985 resultados para 270602 Animal Physiology - Cell


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Mineralocorticoids (DOCA) are known to increase Na('+) absorption and K('+) secretion in the rabbit cortical collecting duct (CCD). However, the mechanism of regulation of the apical and basolateral cell membranes and tight junction ion conductive pathways (G('a), G('b), and G('tj), respectively) by mineralocorticoids are only partially understood. Using electrophysiological techniques and microelectrodes it was demonstrated that the apical cell membrane contained a dominant Ba('2+) sensitive K('+) conductive pathway, G(,K)('a), and an amiloride sensitive Na('+) conductive pathway, G(,Na)('a). The basolateral membrane contained a dominant Cl('-) conductive pathway, G(,Cl)('b), and a significant Ba('2+) sensitive K('+) conductive pathway, G(,K)('b). Upon elevating the mineralocorticoid levels of rabbits with intact adrenal glands it was found that V('te) was significantly increased after 1 day with a further increase after 13-16 days. These results indicated both primary and secondary effects of mineralocorticoid elevation. After 1 day of DOCA treatment, G(,Na)('a), I(,Na)('a) and I(,K)('a) increased by more than 2-fold and were maintained at high levels after 13-16 days of DOCA treatment. Secondary (chronic) effects of mineralocorticoids were evident after 4 days or more of DOCA treatment. These included a significant increase in G(,K)('a) from 4.0 to 10.2 mS.cm('-2) and a hyperpolarization of V('b) by -20 mV after 4 days of treatment. After 13-16 days of DOCA treatment V('b) remained hyperpolarized at -98.1 mV and G('tj) decreased from 5.6 to 4.2 mS.cm('-2). The hyperpolarization of V('b) was due to an increase in electrogenic Na('+) pump activity as the pump current, I(,act)('b), increased significantly from 35.7 to 195.2 (mu)A.cm('-2). Whereas net passive K('+) current across the basolateral membrane, I(,K)('b), was near zero in the control group of animals, i.e., K('+) near equilibrium, I(,K)('b) was approximately -40 (mu)A.cm('-2) in chronic DOCA treated animals. These results demonstrate that the initial effect of mineralocorticoid elevation is to increase G(,Na)('a). The ensuing depolarization of the apical membrane increases the driving force for K('+) exit into the lumen. Between 1 and 4 days of elevation, G(,K)('a) more than doubles in magnitude and at the same time the electrogenic activity of the Na('+) pump increases. This results in a hyperpolarization of V('b) which increases the driving force for K('+) uptake from the bath to the cell through a basolateral membrane conductive pathway. After 13-16 days G('tj) decreases thereby serving to maintain high electrochemical gradients across the epithelium. Therefore, the long term effects of mineralocorticoid elevation on the CCD appear to be adaptive mechanisms that serve to maintain high levels of K('+) secretion and Na('+) absorption. ^


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The differentiation of the reproductive organs is an essential developmental process required for the proper transmission of the genetic material. Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is produced by testes and is necessary for the regression of the Müllerian ducts: the anlagen of the uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. In vitro and standard transgenic mouse studies indicate that the nuclear hormone receptor Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and the transcription factor SOX9 play an essential role in the regulation of Mis. To test this hypothesis, mutations in the endogenous SF-1 and SOX9 binding sites in the mouse Mis promoter were introduced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells. In disagreement with cell culture and transgenic mouse studies, male mice homozygous for the mutant SF-1 binding site correctly initiated Mis transcription in the fetal testes, although at significantly reduced levels. Surprisingly, sufficient Mis was produced for complete elimination of the Müllerian duct system. However, when the SF-1 binding site mutation was combined with an Mis -null allele, the further decrease in Mis levels led to a partial retention of uterine tissue, but only at a distance from the testes. In contrast, males homozygous for the mutant SOX9 binding site did not initiate Mis transcription, resulting in pseudohermaphrodites with a uterus and oviducts. These studies suggest an essential role for SOX9 in the initiation of Mis transcription, whereas SF-1 appears to act as a quantitative regulator of Mis transcript levels perhaps for influencing non-Müllerian duct tissues. ^ The Mis type II receptor, a member of the TGF- b superfamily, is also required for the proper regression of the Müllerian ducts. Mis type II receptor-deficient human males and their murine counterparts develop as pseudohermaphrodites. A lacZ reporter cassette was introduced into the mouse Mis type II receptor gene, by homologous recombination in ES cells. Expression studies, based on b -galactosidase activity, show marked expression of the MIS type II receptor in the postnatal Sertoli cells of the testis as well as in the prenatal and postnatal granulosa cells of the ovary. Expression is also seen in the mesenchymal cells surrounding the Müllerian duct and in the longitudinal muscle layer of the uterus. ^


