998 resultados para 250502 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules


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Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown on sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite exhibit greater hydrophobicity than ferrous ion-grown cells. The isoelectric points of sulfur-, pyrite-, and chalcopyrite-grown cells were observed to be at a pH higher than that for ferrous ion-grown cells. Microbe-mineral interactions result in change in the surface chemistry of the organism as well as that of the minerals with which it has interacted. Sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite after interaction with T. ferrooxidans exhibited a significant shift in their isoelectric points from the initial values exhibited by uninteracted minerals. With antibodies raised against sulfur-grown T. ferrooxidans, pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown cells showed immunoreactivity, whereas ferrous ion-grown cells failed to do so. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of sulfur-grown cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface appendage synthesized in mineral-grown cells brings about adhesion to the solid mineral substrates. Such an appendage was found to be absent in ferrous ion-grown cells as it is not required during growth in liquid substrates.


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The unsymmetrical diphosphazanes X2PN(Pr(i))PYY'(1a-1h) {X = Ph, YY' = O2 C6H4 (1a) or YY' = O2C12H8 (1b); X = Ph, Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (1c), OC6H4Br-4 (1d), OC6H3Me2-3,5 (1e), OC5H4N-2 (1f), N2C3HMe2-3,5 (1g) or Cl (1h)} react with [M(CO)4(NHC5H10)2] (M = Mo, W) to yield the cis-chelate complexes [M(CO)4{X2PN(Pr(i)) PYY'}] {M = Mo (2a-2h); M = W (3-f,3-g)}. These complexes have been characterized by H-1, P-31 and C-13 NMR and IR spectroscopic studies.


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Unsymmetrical diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY' [YY' = O2C12H8 (L(1)), O2C20H12 (L(2)); Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (L(3)), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (L(5)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6))] react with cis-[PdCl2(COD)] (COD = cycloocta-1,5-diene) giving the chelate complexes of the type cis-[PdCl2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY'}] [YY' = O2C12H8 (1), O2C20H12 (2), Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (3), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (4), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (5), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (6)]. The P-N bond in 3 and 5 undergoes a facile cleavage in methanol solution to give cis-[PdCl2{eta(1)Ph(2)P(OMe)}{eta(1)-PhP(NHPri)(Y')}] [Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (7), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (8)]. Reactions of Pd-2(dba)(3) . CHCl3 (dba = dibenzylideneacetone) with the diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhY' [Y' = OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6)), N2C3H3 (L(7))] in the presence of MeI yields cis-[PdI2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhMe}] (9); the P-O or P-N(pyrazolyl) bond of the starting ligands is cleaved and a p-C(Me) bond is formed. An analogous oxidative addition reaction in the presence of Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(2) (L(8)) yields cis-[PdI(Me)(eta(2)-L(8))] (10) and cis-[PdI2(eta 2-L(8))] (11). The structures of 8 and 9 have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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The use of fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(MeCN)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1a) {L(1) = Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(DMP)}(2) as a precursor to metalloligands and bimetallic, heterotrimetallic, and heptacoordinated complexes is reported. The reaction of 1a with diphosphazane, dppa, or a diphosphinoalkane such as dppm or dppe yields the fac-eta(1)-diphosphine substituted metalloligands, fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-PXP)] {PXP = dppa (2), dppm (3), and dppe (4)}. These undergo isomerization to yield the corresponding mer-diphosphine complexes (5-7). Oxidation of the uncoordinated phosphorus atom of the mer-eta(1)-dppm-substituted complex eventually provides mer-[Mo(CO)(3)-(eta(2)-L(1)){eta(1)-Ph(2)PCH(2)P(O)Ph(2)}](8). The structure of the latter complex has been confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction {triclinic system, P ($) over bar 1; a = 11.994(3), b = 14.807(2), c = 15.855(3) Angstrom; alpha = 114.24(1), beta = 91.35(2), and gamma = 98.95(1)degrees; Z = 2, 4014 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.066, R(W) = 0.069}. Treatment of the dppe metalloligand 7 with [PtCl2(COD)] yields the heterotrimetallic complex cis-[PtCl2{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-dppe]}(2)] (9). Attempts to prepare a related trimetallic complex with the dppm-containing metalloligand were unsuccessful; only the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) and cis-[PtCl2(eta(2)-dppm)] were obtained. Reaction of la with dppe in the ratio 2:1 yields the mer-mer dinuclear complex [{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))]}(2)(mu-dppe)] (10) bridged by dppe. Oxidation of 1a with iodine yields the Mo(II) heptacoordinated complex [MoI2(CO)(2)(eta(3)-L(1))] (11) with tridentate PPN coordination. The same Mo(II) complex 11 is also obtained by the direct oxidation of the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) with iodine. The structure of 11 has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies {monoclinic system, Cc; a = 10.471(2), b = 19.305(3), c = 17.325(3) Angstrom; beta = 95.47(2)degrees; Z = 4, 3153 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.049, R(W) = 0.051}. This complex exhibits an unusual capped-trigonal prismatic geometry around the metal. A similar heptacoordinated complex 12 with a chiral diphosphazane ligand {L(3) = (S,R)-P(h)2PN-(*CHMePh)*PPh(DMP)} has also been synthesized.


