919 resultados para 2-d Motion Analysis
Guinea pigs represent an important model for a number of infectious and non-infectious pulmonary diseases. The guinea pig genome has recently been sequenced to full coverage, opening up new research avenues using genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics techniques in this species. In order to further annotate the guinea pig genome and to facilitate future pulmonary proteomics in this species we constructed a 2-D guinea pig proteome map including 486 protein identifications and post translational modifications (PTMs). The map has been up-loaded to the UCD 2D-PAGE open access database (http://proteomics-portal.ucd.ie/). Transit peptides, N-terminal acetylations and other PTMs are available via Peptideatlas (ftp://PASS00619:NM455hi@ftp.peptideatlas.org/). This dataset is associated with a research article published in the Journal of Proteomics [1].
GOAL: In the following, we will present a newly developed X-ray calibration phantom and its integration for 2-D/3-D pelvis reconstruction and subsequent automatic cup planning. Two different planning strategies were applied and evaluated with clinical data. METHODS: Two different cup planning methods were investigated: The first planning strategy is based on a combined pelvis and cup statistical atlas. Thereby, the pelvis part of the combined atlas is matched to the reconstructed pelvis model, resulting in an optimized cup planning. The second planning strategy analyzes the morphology of the reconstructed pelvis model to determine the best fitting cup implant. RESULTS: The first planning strategy was compared to 3-D CT-based planning. Digitally reconstructed radiographs of THA patients with differently severe pathologies were used to evaluate the accuracy of predicting the cup size and position. Within a discrepancy of one cup size, the size was correctly identified in 100% of the cases for Crowe type I datasets and in 77.8% of the cases for Crowe type II, III, and IV datasets. The second planning strategy was analyzed with respect to the eventually implanted cup size. In seven patients, the estimated cup diameter was correct within one cup size, while the estimation for the remaining five patients differed by two cup sizes. CONCLUSION: While both planning strategies showed the same prediction rate with a discrepancy of one cup size (87.5%), the prediction of the exact cup size was increased for the statistical atlas-based strategy (56%) in contrast to the anatomically driven approach (37.5%). SIGNIFICANCE: The proposed approach demonstrated the clinical validity of using 2-D/3-D reconstruction technique for cup planning.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Offener Brief an den Eltviller geistlichen Rat Philipp Schütz, in dem dieser unter Hinweis auf zahlreiche finanzielle Unregelmäßigkeiten zum Rücktritt aufgefordert wird. In Replik auf eine Verteidigungsrede Schützens vom Vorabend. Sein Ziel erreichte das Sicherheits-Comité übrigens nicht
Matlab script file of a two-dimensional (2-D) peat microtopographical model together with other supplementary files that are required to run the model.