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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduzione: Il cervico-carcinoma è la seconda neoplasia maligna per incidenza e mortalità nelle donne in tutto il mondo dopo il cancro al seno. L’infezione persistente da Papillomavirus Umani (HPV) è causa necessaria dell’insorgenza del cervico-carcinoma e delle sue lesioni pre-cancerose. L’infezione da HPV si associa anche ad altri carcinomi del distretto ano-genitale (a livello anale, vulvare, vaginale e del pene) e a circa il 25% dei carcinomi squamosi dell’orofaringe. I circa 40 genotipi di HPV che infettano la mucosa genitale vengono suddivisi in alto rischio (HR-HPV) e basso rischio (LR-HPV) oncogeno a seconda della alta e bassa associazione con la neoplasia cervicale. I 13 genotipi a più alto rischio oncogeno sono 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 e 68. Di questi, otto (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52 e 58) sono associati alla maggior parte dei carcinomi cervicali (circa 89%) e i genotipi 16 e 18 da soli sono riscontrati nel 70% circa delle neoplasie. L’insorgenza e progressione delle lesioni preneoplastiche cervicali è, però, associata non solo alla presenza di HPV ad alto rischio, ma, soprattutto, alla persistenza virale (> 18 mesi), alla capacità di integrazione degli HPV ad alto rischio e alla conseguente sovraespressione delle oncoproteine E6/E7. Inoltre, l’integrazione è spesso favorita da un’alta carica virale soprattutto per quanto riguarda alcuni genotipi (HPV16 e 18). L’infezione da HPV non interessa solo la cervice uterina ma tutto il distretto ano-genitale e quello testa-collo. L’HPV, in particolare il genotipo 16, è implicato, infatti, nell’insorgenza delle lesioni preneoplastiche della vulva (VIN) classificate come VIN classiche e nei carcinomi ad esse associati. L’incidenza del carcinoma vulvare in Europa è di 1.5/100.000 di cui circa il 45% è dovuto a HR-HPV (80% ad HPV16). Nonostante l’associazione tra HPV16 e carcinoma vulvare sia alta, ancora poco si conosce sul ruolo della carica virale e dell’integrazione in tali lesioni. Le lesioni che possono presentarsi nella regione testa-collo possono essere sia di natura benigna che maligna. I genotipi più frequentemente riscontrati in associazione a lesioni benigne (papillomi) sono HPV 6 e 11, quelli associati a forme tumorali (HNSCC) sono il genotipo 18 ma soprattutto il 16. Molti aspetti del coinvolgimento di HPV in queste patologie non sono ancora perfettamente conosciuti e spesso studi su tale argomento hanno mostrato risultati contraddittori, soprattutto perché vengono utilizzate metodiche con gradi diversi di sensibilità e specificità. Recenti dati di letteratura hanno tuttavia messo in evidenza che i pazienti affetti da HNSCC positivi ad HPV hanno una elevata risposta al trattamento chemioradioterapico rispetto ai pazienti HPV-negativi con un notevole impatto sul controllo locale e sulla sopravvivenza ma soprattutto sulla qualità di vita di tali pazienti, evitando di sottoporli a chirurgia sicuramente demolitiva. Scopo del lavoro: Sulla base di queste premesse, scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di valutare l’importanza di marker quali la presenza/persistenza di HPV, la carica virale, la valutazione dello stato fisico del genoma virale e l’espressione degli mRNA oncogeni nella gestione di pazienti con lesioni preneoplastiche e neoplastiche di diverso grado, associate a papillomavirus mucosi. Per la valutazione dei markers virologici di progressione neoplastica abbiamo sviluppato dei saggi di real time PCR qualitativi e quantitativi studiati in modo da poter fornire, contemporaneamente e a seconda delle esigenze, risposte specifiche non solo sulla presenza e persistenza dei diversi genotipi di HPV, ma anche sul rischio di insorgenza, progressione e recidiva delle lesioni mediante lo studio di markers virologici quali carica virale, integrazione ed espressione degli mRNA. Abbiamo pertanto indirizzato la nostra attenzione verso tre popolazioni specifiche di pazienti: - donne con lesioni vulvari preneoplastiche (VIN) e neoplastiche, allo scopo di comprendere i complessi meccanismi patogenetici di tali patologie non sempre associate ad infezione da HPV; - pazienti con lesioni maligne a livello della regione testa-collo allo scopo di fornire informazioni utili all’elaborazione di un percorso terapeutico mirato (radiochemioterapico o chirurgico) a seconda o meno della presenza di infezione virale; - donne con lesioni cervicali di alto grado, trattate chirurgicamente per la rimozione delle lesioni e seguite nel follow-up, per stabilire l’importanza di tali marker nella valutazione della persistenza virale al fine di prevenire recidive di malattia.
