997 resultados para 320.1
We present a measurement of the Z gamma production cross section and limits on anomalous ZZ gamma and Z gamma gamma couplings for form-factor scales of Lambda=750 and 1000 GeV. The measurement is based on 138 (152) candidates in the ee gamma (mu mu gamma) final state using 320(290) pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV. The 95% C.L. limits on real and imaginary parts of individual anomalous couplings are vertical bar h(10,30)(Z)vertical bar < 0.23, vertical bar h(20,40)(Z)vertical bar < 0.020, vertical bar h(10,30)(gamma)vertical bar < 0.23, and vertical bar h(20,40)(gamma)vertical bar < 0.019 for Lambda=1000 GeV.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency-frequency in the absence of a specific cause. Investigating the expression levels of genes involved in the regulation of epithelial permeability, bladder contractility, and inflammation, we show that neurokinin (NK)1 and NK2 tachykinin receptors were significantly down-regulated in BPS patients. Tight junction proteins zona occludens-1, junctional adherins molecule -1, and occludin were similarly down-regulated, implicating increased urothelial permeability, whereas bradykinin B(1) receptor, cannabinoid receptor CB1 and muscarinic receptors M3-M5 were up-regulated. Using cell-based models, we show that prolonged exposure of NK1R to substance P caused a decrease of NK1R mRNA levels and a concomitant increase of regulatory micro(mi)RNAs miR-449b and miR-500. In the biopsies of BPS patients, the same miRNAs were significantly increased, suggesting that BPS promotes an attenuation of NK1R synthesis via activation of specific miRNAs. We confirm this hypothesis by identifying 31 differentially expressed miRNAs in BPS patients and demonstrate a direct correlation between miR-449b, miR-500, miR-328, and miR-320 and a down-regulation of NK1R mRNA and/or protein levels. Our findings further the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of BPS, and have relevance for other clinical conditions involving the NK1 receptor.
OBJECTIVES: CD4 cell count and plasma viral load are well known predictors of AIDS and mortality in HIV-1-infected patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). This study investigated, in patients treated for at least 3 years, the respective prognostic importance of values measured at cART initiation, and 6 and 36 months later, for AIDS and death. METHODS: Patients from 15 HIV cohorts included in the ART Cohort Collaboration, aged at least 16 years, antiretroviral-naive when they started cART and followed for at least 36 months after start of cART were eligible. RESULTS: Among 14 208 patients, the median CD4 cell counts at 0, 6 and 36 months were 210, 320 and 450 cells/microl, respectively, and 78% of patients achieved viral load less than 500 copies/ml at 6 months. In models adjusted for characteristics at cART initiation and for values at all time points, values at 36 months were the strongest predictors of subsequent rates of AIDS and death. Although CD4 cell count and viral load at cART initiation were no longer prognostic of AIDS or of death after 36 months, viral load at 6 months and change in CD4 cell count from 6 to 36 months were prognostic for rates of AIDS from 36 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although current values of CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA are the most important prognostic factors for subsequent AIDS and death rates in HIV-1-infected patients treated with cART, changes in CD4 cell count from 6 to 36 months and the value of 6-month HIV-1 RNA are also prognostic for AIDS.
The single Hochdorf burial was found in 1887 during construction work in the Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. It dates from between 320 and 250 BC. The calvarium, the left half of the pelvis and the left femur were preserved. The finding shows an unusual bony alteration of the skull. The aim of this study was to obtain a differential diagnosis and to examine the skull using various methods. Sex and age were determined anthropologically. Radiological examinations were performed with plain X-ray imaging and a multislice computed tomography (CT) scanner. For histological analysis, samples of the lesion were taken. The pathological processing included staining after fixation, decalcification, and paraffin embedding. Hard-cut sections were also prepared. The individual was female. The age at death was between 30 and 50 years. There is an intensely calcified bone proliferation at the right side of the os frontalis. Plain X-ray and CT imaging showed a large sclerotic lesion in the area of the right temple with a partly bulging appearance. The inner boundary of the lesion shows multi-edged irregularities. There is a diffuse thickening of the right side. In the left skull vault, there is a mix of sclerotic areas and areas which appear to be normal with a clear differentiation between tabula interna, diploë and tabula externa. Histology showed mature organised bone tissue. Radiological and histological findings favour a benign condition. Differential diagnoses comprise osteomas which may occur, for example, in the setting of hereditary adenomatous polyposis coli related to Gardner syndrome.