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Cell to cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM1), a type II tumor suppressor, has been found to be down-regulated in prostate cancer cells. The mechanism that causes CEACAM1's down-regulation in tumorigenesis is unknown. Here we show that the transcriptional activity of CEACAM1 is decreased in prostate cancer cells. This decrease is not due to methylation of the CEACAM1's promoter, but rather to the alteration of transcription factors regulating CEACAM1 expression. ^ Since androgen/androgen receptors (AR) are potent regulators of prostate growth and differentiation, their role on CEACAM1 gene transcription was examined. The androgen receptor could directly increase CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in a ligand dependent manner by interacting with an AR consensus element that resides in the CEACAM1 promoter. However, AR binding to the CEACAM1 promoter is not related to the loss of CEACAM1 during prostate cancer progression. ^ Further analysis enabled us to determine the particular region in the CEACAM1 promoter that mediates a decrease in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in prostate cancer cells. Upon further examination, we found that this CEACAM1 promoter region interacts with the Sp1, Sp2, and Sp3 transcription factors. However, only Sp2 expression was found to increase in prostate cancer cells. Inhibiting Sp2 from binding to the CEACAM1 promoter caused an increase in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity in prostate cancer cells. In addition, over-expressing Sp2 in normal prostate cells resulted in a decrease in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity and endogenous protein expression. These observations suggest that Sp2 is a transcription repressor of CEACAM1. Furthermore, prostate cancer cells treated with trichostatin A (TSA), a specific histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, activated CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. This implies that HDACs are involved in CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. Mutation of the Sp2 DNA binding region on the CEACAM1 promoter inhibited TSA activation of CEACAM1 transcriptional activity. This indicates that HDACs inhibit CEACAM1 transcriptional activity through Sp2. Base on these results, we propose that Sp2 is critical for down-regulating CEACAM1 expression, and one mechanism by which Sp2 represses CEACAM1 expression is by recruiting HDAC to the CEACAM1 promoter in prostate cancer cells. Collectively, these findings provide novel insights into mechanisms that cause the down-regulation of CEACAM1 expression in prostate cancer cells. ^


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Evidence suggests that sex-based differences in immune function may predispose women to numerous hypersensitivity conditions such as Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Hashimoto's thyroiditis and asthma. To date, the exact mechanisms of sexual dimorphism in immunity are not fully characterized but sex hormones such as 17-β estradiol (E2) and progesterone (PR) are believed to be involved. Since E2 and PR may modulate the production of critical regulatory cytokines, we sought to characterize their effects on the in vitro human type-1/type-2 cytokine balance. We hypothesized that E2 and/or PR vary cytokine production and influence costimulatory molecule expression and apoptosis. We first described the effect of E2 and/or PR on type-1 (IFN-γ and IL-12) and type-2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) treated with various T-lymphocyte and monocyte stimuli. E2 and/or PR were each used at concentrations similar to those found at the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy. At this dose, E2 increased IFN-γ and IL-12 production and PR decreased IFN-γ production and tended to increase IL-4 production. Furthermore, the combination of E2+PR decreased IL-12 production. This suggests that E2 shifts the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance towards a type-1 response and that PR and E2+PR shift the balance towards a type-2 response. Next, we used intracellular cytokine detection to demonstrate that E2 and/or PR are capable of altering cytokine production of CD3+ T-cells and the CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ subsets. In addition, we used the H9 T-lymphocyte cell line and the THP-1 monocyte cell line to show that E2 and/or PR can induce cytokine effects in both T-cells and monocytes independent of their interaction. Lastly, we determined the effect of E2 and/or PR on costimulatory molecule expression and apoptosis as potential mechanisms for the cytokine-induced alterations. E2 increased and PR decreased CD80 expression on THP-1 cells and PR and E2+PR decreased CD28 expression in PBMC and Jurkat cells. Furthermore, E2, PR and E2+PR increased Fas-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat cells and E2 increased FasL expression on THP-1 cells. Thus, E2 and/or PR may alter the cytokine balance by modulating the CD28/CD80 costimulatory pathway and apoptosis. ^