Für die Entwicklung des zerebralen Kortex ist die radiale Migration von Neuronen von elementarer Bedeutung. Für diese radiale Migration sind extrazelluläre Signale, die mit den Neuronen interagieren und eine Umgestaltung des Zytoskeletts vermitteln, notwendig. Zu den extrazellulären Signalen gehört auch der Neurotransmitter GABA, der über Depolarisation der Neurone einen Ca2+-Einstrom vermittelt und dadurch die Modulation der Migration über Ca2+-abhängige Signalwege ermöglicht. Auch von Taurin ist bekannt, dass es die neuronale Migration beeinflusst. Frühere Studien zeigten, dass die Depolarisation von GABAA-Rezeptoren durch GABA zu einem Migrationsstop führt, wohingegen Picrotoxin-sensitive Rezeptoren die Migration von der Ventrikulären Zone in die Intermediäre Zone des pränatalen Kortex vermitteln. Obwohl zu den Picrotoxin-sensitiven Rezeptoren GABAA-, GABAC- und bestimmte Glyzinrezeptoren gehören, wurde die Rolle von GABAC- und Glyzinrezeptoren während der radialen Migration nie überprüft. Ziel dieser Dissertation war deshalb, den Einfluss von GABAC- und Glyzinrezeptoren auf die radiale Migration zu untersuchen. Unter Verwendung von Migrationsanalysen, Fluoreszenzmessungen, molekularbiologischen und histologischen Methoden wurde gezeigt, dass GABAC-Rezeptoren im unteren Bereiche des präfrontalen Kortex exprimiert werden, ihre Aktivierung durch GABA in der Intermediären Zone zu einer Depolarisation führt, dass GABAC-Rezeptoren die Migration fördern und dieser Effekt über den migrationsstoppenden Effekt der GABAA-Rezeptoren dominiert. Durch Aktivierung der Glyzinrezeptoren fördert Taurin die Migration.
Glucocorticoids (GC) are lipophilic hormones commonly used as therapeutics in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease due to their attributed anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Although the adrenal glands are the major source of endogenous GC, there is increasing evidence for the production of extra-adrenal GC in the brain, thymus, skin, vasculature, and the intestine. However, the physiological relevance of extra-adrenal-produced GC remains still ambiguous. Therefore, this review attracts attention to discuss possible biological benefits of extra-adrenal-synthesized GC, especially focusing on the impact of locally synthesized GC in the regulation of intestinal immune responses.
Liver diseases represent an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Death of hepatocytes and other hepatic cell types is a characteristic feature of several forms of liver injury such as cholestasis, viral hepatitis, drug- or toxin-induced injury, and alcohol-induced liver damage. Moreover, irrespectively of the reason, liver injury seems to be facilitated by similar immune effector mechanisms common to these various liver diseases. Indeed, common immune effector mechanisms may explain the high prevalence of cirrhosis and cancer development in most forms of liver disease. Improved understanding of the immune cell-mediated mechanisms involved in hepatocyte cell death could be beneficial for the development of common therapeutic strategies against different forms of liver diseases. In this review, we will discuss novel findings on the role of different immune cells in liver disease and immune cell-induced death executioner mechanisms involved in hepatocyte cell death.
