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Considering the ferromagnetic screening for the decay of the X-ray neutron star magnetic field in the binary accretion phase, the phase transition of ferromagnetic materials in the crust of neutron star induces the ferromagnetic screening saturation of the accreted crust, which results in the minimum surface magnetic field of the accreting neutron star, about 108 G, if the accreted matter has completely replaced the crust mass of the neutron star. The magnetic field evolution versus accreted mass is given as Bs ∝ ΔM-0.9, and the obtained magnetic field versus spin period relation is consistent with the distribution of the binary X-ray sources and recycled pulsars. The further thermal effect on the magnetic evolution is also studied.
It is commonly assumed that the equivalence principle can coexist without conflict with quantum mechanics. We shall argue here that, contrary to popular belief, this principle does not hold in quantum mechanics. We illustrate this point by computing the second-order correction for the scattering of a massive scalar boson by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field. The resulting cross-section turns out to be mass-dependent. A way out of this dilemma would be, perhaps, to consider gravitation without the equivalence principle. At first sight, this seems to be a too much drastic attitude toward general relativity. Fortunately, the teleparallel version of general relativity - a description of the gravitational interaction by a force similar to the Lorentz force of electromagnetism and that, of course, dispenses with the equivalence principle - is equivalent to general relativity, thus providing a consistent theory for gravitation in the absence of the aforementioned principle. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
We investigate the particle production in a toroidally compactified space-time due to the expansion of a Friedmann cosmological model in ℝ3 × S1 outside a U(1) local cosmic string. The case of a Friedmann space-time is also investigated where torsion is incorporated in the connection. We present a generalization to toroidal compactification of p extra dimensions, where the topology is given by ℝ3 × Tp. Some implications are presented and discussed. Besides the dynamics of space-time, we investigate in detail the physical consequences of the topological transformations. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Este estudo objetivou analisar a inserção do gênero feminino na docência da Licenciatura em Física da UFPA, no período de 1970 a 2005, visando identificar as dificuldades e barreiras vivenciadas pelas docentes no contexto acadêmico, influenciado por modelos sociais e culturais propiciados pelo gênero que pertencem. No período proposto, a educação brasileira passou por reformas educacionais com perspectivas e perfis diferenciados, levando a uma emergente necessidade de expansão do corpo docente em vários segmentos da educação superior. A problemática de investigação foi moldada em três questionamentos, a saber: 1) Como os autores dedicados aos estudos de gênero abordam em suas produções historiográficas a trajetória de ascensão social do gênero feminino e sua luta por educação superior? 2) De que modo as propostas de formação docente inspiradas na legislação educacional brasileira influenciaram na inserção do gênero feminino na docência da Licenciatura em Física da UFP A, entre 1970 a 2005? 3) Quais as principais barreiras interpostas ao trabalho docente feminino ao longo da formação e atuação na Licenciatura em Física nessa instituição educativa? A pesquisa se configurou na perspectiva historiográfica de longa duração procurando entender os entrelaces de gênero e formação instituídos nas teias da educação superior na UFP A. Trabalhando com fontes bibliográficas e documentais aditadas a análise dos discursos docentes através da entrevista semi-estruturada, evidenciou as configurações culturais e sociais vividas pela mulher brasileira para chegar à educação superior e ao espaço científico, conquistados com muita luta e determinação, visto que a aquisição de conhecimento para elas não era considerada necessária, instituindo rótulos dualizados na profissão docente, passando o construir alguns aspectos discriminatórios ao gênero feminino em seu exercício profissional. As reformas educativas não eluciâaram a categoria gênero. A Licenciatura aqui estudada permanece com a hegemônica presença docente do gênero masculino.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for approximately 56% of all cases of dementia. The present study aimed to report the perception of AD by students of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy from Faculty of Philosophy and Science “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP – Marília, with regard to the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, between 2011 and 2012. The questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered to 101 students, using as a criterion for exclusion those who refused to answer the survey and / or not signed the informed consent form. After the questionnaire application, the answers have undergone quantitative analysis, checking which information and concepts about Alzheimer’s disease these students acquired during the undergraduate years. The data shows that although students have knowledge about the signs and symptoms of the disease, few mention the importance of family, the caregiver and the relationship of the disease with dependence that commonly reaches this population.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this work is to explore the possibility to discover a fermionic field with mass dimension one, the Elko field, in the 14 TeV Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in processes with missing energy and one jet. We explore the possibility of a triple coupling with the Higgs field, generating also a contribution to the Elko mass term, and suggest some possibilities for future studies in this field.
[EN] The aim of this study was to determine the influence of activity performed during the recovery period on the aerobic and anaerobic energy yield, as well as on performance, during high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIT). Ten physical education students participated in the study. First they underwent an incremental exercise test to assess their maximal power output (Wmax) and VO2max. On subsequent days they performed three different HITs. Each HIT consisted of four cycling bouts until exhaustion at 110% Wmax. Recovery periods of 5 min were allowed between bouts. HITs differed in the kind of activity performed during the recovery periods: pedaling at 20% VO2max (HITA), stretching exercises, or lying supine. Performance was 3-4% and aerobic energy yield was 6-8% (both p < 0.05) higher during the HITA than during the other two kinds of HIT. The greater contribution of aerobic metabolism to the energy yield during the high-intensity exercise bouts with active recovery was due to faster VO2 kinetics (p< 0.01) and a higher VO2peak during the exercise bouts preceded by active recovery (p < 0.05). In contrast, the anaerobic energy yield (oxygen deficit and peak blood lactate concentrations) was similar in all HITs. Therefore, this study shows that active recovery facilitates performance by increasing aerobic contribution to the whole energy yield turnover during high-intensity intermittent exercise.