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The mammalian kidney maintains homeostasis of the extracellular environment and eliminates toxic substances from the body, in part via secretion by the organic cation transporters (OCT). Some nucleosides are also secreted by the kidney. Previous work indicated that the deoxyadenosine analog, 2′ -deoxytubercidin (dTub), is secreted by mouse kidney through the OCTs. This study examines the role of OCTs in the renal secretion of dTub and other nucleoside analogs. ^ Using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system, the basolateral type rat organic cation transporter rOCT1 was shown to transport dTub and other nucleosides. The positive charged form of dTub (dTub +) appears to be the substrate for rOCT1. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) and dTub competitively inhibit the other's uptake by rOCT1 in a manner consistent with their interaction at a common site. Although 67% homologous with rOCT1, rOCT2 does not mediate the uptake of these nucleosides. Kinetic studies demonstrated the difference in substrate specificity between rOCT1 and rOCT2 to be largely due to a poor affinity of rOCT2 for dTub+. This difference in affinity is located within transmembrane domains 2–7 as determined by chimeric constructs. ^ OCT1 knockout mice were used to evaluate the role of OCT1 in the renal secretion of dTub. No significant difference in tissue distribution and urinary excretion of dTub was observed between the knockout and wild-type mice, indicating that OCT1 is not necessary for the renal secretion of dTub. Apical transporters are postulated to participate in its active secretion. To characterize a possible apical transporter, we screened several renal cell lines for a nucleoside-sensitive OCT. American opossum kidney proximal tubule cells (OK) express a TEA efflux transporter that is inhibited by dTub and other nucleoside analogs. This carrier is metabolic-dependent and distinct from the cloned OCTs to date, i.e. it is sodium- and proton-independent. In conclusion, dTub is a good substrate for OCT1; however, this OCT is not necessary for its renal secretion in mice. The novel TEA efflux transporter identified in OK cells is likely to participate in the renal secretion of dTub and perhaps other nucleoside analogs. ^


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Pem, a member of the PEPP homeobox family, is expressed in somatic cells in male and female reproductive tissues. In the adult murine testis, Pem is specifically expressed in Sertoli cells, where it is restricted to stages IV–VIII of the seminiferous epithelial cycle. To identify Pem's function in Sertoli cells, transgenic mice were generated that express Pem in Sertoli cells during all stages of the seminiferous epithelial cycle. This resulted in an increase in double-strand DNA breaks in preleptotene spermatocytes and single-strand DNA breaks in elongating spermatids. My results suggest that Pem regulates Sertoli-cell genes that encode secreted or cell-surface proteins that serve to control premeiotic DNA replication, DNA repair, and/or chromatin remodeling in the adjacent germ cells. Three additional transgenic mouse containing varying lengths of the Pem male-specific promoter (Pp) were generated to identify the sequences responsible for regulating Pem expression in the testis and epididymis. My analysis suggests that there are at least two regulatory regions in the Pem Pp. In the testis, region II directs androgen-dependent expression specifically in Sertoli cells whereas region I fine-tunes stage-specific expression by acting as a negative regulator. In the epididymis, region II confers androgen-dependent, developmentally-regulated expression in the caput whereas region I prevents inappropriate expression in the corpus. I also report the identification and characterization of two human PEPP family members related to Pem that I have named hPEPP1 and hPEPP2. The hPEPP1 and hPEPP2 homeodomains are more closely related to PEPP subfamily homeodomains than to any other homeodomain subfamily. Both genes are localized to the specific region of the human X chromosome that shares synteny with the region on the murine X chromosome containing three PEPP homeobox genes, Pem, Psx-1, and Psx-2. hPEPP1 and hPEPP2 mRNA expression is restricted to the testis but is aberrantly expressed in tumor cells of different origins, analogous to the expression pattern of Pem but not of Psx-1 or Psx-2. Unlike all known PEPP members, neither hPEPP1 nor hPEPP2 are expressed in placenta, which suggests that the regulation of the PEPP family has undergone significant alteration since the split between hominids and rodents. ^