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Reactions of [Rh(COD)Cl](2) with the ligand RN(PX(2))(2) (1: R=C6H5; X=OC6H5) give mono- or disubstituted complexes of the type [Rh-2(COD)Cl-2{eta(2)-C6H5N(P(OC6H5)(2))(2)}-] or [RhCl{eta(2)-C6H5N(P(OC6H5)(2))(2)}](2), depending on the reaction conditions. Reaction of 1 with [Rh(CO)(2)Cl](2) gives the symmetric binuclear complex, [Rh(CO)Cl{mu-C6H5N(P(OC6H5)(2))(2)}], whereas the same reaction with 2 (R=CH3; X=OC6H5) leads to the formation of an asymmetric complex of the type [Rh(CO)(mu-CO)Cl{mu-CH3N(P(OC6H5)(2))(2)}] containing both terminal and bridging CO groups. Interestingly the reaction of 3 (R=C6H5, X = OC6H4Br-p) with either [Rh(COD)Cl](2) or [Rh(CO)(2)Cl](2) leads only to the formation of the chlorine bridged binuclear complex, [RhCl{eta(2)-C6H5N(P(OC6H4Br-p)(2))(2)}](2). The structural elucidation of the complexes was carried out by elemental analyses, IR and P-31 NMR spectroscopic data.


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A series of new dicationic dihydrogen complexes of ruthenium of the type cis-[(dppm)(2)Ru(eta(2)-H-2)(L)][BF4](2) (dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2; L = phosphite) have been prepared by protonating the precursor hydride complexes cis-[(dPPM)(2)Ru(H)(L)][BF4] using HBF4.Et2O. The precursor hydride complexes have been obtained from trans-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(L)][BF4][(L = phospfiite) via a rare acid-catalysed isomerization reaction in six coordinate species. The trans-[(dppm)(2)Ru(H)(L)][BF4] complexes (L = phosphine) upon protonation gave the isomerized derivatives, however, further addition of acid resulted in a five-coordinate species, [(dppm)(2)RuCl](+) presumably via an intermediate phosphine dihydrogen complex. The electronic as well as the steric properties of the co-ligands seem to strongly influence the structure-reactivity behaviour of this series of complexes.


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The diphosphazane ligands of the type, (C20H12O2)PN(R)P(E)Y2 (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; E = lone pair or S; Y2 = O2C20H12 or Y = OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) bearing axially chiral 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2′-dioxy moiety have been synthesised. The structure and absolute configuration of a diastereomeric palladium complex, [PdCl2{ηsu2}-((O2C20H12)PN((S)-*CHMePh)PPh2] has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu(PPh3)2Cl] with various symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphazanes of the type, X2PN(R)PYY′ (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; X = C6H5 or X2 = O2C20H12; Y=Y′= C6H5 or Y = C6H5, Y′ = OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H3Me2-3,5 or N2C3HMe2-3,5) yield several diastereomeric neutral or cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complexes which contain a stereogenic metal center. In one case, the absolute configuration of a trichiral ruthenium complex, viz. [Cp*Ruη2-Ph2PN((S)-*CHMePh)*PPh (N2C3HMe2-3,5)Cl] is established by X-ray diffraction. The reactions of Ru3(CO)12 with the diphosphazanes (C20H12O2)PN(R)PY2 (R = CHMe2orMe; Y2=O2C20H12or Y= OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) yield the triruthenium clusters [Ru3(CO)10{η-(O2C20H12)PN(R)PY2}], in which the diphosphazane ligand bridges two metal centres. Palladium allyl chemistry of some of these chiral ligands has been investigated. The structures of isomeric η3-allyl palladium complexes, [Pd(η3-l,3-R′2-C3H3){η2-(rac)-(02C20H12)PN(CHMe2)PY2}](PF6) (R′ = Me or Ph; Y = C6H5 or OC6H5) have been elucidated by high field two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic studies.


