999 resultados para 202-1236


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El siguiente trabajo intenta un abordaje general de las diversas interpretaciones relativas a un documento del siglo XIII, el Estatuto de Merton (1236). El contexto que preside este abordaje fueron las transformaciones del sistema económico feudal y, en sus aspectos específicos, apunta a reconsiderar el proceso de cercamiento en la Inglaterra de aquel siglo. A pesar de que muchas investigaciones planteen el origen de las enclosures en los siglos XV y XVI, el Estatuto estaría atestiguando su presencia anterior. El presente trabajo procura reflexionar sobre las producciones historiográficas que se han realizado en relación al tema. El estudio de este notable documento adquiere importancia para analizar los antecedentes de la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo


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Fil: Calleja, Juan Pablo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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The late Quaternary organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst record of Site 1233 (41°S, offshore Chile) was studied with a ?200 year resolution spanning the last 25,000 years. The study provides the first continuous record of sub-recent and recent dinoflagellate cysts in the Southeast (SE) Pacific. Major changes in the composition of the cyst association, cyst concentration and morphology of Operculodinium centrocarpum reflect changes in sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), palaeoproductivity and upwelling intensity. These changes can be associated with latitudinal shifts of the circumpolar frontal systems. The high cyst concentration, high Brigantedinium spp. abundances, low species diversity and the occurrence of certain cold water species are supportive for a 7-10° equatorward shift of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) during the coldest phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) between 25 and 21.1 cal ka BP. Deglacial warming initiated at ~18.6 cal ka BP. Termination I (18.6-11.1 cal ka BP) is interrupted by an unstable period of extreme seasonality, rather than a cooling event, between 14.4 and 13.2 cal ka BP, synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). The Holocene Maximum is observed between 11.6 and 9.8 cal ka BP and is typified by the most southward position of the northern margin of the ACC. A cooling phase occurred during the early Holocene (until ~7 cal ka BP) and during the last ~0.8 ka. Our data indicates that the SE Pacific (41°S) climate has been influenced over the whole record by changes in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) high-latitudes, while during the mid to late Holocene, also a tropical forcing mechanism was involved, including the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the variable Hadley cell intensity. Furthermore, this study showed a relationship between the variable morphology of the spines/processes of O. centrocarpum and the combined variation of sea surface salinity and temperature (SSS/SST-ratio).


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El siguiente trabajo intenta un abordaje general de las diversas interpretaciones relativas a un documento del siglo XIII, el Estatuto de Merton (1236). El contexto que preside este abordaje fueron las transformaciones del sistema económico feudal y, en sus aspectos específicos, apunta a reconsiderar el proceso de cercamiento en la Inglaterra de aquel siglo. A pesar de que muchas investigaciones planteen el origen de las enclosures en los siglos XV y XVI, el Estatuto estaría atestiguando su presencia anterior. El presente trabajo procura reflexionar sobre las producciones historiográficas que se han realizado en relación al tema. El estudio de este notable documento adquiere importancia para analizar los antecedentes de la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo


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This thesis examines the closure history of the Central American Seaway (CAS) and its effect on changes in ocean circulation and climate during the time interval from ~6 - 2.5 Ma. It was accomplished within the DFG Research Unit "Impact of Gateways on Ocean Circulation, Climate and Evolution" at the University of Kiel. Proxy records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 999 and 1000 (Caribbean), and from ODP Sites 1237, 1239 and 1241 (low-latitude east Pacific) are developed and examined. In addition, previously established proxy data from Atlantic Sites 925/926 (Ceara Rise) and 1006 (western Great Bahama Bank) and from two east Pacific sites (851, 1236) are included for interpretations. The main objectives of this study are (1) to acquire a consistent stratigraphic framework for all sites, (2) to reconstruct Pliocene changes in Caribbean and tropical east Pacific upper ocean water masses (i.e. temperature, salinity, thermocline depth), and (3) to identify potential underlying forcing mechanisms.