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Vasculogenesis is the process by which Endothelial Precursor Cells (EPCs) form a vasculature. This process has been traditionally regarded as an embryological process of vessel formation. However, as early as in the 60's the concept of postnatal vasculogenesis was introduced, with a strong resurface of this idea in recent years. Similarly, previous work on a mouse skin tumor model provided us with the grounds to consider the role of vasculogenesis during tumor formation. ^ We examined the contribution of donor bone marrow (BM)-derived cells to neovascularization in recipient nude mice with Ewing's sarcoma. Ewing's sarcoma is a primitive neuroectodermal tumor that most often affects children and young adults between 5 and 30 years of age. Despite multiple attempts to improve the efficacy of chemotherapy for the disease, the 2-year metastases-free survival rate for patients with Ewing's sarcoma has not improved over the past 15 years. New therapeutic approaches are therefore needed to reduce the mortality rate. ^ The contribution of BM endothelial precursor cells in the development of Ewing's sarcoma was examined using different strategies to track the donor-derived cells. Using a BMT model that takes advantage of MHC differences between donor and recipient mice, we have found that donor BM cells were involved in the formation of Ewing's sarcoma vasculature. ^ Cells responsible for this vasculogenesis activity may be located within the stem cell population of the murine BM. These stem cells would not only generate the hematopoietic lineage but they would also generate ECs. Bone marrow SP (Side Population) cells pertain to a subpopulation that can be identified using flow cytometric analysis of Hoechst 33342-stained BM. This population of cells has HSC activity. We have tested the ability of BM SP cells to contribute to vasculogenesis in Ewing's sarcoma using our MHC mismatched transplant model. Mice transplanted with SP cells developed tumor neovessels that were derived from the donor SP cells. Thus, SP cells not only replenished the hematopoietic system of the lethally irradiated mice, but also differentiated into a non-hematopoietic cell lineage and contributed to the formation of the tumor vasculature. ^ In summary, we have demonstrated that BM-derived cells are involved in the generation of the new vasculature during the growth of Ewing's sarcoma. The finding that vasculogenesis plays a role in Ewing's sarcoma development opens the possibility of using genetically modified BM-derived cells for the treatment of Ewing's sarcomas. ^


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The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a model of essential hypertension. During the early development of hypertension, the SHR demonstrates increased proximal tubule (PT) Na+ reabsorption. I hypothesized that the increased PT Na+ reabsorption exhibited by the young SHR was due to altered sub-cellular distribution of Na+, K +-ATPase compared to the normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY). The hypothesis is supported, herein, by observations of greater Na+, K +-ATPase α 1 abundance in PT plasma membrane and lower abundance in late endosomes of 4wk SHR despite no difference in total PT α 1 abundance. There is a greater amount of Ser-18 unphosphorylated α 1 in the 4wk SHR PT. Total PT Na+, K+-ATPase γ abundance is greater in SHR at 4wk and 16wk but γ abundance in plasma membrane is greater only at 4wk. The phosphatase, calcineurin, was chosen for study because it is involved in the stimulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. No difference in calcineurin coding sequence, expression, or activity was observed in SHR. Gene expression arrays were next used to find candidate genes involved in the regulation of Na+, K +-ATPase. The first candidate analyzed was soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH). The gene encoding sEH (EPHX2) showed lower expression in SHR. There was also a reduction in sEH protein abundance but there was no correlation between protein abundance and blood pressure in F2 progeny. Two EPHX2 alleles were identified, an ancestral allele and a variant allele containing four polymorphisms. sEH activity was greater in animals carrying the variant allele but the inheritance of the variant allele did not correlate with blood pressure. Gene expression arrays also led to the examination of genes involved in redox balance/Na+, K+-ATPase regulation. A pattern of lower expression of genes involved in reactive radical detoxification in SHR was discerned. Six transcription factor binding sites were identified that occurred more often in these genes. Three transcription factors that bind to the HNF1 site were expressed at lower levels in SHR. This points to the HNF1 transcriptional complex as an important trans-acting regulator of a wide range of genes involved in altered redox balance in SHR. ^