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Reaction of [CpRu(PPh3)(2)Cl] (1) {Cp = eta(5)-(C5H5)} with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Y = Y' = Ph (L-1); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H4Me-4 (L-4); X = Y = Ph, Y' = OC6H3Me2- 3,5 (L-5); X = Y = Ph, Y' = N2C3HMe2 (L-6)} yields the cationic chelate complexes, [CpRu(eta(2)-(X2PN(CHMe2) PYY')) PPh3] Cl. On the other hand, the reaction of 1 with X2PN(CHMe2)PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4(L-3)} gives the complex, [CpRu(eta(1)-L-2)(2)PPh3] Cl. Both types of complexes are formed with X2PN(CHMe2) PYY' {X = Ph, YY' = O2C6H4 (L-3)}. The reaction of 1 with (R),(S)-(H12C20O2) PN(CHMe2) PPh2 (L-7) yields both cationic and neutral complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)} PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(1)-(L-7)}(2)PPh3] Cl and [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-7)}Cl]. The reactions of optically pure diphosphazane, Ph2PN(*CHMePh) PPhY (Y = Ph (L-8); Y = N2C3HMe2-3,5 (L-9)) with 1 give the neutral and cationic ruthenium complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R) PPhY)} Cl] and [CpRu{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(R)PPhY)} PPh3] Cl. "Chiral-at-metal" ruthenium complexes of diphosphazanes have been synthesized with high diastereoselectivity. The absolute configuration of a novel ruthenium complex, (SCSPRRu)-[(eta(5)-C5H5) Ru*{eta(2)-(Ph2PN(*CHMePh)P*Ph( N2C3HMe2-3,5))} Cl] possessing three chiral centers, is established by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)} Cl] with mono or diphosphanes in the presence of NH4PF6 yield the cationic complexes, [CpRu{eta(2)-(L-8)}{eta(1)-(P)}] PF6 {P = P(OMe)(3), PPh3, Ph2P(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 1 or 2)}.


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Four dinuclear bis(mu-Cl) bridged copper(II) complexes, Cu-2(mu-Cl)(2)(L-X)(2)](ClO4)(2) (L-X = N,N-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)-methyl]benzylamine with X = H(1), OMe(2), Me(3) and Cl(4)), have been synthesized and characterized by the single crystal X-ray diffraction method. In these complexes, each copper(II) center is penta-coordinated with square-pyramidal geometry. In addition to the tridentate L-X ligand, a chloride ion occupies the last position of the square plane. This chloride ion is also bonded to the neighboring Cu(II) site in its axial position forming an SP-I dinuclear Cu(II) unit that exhibits small intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and supported by DFT calculations. The complexes 1-3 exhibit methylmonooxygenase (pMMO) behaviour and oxidise 4-tert-butylcatechol (4-TBCH2) with molecular oxygen in MeOH or MeCN to 4-tert-butyl-benzoquinone (4-TBQ), 5-methoxy-4-tert-butyl-benzoquinone (5-MeO-4-TBQ) as the major products along with 6,6'-Bu-t-biphenyl-3,4,3',4'-tetraol and others as minor products. These are further confirmed by ESI- and FAB-mass analyses. A tentative catalytic cycle has been framed based on the mass spectral analysis of the products and DFT calculations on individual intermediates that are energetically feasible.


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Physical and chemical properties of low-valent platinum dimers, namely [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) and Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, have been investigated using a variety of structural and spectroscopic techniques.

Platinum(II) d^8-d^8 dimers have been shown to exhibit much thermal and photochemical reactivity. Chapter 2 describes studies aimed at elucidating the excited state reduction potenetial of [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-), Pt_2, in organic media. By conducting excited state electron transfer studies using derivatized pyridiniums and benzophenones, the excited state reduction potential has been estimated to be ~2 V. The Pt_2 complex undergoes partial oxidation to form Pt(II,III) linear chains. Chapter 3 describes the structural and spectroscopic techniques used to determine the translational symmetries of these [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) (X = Cl, Br), Pt_2X, chains. Pt_2Br has been found to be intermediate between (AAB)_n and (AABCCB)_n, while, Pt_2Cl is of (AABCCB)_n translational symmetry. Investigations into the electronic transitions of Pt_2Cl and Pt_2Br were conducted using high pressure techniques and are presented in Chapter 4. The Pt_2X electronic spectrum exhibits bands attributable to the reduced Pt2 complex and the oxidized Pt_2X_2 complex [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) along with an intervalence charge-tranfer band characteristic of a mixed-valence solid.

Photophysical investigations of a new luminescent chromophore, Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, a d^9-d^9 dimer, and its analogs are described in Chapter 5. The absorption band directly responsible for the observed emission is believed to be very weak and, as of yet, unobserved. Attempts to determine the spin multiplicty and approximate energy of this unobserved transition are described in Chapter 6. Excited-state energy transfer studies indicate that this absorption band is a triplet transition at -13,000 cm^(-1). Although, the Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2 excited state is non-luminescent in fluid solution, it has been shown to undergo thermal electron transfer to tetracyanoethylene and photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen. These experiments are presented in Chapter 7. Preliminary studies, described in Chapter 8, of non-bridged d^9-d^9 platinum(I) dimers have shown that [Pt_2(CNCH_3)_6]^(2+) serves as a versatile precursor in the synthesis of new d^8-d^8 A-frame complexes.


