoblasts and bone marrow cells (BMC) and in cultures of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) dependent, non-adherent osteoclast progenitor cells (OPC) grown with M-CSF and receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a known inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis was found to be induced in osteoblasts treated with TNFα and the secreted protein accumulated in the supernatant. Dexamethasone (Dex), an anti-inflammatory steroid, caused a decrease in GM-CSF expression, leading to partial recovery of osteoclast formation. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that in cultures of OPC, supplemented with 10% conditioned medium (CM) from osteoblasts treated with TNFα/1,25(OH)(2)D(3), expression of RANK and CD11c was suppressed. The decrease in RANK expression may be explained by the finding, that GM-CSF and the CM from wt osteoblasts were found to suppress the expression of c-Fos, Fra-1, and Nfatc-1. The failure of OPC to develop into CD11c(+) dendritic cells suggests that cell development is not deviated to an alternative differentiation pathway, but rather, that the monocytes are maintained in an undifferentiated, F4/80(+), state. The data further implies possible interactions among inflammatory cytokines. GM-CSF induced by TNFα acts on early hematopoietic precursors, inhibiting osteoclastogenesis while acting as the growth factor for M-CSF independent inflammatory macrophages. These in turn may condition a microenvironment enhancing osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption upon migration of the OPC from circulation to the bone/bone marrow compartment.


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Although the placement of dental and orthopedic implants is now generally a safe, reliable and successful undertaking, the functional outcome is less assured in patients whose bone-healing capacity is compromised. To enhance peri-implant osteogenesis in these individuals, BMP-2 could be locally administered. However, neither a free suspension nor an implant-adsorbed depot of the agent is capable of triggering sustained bone formation. We hypothesize that this end could be achieved by incorporating BMP-2 into the three-dimensional crystalline latticework of a bone-mineral like, calcium-phosphate implant coating, where from it would be liberated gradually - as the inorganic layer undergoes osteoclast-mediated degradation - not rapidly, as from an implant-adsorbed (two-dimensional) depot. To test this postulate, we compared the osteoinductive efficacies of implant coatings bearing either an incorporated, an adorbed, or an incorporated and an adsorbed depot of BMP-2 at a maxillary site in miniature pigs. The implants were retrieved 1, 2 and 3 weeks after surgery for the histomorphometric analysis of bone formation within a defined 'osteoinductive' space. At each juncture, the volume of newly-formed bone within the osteoinductive space was greatest around implants that bore a coating-incorporated depot of BMP-2, peak osteogenic activity being attained during the first week and sustained thereafter. In the other groups, the temporal course of bone formation was variable, and the peak levels were not sustained. The findings of this study confirm our hypothesis: they demonstrate that we now have at our disposal a means of efficaciously augmenting and expediting peri-implant bone formation. Clinically, this possibility would render the process of implant placement a safer and a more reliable undertaking in patients whose bone-healing capacity is compromised, and would also permit a curtailment of the postoperative recovery period by a forestallment of the mechanical-loading phase.


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Bone graft incorporation depends on the orchestrated activation of numerous growth factors and cytokines in both the host and the graft. Prominent in this signaling cascade is BMP2. Although BMP2 is dispensable for bone formation, it is required for the initiation of bone repair; thus understanding the cellular mechanisms underlying bone regeneration driven by BMP2 is essential for improving bone graft therapies. In the present study, we assessed the role of Bmp2 in bone graft incorporation using mice in which Bmp2 has been removed from the limb prior to skeletal formation (Bmp2(cKO)). When autograft transplantations were performed in Bmp2cKO mice, callus formation and bone healing were absent. Transplantation of either a vital wild type (WT) bone graft into a Bmp2(cKO) host or a vital Bmp2(cKO) graft into a WT host also resulted in the inhibition of bone graft incorporation. Histological analyses of these transplants show that in the absence of BMP2, periosteal progenitors remain quiescent and healing is not initiated. When we analyzed the expression of Sox9, a marker of chondrogenesis, on the graft surface, we found it significantly reduced when BMP2 was absent in either the graft itself or the host, suggesting that local BMP2 levels drive periosteal cell condensation and subsequent callus cell differentiation. The lack of integrated healing in the absence of BMP2 was not due to the inability of periosteal cells to respond to BMP2. Healing was achieved when grafts were pre-soaked in rhBMP2 protein, indicating that periosteal progenitors remain responsive in the absence of BMP2. In contrast to the requirement for BMP2 in periosteal progenitor activation in vital bone grafts, we found that bone matrix-derived BMP2 does not significantly enhance bone graft incorporation. Taken together, our data show that BMP2 signaling is not essential for the maintenance of periosteal progenitors, but is required for the activation of these progenitors and their subsequent differentiation along the osteo-chondrogenic pathway. These results indicate that BMP2 will be among the signaling molecules whose presence will determine success or failure of new bone graft strategies.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) have to be applied at high concentrations to stimulate bone healing. The limited therapeutic efficacy may be due to the local presence of BMP antagonists such as Noggin. Thus, inhibiting BMP antagonists is an attractive therapeutic option. We hypothesized that the engineered BMP2 variant L51P stimulates osteoinduction by antagonizing Noggin-mediated inhibition of BMP2. Primary murine osteoblasts (OB) were treated with L51P, BMP2, and Noggin. OB proliferation and differentiation were quantified with XTT and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) assays. BMP receptor dependent intracellular signaling in OB was evaluated with Smad and p38 MAPK phosphorylation assays. BMP2, Noggin, BMP receptor Ia/Ib/II, osteocalcin, and ALP mRNA expressions were analyzed with real-time PCR. L51P stimulated OB differentiation by blocking Noggin mediated inhibition of BMP2. L51P did not induce OB differentiation directly and did not activate BMP receptor dependent intracellular signaling via the Smad pathway. Treatment of OB cultures with BMP2 but not with L51P resulted in an increased expression of ALP, BMP2, and Noggin mRNA. By inhibiting the BMP antagonist Noggin, L51P enhances BMP2 activity and stimulates osteoinduction without exhibiting direct osteoinductive function. Indirect osteoinduction with L51P seems to be advantageous to osteoinduction with BMP2 as BMP2 stimulates the expression of Noggin thereby self-limiting its own osteoinductive activity. Treatment with L51P is the first protein-based approach available to augment BMP2 induced bone regeneration through inhibition of BMP antagonists. The described strategy may help to decrease the amounts of exogenous BMPs currently required to stimulate bone healing.