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Numerous genes expressed in placenta or testis localize to the X-chromosome. Both tissues undergo specialized X-chromosome inactivation (imprinted paternal inactivation in placenta and MSCI in testicular germ cells). When the X-chromosome is duplicated or improperly inactivated, defects in placentation, growth and spermatogenesis are noted, suggesting tight control of X-chromosome gene dosage is important for reproduction. ^ Esx1 is a mouse homeobox gene on the X-chromosome with expression limited to extraembryonic tissues and testicular germ cells. Here, we examine the effects of increased and decreased Esx1 dosage on placental and testicular development, the role of genetic background on Esx1 function and characterize the human orthologue of Esx1. ^ Previously, by targeted deletion, Esx1 was shown to be an X-chromosome imprinted regulator of placental development and fetal growth. We show C57Bl6-congenic Esx1 mutants display a more severe phenotype with decreased viability and that the 129 genetic background contains dominant modifier genes that enhance Esx1 mutant survival. ^ Varying Esx1 dosage impacts testicular germ cell development. Esx1 hemizygous null mice are fertile, but we show their testes are two-thirds normal size. To examine the effect of increased Esx1 dosage, Esx1 BAC transgenic mice were generated. Increased Esx1 dosage results in dramatic deficits in testicular germ cell development, leading to sterility and testes one-fourth normal size. We show germ cell loss occurs through apoptosis, begins between postnatal day 6 and 10, and that no spermatocytes complete meiosis. Interestingly, increased Esx1 dosage in testes mimics germ cell loss seen in Klinefelter's (XXY) mice and humans and may represent a molecular mechanism for the infertility characteristic of this syndrome. ^ Esx1 dosage impacts reproductive fitness when maternally transmitted. Three transgenic founder females were unable to transmit the transgene to live offspring, but did produce transgenic pups at earlier stages. Additionally, one line of Esx1 BAC transgenic mice demonstrated decreased embryo size and fitness when the transgene is inherited compared to wild type littermates. ^ It is possible that Esx1 plays a role in human disorders of pregnancy, growth and spermatogenesis. Therefore, we cloned and characterized ESX1L (human Esx1), and show it is expressed in human testis and placenta. ^


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Epithelial-mesenchymal tissue interactions regulate the development of derivatives of the caudal pharyngeal arches (PAs) to govern the ultimate morphogenesis of the aortic arch and outflow tract (OFT) of the heart. Disruption of these signaling pathways is thought to contribute to the pathology of a significant proportion of congenital cardiovascular defects in humans. In this study, I tested whether Fibroblast Growth Factor 15 (Fgf15), a secreted signaling molecule expressed within the PAs, is an extracellular mediator of tissue interactions during PA and OFT development. Analyses of Fgf15−/− mouse embryonic hearts revealed abnormalities primarily localized to the OFT, correlating with aberrant cardiac neural crest cell behavior. The T-box-containing transcription factor Tbx1 has been implicated in the cardiovascular defects associated with the human 22q11 Deletion Syndromes, and regulates the expression of other Fgf family members within the mouse PAs. However, expression and genetic interaction studies incorporating mice deficient for Tbx1, its upstream regulator, Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), or its putative downstream effector, Fgf8, indicated that Fgf15 functions during OFT development in a manner independent of these factors. Rather, analyses of compound mutant mice indicated that Fgf15 and Fgf9, an additional Fgf family member expressed within the PAs, genetically interact, providing insight into the factors acting in conjunction with Fgf15 during OFT development. Finally, in an effort to further characterize this Fgf15-mediated developmental pathway, promoter deletion analyses were employed to isolate a 415bp sequence 7.1Kb 5′ to the Fgf15 transcription start site both necessary and sufficient to drive reporter gene expression within the epithelium of the PAs. Sequence comparisons among multiple mammalian species facilitated the identification of evolutionarily conserved potential trans-acting factor binding sites within this fragment. Subsequent studies will investigate the molecular pathway(s) through which Fgf15 functions via identification of factors that bind to this element to govern Fgf15 gene expression. Furthermore, targeted deletion of this element will establish the developmental requirement for pharyngeal epithelium-derived Fgf15 signaling function. Taken as a whole, these data demonstrate that Fgf15 is a component of a novel, Tbx1-independent molecular pathway, functioning within the PAs in a manner cooperative with Fgf9, required for proper development of the cardiac OFT. ^


