964 resultados para 2D SixGe1-x alloys


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Notre étude a pour objet la conception, la synthèse ainsi que l’étude structurale d’architectures supramoléculaires obtenues par auto-assemblage, en se basant sur les concepts de la tectonique moléculaire. Cette branche de la chimie supramoléculaire s’occupe de la conception et la synthèse de molécules organiques appelées tectons, du grec tectos qui signifie constructeur. Le tecton est souvent constitué de sites de reconnaissance branchés sur un squelette bien choisi. Les sites de reconnaissance orientés par la géométrie du squelette peuvent participer dans des interactions intermoléculaires qui sont suffisamment fortes et directionnelles pour guider la topologie du cristal résultant. La stratégie envisagée utilise des processus d'auto-assemblage engageant des interactions réversibles entre les tectons. L’auto-assemblage dirigé par de fortes interactions intermoléculaires directionnelles est largement utilisé pour fabriquer des matériaux dont les composants doivent être positionnés en trois dimensions (3D) d'une manière prévisible. Cette stratégie peut également être utilisée pour contrôler l’association moléculaire en deux dimensions (2D), ce qui permet la construction de monocouches organisées et prédéterminées sur différents types des surfaces, tels que le graphite.Notre travail a mis l’accent sur le comportement de la fonction amide comme fonction de reconnaissance qui est un analogue du groupement carboxyle déjà utilisé dans plusieurs études précédentes. Nous avons étudié le comportement d’une série de composés contenant un noyau plat conçu pour faciliter l'adsorption sur le graphite et modifiés par l'ajout de groupes amide pour favoriser la formation de liaisons hydrogène entre les molécules ainsi adsorbées. La capacité de ces composés à former de monocouches organisées à l’échelle moléculaire en 2D a été examinée par microscopie à effet tunnel, etleur organisation en 3D a également été étudiée par cristallographie aux rayons X. Dans notre étude, nous avons systématiquement modifié la géométrie moléculaire et d'autres paramètres afin d'examiner leurs effets sur l'organisation moléculaire. Nos résultats suggèrent que les analyses structurales combinées en 2D et 3D constituent un important atout dans l'effort pour comprendre les interactions entre les molécules adsorbées et l’effet de l’interaction avec la surface du substrat.


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Recent advances in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have shown that controlling cells microenvironment during growth is a key element to the development of successful therapeutic system. To achieve such control, researchers have first proposed the use of polymeric scaffolds that were able to support cellular growth and, to a certain extent, favor cell organization and tissue structure. With nowadays availability of a large pool of stem cell lines, such approach has appeared to be rather limited since it does not offer the fine control of the cell micro-environment in space and time (4D). Therefore, researchers are currently focusing their efforts on developing strategies that include active compound delivery systems in order to add a fourth dimension to the design of 3D scaffolds. This review will focus on recent concepts and applications of 2D and 3D techniques that have been used to control the load and release of active compounds used to promote cell differentiation and proliferation in or out of a scaffold. We will first present recent advances in the design of 2D polymeric scaffolds and the different techniques that have been used to deposit molecular cues and cells in a controlled fashion. We will continue presenting the recent advances made in the design of 3D scaffolds based on hydrogels as well as polymeric fibers and we will finish by presenting some of the research avenues that are still to be explored.


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Structural and magnetic transformations in the Heusler-based system Ni0.50Mn0.50¿xSnx are studied by x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and magnetization. The structural transformations are of austenitic-martensitic character. The austenite state has an L21 structure, whereas the structures of the martensite can be 10M , 14M , or L10 depending on the Sn composition. For samples that undergo martensitic transformations below and around room temperature, it is observed that the magnetic exchange in both parent and product phases is ferromagnetic, but the ferromagnetic exchange, characteristic of each phase, is found to be of different strength. This gives rise to different Curie temperatures for the austenitic and martensitic states.