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Various physical properties (viscosity, fluidity, surface tension and specific gravity) have been determined for muscle lipids of Ophicephalus striatus and Clarias batrachus. Results are presented and the methods used in determination noted. The physical parameters studied are found to be species-specific.


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The present communication reports the changes in the specific gravity, coefficient of viscosity, fluidity and surface tension of the muscle lipid of O. striatus, a common freshwater murrel, when stored at room temp (32 ± 2°C) The specific gravity of muscle lipid was found to rise from 0.894 to 0.912 during the first 25 days of storage but registered the highest (0.925) when stored for 50 days. Surface tension seemed to rise with the duration of storage. This was, presumably, due to an increase in the forces with which the molecules in the surface of the lipid tended to compress the molecules below to the smallest possible volume. During the period of storage marked changes seemed to occur in the direction of an increase in the value of the coefficient of viscosity and a reciprocal decline in the fluidity. Evidently, the observed increase in the viscosity seemed to be the result of increased internal friction between different molecular layers of the lipid, whereas a decline in the fluidity was perhaps the consequence of its inverse correlation with the coefficient of viscosity.


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The culture of Penaeus monodon has explicitly defined the need for diet formulations or supplementary feeds that would promote optimum growth and survival of the animal. A total of 28 feed combinations were developed for P. monodon. Fish meal, shrimp head meal, squid head meal, Ascetes spp. rice bran, and soybean cake were used as primary ingredients in these feeds. The commercial vitamin mix No. 22 was added to the dry ingredients. Gelatinized corn starch and wheat flour were used as binders. The pellets were extruded using a portable kitchen grinder with a diameter of 4 mm. The products were either sun-dried for 8 hours or oven-dried overnight at 50 degree C to stabilize moisture at 8-10%. The pellets were then kept in covered glass bottles and stored in the laboratory at room temperature. The cost of the feeds excluding labour were also computed. The pellets were analyzed for protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, ash, and moisture contents using standard procedures. They were also analyzed for water stability. To test the stability of pellets in water, 2-g samples were placed in plankton nets (mesh #40) and suspended in water for two, and six hours. The undissolved samples were then vacuum-dried and the moisture determined. Cost of the feeds ranged from P1.10 to P2.60 per kg depending on the feed ingredient. Squid and Ascetes spp. were rather expensive for use as basic ingredients. Proximate analysis of dry weight showed percentage protein content ranged from 20-63 g; fat, 8-20 g; carbohydrate (by difference), 11-36 g; ash, 8-28 g; moisture, 6-11 g; and crude fiber, 5 . 13 g. Stability tests showed that after two hours, 35-88% of solids remained intact and after 6 hours, 20-55% of the pellets remained undissolved. When a pellet disintegrates easily, pollution of the water occurs. Chances for the shrimp to feed on the pellet is minimized when the pellet is unstable. Thus, the search for a more compact feed pellet has to be continued.


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The Ruddlesden-Popper series of compounds Ca4Mn3-xNbxO10(x = 0-0.2) have been prepared by solid-state methods. Structural, magnetic, electrical, and magnetoresistive studies were performed on the compounds. Nb doping caused increases in both unit cell volume and octahedral distortion. The magnetization measurements indicated that the doped samples displayed ferromagnetism-like behavior, which could be explained by the double-exchange interaction between Mn4+ and Mn3+ induced by the charge-compensation effect.


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Monte Carlo simulation on the basis of the comblike coarse grained nonpolar/polar (NP) model has been carried out to study the polar group saturation effect on physical gelation of amphiphilic polymer solutions. The effects of polar group saturation due to hydrogen bonding or ion bridging on the sol-gel phase diagram, microstructure of aggregates, and chain conformation of amphiphilic polymer solutions under four different solvent conditions to either the nonpolar backbone or the polar side chain in amphiphilic polymer chains have been investigated. It is found that an increase of polar group saturation results in a monotonically decreased critical concentration of gelation point, which can be qualitatively supported by the dynamic theological measurements on pectin aqueous solutions. Furthermore, various solvent conditions to either the backbone or the side chain have significant impact on both chain conformation and microstructure of aggregates. When the solvent is repulsive to the nonpolar backbone but attractive to the polar side chain, the polymer chains are collapsed, and the gelation follows the mechanism of colloidal packing; at the other solvent conditions, the gelation follows the mechanism of random aggregation.