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Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor required for dorso-ventral (D-V) patterning in the mesenchyme of the vertebrate limb. In the absence of Lmx1b function, limbs exhibit a bi-ventral pattern indicating that Lmx1b is required for cells to adopt a dorsal cell fate. However, how Lmx1b specifies dorsal cell fates in the mesenchyme of the distal limb is unknown. Lmx1b is initially expressed throughout the dorsal and ventral limb bud mesenchyme, then becomes dorsally restricted around E10.5. At this stage, there is a sharp boundary between Lmx1b expressing and Lmx1b non-expressing cells. How the dorso-ventral Lmx1b expression boundary is formed and maintained is currently unknown. One mechanism that may contribute to establishing and/or maintaining the Lmx1b expression boundary is if the dorsal mesenchyme is a lineage-based compartment, where different groups of non-mingling cells are separated. Compartment formation has been proposed to rely on compartment-specific selector gene activity which functions to restrict cells to a compartment and specifies the identity of cells within that compartment. Based on the evidence that the dorsal limb identity relies on the expression of Lmx1b in the dorsal half of the limb mesenchyme, we hypothesized that Lmx1b might function as a dorsal limb bud mesenchyme selector gene to set up a dorsal compartment. To test this hypothesis, we developed an inducible CreERT2/ loxP based fate mapping approach that permanently marks Lmx1b wild-type and mutant cells and examined the distribution of their descendents in the developing limb. Our data is the first to show that dorso-ventral lineage compartments exist in the limb bud mesenchyme. Furthermore, Lmx1b is required for maintenance of the dorso-ventral compartment lineage boundary. The behavior of Lmx1b mutant cells that cross into the ventral mesenchyme, as well as previous chimera analysis in which mutant cells spread evenly in the ventral limb and form patches in the dorsal side, suggest that cell affinity differences prevent intermingling of dorsal and ventral cells. ^


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Xp95 is the Xenopus ortholog of a conserved family of scaffold proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal proline rich domain (PRD). The regulation of this protein family is poorly understood. We previously showed that Xp95 undergoes a phosphorylation-dependant gel mobility shift during meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes, the only natural biological system in which post-translational modifications of this family has been demonstrated. Here we characterized Xp95 phosphorylation via two approaches. First, we tested a series of Xp95 fragments for the ability to gel-shift during oocyte maturation, and found that a fragment containing amino acids 705-786 is sufficient to cause a gel-shift. This fragment is within the N-terminal region of Xp95's PRD (N-PRD). Second, we purified phosphorylated Xp95 and by mass spectrometry found that a 5080 Da peptide which maps to N-PRD (amino acids 706-756) contains two phosphorylation sites, one of which is T745, within the conserved CIN85 binding motif. By in vitro protein interaction assays, we that T745 is critical for CIN85/Xp95 interaction, and that Xp95 phosphorylation correlates with loss of binding to CIN85. We also show that an Alix fragment (amino acids 604-789) also undergoes a gel-shift during oocyte maturation and during colcemid-induced mitotic arrest of HeLa cells. These findings indicate that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated on the PRD during M phase induction and that the PRD phosphorylation regulates partner protein interaction. ^