Intestinal macrophages, preferentially located in the subepithelial lamina propria, represent the largest pool of tissue macrophages in humans. As an adaptation to the local antigen- and bacteria-rich environment, intestinal macrophages exhibit several distinct phenotypic and functional characteristics. Notably, microbe-associated molecular pattern receptors, including the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptors CD14 and TLR4, and also the Fc receptors for IgA and IgG are absent on most intestinal macrophages under homeostatic conditions. Moreover, while macrophages in the intestinal mucosa are refractory to the induction of proinflammatory cytokine secretion, they still display potent phagocytic activity. These adaptations allow intestinal macrophages to comply with their main task, i.e., the efficient removal of microbes while maintaining local tissue homeostasis. In this paper, we review recent findings on the functional differentiation of monocyte subsets into distinct macrophage populations and on the phenotypic and functional adaptations that have evolved in intestinal macrophages in response to their antigen-rich environment. Furthermore, the involvement of intestinal macrophages in the pathogenesis of celiac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases is discussed.
Mammals coexist with an extremely dense microbiota in the lower intestine. Despite the constant challenge of small numbers of microbes penetrating the intestinal surface epithelium, it is very unusual for these organisms to cause disease. In this review article, we present the different mucosal firewalls that contain and allow mutualism with the intestinal microbiota.
The central nervous system (CNS) is tightly sealed from the changeable milieu of blood by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB). While the BBB is considered to be localized at the level of the endothelial cells within CNS microvessels, the BCSFB is established by choroid plexus epithelial cells. The BBB inhibits the free paracellular diffusion of water-soluble molecules by an elaborate network of complex tight junctions (TJs) that interconnects the endothelial cells. Combined with the absence of fenestrae and an extremely low pinocytotic activity, which inhibit transcellular passage of molecules across the barrier, these morphological peculiarities establish the physical permeability barrier of the BBB. In addition, a functional BBB is manifested by a number of permanently active transport mechanisms, specifically expressed by brain capillary endothelial cells that ensure the transport of nutrients into the CNS and exclusion of blood-borne molecules that could be detrimental to the milieu required for neural transmission. Finally, while the endothelial cells constitute the physical and metabolic barrier per se, interactions with adjacent cellular and acellular layers are prerequisites for barrier function. The fully differentiated BBB consists of a complex system comprising the highly specialized endothelial cells and their underlying basement membrane in which a large number of pericytes are embedded, perivascular antigen-presenting cells, and an ensheathment of astrocytic endfeet and associated parenchymal basement membrane. Endothelial cell morphology, biochemistry, and function thus make these brain microvascular endothelial cells unique and distinguishable from all other endothelial cells in the body. Similar to the endothelial barrier, the morphological correlate of the BCSFB is found at the level of unique apical tight junctions between the choroid plexus epithelial cells inhibiting paracellular diffusion of water-soluble molecules across this barrier. Besides its barrier function, choroid plexus epithelial cells have a secretory function and produce the CSF. The barrier and secretory function of the choroid plexus epithelial cells are maintained by the expression of numerous transport systems allowing the directed transport of ions and nutrients into the CSF and the removal of toxic agents out of the CSF. In the event of CNS pathology, barrier characteristics of the blood-CNS barriers are altered, leading to edema formation and recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS. In this review we will describe current knowledge on the cellular and molecular basis of the functional and dysfunctional blood-CNS barriers with focus on CNS autoimmune inflammation.
There has been a discontinuous but fairly persistent long-term decline in homicide rates in core European countries since about 1500. Since the 1950s, however, we observe an upward trend in violent crime not only in Europe but in almost all of the economically advanced nations that combine democratic political structures with free-market economies. The paper presents an explanatory scheme designed to account for both, the long decline and its apparent reversal. The theoretical model draws heavily upon ideas taken from the sociological work of Emile Durkheim and Norbert Elias—with some modifications and extensions. It seeks to integrate sociological and historical perspectives and to give due weight to both, structural and developmental forces. A key hypothesis is that the pacifying effects of the erosion of traditional collectivism can only be maintained to the extent by which “cooperative individualism” dominates over against the forces of “disintegrative individualism.” Some suggestions are made concerning the selection of appropriate indicators and the handling of methodological problems related to causal attribution.