991 resultados para 1955-1966
I construct "homogeneous" series of GVA at current and constant prices, employment and population for the Spain and its regions covering the period 1955-2007. The series are obtained by linking the Regional Accounts of the National Statistical Institute with the series constructed by Julio Alcaide and his team for the BBVA Foundation. The "switching point" at which this last source stops being used as a reference to construct the linked series is determined using a procedure that allows me to estimate which of the two competing series would produce an estimator with the lowest MSE when it is used as dependent variable in a regression on an arbitrary independent variable. To the extent that it is possible, the difference between the two series found at the point of linkage is distributed between the initial levels of the older series and its subsequent growth using external estimates of the relevant variables at the beginning of the sample period.
En una serie de trabajos anteriores he construido series largas de diversos agregados económicos regionales enlazando las distintas bases de la Contabilidad Regional de España entre sí y con las series históricas elaboradas por la Fundación BBVA. Puesto que esta última fuente sólo ofrece datos para años impares, las series enlazadas heredan esta característica desde 1955 hasta 1989. En la presente nota se construyen series anuales completas de las variables de interés utilizando un sencillo procedimiento de interpolación que incorpora la información anual disponible a nivel nacional para estas variables.
Ultrastructural aspects of spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and of the mature spermatozoon of a microcotylid monogenean Metamicrocotyla macracantha parasite from Mugil liza, are described. The irregularly-shaped spermatogonia divides by successive mitoses, forming the primary spermatocytes, identified by the presence of synaptonemal complexes in their nuclei. The spermatids formed by meiotic cell divisions of the secondary spermatocytes, differentiate into a mature spermatozoon. Cross sections of the head and the middle region of mature spermatozoa show the nucleus with strong condensed chromatin, the mitochondria with short cristae, peripheral microtubules and two axonemes with a 9+1 pattern, confirming the characteristics of this genus.
Previous investigations of sensory systems in opecoelid cercariae have focused on chaetotaxy and ultrastructure of sensory receptors. They revealed chaetotaxic patterns within family, genus, and species as well as different receptors. Chaetotaxic and ultrastructural observations have rarely been combined. We investigated the ultrastructure of cercarial sensory receptors in conjunction with chaetotaxy and neuromorphology in a species of Allopodocotyle. Cercariae were treated with acetylthiocholine iodide and silver nitrate, and some were processed for light, scanning (SEM), and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. Five nerve regions were distinguished. Chaetotaxy was consistent with that of other opecoelids. Five types of receptors were distinguished with SEM. Types differed in number of cilium-like structures (one or more), length of cilium-like structure (short, moderately long, or long), presence or absence of a tegumentary collar, and length of tegumentary collar (low, moderately low, or very high). Internal ultrastructure of some types revealed unsheathed cilium-like structures, basal body, and thickened nerve collars. Possible subtegumentary and sheathed receptors are introduced. Some receptor types were site-specific. For example, receptors with multiple cilium-like structures were concentrated on cephalic region whereas receptors with short cilium-like structure were widespread throughout most regions. Ultrastructure and site-specificity observations suggest that most receptors are mechanoreceptors.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to calculate the percentiles of BMI of a cohort of 1,203 children and adolescents, representing the 95% of the pupils of the school, born in 1980 followed longitudinally between 5 and 16 years. We compare these percentiles with those of the first swiss study, calculated on a cohort born in 1954-1956. METHODS: The percentiles were calculated with the method of Cole, on the basis of weight and height measured during the controls by the school health service, at a non-periodic mean interval of 14 months. RESULTS: The gap between the BMI percentiles of the two cohorts is near zero for the third percentiles, weak but progressively growing with age up to two units of BMI for the 50th percentiles. For the percentiles 97 the difference, straight away present at five years, grows regularly up to 11 years, and remains thereafter for the girls at 4.3 units of BMI, while growing more up to 6.8 units of BMI at 15 years for the boys. The percentages of children and adolescents of the present study with overweight, in accordance with the thresholds of Cole, constant for the girls at 14%, increase for the five to 11.5 years old boys from 13.4% to 17.6% for the 11.5 to 16 years old. The percentage of obesity is 2.7% for the girls, and increase for the same categories for the boys from a percentage of 1.7% to 2.3% for the boys. CONCLUSIONS: The changes during this quarter of century are important, especially for the boys. We can postulate thereafter a very early change in the energy balance. A chronic increase of the food supply, linked or not with a decrease of the physical activity, would be an explanation.
Biomphalaria amazonica Paraense, 1996 was collected from a permanent pond in the outskirts of the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz. Identification of the collected specimens was made by comparison with the original description of the species and with topotypic material in the collection of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that these Bolivian specimens belong to B. amazonica.
En este trabajo se elaboran series de distintos agregados de empleo y de VAB a precios corrientes y constantes para el conjunto de España durante el período 1955-2010. Las series se construyen mediante el enlace de diversas bases de la CNE y de la Contabilidad Trimestral, introduciéndose también una corrección tentativa para reconciliar las series de empleo de la CNE con las de la EPA.
En este trabajo se elaboran series homogéneas de distintos agregados de empleo y de VAB a precios corrientes y constantes para el conjunto de España durante el período 1955-2010. Las series se construyen mediante el enlace de diversas bases de la CNE y de la Contabilidad Trimestral, introduciéndose también una corrección tentativa para reconciliar las series de empleo de la CNE con las de la EPA.
Annual report for the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
O objeto desse estudo é a reconfiguração do Serviço de Enfermagem do Hospital Estadual Santa Maria, frente a uma nova política contra a tuberculose no Brasil. Objetivos: descrever as circunstâncias que ensejaram a implantação do novo Programa de Ação na Luta contra a Tuberculose no Brasil, e discutir as estratégias utilizadas pelas enfermeiras diplomadas do Hospital Estadual Santa Maria, no Estado da Guanabara, para adequar a assistência de enfermagem ao novo programa de combate à tuberculose. Estudo histórico-social. Para sua elaboração, foi realizada pesquisa documental, entrevistas e depoimentos de enfermeiras da época. A análise do corpus documental, apoiada pelos conceitos de habitus, campo e poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu, se fez com base em documentos escritos, orais e fontes secundárias. Resultados: a reconfiguração do serviço de enfermagem se deu sob a liderança de uma enfermeira cujo capital simbólico lhe conferia poder e prestígio para implementar as mudanças necessárias. Pode-se concluir que a atuação dessa enfermeira possibilitou a implantação do novo programa, e contribuiu para demarcar o espaço e a importância da enfermeira diplomada na assistência aos acometidos de tuberculose, tanto nos aspectos de prevenção quanto nos de cura.
Executive Orders from Governor Hughes. Compact for education.
Executive Orders from Governor Hughes. All Iowa peace officers assist during visit of President Johnson.
Executive Orders from Governor Hughes. Office for State Planning and Procedure.