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In order to evaluate factors regulating substrate metabolism in vivo positron emitting radionuclides were used for the assessment of skeletal muscle blood flow and glucose utilization. The potassium analog, Rb-82 was used to measure skeletal muscle blood flow and the glucose analog, 18-F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) was used to examine the kinetics of skeletal muscle transport and phosphorylation.^ New Zealand white rabbits' blood flow ranged from 1.0-70 ml/min/100g with the lowest flows occurring under baseline conditions and the highest flows were measured immediately after exercise. Elevated plasma glucose had no effect on increasing blood flow, whereas high physiologic to pharmacologic levels of insulin doubled flow as measured by the radiolabeled microspheres, but a proportionate increase was not detected by Rb-82. The data suggest that skeletal muscle blood flow can be measured using the positron emitting K+ analog Rb-82 under low flow and high flow conditions but not when insulin levels in the plasma are elevated. This may be due to the fact that insulin induces an increase in the Na+/K+-ATPase activity of the cell indirectly through a direct increase in the Na+/H+pump activity. This suggests that the increased cation pump activity counteracts the normal decrease in extraction seen at higher flows resulting in an underestimation of flow as measured by rubidium-82.^ Glucose uptake as measured by FDG employed a three compartment mathematical model describing the rates of transport, countertransport and phosphorylation of hexose. The absolute values for the metabolic rate of FDG were found to be an order of magnitude higher than those reported by other investigators. Changes noted in the rate constant for transport (k1) were found to disagree with the a priori information on the effects of insulin on skeletal muscle hexose transport. Glucose metabolism was however, found to increase above control levels with administration of insulin and electrical stimulation. The data indicate that valid measurements of skeletal muscle glucose transport and phosphorylation using the positron emitting glucose analog FDG requires further model application and biochemical validation. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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The Departmento de Arica in northern Chile was chosen as the investigation site for a study of the role of certain hematologic and glycolytic variables in the physiological and genetic adaptation to hypoxia.^ The population studied comprised 876 individuals, residents of seven villages at three altitudes: coast (0-500m), sierra (2,500-3,500m) and altiplano (> 4,000m). There was an equal number of males and females ranging in ages from six to 90 years. Although predominantly Aymara, those of mixed or Spanish origin were also examined. The specimens were collected in heparinized vacutainers precipitated with cold trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and immediately frozen to -196(DEGREES)C. Six variables were measured. Three were hematologic: hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean cell hemoglobin concentration. The three others were glycolytic: erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the percentage of phosphates (DPG + ATP) in the form of DPG.^ Hemoglobin and hematocrit were measured on site. The DPG and ATP content was assayed in specimens which had been frozen at -196(DEGREES)C and transported to Houston. Structured interviews on site provided information as to lifestyle and family pedigrees.^ The following results were obtained: (1) The actual village, rather than the altitude, of examination accounted for the greatest proportion of the variance in all variables. In the coast, a large difference in levels of ionic lithium in the drinking water exists. The chemical environment of food and drink is postulated to account, in part, for the importance of geographic location in explaining the observed variance. (2) Measurements of individuals from the two extreme altitudes, coast and altiplano, did not exhibit the same relationship with age and body mass. The hematologic variables were significantly related to both age and body build in the coast. The glycolytic variables were significantly related to age and body mass in the altiplano. (3) The environment modified male values more than female values in all variables. The two sexes responded quite differently to age and changes in body mass as well. The question of differing adaptability of the two sexes is discussed. (4) Environmental factors explained a significantly higher proportion of total variability in the altiplano than in the coast for hemoglobin, hematocrit and DPG. Most of the ATP variability at both altitudes is explained by genetic factors. ^


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Despite the popularity of the positron emitting glucose analog, ($\sp{18}$F) -2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (2FDG), for the noninvasive "metabolic imaging" of organs with positron emission tomography (PET), the physiological basis for the tracer has not been tested, and the potential of 2FDG for the rapid kinetic analysis of altered glucose metabolism in the intact heart has not been fully exploited. We, therefore, developed a quantitative method to characterize metabolic changes of myocardial glucose metabolism noninvasively and with high temporal resolution.^ The first objective of the work was to provide direct evidence that the initial steps in the metabolism of 2FDG are the same as for glucose and that 2FDG is retained by the tissue in proportion to the rate of glucose utilization. The second objective was to characterize the kinetic changes in myocardial glucose transport and phosphorylation in response to changes in work load, competing substrates, acute ischemia and reperfusion, and the addition of insulin. To assess changes in myocardial glucose metabolism isolated working rat hearts were perfused with glucose and 2FDG. Tissue uptake of 2FDG and the input function were measured on-line by external detection. The steady state rate of 2FDG phosphorylation was determined by graphical analysis of 2FDG time-activity curves.^ The rate of 2FDG uptake was linear with time and the tracer was retained in its phosphorylated form. Tissue accumulation of 2FDG decreased within seconds with a reduction in work load, in the presence of competing substrates, and during reperfusion after global ischemia. Thus, most interventions known to alter glucose metabolism induced rapid parallel changes in 2FDG uptake. By contrast, insulin caused a significant increase in 2FDG accumulation only in hearts from fasted animals when perfused at a sub-physiological work load. The mechanism for this phenomenon is not known but may be related to the existence of two different glucose transporter systems and/or glycogen metabolism in the myocardial cell.^ It is concluded that (1) 2FDG traces glucose uptake and phosphorylation in the isolated working rat heart; and (2) early and transient kinetic changes in glucose metabolism can be monitored with high temporal resolution with 2FDG and a simple positron coincidence counting system. The new method has revealed transients of myocardial glucose metabolism, which would have remained unnoticed with conventional methods. These transients are not only important for the interpretation of glucose metabolic PET scans, but also provide insights into mechanisms of glucose transport and phosphorylation in heart muscle. ^