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Demand on magnesium and its alloys is increased significantly in the automotive industry because of their great potential in reducing the weight of components, thus resulting in improvement in fuel efficiency of the vehicle. To date, most of Mg products have been fabricated by casting, especially, by die-casting because of its high productivity, suitable strength, acceptable quality & dimensional accuracy and the components produced through sand, gravity and low pressure die casting are small extent. In fact, higher solidification rate is possible only in high pressure die casting, which results in finer grain size. However, achieving high cooling rate in gravity casting using sand and permanent moulds is a difficult task, which ends with a coarser grain nature and exhibit poor mechanical properties, which is an important aspect of the performance in industrial applications. Grain refinement is technologically attractive because it generally does not adversely affect ductility and toughness, contrary to most other strengthening methods. Therefore formation of fine grain structure in these castings is crucial, in order to improve the mechanical properties of these cast components. Therefore, the present investigation is “GRAIN REFINEMENT STUDIES ON Mg AND Mg-Al BASED ALLOYS”. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study the effect of various grain refining inoculants (Al-4B, Al- 5TiB2 master alloys, Al4C3, Charcoal particles) on Pure Mg and Mg-Al alloys such as AZ31, AZ91 and study their grain refining mechanisms. The second objective of this work is to study the effect of superheating process on the grain size of AZ31, AZ91 Mg alloys with and without inoculants addition. In addition, to study the effect of grain refinement on the mechanical properties of Mg and Mg-Al alloys. The thesis is well organized with seven chapters and the details of the studies are given below in detail.


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The results of the investigation of the magnetic and structural properties of the alloy system Fe0.75–xSi0.25Sbx, where x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25 synthesized by mechanical alloying followed by heat treatment are described. The x-ray diffraction reveals that all samples crystallize in the DO3-type cubic phase structure. Substituting Fe by Sb led to a de-crease in the lattice constant and the unit cell volume. The magnetic properties are investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer and show that all the samples are ferromagnetically ordered at room temperature. The Curie temperature is found to decrease linearly from (850 ± 5) K for the parent alloy to (620 ± 5) K for the alloyith x = 0.25. The satura-tion magnetizations at room temperature and at 100 K are found to decrease with increasing the antimony concentration. The above results indicate that Sb dissolves in the cubic structure of this alloy system.


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Resumen basado en el del autor. Resumen en español e inglés. Notas al finalîp. 243-244


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Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.


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A 2D porous material, Cu-3(tmen)(3)(tma)(2)(H2O)(2)(.)6.5H(2)O [tmen = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethane-1,2-diamine; tmaH(3) = 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid/trimesic acid], has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray single crystal analysis, variable temperature magnetic measurements, IR spectra and XRPD pattern. The complex consists of 2D layers built by three crystallographically independent Cu(tmen) moieties bridged by tma anions. Of the three copper ions, Cu(1) and Cu(2) present distorted square pyramidal coordination geometry, while the third exhibits a severely distorted octahedral environment. The Cu(1)(tmen) and Cu(2)(tmen) building blocks bridged by tma anions give rise to chains with a zig-zag motif, which are cross-connected by Cu(3)(tmen)-tma polymers sharing metal ions Cu(2) through pendant tma carboxylates. The resulting 2D architecture extends in the crystallographic ab-plane. The adjacent sheets are embedded through the Cu(3)(tmen) tma chains, leaving H2O-filled channels. There are 6.5 lattice water molecules per formula unit, some of which are disordered. Upon heating, the lattice water molecules get eliminated without destroying the crystal morphology and the compound rehydrated reversibly on exposure to humid atmosphere. Magnetic data of the complex have been fitted considering isolated irregular Cu-3 triangles (three different J parameters) by applying the CLUMAG program. The best fit indicates three close comparable J parameters and very weak antiferromagnetic interactions are operative between the metal centers. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the effect of sample hydration on the wide-angle X-ray scattering patterns of amyloid fibrils from two different sources, hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) and an 11-residue peptide taken from the sequence of transthyretin (TTR105-115). Both samples show an inter-strand reflection at 4.7 Å and an inter-sheet reflection which occurs at 8.8 and 10 Å for TTR105-115 and HEWL fibrils, respectively. The positions, widths, and relative intensities of these reflections are conserved in patterns obtained from dried stalks and hydrated samples over a range of fibril concentrations. In 2D scattering patterns obtained from flow-aligned hydrated samples, the inter-strand and inter-sheet reflections showed, respectively, axial and equatorial alignment relative to the fibril axis, characteristic of the cross-β structure. Our results show that the cross-β structure of the fibrils is not a product of the dehydrating conditions typically employed to produce aligned samples, but is conserved in individual fibrils in hydrated samples under dilute conditions comparable to those associated with other biophysical and spectroscopic techniques. This suggests a structure consisting of a stack of two or more sheets whose interfaces are inaccessible to bulk water.