Ende Mai 2014 wählt Europa ein neues Parlament. Klaus Armingeon kann mitwählen. Der Direktor des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Bern ist Schweizer, Deutscher und EU-Bürger und heute Gast von Susanne Brunner.
Vorbesitzer: Johann Hieronymus Zum Jungen;
The DNA breakage effect of the anticancer agent 3,6-diaziridinyl-2,5-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone (AZQ, NSC-182986) on bacteriophage PM2 DNA was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis. AZQ caused both single-stranded and double-stranded breaks after reduction with NaBH(,4), but it was not active in the native state. At 120 (mu)M, it degraded 50% of the closed circular form I DNA into 40% form II DNA (single-stranded break) and 10% form III DNA (double-stranded break). It produced a dose-response breakage between 1 (mu)M and 320 (mu)M. The DNA breakage exhibited a marked pH dependency. At 320 (mu)M, AZQ degraded 80% and 60% of form I DNA at pH 4 and 10 respectively, but none between pH 6 to 8. The DNA breakage at physiologic pH was greatly enhanced when 10 (mu)M cupric sulfate was included in the incubation mixture. The DNA strand scission was inhibited by catalase, glutathione, KI, histidine, Tiron, and DABCO. These results suggest that the DNA breakage may be caused by active oxygen metabolites including hydroxyl free radical. The bifunctional cross-linking activity of reduced AZQ on isolated calf thymus DNA was investigated by ethidium fluorescence assay. The cross-linking activity exhibited a similar pH dependency; highest in acidic and alkaline pH, inactive under neutral conditions. Using the alkaline elution method, we found that AZQ induced DNA single-stranded breaks in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with 50 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The single-stranded break frequencies in rad equivalents were 17 with 50 (mu)M and 140 with 100 (mu)M of AZQ. In comparison, DNA cross-links appeared in cells treated with only 1 to 25 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The cross-linking frequencies in rad equivalents were 39 and 90 for 1 and 5 (mu)M of AZQ, respectively. Both DNA-DNA and DNa-protein cross-links were induced by AZQ in CHO cells as revealed by the proteinas K digestion assay. DNA cross-links increased within the first 4 hr of incubation in drug-free medium and slightly decreased by 12 hr, and most of the cross-links disappeared after cells were allowed to recovered for 24 hr.^ By electrochemical analysis, we found that AZQ was more readily reduced at acidic pH. However, incubation of AZQ with NaBH(,4) at pH 7.8 or 10, but not at 4, produced superoxide anion. The opening of the aziridinyl rings of AZQ at pH 4 was faster in the presence of NaBH(,4) than in its absence; no ring-opening was detected at pH 7.8 regardless of the inclusion of NaBH(,4). . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
Vorbesitzer: Hans (Johannes) von Sorgenloch genannt Gänsfleisch (Surgenloch dictus Ginßfleiß)
"Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung" (GS 5, S. 320-350) Aufsatz, datiert: Winter 1941/42; veröffentlicht als vervielfältigtes Typoskript in: "Walter Benjamin zum Gedächnis", herausgegeben vom Institut für Sozialforschung, Los Angeles, 1942, Seite 17-59; sowie in :"Politik, Wissenschaft, Erziehung. Festschrift für Ernst Schütte", Frankfurt, 1969, Seite 41-61; sowie als eigenständige Veröffentlichung: Frankfurt, 1970.; "Racket -Theorie". Auszug aus "Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung", Seite 34-37; "Notes on Reason and Selfpreservation". Brief an Paul Tillich. Pacific Palisades, 12.08.1942, Typoskript 6 Blatt;