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A fully automated procedure to extract and to image local fibre orientation in biological tissues from scanning X-ray diffraction is presented. The preferred chitin fibre orientation in the flow sensing system of crickets is determined with high spatial resolution by applying synchrotron radiation based X-ray microbeam diffraction in conjunction with advanced sample sectioning using a UV micro-laser. The data analysis is based on an automated detection of azimuthal diffraction maxima after 2D convolution filtering (smoothing) of the 2D diffraction patterns. Under the assumption of crystallographic fibre symmetry around the morphological fibre axis, the evaluation method allows mapping the three-dimensional orientation of the fibre axes in space. The resulting two-dimensional maps of the local fibre orientations - together with the complex shape of the flow sensing system - may be useful for a better understanding of the mechanical optimization of such tissues.


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*** Purpose – Computer tomography (CT) for 3D reconstruction entails a huge number of coplanar fan-beam projections for each of a large number of 2D slice images, and excessive radiation intensities and dosages. For some applications its rate of throughput is also inadequate. A technique for overcoming these limitations is outlined. *** Design methodology/approach – A novel method to reconstruct 3D surface models of objects is presented, using, typically, ten, 2D projective images. These images are generated by relative motion between this set of objects and a set of ten fanbeam X-ray sources and sensors, with their viewing axes suitably distributed in 2D angular space. *** Findings – The method entails a radiation dosage several orders of magnitude lower than CT, and requires far less computational power. Experimental results are given to illustrate the capability of the technique *** Practical implications – The substantially lower cost of the method and, more particularly, its dramatically lower irradiation make it relevant to many applications precluded by current techniques *** Originality/value – The method can be used in many applications such as aircraft hold-luggage screening, 3D industrial modelling and measurement, and it should also have important applications to medical diagnosis and surgery.


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The synthesis of 2D hexagonal mesoporous platinum films with biaxial, in-plane pore alignment is demonstrated by electrodeposition through an aligned lyotropic liquid crystal templating phase. Shear force is used to align a hexagonal lyotropic liquid crystalline templating phase of an inexpensive and a commercially available surfactant, C16EO10, at the surface of an electrode. Electrodeposition and subsequent characterisation of the films produced shows that the orientation and alignment of the phase is transferred to the deposited material. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the expected nanostructure of the films, whilst transmission and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering analysis confirms biaxial, in plane alignment of the pore structure. In addition further electrochemical studies in dilute sulfuric acid and methanol show that the pores are accessible to electrolyte solution as indicated by a large current flow; the modified electrode therefore has a high surface area, that catalyses methanol oxidation, and the pores have a very large aspect ratio (of theoretical maximum 2 × 105). Films with such aligned mesoporosity will advance the field of nanotechnology where the control of pore structure is paramount. The method reported is sufficiently generic to be used to control the structure and order of many materials, thus increasing the potential for the development of a wide range of novel electronic and optical devices.


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Three new Mn(II) coordination compounds {[Mn(NCNCN)2(azpy)]·0.5azpy}n (1), {[Mn(NCS)2(azpy)(CH3OH)2]·azpy}n (2), and [Mn(azpy)2(H2O)4][Mn(azpy)(H2O)5]·4PF6·H2O·5.5azpy (3) (where azpy = 4,4'-azobis-(pyridine)) have been synthesized by self-assembly of the primary ligands, dicyanamide, thiocyanate, and hexafluorophosphate, respectively, together with azpy as the secondary spacer. All three complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectroscopy, thermal analyses, and single crystal X-ray crystallography. The structural analyses reveal that complex 1 forms a two-dimensional (2D) grid sheet motif These sheets assemble to form a microporous framework that incorporates coordination-free azpy by host-guest pi center dot center dot center dot pi. and C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonding interactions. Complex 2 features azpy bridged one-dimensional (ID) chains of centrosymmetric [Mn(NCS)(2)(CH3OH)(2)} units which form a 2D porous sheet via a CH3 center dot center dot center dot pi supramolecular interaction. A guest azpy molecule is incorporated within the pores by strong H-bonding interactions. Complex 3 affords a 0-D motif with two monomeric Mn(II) units in the asymmetric unit. There exist pi center dot center dot center dot pi, anion center dot center dot center dot pi, and strong hydrogen bonding interactions between the azpy, water, and the anions. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations, at the M06/6-31+G* level of theory, are used to characterize a great variety of interactions that explicitly show the importance of host-guest supramolecular interactions for the stabilization of coordination compounds and creation of the fascinating three-dimensional (3D) architecture of the title compounds.